Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Aidan and Adrian 11/27/2013

Adrian sit in the room bellow the suite watching the activity on the monitor as Aidan works at the computer on the table.

Aidan: I am really hatting this man. (He huffs pushing away from the table and standing. He stretches then walks to the window peering out over the river)
Adrian: It's almost over. (Glancing up at him from the monitor)
Aidan: That's what you keep saying yet here we are. (He growls throwing his hands in the air and shacking his fist. Then plops down on the chair in an exasperated heap)
Adrian: Hopefully tonight he'll do something we can use. (he glances back at the monitor watching as Devereaux and Fats walk to the banquet table. He moves the camera as they walk then adjust the volume)
Aidan:  Why should tonight be different from all the other nights? (He reaches for his computer punching each key like a boxer in a ring) We've been at this for weeks and have come up with nothing! (He pushes the computer away and rises rubbing the back of his neck)
Adrian: He's going to slip up. (He moves the camera watching the two as they chat) No one can go as long as he has and not make a mistake we just have to find it.
Aidan: Well I have been at this for weeks and I haven't found anything useful! (he shakes his head pulls the keyboard back to him and continues typing then reading as he talks)
Adrian: We just have to keep digging it's there somewhere. (he pans the camera back as the two resume their seats at the gaming table)
Aidan: I guess it's better than listening to those idiots again all night. (He grins as Adrian pulls the head phones away from his ears as a big guffaw of laughter booms through them)
Adrian: I feel you the crap is getting deep in there.
Aidan: Have you gotten anything from Anna on that truck?
Adrian: No, she still looking but she did find something interesting.
Aidan: Please tell me it's something useful! (He says with a roll of his eyes as he closes another of Devereaux's emails then open another)
Adrian: She was able to trace that packet you found on the scene of the accident.
Aidan: Don't keep it to yourself man what's she got?
Adrian: She found a similar match to whats been floating through France and England. It seems to have found its way across the channel. The packaging changes slightly between countries Anna has her people trying to break the coding, but the residue she tested from the packet you found matches all of them.
Aidan: Was she able to trace where it came from?
Adrian: No, not yet but matching the source of all three is a big step. (Aidan nods in agreemen going back to scanning the plethora of emails in Devearux's mail box)
Aidan: Any idea how it ended up here?
Adrian: From what she can tell it's just like you thought it showed up here the same night as Tad's accident and on the streets.    
Aidan: So we were right it was Devereaux's truck that ran Tad off the road.
Adrian: We just have to find a way to tie him to it.
Aidan: Makes me wish I still had my security pass back at "Cambius". (He says off offhandedly tossing another useless email aside then pulling up another)
Adrian: then you really could do some searching!
Aidan: Why not? (He turns towards Aidan his eyes bright as the idea formulates in his head)
Adrian: Why not what?
Aidan: Why not go back to "Cambius".(The thought holding more promise by the moment)
Adrian: Do you think you could?
Aidan: Why not? (He shrugs) Ryan has been dying to make it up to me.
Adrian: It would definitely get us a lot closer than we are now. Maybe we could finally figure out where he hides his files. Aidains eyes brighten again then lessen as the moment wear on and reality begins to take root)
Aidan: One thing though how do I explain it to Annie? (He scratches his head looking perplexed as the reality of his idea looses luster)  She'd never go for it. She's worked her butt off to get free of Ryan and I'm talking about put us right back where we were started. 
Adrian: You don't have to stay once the job is over you can leave. )He smails and shrugs liking the idea more and more as the moments wore on and a planned formulated in his head)
Aidan: Argh! (He groans rolling his hand his forehead) What the hell was I thinking! You're not getting it! Going back to "Cambius" could put my relationship with Anne in dangerous water. How am I going to explain going back there? (He mind whrirls with with with guilt and trepidation for even thinking to put them in that situation ans Adrian with plans of possibility to access to hidden files and secrets he longed for)
