Friday, March 15, 2013

Kendall , Annie and Ryan 03/15/2013

Kendall finishes putting the last few touches on the stage then steps back to admire her handy work.
Kendall: Perfect! (She stands back admiring her work)
Annie: Absolutely perfect! (She says smilingly brightly)
Kendall: Hey! (She leans in hugging her) You like?
Annie: It’s great it’s exactly what I wanted! Thank you so much! (She says hugging her again)
Kendall: No thank you! I had such a good time working on this!
Annie: I can’t wait to see Amanda do her walk around on it!
Kendall: Me either but I didn’t think Amanda was even coming?
Annie: She didn’t leave me any messages I’m sure she’ll be here.
Kendall: I heard about what happened on the news I was afraid she wouldn’t want to come.
Annie: So was I.
Amanda: I’m here! I’m here! (She says running up to the two of them out of breath carrying a clothing bag) Sorry I’m late but we hit a lot of traffic coming from the heliport.
Annie: You’re fine you have plenty of time! I’m just really glad you made it! (She says hugging her)
Amanda: So am I. I wasn’t sure I should. (Her voice becoming solemn for a moment as she thinks about last nights events)
Kendall: What changed your mind?
Amanda: Jamie and Francessca, they made me realize how important this was not just to me but, to my family. Everyone but Jake that is but, (anger edging her voice) I can’t think about that right now I need to concentrate on the presentation. (Before she shakes it off putting Jake to the back of her mind)
Annie: That’s right and you’re going to be great! Why don’t you go get ready and we’ll have a quick run through before the opening.
Amanda: Okay I’ll be back in five. (She smiles walking towards the dressing room)
Annie: Great!
Kendall: Well I’m done here I should getting back. (She place her folders back in her briefcase and closes it)
Annie: Thanks Kendall it looks great you did a fantastic job.
Ryan: I couldn’t agree more. (He walks up behind them)
Annie: Ryan! What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t coming till later?
Ryan: The meeting Devereaux and I had scheduled so I was able to get here earlier than I expected.
Annie: That’s great Amanda just got here. She went in to the back to change and then we’re going to do a run through before we open.
Kendall: Well I’m going to get going.
Annie: Kendall thank you again everything looks great!
Kendall: You’re welcome I really enjoyed doing it.
Stage Hand: Ms. Mc Dermott may I speak with you a moment please?
Annie: Sure. Kendall I’ll see you soon. (Kendal picks up her purse and briefcase and starts to walk past Ryan)
Kendall: Have a good day Ryan. (He reaches out and grasps her elbow stopping her)
Ryan: Kendall before you go can I talk to you a moment?
Kendall: I really need to get going I don’t want to miss my train. (She looks down at her watch and then back at him her eyes cold)
Ryan: This will only take a minute.
Kendall: I’m really pressed for time Ryan I have to get back home so I can pick up Spike and Ian from school.
Ryan: How’s Spike doing?
Kendall: He’s fine not that it’s any of your concern anymore. (Her voice as frosty as her expression)
Ryan: I just wanted to apologize to you for everything that happened.
Kendall: Fine, is that it?
Ryan: I was hoping we could go back to being friends. (He huffs his voice almost pleading as Kendall’s eyes narrow to slits)
Kendall: I honestly don’t see that happening Ryan. After everything that’s you did to me and my family I don’t think we could ever go back to the way it was.
Ryan: Well then maybe we could start fresh?
Kendall: I don't thinks so. She says shutting him down her expression closed)
Ryan: I think if Greenlee were here she’d want us to at least try.
Kendall: Don’t you dare bring up Greenlee!
Ryan: But Greenlee was a part of this. I was just in so much pain after she died I convinced myself I needed to avenge her. (Kendall stares at him shocked in to silence for a moment as her anger comes full force) 
Kendall: Nothing you did had anything to do with Greenlee it was all about you and your need to punish everyone because of your pain. She hates what you became!
Ryan: I know, I know and I’m really sorry for everything I did. (He pleads)
Kendall: I can’t talk about this right now I need to go. (She shifts her purse on her shoulder and picks up her satchel)
Ryan: At least promise you’ll think about it.
Kendall: There’s nothing to think about Ryan you and I will never be friends again. Now if you I have to go. (She says pushing past him and heading for the exist. Ryan watches as she walks hurriedly toward to exist and through the doors to the waiting car. He turns looking at the stage she’d created and feeling remorse for reputable damage he done to their relationship. He missed her friendship more than he’d thought. He could hear her words echoing in his head “She hates what you became!” but it wasn’t so much how she said it but what she’d said if Greenlee was dead, why had she used the present tense?)

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