Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tad and Taylor the Wedding Part 13

Tad: Taylor? Taylor? (He moans fighting against the throbbing in his head)
Taylor: T..Tad (She says weakly)
Tad: I’m right here honey. I’m right here. (He rolls his head slowly from side to side struggling to get his barring)
Taylor: T…Tt…Tad…
Tad: I’m right here Baby, I’m right here! (He moans he wills his eyes to focus till he can see the shadowed outline of Taylor’s upper torso inside the mangled vehicle her face wane and pale intermittently lit by the still flashing hazard light)  
Taylor: I feel like something is pressing on top of me. I…I…It’s hard to breath. (She tries to will her outstretched arm to move but her fingers barely scratch the dirt)
Tad: Can you pull your self out?
Taylor: I c…c…can’t move
Tad: Are you in pain?
Taylor: No, I’m c…c…cold.
Tad: Hang in there honey I’m going to try to get you. (He gathers his strength and pushes against the rocky surface then falls back screaming in agony)
Taylor: Tad? (She cries out trying to force herself to move towards him but her body doesn’t respond to her efforts)
Tad: I think my legs are broken. (Perspiration bathes his body as he fights against the pain in his legs to once again reach for her and finds her cool listless hand and holds it tightly in his)
Jenny: I like and dislike this part. (Brushing a stray tear from her cheek)
Phil: This kind is always extra difficult.
Jenny: That’s probably why they had us do it this time.
Phil: Yeah, ready when you are. (He sighs heavily then looks at her his expression grim)
Jenny: They have a few more minutes lets give them that. (She takes his hand in hers as he nods his head in agreement)
Devereaux: Get it into the trunk hurry up! (He shouts looking up and down the road)
Maurice: That’s all of it sir. (He brushes his hands together dusting the truck grime from his gloves)
Devereaux: Take him with you (pointing to the other driver) sweep through the truck again make sure there’s nothing left behind.
Maurice: Yes sir. (He replies flatly walking quickly back towards the damaged truck as Devereaux focuses his attention on the other driver)
Devereaux: Un load the rest of the cargo in the alternate warehouse here are the directions, then get rid of the truck make sure it’s clean and it’s never found. Give me your phone. (The driver reaches in his pocket pulling out his phone and hands it to him Devereaux snatches it from him placing it in his pocket) Take this one there is a pre-programmed number you can use it to reach your contact when you’re done then dispose of it. As soon as you’re finished I want you two on the next flight back understand?
Driver: Understood. (Nodding as he tucks the new phone away)
Maurice: It’s clean sir.
Devereaux: Good, here (he hands a new phone to the other driver then takes his old one) do not make any calls between here and the warehouse not on that phone or any other. That goes for both of you understood?
Driver: Yes sir.
Devereaux: Now get out of here! Go! (Devereaux watches angrily as the two of them walk hurriedly to the truck and climb inside. They are lucky that he hadn’t killed them right then and right now but that would have been another mess to clean up he’d have to deal with them later. Luckily for them there hadn’t been anyone else down this back road since it happened. He watches till the tail light of the truck disappears into the darkness then reaches in to his pocket and dials 911)
Devereaux: I’d like to report a horrible accident!
Taylor: Tad? (She moans her voice sounding weaker than before)
Tad: I’m here honey. (He croaks chocking back his tears as feelings panic and fear begin to rise inside him)
Taylor: Hold my hand.
Tad: I am honey I’m holding it as tight as I can. (He sobs his tears flowing unchecked down his cheeks)
Taylor: I’m so tired. (She sighs heavily)
Tad: I know honey but you have to stay with me okay? (he gives her hand a squeeze chocking back another sob. Jenny moves to the other side of the car and bends smiling down at Taylor)
Taylor: Who are you? (Frowning up at the face glowing above her)
Tad: It’s me honey I’m right here.
Jenny: Hi. (She says gently the sound of her voice comforting to Taylor)
Taylor: Wait, I know who you are.
Tad: That’s great honey. (sounding hopeful and panicked all at the same time)
Taylor: Jenny (she smiles then looks confused)
Tad: Jenny and Kathy are fine they’re with Jamie.
Taylor: How did you get here?
Jenny: I was sent to guide you.
Tad: We were on our way to the airport.
Jenny: Are you ready to go.
Taylor: Where are we going? (She frowns up at her eyes wide not sure what to do)
Tad: We’re on our way to our honeymoon, remember
Taylor: Yeah, we’re on our way to the Rivera. (She looks towards Jenny her eyes pleading a knowing voice warning her something was wrong)
