Monday, December 31, 2012

Tad and Taylors Wedding Part 10

Tad and Taylor sip their glasses of champagne as the limousine rolls its way through the fading evening twilight towards the airport.
Taylor: You still haven’t told me where we’re going? (She places her glass down in the cup holder and stares at him her eyes and smile challenging)
Tad: It’s a surprise! (He teases grinning like an imp)
Taylor: You know I hate surprises! (She huffs playfully cross arms over her breast)
Tad: You’re going to love it! (He laugh’s sounding like the man in that store for men’s suits commercial making her laugh as she pulls on his arm and growls)
Taylor: Come on! Tell me!
Tad: Nope it would ruin the surprise! (Making the motion of zipping his lip and throwing away the key)
Taylor: You know (She looks her voice ringing with an “I told you so” lilt to it a playful grin on her lips) I have a little surprise of my own.
Tad: Oh yeah? (He says giving her a side long glance)
Taylor: Yeah! (She slaps her hands together and smiles satisfied at the look of curiosity glowing in his expression)
Tad: So what is it?
Taylor: I’m not going to tell you it’s a surpriseee! (She mocks dragging the last word her eyes open wide she throws her hands up splaying her fingers)
Tad: Oh so it’s going to be like that huh? (He laughs and nods)
Taylor: Well you tell me your surprise and I’ll tell you mine. (She giggles)
Tad: Oh sweetheart I’m not that easy. (He laughs)
Taylor: Come on tell me! (She growls stamping her foot on the floor board making him smile with satisfaction as he leans back against the cushions)
Tad: You tell me! Ho! (He yelps holding on to Taylor as the car rattles and shakes to a halt)  What was that? (He yells tapping on the partition between he and the driver just as it winds lowers)
Driver: I think we just blew a tire. (He calls back over the dinging on the door alarm as he opens it)
Tad: Are we going to make it to the airport? (He frowns looking down at his watch as he moves to the set across from him and pokes his head through the opening)
Driver: Sure, I have a spare it will only take me a minute (He stands removing his jacket and cap and tossing them down on the seat then bends and sticks his head back inside the vehicle) you folks sit tight I’ll be done in a jiff. I’ll make sure you make you flight. (He smiles then closes the car door and walks to the back of the vehicle)
Tad: Thanks. So I finally have you to my self! (He leers lecherously moving across the seat towards her making her giggle as he twist his imaginary mustache) 
Taylor: Yeah, (She place her hand on his cheek kissing him tenderly then whispers) it really was a perfect day.
Tad: It was wasn’t it? (He smiles happily back at her)
Taylor: The girls looked so pretty in their dresses, the tables and flowers were gorgeous. It was everything I dreamed our wedding would be and more. (She kisses him again)
Tad: And now for our perfect ending… (He trails kisses down her neck)
Taylor: Not so fast! (She pushes against him causing him to slide to the floor then laughs at the confused look on his face) You still haven’t told me my surprise!
Devereaux: How far behind us are they? (He turns his head looking out the window behind them)
Maurice: perhaps half to a quarter of a mile. (He sighs inwardly annoyed with his employers constant demands)
Devereaux: Is everything prepared for their arrival? (He snaps annoyed he was this closely involved in this portion of the operation and he wouldn’t have been if Trousseaux hadn’t been arrested that morning! The entire thing from that point on had left a bitter taste in his mouth but it was way too late o abandon the operation besides his other investors wouldn’t be happy at all)
Maurice: Yes sir the arrangements have been made. (He reply’s his voice dry void of all emotion) 
Devereaux: Good let me know when they have arrived.
Maurice: Very good sir. He reaches for the button to roll up the window just as he rounds the bend his eyes wincing at the light reflection on the other cars chrome bumper he turns his head swerves to the other side of the road then back tossing his passenger almost from his seat)
Devereaux: What the hell was that?
Maurice: Sorry sir there was a large disabled vehicle just as you come around the bend. (Enjoying the momentary sound of panic in his employers voice)
Devereaux: Stupid place to stop. (He barks then composes his self as he pulls at his jacket sleeves then straightens his tie)
Maurice: Very sir. (He agrees rolling up the partition and smothering a chuckle)

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