Monday, March 11, 2013

Liza and Miriam 03/11/2013

Liza and Miriam walk in to the emergency room to a quiet and sleep Martin family sprawled around the waiting room.
Miriam: Good morning everyone Liza and I bought coffee and a basket of goodies from the Serving Spoon.
Ruth: Oh Miriam, Liza you didn’t have to do that! Thank you! (She stands hugging each one)
Liza: We figured you guys would be hungry.
Adrian: I’m glad you did I don’t know about anyone else but I’m starved!
Jamie: Me too, thanks Miriam.
Miriam: My pleasure darling (She kisses his cheek) how’s your Dad have you heard anything?
Jamie: We should hear something soon. (he reaches for a muffin from the basket and bites in to it as Miriam looks around the room)
Miriam: Where’s Francessca?
Jamie: My mom took her home a little while ago.
Liza: That’s good she’s pretty far along now?
Jamie: Another few weeks give or take.
Miriam: Are you getting nervous?
Jamie: A little. (He smiles sheepishly)
Liza: Don’t be you’re going to be a great Dad. (She miles patting him on the shoulder)
Opal: Hey Miriam, Liza (She says hugging one then the other) thank you so much for coming by and bring all of this food for us.
Miriam: Darling where else would I be. How are you holding up?
Opal: Pretty good I guess I just wish they would tell us something. (Her brow knit together as concern taints her voice) 
Jamie: We should hear something soon Grandma. (He says putting his arm around her shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze)
Lola: Hi everyone. (Liza’s head swivels towards the sound of Lola’s voice as she walks in to the room and towards Aiden)
Liza: What the heck is she doing here? (She hisses under her breath)
Miriam: Well it is a hospital Liza and she is a doctor. (She whispers leaning closer to Liza as Joe walks towards Lola)
Joe: Where’s Jake what’s happening with Tad?
Lola: Tad’s fine I just saw Jake on my way down here and he asked me to come down and tell you all that Tad came through the surgery just fine and they are moving him to recovery. (A collective sigh of relief goes around the room and Ruth and Opal hug)
Ruth: Oh Thank God!
Opal: When can we see him? (They both turn towards Lola their expressions hopeful)
Lola: You’ll be able to go up and see him in an hour.
Opal: Are you sure he’s going to be all right? (Her face etched with worry again)
Lola: I have it on the best authority he’s going to be fine. (She says giving Opals shoulder a reassuring pat)
Palmer: Thank you Dr. Colgate. (He takes Opal by the hand and leads her towards the table of food)
Lola: My pleasure I’ll see you all later. (She says turning and walking towards the exist as Adrian walks quickly towards her)
Adrian: Hey Lola wait a second.
Miriam: Well now it’s a celebration come on everyone dig in! (She calls across the room Liza looks over at Lola chatting then leans her head closer to her mothers and whispers)
Liza: I need to talk to you.
Miriam: Just a minute dear. (She whispers through her plastered on grin)
Liza: No mother now! (She grasps her mothers elbow and pulls her off to the side. Her mother glares at her annoyed pulling her elbow from her grasp)
Miriam: All right Liza what is it?
Liza: Do you do what I asked you? (She asks glaring at Lola then back to her mother)
Miriam: Oh you mean give up my big fat commission?
Liza: Never mind that I told you I’d pay you back and I will.
Miriam: Ah when is that?
Liza: If you want we can go to the bank right after we leave here, now did you do it?
Miriam: Yes Liza I did it and have to tell you I feel like a real heel!
Liza: You’ll get over it mother and you’ll still get your commission plus, so think about that mother.
Miriam: I suppose you have a point and there are other places. Besides if it’s you and Wellington you’re worried about I would say she’s found a distraction. (She glances over at Lola and Adrian chatting noticing the sparks flying between them. Liza follows her stare then smirks ruefully)
Liza: Trust me Mother that sweetness and life act is just that an act. She may have you and the rest of the town fooled but my gut tells me she’s trouble.
Krystal: Hey everyone how’s Tad. (She walks in to the room quickly hugs her sister as both Ruth and Opal walk towards her)
Opal: Tad’s out of surgery.
Ruth: They should be moving him to his room soon.
Krystal: That’s great news! (Miriam looks from the happy scene and the closeness that has developed between Krystal and her sister back to her daughter)
Miriam: There’s one thing you better watch out for my darling.
Liza: What’s that? (Her voice sound annoyed as she watches the group chatting and laughing on the other side of the room)
Miriam: You had better be careful how you go from here the last thing you to do is take a big swing at a hornets nest. (She warns then walks toward the small group as Liza mutters to herself)
Liza: Trust her if you want to mother but my gut says she’s up to something and I’m going to find out what it is.

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