Adrian: With Tad laid up for who knows how long business is really slow and since you're getting married soon you could really use the money. There's an opening you thought you'd take it for just a little while at least till Tad gets out. (He leans back in his seat smiling proudly)
Aidan: I see you've thought this all out! (His brow creased with anger at Adrian's presumptuous grin)  Have my life all planned out now do ya mate?
Adrian: It's what I do.(His grin broadening as he shrugs)
Aidan: Well do it with your own life! (His voice sunding as agitated as his expression looked)Why don't you take the job and I'll keep our surveillance! (he nods liking the idea more and more)
Adrian: Because it would look suspicious if I went for the job!
Aidan: And it wouldn't if I did? (his eyes wide with disbelief)
Adrian: It would less suspicious if you went since you've already worked there. It would be a lot easier for you than me. (His voice level and reasonable only his grin betraying his underlining mockery)
Aidan: And a lot more destructive to my life! (He groans wishing he'd never thought of it)
Adrian: It could get us done with this crap sooner. Aren't you tired of sitting around hotel rooms stalking this guy? You being at Cambius could get us out of here a lot faster.
Aidan: You're right but (he groans) I can't and I'm not jeopardizing my future with Anne if she says one word against this I'm out got it? (He say with finality nodding his to accent his point)
Adrian: If you talk it over with Anne and she say no I promise I'll do it. (he concedes as he mentally weighs the pros and cons on the situation)
Aidan: What cover story have you worked out for yourself? (Knowing from years of experience Adrian already had his cover already pieced together)
Adrian: Basically same as yours Tad in the hospital I want to stick around for my family. It also gives me a reason to stay around Pine Valley without making this guy suspicious. Either way one of us needs to get in there. 
Aidan: Sounds good to me. Congratulation you've got the job! (He stretches his hand out to shake Adrian's who bats it away and laughs then his his voice takes a deadly tone all laughter evaporated)
Aidan: I don't know if I can be that close to this guy without killing him.
Aidan: I don't know if I could be with Ryan everyday without killing him.(They look at each and nod in agreement each knowing the other reservations with the plan)
Adrian: Flip a coin? (He reaches in his pocket trying to fish out a coin as Adrian reaches for the deck of cards on the side table)
Aidan: High card?
Adrian: Here you shuffle. (He tosses him the deck. Aidan opens the packaging ossing the celeophane on the table then discarding the the jokers and shuffles)
Aidan: Okay draw. (Adrian puills the card from the dck then waits while Aida pulls his) Now me.(They both flip the crds on the table. Adrain grins broadly thanking his luck and Aidan sighs resolutely cursing his) I guess it's me.
Adrian: Sorry man. (He picks up the card stuffing them back in to the box then places them back on the table)
Aidan: No, it was fair hopefully Anne will understand. (He walks back to the table pulling the computer to him as Adrian picks up his head set smiling as he places then on his ears)
Adrian: You could always throw in "regular hours" so you can spend more time with her and Emma" 
Aidan: Do me a favor don't help! (He shakes his hands in the air warding off  his assistance his eyes wide) No I can't say that because I'll still be doing stuff with you. (He sighs realizing being at Cambius and working with Adrain would mean less time with Annie not more) Don't worry about it, it will be fine. Besides, this guy is responsible for killing Taylor.
Adrian: Don't worry about working with me (Reading the teltype going across Aidans forehead as his emotions played across his face) I can probably get Sergei to fill in. I'm sure Lenka would love to spend some time with his wife. Besides he needs to keep up his real life cover. (Enjoying the small smile spread across Aidan's face)
Aidan: You've thought of everyone what about you? (His grin fades a little as he realizes that his absences could mean more hours for him)
Adrain: I'm going to keep on him like a pit bull! Once I get a real hold on him I'm not letting go! I'm going to make him pay for what he did to my family!  

