Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jamie and Francessca 01/22/2013

Francessca sits on the sofa a bowl of popcorn on the table as Jamie comes down the steps looking tired.
Francessca: The girls asleep?
Jamie: Finally four stories and two glasses of water later.
Francessca: Aww you’re a good big brother. (She holds her arms out) Come here. (He sits on the edge of the sofa and hugs him then kisses him)
Jamie: That’s more like it. (He grins then leans in and kisses her again then squeezes onto the couch next to her wrapping his arms around her and pulls her close then yawns)
Francessca: Tired?
Jamie: A little how about you?
Francessca: I’m okay. They were probably a little wound up too, because it’s a new place. (He laughs at the image of his sisters jumping from bed to bed trying not to touch the floor and smothering a laugh when he chastised them)
Jamie: That and they are packed with sugar up from the wedding.
Francessca: They had a really good time. (Remembering all the kids running and laughing from attraction to attraction all day) I thought with all the running around they would have fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.
Jamie: I wish. (He rolls his eyes and sighs)
Francessca: Are you hungry there are a lot of leftovers.
Jamie: No, I’m fine honey thanks. Did the Baby finally calm down? (He places his hand on her belly waiting for the baby to beat against his palm)
Francessca: Yeah he finally stopped playing me like a bongo if that’s what you mean.
Jamie: Maybe it was all the sugar you feed him. (He nuzzles her neck enjoying her head curl in toward his touch)
Francessca: The doctor said he’s turning besides I only had one piece of wedding cake. (She pulls away from him her voice defensive he chuckles pulling her back towards him and punctuating each word with a kiss)
Jamie: And three cannolis, baklava, a napoleon, and what was that other thing you had?
Francessca: A biscotti. (She half moans turning her head as Jamie trails kisses across her other cheek and down her neck)
Jamie: Biscotti! (Stopping his love making he sits up and looks up at the ceiling listening for foot steps then sits back when he hears none)
Francessca: They were so good! I haven’t had one that good since I came back from my Grandmother’s!
Jamie: They were good. How is your Grandmother?
Francessca: She’s wonderful can’t wait to be a great Grandmother so she can spoil him rotten. Her words. (They both laugh)
Jamie: She sounds like my grandmothers. (They laugh again Jamie swings his feet to the floor then helps Francessca sit up)
Francessca: Ahhg! (She groans resting her feet on the floor then pilling pillows behind her back) Yeah they’re all really excited and your Mom is just crazy! (She laughs)
Jamie: What did she do now?
Francessca: She bought the baby the biggest stuffed lion I have ever seen! (Her arms and eyes stretched out wide)
Jamie: Come on it’s not that big. (He smirks)
Francessca: The thing is life size Jamie. There’s no room in there for the baby. (She laughs and shakes her head)
Jamie: Then maybe we should start thinking about getting a bigger place.
Francessca: Maybe we should just get the grandparents to stop buying everything they see.
Jamie: Yeah, well good luck with that.
Francessca: No joke I mentioned to your mom I really liked this one electronic breast pump the other day and I went in the nursery to put the bedding set she bought for the baby and it was sitting on the changer.
Jamie: What can I say it’s her first grandchild she’s excited.
Francessca: I just feel…you know kind of… (She shrugs her voice trailing off her expression guilty he looks down at his hands then back up at her)
Jamie: You still feel bad lying to her.
Francessca: Oh course, your Mom is more than just my boss or my mother in-law she my friend and I don’t lie to my friends.
Jamie: Honey I know how badly this makes you feel but too many people already know and…(He finishes his sentence as if on queue then sighs resting her forehead on her palm)
Francessca: It puts your Mom in an awkward position I know, I know but it doesn’t make me feel any better. (Looking up at her the guilty in her voice and her expression still the same)
Jamie: Baby you have to trust me on this one please (he slips his arm around her pulling her close) if or when this ever comes out she has to find out at the same time as Oliver. She’s kept enough secrets from him about me, about us. You get it right? (He places his knuckle under her chin tilting her head up to look at him)
Francessca: Yeah I do but it doesn’t give me the warm fuzzies.
