Friday, January 25, 2013

Tad Wedding Aftermath 01/25/2013

Jamie and Francessca rush into the emergency room and are greeted by his Grandmother Opal and Palmer.
Opal: Oh Jaime thank goodness how are you honey? (She reaches over hugging him tightly holding back her tears then Francessca)
Jamie: I’m okay Grandma?
Opal: I’m worried. We haven’t heard anything since Adrian and them bought him in. (She dabs at her eyes then drops in to the chair Jamie and Francessca sitting one on each side of her)
Jaime: Where’s Adrian now?
Palmer: He went down to the cafeteria to get us coffee. (He says taking the chair opposite them)
Francessca: You were here when they bought him in?
Palmer: We were here before they bought him in. (He says nodding his head towards Opal)
Jamie: Are you okay you’re not sick are you?
Opal: I’m fine now. (She smiles patting her hand)
Palmer: She hadn’t been feeling well all evening I made her come in to be checked out when we got here they were bringing Tad in.
Francessca: Are you sure you’re okay Opal?
Jamie: Maybe we should have you looked at?
Opal: I’m fine I told Palmer I was fine before he dragged me here.
Palmer: You weren’t fine you were cold and shivering and you said something was very wrong.
Opal: I meant that something was wrong in the cosmos not with me!
Palmer: Hmm! (He snorts)
Opal: Don’t “Hmm” me Palmer turns out I was right wasn’t I, (She says with a huff then remembers what she was right about and sigh shaking her head) but what away to prove my point.
Jamie: So what happened to you?
Opal: We came home from the wedding Palmer had some calls to make and I was so cold. I decided to build a fire and take a look at my cards.
Francessca: What did they say?
Opal: I couldn’t tell my mind was just so muddle. (She shrugs) Eventually I fell asleep and had this awful dream.
Palmer: That’s when I found her wrapped in a blanket and shivering so I sent her up to bed.
Opal: So I went up and fell asleep and had another awful dream.
Palmer: That’s when I found her lying next to me shivering again and I made her come here.
Opal: And I was sitting right here talking to Palmer and I look up and they’re wheeling your father in (Then her tears begin to well in her eyes and her voice gets tight) that’s when they told us about Taylor. 
Jamie: Anyone contacted Mr. and Mrs. Thompson? I’d hate for them to find out from the TV.
Palmer: I called them as soon as we saw Tad come in and I’d spoken to the officer, then I called everyone I could think of.
Opal: How are the girls do they know?
Jamie: They were asleep when we left.
Opal: That’s a blessing.
Francessca: My Mom and Dad are staying with them.
Jamie: Yeah I asked them to keep them home from school and not let them watch TV till we can talk to them. (Ruth and Joe rush through the ER door walking to the small group and hugging each one.
Ruth: Any news on Tad’s condition?
Palmer: Nothing yet.
Jamie: I’m going to see if I can find anything out I’ll be right back.
Ruth: Thanks honey. Did anyone call Krystal?
Francessca: My Mom was going to call her when we were leaving.
Opal: What about Brooke?
Francessca: She should be here soon.
Joe: I don’t understand what happened. (He looks from one o the other confused)
Palmer: According to Adrian they were hit while the driver was fixing a flat. He said the impact pushed the limousine over the edge.
Adrian: Here you go (He holds out a tray of cups Opal and Palmer each take one) Hey Ruth, Joe. Hi Francessca is Jamie here?
Francessca: He went to see what he could find out.
Adrian: Did anyone call Jake?
Francessca: We spoke to Amanda on the way over here Jake is on duty tonight and she’s going to drop Trevor off with my Mom and be right over.
Ruth: Adrian how was he when you bought him in?
Adrian: I’m not going to lie to you Ruth he was pretty bad the paramedics still can’t figure out why or how he was still conscious and flailing around when they found him. He was even yelling at them but they think that was shock but we all know Tad that wasn’t shock. (They all laugh)
Tad lies on a chaise lounge holding Taylor’s hand. She lies on a matching one next to his sunshine bathing her face in a warm glow. He glances over at her and she smiles back at him looking pleased and happy. He turns is head toward the water gently lapping against the shore he glances up shading his eyes from the blinding light and the sound of screeching of tires and he laying among the dirt and jagged rocks and Phillip is standing above him)
Phil: How are you doing Tad?
Tad: You’re still here?
Phil: I told you I would see you at the hospital.
Tad: And I told you not to bother!
Phil: What can I say; you’re stuck with me for the duration.
Tad: The duration of what?
Phil: Till you don’t need me anymore.
Tad: I don’t need you now.
Phil: Yeah you do you just don’t know it yet.
Tad: I know what I need you can’t give me so go away.
Phil: I’m not going anywhere.
Tad: Well if you’re going to be hanging around could you at least shut up so I can get some sleep?
Phil: At the moment you are asleep.
Tad: Good so this is all a dream and Taylor is still alive.
Phil: At the moment because they gave you a sedative but, what happened isn’t a dream. Taylor is gone.
Tad: Then why are you still here? You’ve already taken everything from me what else do you want from?
Phil: Everything wasn’t taken Tad you still have your family and your friends. They need you.
Tad: What about what I need or don’t I count?
Phil: Of course you count more than you know it and in the next few months your family and friends are really going to need you. That’s why I’m here to make sure you know it.
Tad: Why me huh? Why do I have to sacrifice for everyone else?
Phil: No one was sacrificed Tad I told you Taylor dying had nothing to do with you. It was just her time.
Tad: It had everything to do with me! Do me a favor go away Phil!
Phil: I will but only because Jamie is coming. I’ll talk to you later.
Tad: Don’t bother Phil!
Jamie: Dad? (He says touching his shoulder) Hey it’s me Jamie.
Tad: Hey son Phil said you were coming.
Jaime: Who’s Phil one of your doctors? (He looks around the room at the doctors and nurses present not recognizing the name)
Tad: What? (He looks up at him confused expecting to see Phillip)
Jaime: You said “Phil said you were coming.”
Tad: Yeah sorry I think I was dreaming.
Jamie: Yeah they have you on some pretty heavy-duty painkillers I’m surprised you’re even awake. (He jokes surprised by his fathers tenacity)
Tad: I don’t want to sleep. (His voice heavy with anger and sadness)
Jamie: You have to sleep Dad you need your rest. You have to be tired. 
Tad: I am but I don’t want to sleep.
Jamie: Why not you have to be exhausted?
Tad: because every time I close my eyes I see Taylor and when I open them I have to remind myself she’s gone all over again. (He begins to weep quietly at first Jamie sits on the edge of the bed holding his father his heart aching for him tears stringing his eyes and his throat tightens at the sound of his fathers gut wrenching sobs)

1 comment:

  1. you're breaking my heart here Take. This is phenomenal writing.
