Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ryan and Griff 01/23/2013

Griff walks into the penthouse surprised to see Ryan still awake papers spread out across the coffee table.
Griff: Hey, you’re up late. What’s got you burning the midnight oil?
Ryan: Whatsup, just finishing up some stuff I need to get done for tomorrow. What about you? (He tosses his pen down a top the folder watching Griff as he tosses his jacket on the chair by the door)
Griff: I opened and closed for Carmen and Krystal. They had a wedding to go to.
Ryan: Oh yeah, (Remembering Tad’s wedding was today and noting Griff’s weary expression) long day.
Griff: I don’t mind (He smiles as he stretches) Carmen and Krystal are good people.
Ryan: You really like working there huh? (He smiles at him happy Griff seemed to have found his niche)
Griff: Yeah, I do.
Ryan: Good for you I’m glad. (He picks up the pen looking down at the contract in front of him as Griff walks to the kitchen)
Griff: You want a beer?
Ryan: Sure I’m finished with this. (He calls after him tossing the pen back down on the table and closing the folder as Griff hands him a bottle)
Griff: Here you go.
Ryan: Thanks! (He reaches for the bottle salutes him with it then drinks)
Griff: So what’s new in Ryan’s world? (He sits in the chair opposite him)
Ryan: Nothing, (He sits back against the cushions) nothing really working, spending time with my daughter, the therapy sessions.
Griff: How are the sessions going?
Ryan: Good, very well actually. (Grinning from ear to ear as he leans forward) I was surprised. Emma actually wants to spend time with me so that’s a great thing.
Griff: That’s real good. (Happy for Ryan was making some real progress with his daughter perhaps someday he could do the same then changes the painful topic)  What about your new partner that Devereaux guy?
Ryan: That’s okay I guess. (He shrugs his expression betraying his words)
Griff: What do you mean you guess?
Ryan: I don’t know he’s just, (He sighs heavily shaking his head) I don’t know I just can’t put my finger on it. It’s just a feeling.
Griff: Trust your feelings Ryan just like in prison if it don’t feel right it ain’t right. (He nods using his beer bottle as a pointer then sips it)
Ryan: Yeah, (He raises his brow nodding his head in agreement) problem is I don’t know what it is.
Griff: Well what’s been going on lately? (He sits back in the chair cradling his beer bottle in his lap)
Ryan: Remember I was telling you a few weeks ago what a control freak he is?
Griff: Yeah. (His brow creasing his attention focused)
Ryan: Well recently he’s been he’s been giving me bits and pieces of the Sherrigan- Chandler deal that was something he said at the beginning that he wanted to handle exclusively now all of a sudden he wants me to do it?
Griff: Maybe he’s busy with something else.
Ryan: Like what? There’s no new business at the moment that I know of.
Griff: Maybe he’s out generating new business.
Ryan: If he is why haven’t I heard anything about it?
Griff: Is his work slacking?
Ryan: No it’s spot on but he seems distracted.
Griff: He lives with that Cassandra girl right? (He smirks sitting back in his chair)
Ryan: Yeah what’s she got to do with it?
Griff: From what I hear from Carmen and Krystal she a real piece of work maybe she’s got him all worked up. (He chuckles looking at Ryan’s doubtful face)
Ryan: Maybe.
Griff: Speaking of Sherrigan how you doing with that? (He eyes Ryan suspiciously remembering the day he’d met Rebeka Sherrigan)
Ryan: What do you mean?
Griff: I mean the last time we talked you were all “gaga” over Rebeka Sherrigan. (He teases amused by Ryan’s shy blush and defensiveness)
Ryan: I wasn’t all ‘gaga” I told you what happened I was just a little thrown.
Griff: I little thrown? (He says laughing heartily) Boy, it was more like knocked out by the pitch. You couldn’t concentrate for days, which is why you’re here now. (He points at the pile of papers on the table)
Ryan: I’m here now because I have a meeting with JR and Rebeka tomorrow that Devereaux just threw on me this morning. (He says stacking the folders on top of each other in a huff making Griff laugh harder)
Griff: So I was right! You’re seeing Ms. Sherrigan tomorrow and you want to shine. (Flailing his fingers out in a starburst shape around his face)
Ryan: I want to shine because that’s my job. (He grins then stands picking up the folders and putting them in his briefcase)
Griff: Yeah, that’s your job but don’t tell me you’re not looking forward to the opportunity to do it in front of her. (He sips his beer giving Ryan a sidelong glance and smirks)
Ryan: Why do you keep pushing this?
Griff: Because, I know there’s more to it than you just wanting to “Shine”.
Ryan: Okay, okay I admit it (Sitting back down on the sofa and reaching for his beer then holds it in his lap grinning from ear to ear) I’m kind of looking forward to seeing her again.
Griff: Isn’t she living with JR Chandler?
Ryan: Yeah I know, (He huffs) I just can’t help it she reminds me so much of Gillian.
Griff: You mean she looks like her. (He drains the remains of the bottle then sets it on the table)
Ryan: She looks like her she sounds like her.
Griff: My suggestion buddy keep reminding yourself she not her.
Ryan: I know she’s not I just…
Griff: You just nothing man (He cuts in shutting down any excuse Ryan was about to purpose) she’s not your wife and she’s in love with someone else. If I were you I’d put as much space as possible between the two of you before trouble starts.
Ryan: Don’t you think I know that? (He sets the bottle on the table looking as frustrated as he sounded)
Griff: Do you? 
Ryan:  Of course! (He finishes the beer in the bottle places the empty container on the table before continuing) That’s why I was relieved when Devereaux said he was handling it then he dropped it in my lap.
Griff: So what are you going to do? (He reaches over picks up the empty bottle along with his own and stands talking as he walks to the kitchen and walks back in)
Ryan: I’m going to complete my meeting with them and then I’m leaving it all with Devereaux’s secretary and I’m off to New York for the expo for the next three days. (He sits back against the cushions hands tucked behind his head and sighs loudly) So you’re going to have the place all to yourself.
Griff: Oh yeah thanks for reminding me. (Happy to have some time to himself for a couple of days) Well listen I have to get to bed. (He walks slowly up the steps and yawning)
Ryan: Yeah me too. I’ll see you when I get back.
Griff: Good luck man, night. (He yawns again rubbing the back of his neck as he walks down the hall)
Ryan: Thanks night. (He glances down at the Rebeka and Jr’s file his mind going back to the day he’d returned her phone the way she’d turned her head to the side when she was talking to him it was like having Gillian right there it was so hard not to just reach out and pull her in to his arms bury his face in the curve of her neck, run his hands along the length of her feel the warmth of her skin beneath his hands taste her kiss on his lips. Griff was right he had to stop. She wasn’t Gillian and he couldn’t pretend she was) 

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