Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Aidan Adrian: The Wedding Part 14

Aidan and Adrian sit in the cold dark car outside at what seems to be a vacant warehouse watching the building through a pair of night goggles.
Aidan: Tell me again why we’re sitting here? (His head tipped back against the head rest)
Adrian: Tip came in from the agency that this is where the drop off is.
Aidan: Really, (His head snapping forward) doesn’t look as if anyone has been here for month.
Adrian: Doesn’t look as if there is anyone here now. (Pulling his night goggles from his eyes and places them on his lap)
Aidan: Do they at least have a time or are we supposed to stay here all night? (He grumbles laying his head against the rest)
Adrian: We’re supposed to stay here for as long as it takes. (He sighs heavily picking up his binoculars and looking at the building again)
Aidan: What happened to the tail they had on them? (He grinds out between clenched teeth then slaps the dashboard with his palm in frustration)
Adrian: Some how they lost them on the interstate. (Aidan looks over at him his expression perplexed)
Aidan: Can you explain to me how you loose a truck?
Adrian: I don’t know it’s the interstate and there are lots of trucks? (He snorts smothering a grin)
Aidan: Well I have to tell you this really sucks! I should be home with Annie enjoying the first evening we’ve had alone in months instead I’m stuck in the middle of no where stuck in a car with you watching and empty warehouse! (The last part coming out as a yell) 
Adrian: How do you think I feel? (He grouses handing him the glasses) I thought I’d be spending the evening getting to know my date.
Aidan: Speaking of your date how did that go. (He holds the glasses up panning the building in front of him)
Adrian: Pretty good. (He grins at the memory)
Aidan: What that’s supposed to mean? (In his best “ah-ha” voice)
Adrian: It means ((He says stretching out the last part and nodding his head) we had a nice time.
Aidan: So are you two going out again? (Sounding a little too much like “na nana nana” to Adrian’s ears and shoots him what he hopes is a quelling look which Aidan ignores)
Adrian: Yeah, I asked her out to dinner.
Aidan: Dinner huh? (He grins using his best “I told you so voice” making he and Adrian laugh)
Adrian: I figured a nice dinner might make up for me skipping out on her tonight. (He shrugs and Aidan nods in agreement)
Aidan: I don’t know how I’m going to make it up to Annie. She was really looking forward to tonight.
Adrian: We could make it a double date. Maybe go to the “Chateau”.
Aidan: I guess we could (He shrugs) they were getting along great at the wedding.
Adrian: And it would be really good for Lola she’s pretty new in town and doesn’t know a lot of people. (Mulling over to the idea and allowing it to form in his mind that could be good they could spend some time together but there would be that buffer between them he leans his head back against the head rest closing his eyes his mind lighting on snippets of the day and fighting his weariness)
Aidan: She’s Krystal’s sister. (Spotting a car pull into the driveway wait a moment for the other car to pass then backing out and heading back in the opposite direction)
Adrian: Yeah. (He says distracted by his thoughts)
Aidan: Funny I’d heard her mention a brother I didn’t know she had a sister.
Adrian: She kind of like me a long lost sister. (He chuckles)
Aidan: Sort of kindred spirits huh?
Adrian: Something like that. (His eyes snap open as he catches him self starting to doze he sits up right reaches for the ignition key turns it then press the button for the window and opens I letting in the cool night air) ) This is a bust they should have been here by now.
Aidan: No joke! What do you say we wrap this up they’re not coming.
Adrian: Anything more from our guys who were supposed to be tailing them?
Aidan: Nothing! (His voice dripping with disgust and annoyance)
Adrian: Can you pick up anything on the scanner?
Aidan: Nothing put the normal police chatter earlier but hold on I’ll check again. (He reaches for the radio and begins turning the knobs till he hears Brot voice and stops to listen)
“Chief Hubbard this is Detective Monroe what’s you twenty?.. Hubbard to Monroe five minutes out just turned left on Monongahela Ave should be heading up Oswego in two over… Monroe to Hubbard… Pine Valley Fire and rescue on the scene over…. Hubbard what’s it’s looking like down there Monroe, over…Monroe to Hubbard not good chief were still waiting for Mountain Rescue to get here no way the Fire Department can get them up with their equipment …Hubbard to Monroe understood has anyone been able to get down to them over…Monroe to Hubbard good news two of the fireman were just coming back from rock climbing and still had their gear with them they just reached bottom getting the report now over…Hubbard to Monroe report…Monroe to Hubbard both victims are still trapped in the car over… Hubbard to Monroe are they alive over?.. Monroe to Hubbard Tad was partially thrown from the car his leg is pinned (His voice trials off for a moment his cracking slightly as he speaks) Taylor’s body is still trapped inside…(The radio goes silent for a moment then Jesse’s voice comes back) Hubbard to Monroe Understood over and out”
Aidan and Adrian stare at each other a moment in stunned silence shock and fear registering on both their faces.
Adrian: Screw this! (Turning the key in the ignition and stamping on the gas pedal he shifts into gear all in one swift movement the two roar down the dirt drive gravel spraying up behind them the air filling with a cloud of dust)
Aidan: Turn right when you get to the end of the fence. (They speed down the highway in tense silence each lost in their own thoughts each saying a silent prayer)

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