Jenny: No honey I’m afraid you and I have to go. (She says softly )
Taylor: I don’t want to go yet I want to see my family.
Tad: We’ll see them as soon as we get back I promise.
Jenny: You don’t have a choice.
Taylor: Can we stay a little longer?
Tad: We can stay as long as you want.
Jenny: I’m sorry there’s not much time. You have to say good-bye now. (She extends her hand towards her holding it gently in her own Taylor begins to feel a warmth and understanding spread through as her fear recedes)
Taylor: If I have to go then I’m glad it’s now. (Jenny nods as Taylor turns her attention to Tad mixed tears of joy and sadness streaming down her cheeks) I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day or a more loving husband and father.
Tad: Taylor? (He shakes her hand then lets got craning his neck from side to side looking for something, someone) No honey hang in there don’t let go! HELP! (He bellows futilely at the trees praying for help that was never going to be there in time)
Taylor: No, Tad shhhh! Shhh! It’s time. (She whispers as Tad grasps for her hand)
Tad: Taylor, baby stay with me! HELLLLP! (He screams into the empty night sky)
Taylor:  Tad stop li….listen to me please.
Tad: Okay baby I’m here I’m right here. (He strains to move closer ignoring the excruciating pain shooting mercilessly up his leg)
Taylor: Today …It was exactly what I wanted you are exactly what I wanted. Our life is everything I dreamed it would be and that’s all because of you Tad. I love you so much (She sniffs a single tear rolling down her cheek towards her ear unable to move her hand to wipe it away as Tad struggles to control the rage and anguish building inside him as he pleads with her)
Tad: Honey please! Please stay with me! (He chokes out between sobs)
Taylor: and I love the girls. I love the life we had together. You’ve made me happier than I have ever been in my life. I love you with all my heart and always will. Good-b…b…
Tad: Taylor? Taylor! Taylor! Come on honey don’t do this! No! Don’t! Taylor! Taylor! (His mournful wails fill the canyon his tears blinding his vision as he searches the darkness for a glimpse of her face as the courtesy light flickers out and the darkness of the night and in his heart envelopes him completely. Taylor leans down and gently kisses his temple then turns to Jenny)
Taylor: My poor Tad. Is he going to be all right?
Jenny: He’ll be okay in time. (She says looking down upon her brother his sorrowful wails once again wrenching at her heart)
Taylor: I don’t want to leave him here like this.
Jenny I promise you he won’t be alone (Pulling her gaze from Tad and flashes Taylor a reassuring smile then takes her hand) a friend will be watching over him but we have to go.
Taylor: Good-bye my love. (She says blowing him a kiss then follows behind Jenny in to the brightness.
 Opal wakes with a start then listens a moment for the sound of Palmer gently snoring beside her. The sound comforting her after her night terror. She sits up glances over at Palmer asleep with the book open on his chest. She reaches to the end of the bed for her robe wrapping it around her like a cocoon and belting it tightly around her waist she walks to the window and stares out over the horizon. This dream was similar yet had been worse than the one earlier where the one earlier had left her feeling afraid and panicked this one had left her feeling forlorn with an over whelming feeling of loss and sadness. She closes her eyes a moment trying to piece together the remnants of her dream and make sense of it but it was all to confusing and just downright frightening and she didn’t know why. “What is it” she mutters aloud then turns quickly as Palmer snorts then continues his lone night song. Whatever darkness was coming she prayed it wouldn't touch her family. She turns back towards the window her eye catching a flash as it ascends in to the sky and disappears she blinks then rubs her eyes dismissing it as another trick her mind was playing on her tonight just another one of those light flashes that had been plaguing her dreams all evening.She shuffles back to the bed crawls between the sheets and snuggles closer to Palmer for warmth and comfort as a chill rattles through her sending shivers through her heart and body. Palmer awakes startled by the shaking of the bed his book slides to the floor as he turns towards her)
Palmer: My God you’re shivering! Come here (He moves closer wrapping his arms around her and holding her to him.  He places his palm to her forehead feeling it cool to his warm hand) that’s it I’m calling the doctor first thing in he morning.
Opal: I don’t need a doctor Palmer just hold me please. (She snuggles in to the warmth of his embrace closes her eyes and silently prays)  

1 comment:

  1. oh my poor Tad.well written scene Takeitish you made me cry.