Jamie: Well you could just think of it this way either way she’s going to be the babies grandmother so if she wants to spoil the baby rotten let her she’d be doing it anyway whether she knew or not. So stop worrying okay.
Francessca: Okay.
Jamie: Promise?
Francessca: Promise.
Jamie: What do you say you and I go to bed? (He stands hands on his hips his eyebrows wiggling up and down)
Francessca: Just one second I was waiting for this news flash I saw earlier.
Jamie: Yeah? What happened?
Francessca: I’m not sure I was trying to listen when you called my upstairs before and I missed it. (She reaches behind her adjusting the pillows as Jamie walks towards the kitchen)
Jamie: Okay, I’m going to get something to drink you want something?
Francessca: No I’m good thanks. (She reaches for the remote and turns the volume on the TV up as the report comes just as the phone rings)
Jamie: I got it! Hey Mom what’s up? (Francessca raises the volume on the set to hear over Jamie talking on the phone) It’s coming on now he says turning towards the TV set as Brooke talks)
“Reporter: Dan I’m on Owego Ridge where earlier this evening it was the site of a deadly accident when a limousine went off the highway and down a fifty-foot embankment. Police are reporting that two people were killed another has been air lifted to Pine Valley Hospital.
Anchor Man: Do we have the names of the victims?
Reporter: No names on the victims of this tragic accident pending notification of the victim’s families.” 
Anchor: Do the police know what caused the accident?
Reporter: Reports are still coming in but so far we have been told that the limousine was struck by another vehicle that fled the scene.
Anchor: Do the police know anything about the other vehicle?
Reporter: Nothing so far but we do have the names of the victims. The driver of the Limo was sixty-four year old George Lloyd who police was killed on impact and tragically Newly weds Tad Martin and his bride Taylor Thompson Martin. The two were just married this afternoon and were on their way to their honeymoon when tragedy struck. Mrs. Martin has been reported also have been killed and Mr. Martin has been air lifted to Pine Valley Hospital.
Francessca: Oh My God! (She looks up at Jamie who’s face is ashen his eyes filled with fear she turns off the set then reaches for her ringing phone as she goes quickly to him) Hello? Hey Mom we just heard….Oh that would be really great thank you.
Jamie: We’ll be right there! (He says putting the phone back in the cradle) My father and Taylor were in an accident. (He holds her to him closing his eyes breathing in her strength fighting back his tears)
Francessca: I know honey. (She whispers knowing all too well the pain he was feeling)
Jamie: My God this is so surreal. I just don’t believe it!
Francessca: That was my mother she on her way over to watch the girls.
Jamie: The girls! (He pulls away from starts up the steps then stops coming back to her)  What am I going to tell them? How am I…
 Francessca: We don’t have to tell them anything yet they’re asleep. We can talk to them in the morning. (He nods in agreement smiles weakly. Francessca strokes his cheek then kisses him gently)
Rhea: Cess I’m here. (Her mother voice calls softly as she enters the room hugging first her daughter then Jamie)
Rhea: I’m so sorry honey.
Jamie: Thanks Rhea.
Rhea: No problem you guys get going and call me when you hear something. (She says shooing them towards the door. Francessca picks up her purse from the table and follows Jamie towards the door he reaches for their coats on the pegs)
Jamie: We will. (He holds out Francessca’s jacket holding it while she shoulders in to it)  Do me a favor, don’t let the girls go to school or watch TV till we can talk to them please?
Rhea: Sure thing and I’ll give Krystal a call.
Francessca: Thanks Mom (She kisses her cheek and hugs he quickly then follows Jamie out the door) we’ll call as soon as we hear anything.
Rhea: I’ll say a prayer.

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