Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Randi and Frankie 03/05/2013

Frankie: Hey honey! (He comes towards the bed leans down and kisses her then hugs her as Randy wipes the tars from her eyes)
Randi: I was just watching the news and saw what happened to Tad and Taylor!
Frankie: Yeah (He shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck) I was hoping to get down here before you saw that.
Randi: I just can’t believe it. (She reaches for the remote control and turns the Television off then slides over on the bed so that Frankie can sit beside her)
Frankie: Neither could I. (He sighs wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close)
Randi: Have you spoken to Brot or Natalia?
Frankie: I spoke with Natalia she and Brot are with the Thompson’s.
Randi: Those poor people celebrating your daughters wedding one minute and planning her funeral the next.
Frankie: I’m going to stop by there after work.
Randi: Please, give them my love and condolences.
Frankie: I will. (He says wiping a tear away with the back of his hand)
Randi: How’s Tad? The news said he was critically injured and medi-vacted here.
Frankie: They just bought him up to surgery.
Randi: Is he going to be okay.
Frankie: He should be fine but… (His voice trails off as his emotions threaten to overwhelm him)
Randi: Yeah it’s going to be ruff.
Frankie: I just so hard to believe that Sarge is gone. (He mummers resting his head against hers)
Randi: How are you doing? (She reaches for his hand giving it a gentle squeeze)
Frankie: I’m still trying to digest it. I mean the war, loosing Brot her paralysis, the PTSD I thought nothing would ever stop her, now this.
Randi: I know honey.
Frankie: I just can’t stop thinking about Brot.
Randi: He must be devastated.
Frankie: I can only imagine how he’s doing.
Randi: Well he has Natalia she’ll help him through it.
Frankie: I hope so.
Randi: I know so, remember he has all of us to love and support him and so does Tad. We’ll help them through it.
Frankie: We’re going to have to. (She gives his hand another squeeze then looks at a picture of the twins and smiles) 
Randi: How are the kids?
Frankie: Your kids are bad! (He looks at her grinning at the memory of the mornings events)
Randi: Oh, so they’re my children now?
Frankie: Yes they are because my children (He says placing his hand on his chest with mock outrage) would not be so ill breed as to throw peas all around the kitchen.
Randi: You put the food down and then turned your back on them again didn’t you. (She giggles)
Frankie: It was one second!
Randi: Whew! (She says taking off her robe and pushing the blankets down)
Frankie: Are you okay?
Randi: Yeah I’m fine I just a little warm.
Frankie: Are you sure let me check your temperature?
Randi: Frankie I’m fine you don’t need to take my temperature!
Frankie: Yeah, I do. (He places his hand on her forehead then frowns) When was the last time the nurse came in?
Randi: About an hour or so ago and I was fine then and I’m fine now. (She huffs laying her head back against the pillow)
Frankie: Let me see your hands.
Randi: Frankie we’ve talked about this! (She pulls her hands back and balls them in to fists as she shakes her head)
Frankie: I know but if you’re running a fever that could mean an infections come on lie back let me check your abdomen.
Randi: No, I’m not laying down you are my husband not my doctor! (She shakes her head again opening her eyes wide)
Frankie: I know you’re right I’ll call Dr. Colgate.
Randi: Thank you but I’m okay Frankie honest. (She whines then smiles knowing her protest are futile and loving him even more)
Frankie: Lets just play it safe okay?
Randi: Okay, but you have to promise me you’ll come back and cuddle with me.
Frankie: You can take that to the bank (His grin flirtatious as he leans in and kisses her cheek) I’ll be right back. (He walks out the room down the hall to the nurses station and reaches for the phone just as Lola walks to the desk behind him and hands a chart to the nurse)
Lola: Hey Frankie.
Frankie: Hey I was just calling you. (He grasps her elbow gently as the two step away from the desk)
Lola: Oh what’s up?
Frankie: I was just in with Randi and she was complaining that she was hot.
Lola: Yeah, her temperature was up the last time the nurse went through so I upped her antibiotics and I’m running some more test. How is she otherwise? (She looks at him her face filled with concern)
Frankie: Other than the fever she seemed fine. (He say with a shrug watching as Lola face relaxes)
Lola: Good I’ll check in on her again in a little while.
Frankie: Thanks a lot.
Lola: So did you have a good time at the wedding? (She smiles remembering the day with fondness)
Frankie: It was great I just wished it could have stayed that way. (His voice filled with sadness his tone confusing her)
Lola: Why did something happen?
Frankie: You don’t know? (His eye open wide with surprise)
Lola: Know what?
Frankie: Tad and Taylor were in a car accident earlier this evening and Taylor was killed. (His voice trailing off at the end)
Lola: No! Oh my God (Her hand flying to her mouth) I had no idea. How’s Tad?
Frankie: They think he’s going to be fine they were taking him up to surgery.
Lola: That poor family they must be devastated. (She sighs shaking her head)
Frankie: Yeah it was pretty awful to say the least.
Lola: How’s Adrian doing?
Frankie: I’m not sure he stepped away when I was down there earlier but the feeling I got was they could all use a friend.
Lola: Yeah, I’ll stop down. Thanks Frankie.
Frankie: Sure I’m going to go spend some time with my wife we’ll see you later?
Lola: I’ll see you in a few minutes. (She watches him walk down the hall to Randi’s room then walks to the desk)  Hi I’m going to take my break if anyone needs me I’ll be down in the ER.

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