Friday, January 4, 2013

Jesse 01/04/2013

Jesse walks in to the police station stopping by the desk sergeant on his way through.
Sergeant: Evening Chief! What are you doing back here?
Jesse: My wife wanted to check on a patient on the way home so I figured I’d stop in here see what’s going on.
Sergeant: Been pretty quiet all night.
Jesse: That’s always a good thing.
Sergeant: Yes sir! You’re looking pretty spiffy you and the Mrs. out for a night on the town?
Jesse: No coming home from my best friends wedding.
Sergeant: Aww, another poor bastard bites the dust!
Jesse: Tell me about it! Did Drummond make it in?
Sergeant: Late but he made it.
Jesse: Good, I’m going to be in my office for a while if you need me.
Sergeant: I’ll alert the Media.
Jesse: You don’t have too they always seem to know exactly where I am.
Sergeant: Ain’t that the truth? Oh, chief wait a second (He says coming from around the desk and handing Jesse and envelope) this came for you a little while ago.
Jesse: Great, Thanks oh and only you and I know I’m here got it?
Sergeant: Haven’t seen you since yesterday. (Jesse walks down the hall to his office looking down at the envelope tapping it on his palm as he walks. If this was, what he thought it was he’d need the privacy of his office. For some reason Angie always had a way of dropping in on him whenever he was trying to keep something on the down low. He stops in front of the door fumbles in his pocket for a moment before opening the door)
Officer: Chief
Jesse: Officer. (He open the door flipping the switch for the light then walks to the desk tossing the envelope on the bolter. He shakes out of his jacket hanging it on the back of the chair and sitting down. He picks up the envelope and stares at. Would what was in it confirm his suspicions or just leave him with more questions. What was in it could change his family forever and did he want to be the one responsible for what ever happened once the truth was out? But, he more than anyone knew that the truth had a way of coming out no matter how hard you tried to keep it buried and this was no different. He taps the envelope against his palm then stares at it again. There was no point in delaying the inevitable. One way or the other the truth needed to be known and dealt with. He reaches for his letter opener sliding it carefully under the flap and slicing it open. He removes the folded sheets of paper skimming through them quickly to the part he needed. Ninety-nine point nine-eight percent likelihood that subjects is father and child. Griff was Randi’s father. Now what was he going to do? Call Frankie. He reaches for the office phone just as it rings.
Jesse: Chief Hubbard!
Sergeant: Chief, this O’Rourke at the front desk.
Jesse: What’s up O’Rourke?
Sergeant: I have a call from Officer Monroe.
Jesse: I thought I told you I wasn’t here?
Sergeant: He says it’s urgent.
Jesse: Okay put him through. (He waits a couple of seconds till he hears the Brot’s voice on the other end)
Brot: Chief this is Detective Monroe.
Jesse: Go-ahead detective.
Brot: I’m here on Oswego Ridge there’s been a hit and run involving a limo. The limo went over the edge. Sir, it’s really bad.
Jesse: How bad?
Brot: It’s Tad and Taylor’s limo Jesse.
Jesse: Oh my God! I’ll be right there! (He takes the envelope placing it in his desk drawer and locking it before grabbing his jacket and coat and running out the door)