Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jesse 2013

Jesse looks around the crash site watching the coroner finish his notes and close the back of the van then climb in to the drivers seat Brot in to the passenger side. He’d watched Brot as the technicians had pulled Taylor’s body up from the bottom and he’d handled like the soldier he was all his men had giving her a soldiers respect stopping what they were doing standing silently with their hats over their hearts as they carried her body to the waiting coroners van. Jesse said a silent prayer then walked towards the detective who’d taken Devereaux’s statement earlier. It was a long night and it was guaranteed to be an even longer day. He wanted to get over to the hospital and check on Tad but he needed to finish up here first.
Jesse: Detective what do you have for me?
Detective: I finished getting a statement from Mr. St. Jacque and his driver.
Jesse: Anything interesting pop up.
Detective: Nothing so far but I’ll go over it more closely once I right it up.
Jesse: Make sure you get a copy of that on my desk no later than nine AM.
Detective: Will do something up Chief?
Jesse: No I just want to go over it.
Detective: Will do Chief. Ahh chief.
Jesse: Yeah, there was one thing Mr. St. Jacque said he was coming back from New York? Make sure you check that out I want to know the time they left and I want you to scan the footage from the toll plaza.
Detective: Got it, anything else?
Jesse: Yeah, make sure you do a complete background check on the both of them.
Detective: Yes sir. Oh and Chief I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry for your loss.
Jesse: Thank you very much. I’m going to make sure we get the Collision investigation team report with in forty-eight hours.
Detective: Yes sir. (Jesse walks over to where the investigation team are working.) Gentleman.
Investigator: How’s it going Chief?
Jesse: I’ve had way better night’s whatchu got for me?
Investigator: We’ve identified the point of impact and it happened just as you suspected the other vehicle went off the road here and impacted the limo here. We figure you’re looking for a mid size box truck it’s going to have some front end damage broken headlight and signal light I found the pieces here there’s the skid marks we’ve got photo’s for now that’s about all I can give you, I’ll have more once we get some day light and when they pull the vehicle up. Hopefully I‘ll be able to pull more evidence from there.
Jesse: You and me both, where you able to get any tire print anything like that?
Investigator: No sorry chief the shoulder is paved and any footprints in the dirt were pretty degraded by the time we got here if there were any that would have been useful they were trampled.
Jesse: Yeah I was afraid of that.
Investigator: I’ll let you know if we come up with anything.
Jesse: Please, do that. Night.
Investigator: I will. Night Chief.
Jesse walks back towards his car there wasn’t much more he could do here tonight he’d have to wait for reports and daylight before he’d know more. But even with as little as he knew now there were warning signs popping up all over the place and most them popped up around Devereaux St. Jacque. He really wanted to know more about his stepdaughter’s lover a lot more. Something about his behavior his and his drivers stories, just didn’t sit right with him. Especially after talking to Aidan and Adrian. Their reactions at the mention of his name, the looks they’d given each other were more than enough to peak his interest. Devereaux was in this up to his neck and so were those two and he was going to find out how and why. He opens the door of the car then stares down at the lights and news vans parked along the side of the road and the reporters standing in front of the barrier craning their necks to see past the police holding them back and blocking their view. He slides in to the seat shutting the door and starts the engine then wields the car around in a circle driving slowly through the parting crowd ignoring the reporters tapping on the car windows and screaming questions. Last thing he wanted to do was speak to those vultures they had been circling since before he’d arrived. This was definitely not the way he’d plan to spend his evening. He’d hoped to just have a quiet moment in his office catch up on some work and leave he hadn’t expected the DNA results to be there. After reading them he’d hoped to have a moment to allow it all to seep in, think about the best way to proceed before talking to Frankie. Then the call had come in about Tad and Taylor and he’d put it out his mind but how long could he just ignore it? He had to tell him about Griff and Randi but he supposed that could wait a bit longer Frankie didn’t know he’d gotten the results back and Randi had been without her father for her entire life another few days wasn’t going to make much difference. Besides, she had no idea the man was even alive let alone here in Pine Valley. The only one that had any inkling was he and Frankie and Frankie didn’t know he had the result back anyway. He also wanted to talk to Griff first before he spoke to Frankie. Kind of feel him out he’d been in kind of a similar situation and it didn’t seem fair to just blind side the man plus he wanted to hear his side, in his words without out them being discolored by raw emotions and knee jerk reactions. From what he knew of the man he seemed like he was a decent person who’d made a mistake but with everything his family had gone through and was going through he needed to take a good long hard look at this man first see if anything ticked on the meter. Right now though he needed to concentrate on Taylor the accident that killed her and the man his stepdaughter had entangled herself with. Frankie would just have to understand family matters would have to take a back seat to murder.

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