Friday, January 18, 2013

Jesse, Aidan and Adrian Wedding Part 16

Jesse pulls his car slowly through the barricade his eyes instantly roaming the scene for Detective Monroe and he pulls to the side and shuts off the engine. He spots him standing near the crash site and another one of his Detectives with what look like Devereaux St. Jacque. He steps out the slams the door closed zips his jacket against the cool night air and walks towards them. What the hell was St. Jacque have to do with this and where was Cassandra? He angles him self so that he could come up behind him and hear the last part of the interview the officer was doing without either Devereaux or his man servant from seeing him.
Detective: So you didn’t see the driver of the other car? (He glances up at him from his pad waiting for his response)
Devereaux: As I told you officer, we were coming around the bend and my driver spotted something on the side of the road.
Maurice: As we passed I realized it was a body. I called back to Mr. St. Jacque and he told me to pull over.
Detective: Then what did you do.
Devereaux: We both got out of the car to check. We realized he was dead when I reached for my phone I couldn’t get a signal so I walked further down the road that when I saw all the glass and the debris, the mangled guardrail I looked over and saw the wreckage.  (He says with shutter as the police officer continues to write then looks back at Devereaux starring at him intently)
Detective: Where were you and your driver going?
Devereaux: We were coming back from a meeting in New York. (He says smoothly as the detective writes then stops looking up a him again)
Detective: How did you end up on this road?
Devereaux: I beg your pardon? (Sounding startled by the question almost annoyed to Jesse’s ears)
Detective: You said you were coming back from New York this road is nowhere near the highway.
Devereaux: We’re new to the area officer we got a little turned around coming off the highway. (Something in his words hit a sour note with Jesse he looks over where Devereaux car is parked making a mental note of the make and model before making his presence known) 
Jesse: Detective Royce: What do we have?
Detective: Chief, this is Mr. Devereaux St. Jacque he and his driver they’re ones to call it in.
Jesse: Mr. St. Jacque nice to see you again (he stretch his hand out and shakes it) I wish it were under better circumstances.
Devereaux: Chief Hubbard.
Jesse: This is a pretty lonely stretch of road.
Devereaux: As I was saying your officer we were coming back from a meeting in Manhattan and got lost coming off the highway.
Jesse: I thought that model came with GPS standard? (He looks over at Devereaux’s car then back to him his eyes questioning)
Maurice: Excuse me sir, you are quite correct it does but it’s been broken for the last week or so. (He shrugs Jesse nods then turns back to Devereaux) 
Jesse: I would think a man like your self would have had that fixed?
Maurice: You’re right sir (He chimes in again) Mr. St Jacque wanted it repaired before we made the trip unfortunate the man at the repair shop said the part was delayed.
Devereaux: Unfortunately for us we were relying on my reading the map. (His smile not quite reaching his eyes and his defensive body language not escaping Jesse) Now if we’re done here it’s been a very long and traumatic day my driver and I would really like to get home. (His voice sounding fatigued and Jesse’s instinct telling him he wasn’t going to get anything more from him)
Jesse: Officer, are you finished with your questions?
Detective: I just have a couple more sir.
Jesse: Mr. St Jacque. Mr.?
Maurice: Dumas sir, Maurice Dumas.
Jesse: Thank you Mr. Dumas please, make sure the officer has both of your information incase we have any more questions.
Devereaux: Thank you Chief Hubbard.
Jesse: Have a good evening gentleman. (Something was off with that he couldn’t put his finger on it but something was very off he thought as he walked his eyes searching the crowd then locking on Brot)
Jesse: Detective Monroe what do you have for me
Brot: The rescue team reached the bottom Tad survived the crash but he was pinned by the vehicles they’ve freed him and should be able to bring him up soon.
Jesse: What about Taylor? (Brot stops a moment swallows hard then continues)
Brot: She’s dead sir.
Jesse: Jesus, (His hand flies to his mouth as he spins around a moment and walks a few paces attempting to keep his emotions at bay before turning back around his voice filled with pain) God I’m sorry Brot I know how close the two of you are. I completely understand if you would like to take the night off. You know what I want you to take the night off.
