Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Opal The Wedding Part 11

Opal sits in the chair in front of the fireplace despite the warmth of the day the evening had turned cold almost raw chilling her through to the bones. She pulls the afghan closer around her then reaches out and turns the card from the deck and places it a top the pile spread out on the table then picks them all up and places them back in the deck placing it down on the table. It was pointless to even try her mind kept wandering back over the day. It had been beautiful Tad and Taylor were glowing and joy had filled the air but there had also been strange under current that she couldn’t name running just under the surface and twice after the bathroom incident that morning she’d have sworn she’d seen her Jenny standing just on the edge of the crowd smiling and quietly watching the festivities. She hadn’t mentioned it to Palmer or anyone else for that matter it had unnerved her that much so much so she’d practically jumped for joy when Tad had said he’d felt her too. Well not in that many words but she’d been on his mind. She stands and walks to the fireplace picks up the poker and jabs at the logs. The fire was roaring but she still felt cold deep inside it was more than cold it was if somewhere there was a door to her heart open allowing a chilling draft to sweep through her soul. More so after she’d awakened from that horrible dream! She shivered again feeling it going through her spine. It was so unclear shrouded in red shadows and gray fog but she could feel it and hear it as if she were right there. The sound of an explosion and the shrieks of pure terror had been deafening, she still felt nauseous at the memory of the spinning the pain as her body was tossed around like a rag doll. The blinding white light at the end of all of it had awakened her as it enveloped her but, it was the screams that kept echoing in her mind that unnerved her. Something was wrong, very wrong and it scared her to death. She’d tried reading her cards but her mind was too muddled and distracted to concentrate. She felt as if she should call someone and warn them but who and warn them against what? She places the poker back on the holder then walks to the window looking up at the star filled moonless night. She closes her eyes and says a silent prayer to protect her family and friends then opens them in time to see not one but two falling stars as they fall landing she assumed along the ridge.
Palmer: What the devil are you doing skulking around in the dark? (He bellows coming into the room and turning lights on as he walks)
Opal: I was a little tired after and fell asleep in the chair.
Palmer: No wonder it’s like a blast furnace in here.
Opal: I was cold. (She pulls the blanket up around her neck as she shivers)
Palmer: Are you feeling well (He comes to her laying his palm against her forehead) you’ve been acting strange ever since we got home.
Opal: I’m fine just a little tired.
Palmer: No wonder after all that champagne you guzzled down! (He smirks)
Opal: I had three glasses all day! (He smiles when his attempt to get a arise from her was successful that confirmed to him it wasn’t something physical when she was physically ill she lost her sense of humor completely)
Palmer: Maybe you should go up take a nice long bubble bath and lie down? I’ll lock up down here.
Opal: That sounds like a good idea. (She says shuffling slowly to the hall then moving slowly up the steps stopping on the third and turning back towards him
Palmer: Go on I’ll be right up. (He says with a wave of his hand shooing her up the steps)
Opal: Promise? (Her eyes pleading her voice hopeful)
Palmer: You go ahead I promise I’ll be right up. I’m going to lock up down here and grab my book from my desk.
Opal: Okay. (Her voice sounding forlorn as she turns and walks slowly up the steps. Palmer watches her ascent for a moment then bolts the front door and sets the alarm before walking down the hall towards his study to retrieve his book. He wasn’t sure what had gotten in to her since they came home but he was sure it was nothing that a warm bath and a little TLC and a good nights sleep wouldn’t cure)   

1 comment:

  1. poor Opal she always knows when something is wrong sometimes that isn't a good thing.
