Friday, January 11, 2013

Tad and Phil The Wedding Part 15

Tad lies at the bottom of the ravine half in and out of consciousness he looks over to where Taylor was lying and tried pulling himself towards her again then screams as pain racks his body. He had to reach her! He had too!
Phil: Tad! Tad! (He calls softly from above him)
Tad: Help! Somebody help! Please! (Tears still rolling down his checks his face etched with agony)
Phil: Tad calm down no one can hear you.
Tad: Oh God, You have to help Taylor she’s trapped! (He looks at him his eyes wild as he struggles to free his self) You have to get her out! You…you have to get her. (He collapses back on the ground his face bathed in sweat)
Phil: I can’t Tad.
Tad: What do you mean you (struggling to sit up he looks at him with anger and confusion) you can’t you’re right here.
Phil: She’s gone Tad. 
Tad: She’s gone? (He snarls his eyes filled with rage) She’s still here! She’s right there!
Phil: You heard her Tad she’s already gone she said good-bye. (He pleads)
Tad: No! She alive, she just passed out from the pain! (He struggles to sit up his strength starting to fade he lies back against the earth closing his eyes against the image of Phil shaking his head again) 
Phil: She wasn’t in pain Tad and she not sleeping. She’s crossed over. Jenny took her a little while ago. (Tad quiets thinking back to just moments when Taylor was talking about Jenny. It all made sense now. He rubs his eyes then laughs bitterly)
Tad: So, is that why you’re here to guide me to the other side? (His laugh burgeoning on hysteria)
Phil: No. (His voice calm and level)
Tad: Then why? Why are you here?
Phil: I’m here to help you.
Tad: Help me how? (He shouts his anger boiling over) Are you going to lift this car off of me? Are you going to bring Taylor back?
Phil: No, I can’t do any of that but I can help you get through this if you let me?
Tad: How? (His voice sounding weary and defeated)  How are you going to help me? Are you going to lift this curse off my life?
Phil: You life isn’t cursed Tad. (He sits down on the soil opposite him)
Tad: It’s not? Then how come everyone I love is taken from me? First Jenny then Dixie now Taylor when does it stop huh? When am I allowed to be happy? Why now huh? Why today? (He looks at his brother confused and hopeful waiting for some philosophical reasoning his brother wishing he could give him one)
Phil: It was her time and you heard her she was happy, happier than she had been in her life.
Tad: So that’s it don’t be happy. (His laugh sounding hollow, emotionless)
Phil: No, that’s not it.
Tad: It has to be every time I’m happy or I have hope for the future he takes it away from me.
Phil: Tad she was happy and she was at peace. You did that.
Tad: Yeah, sure I did that and for what? So he could take it all way.
Phil: No, so she would have the happiness she’d always sought. 
Tad: Oh, I get it now I’m not supposed to be happy I just bring it to others.
Phil: No, Tad listen to me please. (Tad stares at him his eye cold his voice a deadly whisper)
Tad: No, you listen I’m done! You understand? I’m not doing this anymore you hear me! (Phil glances up and see the two men only a few feet from the bottom and stands and dusts his self off) 
Phil: Look their coming I’ll be back later.
Tad: Don’t bother! (His head beginning to throb as well as his leg)
Phil: I just have to make some arrangements you’re going to be okay I promise you. (he leans down and pats him on the shoulder and smiles just as the rescuers his bottom)
Tad: Just go and don’t come back. (He whispers his voice raspy and hoarse from screaming)
Phil: The paramedics have reached the bottom they’ll be here any second. I’ll see you at the hospital.
Tad: What’s the point? (He closes his eyes as the darkness begins to enfold on him)
Phil: Hang in their little brother. (He pats his shoulder again then stands and walks through the brush and disappears in to the darkness) 
Paramedic: We got you man just hang in there.
Tad: Just leave me alone! (He screams)
Paramedic: Oh can’t do that buddy we spent way too much time getting down here. (He looks over at the other paramedic who inspects the inside of the car then shakes his head grimly) 
Paramedic 2: We’re going to need the jaws
Phil: No, you’re going to have me around for a while get used to it. (Comes the call of Phil’s voice on the tail of the breeze wafting though the canyon)
Paramedic 1: I need a pressure bandage!
Tad: Oh God no! (He groans as the light from the other paramedics flash light blinds him freighting him for a moment till he feels the pounding of his heels as he runs to the other side of the car at the same moment Phil’s voice drifts in his ear) )
Paramedic 2: You’re going to be okay buddy!
Phil: Watch it man!
Tad: Why? He doesn’t care if he did this wouldn’t be happening all over again! (He groans the paramedic ripping open his shirt to inspect his wounds)
Paramedic 2: Who’s he talking too? (Kneeling down on Tad other side looking confused)
Phil: If he didn’t care I wouldn’t be here. See you later. (The Paramedics shield their faces from the sudden breeze then look down at Tad bruised and batter body and finding a large puncture wound in his side)
Paramedic 1: I think he’s going in to shock. We got to get him out of here quick!
Tad: Yeah sure!
Paramedic 2: Mountain rescue team just got here and are on the way down the chopper is on the way. Let’s get him stabilized. It’s okay we’re going to get you out of here! (He turns toward Tad who closes his eyes the pain in racking his body becoming beyond endurance he allows the darkness to envelope him) 

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