Brot: No, Jesse I want to be here. I need to find out what happened to them and who’s responsible. It’s the least I can do for the both of them.
Jesse: I don’t know, I think you’re way too close on this one.
Brot: I need to do this. Look, I was a soldier I had friends dying all around me everyday I know how to cope and I know how to stay objective.
Jesse: Ahhh I ahhh?
Brot: Come on Jesse! (Exasperation filling his voice his anger barley contained) What about you huh? You and Tad your like brothers. Are you going to walk away? Let someone else step? I don’t think so. So trust me when I tell you I can handle this just like your handling it. Please Jesse I have to do this.
Jesse: You’re right. (He sighs) We both need to do this. So what have you got on the vehi…(Hs voice cut off his head snapping toward Adrian as he yells his name he and Aidan run towards him)
Adrian: Jesse! What happened? Where’s Tad? (He says looking past at the lights and rescue crew behind him)
Jesse: What the hell are you two doing here? (Hands on hips looking from one to the other the wheels in his brain churning)
Aidan: We heard it come over the radio.
Jesse: How did you get past the barriers?
Adrian: Are you kidding? (His anger getting the best of him as the action behind Jesse increases and yells and commands get louder) My brother is lying and the bottom of a cliff possibly dead and you want to play blowhard cop with me?
Jesse: Tad’s going to be okay they’re going to be bringing him up in a few minutes.
Aidan: And Taylor?
Jesse: She gone.
Adrian: Oh God, I have to call my mother.
Brot: Jesse, I’m going to make sure we got everything we need from Mr. St. Jacque.
Jesse: Good I’ll be there in a minute.
Adrian: Devereaux St. Jacque, what does he have to do with this? (He looks over at Aidan who’s brow raises slightly their reaction not un-noticed by Jesse as both listen to Jesse intently)
Jesse: You know Mr. St Jacque? (He says looking from one to the other)
Adrian: I read about him in the paper the other morning something about Cambius enterprises.
Jesse: Ah huh, he’s the one that called it in. (Jesse watches the look that passes between the two again) Why are you two out here in the middle of the night and what aren’t you telling me about Devereaux St. Jacque?
Adrian: I’ve told you everything I know.
Jesse: Yeah, let me make sure you two understand something and make sure your superiors understand too, (He steps closer his voice deadly serious) don’t let me find out that the Fed’s are running an operation in my town with out my knowing it?
Adrian: Understood. (He dismisses looking back at Devereaux and back to Jesse) Now happened to Tad and Taylor?
Jesse: Looks like the driver had a flat he got out to change it and they were hit by another vehicle.
Aidan: That would have to be a pretty big vehicle. (He looks at Arian who nods in agreement)
Jesse: Umm hmm. (Watching another look pass between them)
Paramedic: Chief they’re going to start bringing Mr. Martin up now.
Adrian: Do you think I can go with him to the hospital?
Jesse: Sure. This is Mr. Martin’s brother he’s going to ride with him to the hospital.
Paramedics: Okay, come with me sir the. (Adrian looks at Aidan who nods his head and tosses him the keys)
Aidan: I’ll meet you at the hospital!
Jesse: Ahh before you take off out of here don’t forget what I said tell your boss I expect at the very least a courtesy call.
Aidan: I’ll see you at the hospital?
Jesse: Yeah. (Aidan walks back towards the car his mind racing Devereaux being there was no coincidence that was the reason the truck hadn’t shown up he’d had to divert it! Dam! Now they had no idea where it was! Dammit! He reaches the car wrestles with the key a moment fiddling with the stupid alarm then drops them. Great he mumbles then bends to pick them up. How the flip did they end up under the car! He kneels on the ground reaching under the vehicle grabbing them and something else he looks down at his palm and the small baggy. Some how the emblem on the bag looked familiar and a recent deposit judging by the lack of dirt on it but, it was too dark and too many people he opens the car door and slides into the seat then open the glove compartment and pulls out an envelope and slips it inside then seals it folds it then places it in his wallet. He’d show it to Adrian later right now he needed to see Tad. 

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