Monday, January 21, 2013

Cassandra and Rego 01/21/2013

Rego rolls over stares at the reflection of the light on the floor from the bathroom then turns his back to it as the shower shuts off. He’d met Cassandra at the hospital as they planned then he had convinced and paid her bodyguard who now worked for him. It wasn’t hard at all the man didn’t like Devereaux anymore than they did and making double you salary didn’t hurt either. He also knew a man like that couldn’t be trusted so when this was over so was his employment hope he was a good saver. They’d left in his car out another exist and had end up in this dumpster known as the Pine Cone just as a precaution. This was a far cry from the plush suites they’d stayed in just a few months ago now they were resorting to seedy little hotels darkened booth in beer soaked run down dives. What the hell was he doing? Why was he here? Nothing good was going to come of it. Nothing good had ever come from his relationship with Cassandra. Once he helped her out of the trouble she was in he was done. He punched the pillow propping it behind his head just as she came from the bathroom a waft of steam following behind looking sexy as hell called the demon in the back of his head as he struggled against his arousal. Face it buddy no matter what she says no matter what she does this is why you’re here this is why you keep coming back no matter the consequences she was like a fever in his blood he couldn’t fight wanting her.  
Cassandra walks from the bathroom strolls to the bed and flops down next to him grinning like a Cheshire cat the hot shower feeling wonderful! It was the most relaxed she’d been in weeks. She’d finally gotten that monkey Devereaux had placed on her back off. Thanks to Rego he now worked for them. She’d gotten Rego exactly where she wanted him right here in this bed. Now all she had to do was wait a few weeks then make the announcement to the proud Poppa.
Cassandra: It’s getting late we had better get out of here. (She moves to stand as Rego reaches for her and pulling her in to his arms trailing kisses down her neck across her breast) 
Rego: I think we have some time. (He whispers seductively at the same moment Cassandra pushes away and stands. She picks up her clothes from the chair and begins to dress)
Cassandra: I just took a shower.
Rego: We could take another one. (He grins propping his head on his palm watching her dress)
Cassandra: It’s getting really late. (She looks over at the clock worry lines creasing her forehead as she hurries her dressing)
Rego: So, what are you going to turn in to a pumpkin? (He chuckles swing his legs to the edge of the bed and reaching for her again. Cassandra pulls from his grasp bends to the floor and grabs her shoes slipping them on as she walks back to the bathroom)
Cassandra: Devereaux should be getting home soon.
Rego: Yeah, Devereaux! (He huffs reaching for his pants and slipping them on) What the hell are we going to do about him?
Cassandra: Please Rego I don’t want to talk about him. Can’t we just enjoy right now. (She comes back to leans in and kisses him)
Rego: We can’t ignore him he’s not going to go away.
Cassandra: What do you want me to do? (She huffs as she reaches in to her purse pulls out her make up bag then walks to the mirror)
Rego: Leave him! (He growls shoving his arms in to his shirt buttoning it as he walks to stand behind her talking to her reflection) Just move out you don’t have to stay there.
Cassandra:  I’ve told you I can’t just leave (Tossing the lipstick back into the bag she moves away from the mirror and shoves it back in her purse then turns to him her voice filled with all the anger and hopelessness she kept buried she falls to the bed fighting back her tears) that and where am I going? I don’t have any money I don’t have a job.
Rego: Go back to working for Colby and Lenka. (Rego sits beside her wrapping her arms around her)
Cassandra: They already filled my position. Besides I was so bored! I really don’t have the interest or the skills for that job I was a fashion designer. My last job was as a buyer for that store chains in France remember? Not much call for that in Pine Valley. (She smiles weakly then stands and shrugs in to her jacket)
Rego:  Well you can’t keep staying with him!
Cassandra: What do you suggest? (She bites back bitterly then turns her back to him hoping she had pushed him far enough she couldn’t leave Devereaux until she had security) 
Rego: I could get you an apartment. (Was he kidding? Was that the best he could do? She needed more than an apartment! She needed the Sherrigan name)
Cassandra: Then what? (She shrugs)
Rego: Then you would be away from him.
Cassandra: And then he sends me to prison or worse. You still don’t get it Devereaux is obsessed he came all the way to Pine Valley to get me he’s not going to just let me walk away if he can’t have me no one can.  It would be different if you…. (Her voice trails off)
Rego: If I what?
Cassandra: Nothing forget it!
Rego: No say it if I what?
Cassandra: If you were going to be living with me then I wouldn’t be afraid.
Rego: If I started living with you my father would cut me off with out a cent then where would we be? (Maybe she should just drop her bombshell now it could work the thought of having to go back to Devereaux made her skin crawl but she couldn’t rush this if it was going to work out the way she wanted she had to bait the hook very carefully she couldn’t have Daddy de-railing the money train)
Cassandra: So then I have to play along with him.
Rego: I guess you’re right for the moment there’s nothing we can do till I figure out how to deal with him.
Cassandra: Until we can figure out what to do. (She kisses him deeply feeling herself being aroused she pulls from him. She couldn’t allow carnal desire to get in her way) Now I better get going I don’t want to make him angry. (She slides in tingeing her voice with a hint of fear just for good measure)
Rego: What happens when he’s angry? (He comes to her turning her to face him she closes her eyes turning her face away unable to look at him) Answer Cassandra what happens when he get’s angry?
Cassandra: Nothing.
Rego: Does he hurt you? Look at me does he hurt you?
Cassandra: No of course not. (She moves away from him moderating her voice to sound both fearful and dismissive)
Rego: Are you sure? You would tell me if he did wouldn’t you.
Cassandra: Of course I’m sure I would know wouldn’t I?
Rego: Would you tell me?
Cassandra: I have to go. (She moves quickly for the door reaching for the handle. Rego walks quickly behind her placing his hand on the door-jam preventing her from opening it)
Rego: No, you’re not going anywhere would you tell me?
Cassandra: Yes I would tell you. (She grinds out between clenched teeth nodding her head toward the door. Rego removes his hand reluctantly knowing she was lying to him and feeling helpless to do anything to prevent it) I have to go. I’ll call you okay? (She brushes her lips against his smiles then scurries from the room shutting the door behind her. He was exactly where she wanted him just a few more carefully planned steps and she would be exactly where she wanted to be. Now to beat Devereaux back home, home she laughs to herself not for very much longer.

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