Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tad, Phill and Jake 03/13/2013

Jake leans over Tads bed checking his vitals just as Tad regains consciousness.
Jake: Hey man welcome back.
Tad: Hey.
Jake: How are you feeling?
Tad: Like crap.
Jake: Do you feel any pain?
Tad: No.
Jake: That’s good we had to go in and surgically repair the damage to your leg and you’re going to be in traction to make sure it heels properly. Do you have any questions?
Tad: No.
Jake: Do you need me to do any thing for you?
Tad: I’d like to see my girls.
Jake: I’ll let Cessca know.
Tad: And I need to talk to Jamie and the Thompson’s so I can plan Taylor’s funereal.
Jake: They’ll be time to take care of all that you need to get some rest.
Tad: I need to get this done.
Jake: Okay, but you know were all here to help you if you want it.
Tad:  I’ll be fine.
Jake: You’re not fine Tad none of us are fine least of all you!
Tad: Don’t tell me what to feel! You know what don’t you have other patients to harass? (He growls turning his face away from him)
Jake: No as a matter of fact I after spending all night here I have to go pick up my son from your son’s house because his mother left him there all night! (He growls back snapping the chart closed and tossing it on the tray. Tad turns back towards him fear etching his voice)
Tad: Why? What happened to Amanda?
 Jake: Nothing she ran off to New York this morning.
Tad: Oh yeah (He sighs in relief then smiles) she had that big thing in New York today! Good for her! Taylor was really proud of Amanda and she was so happy and excited for her she’d be glad she went I’m glad you so went.
Jake: You and everyone else. (He mutters his brows drawn his tone irritated Tad looks up at him his patients with his brother gone as he snaps)
Tad: So what does that tell you Jake? If everyone in your family is supporting and proud of your wife except you. So really what does that say about you and your opinion? No answers? You really don’t get how lucky you are do you? Because your wife is right her, right now loving her family so much she is working her butt off to provider for them to make sure they have a good life now and a secure future for her son. And all you can do is whine that you can’t go home and sit on your ass instead of being happy you have someone to go home too! You know you had better wake up and thank God everyday for a wife that loves you and still alive to want to stop acting like a big spoiled baby and grow the hell up! (Jake glowers at Tad a moment then storms out the door)
Phil: Ouch! That was a little harsh don’t you think.
Tad: Well someone had to tell him and to be honest I really don’t have the patients to listen to Jake whine like a four year old! Like I said grow up. (He sighs then rubs his forehead feeling a little guilty for what he said) Do you think he’ll listen finally?
Phil: Yeah I think maybe this time he will. (He reaches over and pats Tad’s shoulder)
Tad: Good I’ve done my good deed you can go now!
Phil: I told you I’m going to be around for a while. (He grins walking towards the bed) You know your attitude is giving me the distinct feeling you don’t want me around. (He laughs)
Tad: When did you get you first clue? (His contorted his voice dripping with sarcasm)
Phil: Come on Tad you and I are going to be together for a while the least we can do is try to get along.
Tad: You still haven’t told me why?
Phil: Because “Y’s” a crooked letter. (He laughs pleased with the shadow of a smile on Tad’s face)
Tad: Gee thanks Gram! I hated when she would say that!
Phil: I hate when she still does! (He nods in agreement as Tad falls silent and thoughtful)
Tad: What’s it like?
Phil: What’s what like? (He looks at him quizzically)
Tad: You know being where you are.
Phil: We keep busy. (He smiles)
Tad: Rattling chains and haunting houses?
Phil: Something like that. ( He grins watching as Tad’s expression becomes closed again)
Tad: Look I’m going to tell you again whatever plans you and the big guy have planned for me I’m out! (He waves his hand dismissively which Phil ignores)
Phil: Well as Al Paccino said every time you think you’re out they suck you back in. So brother get used to it you’re in till he says you’re out.
Tad: You know what just leave me alone I’m tired and I’d love to take a nap. (He turns his head away from him and closes his eyes)
Phil: You and I both know you don’t want to sleep so why don’t you and I talk for a while? (Tad’s head snaps back as he glares at his brother)
Tad: Because I don’t want to talk to you that’s why!
Phil: We can’t anyway here come your mothers! We’ll have to chat latter.
Tad: Yeah can’t wait! (He turns his head away from him again)
Phil: Tad you and I have some real tough stuff coming up and I really need you to get some rest okay?
Tad: Again you have a lot of tough stuff ahead of you because I’m not doing it.
Phil: And I’ve told you, you have no choice so we’ll talk later and be nice to your mothers they’ve had a rough night. (He chides before disappearing)
Tad: Shut up and go away. (He groans laying his head back against the pillow as tears slip down his cheeks)

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