Thursday, December 6, 2012

Devereaux and Cassandra 12/06/12

Devereaux and Cassandra 12/06/12
Cassandra slips quietly through the door and see’s Devereaux standing next to the floor to ceiling window speaking in hushed angry tones to Cassandra’s ditched guard. Cassandra surmises the situation adjusting her approach by the expression on Devereaux’s face.
Cassandra: Hi you’re home early. (Acting as if she hadn’t a care in the world as she comes in tossing her jacket and purse over the arm of the chair as she walks)
Devereaux: We’ll continue this later. (The guard nods his head then turns and walks to the door) Hello, darling yes, my meeting ended early how is your sister in law? 
Cassandra: Much better thank God! Between you and I couldn’t wait to get out of there! (She comes towards him giving a quick hug and kiss)
Devereaux: Why did something happen? (He stares down at her his eye searching her face)
Cassandra: Not something someone! (She huffs pulling away from him and flouncing down on the couch) 
Devereaux: Your stepsister Natalia? (He smirks sitting down beside her)
Cassandra: She was bad enough but her friend was there too!
Devereaux: I assume you’re referring to Francessca Martin. (He sighs rising from the couch and walking behind the bar and begins preparing them a drinks)
Cassandra: Who else! (She grosses sitting on the stool in front of him)  Bad enough I had to deal with all of them she was just the icing on the cake!
Devereaux: The two of you didn’t get in to it right there in the hospital did you? (He says handing her a drink then walking around the bar and stands in front of her)
Cassandra: No, (She turns around on he bar stool to face him her expression that of a petulant child) she didn’t stay long just her being there and my mother and everyone fawning over her was enough to make me ill but I didn’t let her get to me. And then Rego showed up and we had to be treated to that drama. (She slides off the stool and walks to the window bracing herself for the explosion she knew would come. She wasn’t sure what the guard had told him her best strategy was to tell him. She could feel him coming towards her the tone of his voice tight his brow drawn together)
Devereaux: Rego Sherrigan? Why would he be there?
Cassandra: Well at one point we were all friends and I suppose he still cares what happens to Randi. (She shrugs her tone dismissive)
Devereaux: I suppose. 
Cassandra: You would have been proud I completely ignored both of them. I was polite to Jesse and Natalia I even spent time chatting with my mother and brother I waited till Randi came out of the sedation then I got the hell out of there! (She laugh’s) I ran out of there so fast I forgot to go to the little girl’s room and had to go back in or I would never have made it home. (She laughs again gauging his reaction carefully before continuing)  So how was your day?
Devereaux: Not bad. The campaign is going well although I don’t know what was wrong with Ryan all afternoon he seemed to be in a fog after our meeting with JR Chandler and Rebeka Sherrigan.
Cassandra: Well maybe he was a little thrown when he saw Rebeka. (Pouncing for the topic change and hopefully diffusing the anger she knew was ragging inside his cool exterior)
Devereaux: Why would he be thrown as you say after seeing Rebeka Sherrigan?
Cassandra: Because she looks exactly like his first wife.
Devereaux: I’ve seen photos of Greenlee and Rebeka looks nothing like her.
Cassandra: Oh you don’t know? Ryan was married to Gillian Andrassy Dimitri Marick’s cousin.
Devereaux: What happened to her?
Cassandra: She was murdered!
Devereaux: Murdered?
Cassandra: According to how I heard it there was an assassin trying to kill Anna Devane and mistook Gillian for Anna. I also heard Ryan completely lost it when she died.
Devereaux: Fascinating. (Enthralled by the information who knows it may come in handy some day)
Cassandra: I’m surprised you seem to know everything that’s going on even before it happens. (She teases placing her drink on the table and leaning in to him seductively)
Devereaux: Yes, (He pulls her closer to him enjoying the little shiver he felt go through when he did) I do not sure how that little tidbit slipped by.
Cassandra: Maybe you were distracted. (She kisses his neck lightly)
Devereaux: Yes you have an excellent talent for that. (He kisses her deeply fighting the urge to have right there at that moment, Cassandra feeling his arousal pushes away from and reaches for her drink)
Cassandra: So what do you want to do this evening?
Devereaux: I thought we could have supper and then I have some work to catch up on. (He downs the remaining contents of his glass then sets it atop the bar as Cassandra flounces down on the sofa pouting)
Cassandra: So what am I supposed to do for the rest of the evening, sit here honed in to the television until you’re done? (She rises for the sofa to stand in front of him her annoyance showing in her tone and mannerisms) I thought you said you took the job at Cambius so we could spend more time together? So far I’ve spent most of my evening alone entertaining myself!
Devereaux: You can start by appreciating how hard I work to keep us in style that you so enjoy and let me remind you of something else. (He grabs her wrist holding it in his vice like grip his voice a deadly calm) There is very little I don’t know and what I don’t I will. So whatever game your playing rest assured I will beat you at it. (He pulls her arm behind her back he grinds out his words between clenched teeth) Don’t ever forget who I am because I’m your worst nightmare darling, I’m you, and you know what happens to people that cross us. Keep that in mind next time you give your bodyguard the slip. Have I made myself perfectly clear?
Cassandra: Yes Devereaux. (She mummers feeling the sting of tears at the back of her eyes from the pain he was inflicting on her. He stares down at her moment his look deadly)
Devereaux: I have a few calls to make before dinner it shouldn’t take long and then the rest of the evening is yours. (His mood and tone cool back to his usual detached)
Cassandra: Thank you Devereaux. (She manages hoping she sounded contrite)
Devereaux: I can take care of my other business in the morning. (He pulls her to him and kisses her passionately. She kisses him back fighting down her revolution. He stares down at her a moment and releases her just as suddenly satisfied with her response) so, think about what you would like to do. (He walks towards the door and retrieves his briefcase)
Cassandra: We can discuss it over dinner. (She smiles brightly looking subdued and sounding submissive)
Devereaux: Splendid I’ll be finish shortly. (He begins to walk down the hall towards his office then turns back towards her his voice frighteningly qualm) Whatever ideas you have about you and Sherrigan you had better forget them I meant what I said. You know me better than anyone so you know I am deadly serious when I say this, you hold Sherrigan’s life in your hands your actions will decide which direction his life will takes so let this be the last time I have to warn you. (Cassandra nods slowly watching the sadistic smile she loathed spread across his face before he turns and continues towards his office. Cassandra waits till she hears the door close behind him before releasing the breath she hadn’t been aware she’d been holding then sits on the sofa leaning her head back against the cushions closes her eyes and tries to stifle the screams of fear in her head and draw upon all her strength. She wasn’t giving up if anything all he’d done was to solidify her convictions. She would just have to step up her plan)

1 comment:

  1. ooh dear Cassandra is really trapped and playing with fire I feel sorry for her.