Friday, November 22, 2013

Randi and Fracessca 11/22/2013

Francessca walks to Randi's door knocking gently as she calls to Randi.

Francessca: Hey! it's me!
Randi: Hey girl!
Francessca: Heeeeeey! What's going on? (She runs to the bed giving her a big hug then sits on the side of it facing her)
Randi: Nothing! I'm so glad you came down to see me! I gets so boring here at night.
Francessca: Well this is your last night you must be excited?
Randi: Girl, I'm already packed! (They laugh)
Francessca: I can't blame you! (With a roll of her eyes) I can't wait to get out of here and get home! I've been here less than two days and I'm going crazy you must be climbing the walls!
Randi: Climbing? Honey I was about ready to tear them down!
Francessca: I bet the kids can't wait to have their Mommy home.

Randi: Not being with my babies every day has been the hardest part of this. I just want to go home and get back to my life! (She throw her hands up and groans then laughs hen humbles) I truly have so much to be thank for fall this year.
Francessca: Yeah we really do. So what's the first thing you want to do when you get home?
Randi: Hug my kids watch them play and plan Thanksgiving dinner. What are you and Jamie doing for Thanksgiving?
Francessca: We're going to Chuck and Donna's it's their turn to host Christmas Dinner this year.
Randi: Okay (She says cocking her head to the side as she quickly runs through her guest list) so that going to be with maybe Cassandra and that Deveraux guy (She groans) that makes eleven.
Francessca: That's going to be a lot of work.
Randi: Honey I've been looking forward to this for month and you know how we do it will be all right. (She winks and they both laughs) Besides I have someone extra special coming to dinner this year. That's kind of why I asked you to come by.
Francessca: Why? Who's coming to dinner? (Her posture and voice suddenly defensive making Randi laugh)
Randi: No nothing like that I just wanted to talk to you. (Her voice becoming serious) I figured you would be the only person I knew thatwould understand how I feel right now.
Francessca: I'll try, what happened.(Her voice concerned her eyes searching Randi's face)
Randi: Today, I found my father.
Francessca: What...Who? (Her eyes wide with surprise)
Randi: Griff, he's my father.
Francessca: Wow...Griff?...That's awesome (She reaches over hugging her)  I'm really happy for you. You are happy right?
Randi: Yes, kind of I've always wondered and dreamed about having my parents it's exciting and terrifying.  
Francessca: But, it's strange too you feel happy and angry at the same time.
Randi: Yeah! I think I've felt every emotion I have since he told me.
Francessca: That's going to happen for a while but then it starts to fade. I remember when I found out about Michael I felt so angry and betrayed. I mean I understood what happened but I still felt lied to. It made me second guess myself for a while. It rattles who you thought you were.
Randi: Yeah! You have that...
Francessca: Like Rumpelstiltskin or something.
Randi: Yes, or one of those games where you have to shake the pieces back into place. Its just weird you know?
Francessca: For weeks after I found out about my Dad I didn't know if I was coming or going. Everything I thought I knew abut my self I questioned and there was this man who was all excited about finally being with his daughter wanting that relationship he'd been dreaming about and all you can think is who the hell are you and what do you really want from me?
Randi: And if I give in to what you want am I going to end up being hurt? How'd you deal with it all?
Francessca: My Mom, Natalia, Brooke, Jamie Zach, YOU were all there to help. And, my Dad was great he wasn't pushy or smothering.What about Griff?

Randi: He was alright wasn't pushy he wasn't angry in fact he was very apologetic and there's a sadness about him.
Francessca: Yeah ( She sighs) my Dad had that for a while it takes a while but it works itself out.
Randi: I think it's guilt! (Her tone emphatic then calms) At least with Griff.
Francessca: I know with my Dad it was definitely a part of it.
Randi: Griff blames himself for everything that happened to me and mother and sadly it was. (She looks at Francessca her face a mask of hurt and confusion. Francessca takes her hand and holds it gently in hers)
Francessca: I guess his being in prison was a part of that?
Randi: Yeah, a big part. I'm trying not too...(She stops herself swallowing down hr anger before continuing) but after hearing his story it's hard. (Her expression pained her eyes pleading)
Francessca: Believe me I get that. Sometimes the anger was overwhelming.
Randi: How did you deal with that?
Francessca: I pretended I had this beautiful fantasy life with Rego and I went to the gym a lot and Tad was a lot of help
Randi: Tad?
Francessca: At one point the man had three mothers.
Randi: Oh my God!I had forgotten about that!
Francessca: If anyone knows what it's like to have multiple parents he does!
Randi: Wow! This is crazy!
Francessca: That was when he thought he was Ted Orsini. That's  how he and my mom met.
Randi:Oh yeah I remember Frankie telling me something about that. I guess that makes him the authority. 
Francessca: It could be worse. We could have two complete idiots claiming to be our fathers. (They both laugh) Griff seems like a very decent man and Carmen likes him. Holly Crap! Does Carmen know?
Randi: We had a long talk this afternoon after Griff left. From what Carmen says he's a really good guy. We tlked for a while this morning  he seems to be okay. We'll see how it goes.(She shrugs)
Francessca: It's get easier, after a while it will be as if he's always been there. (She smiles hugging Randi)
Randi: Thanks Cess! (She pats her gently on the back giving her squeeze the lets go)
Francessca: One good thing is a least we have each other. 
Randi: I can think of anyone better. So tell me how was it really yesterday you know with Rego being there?
Francessca: It wasn't bad I figure it was just meant to be. (She shrugs) 
Randi: Judging by the look on your face I take you haven't changed your mind?
Francessca: No, I came close but I didn't thank God. Rego is a manipulative liar and a fool his still being with Cassandra proves it. As long as he's with her I never will. I don't want her anywhere near my son!
Randi: Come on, do you really think she would hurt a child? (Her face construed in dis belief one eye brow raised)
Francessca: Maybe not intentionally but, I think she will do whatever, say whatever and use whomever to get what she wants. I won't let her make my son a part of her games.(Her arms folded over her chest her mouth twisted in to a grimace and resolute)
Randi: Honey you're Mom now your job is to protect your child. If you think this is the best thing for your son I can't argue with you on that. (She reaches out taking Francessca's hand in hers) Just think about what what we're going through now. Do you want your son to go through what we're going through.?
 Francessca: Hopefully he'll never find out so he won't have to. (She mumbles)
Randi: Honey, (She says with a laugh shaking he hand) you and I both know the truth will come out sooner or later it always does
Francessca: I hope it's later but if and when it comes out I'll deal with it then. Right now I have to protect my son and as long as Rego is the same immature idiot he always was and with Cassandra, I'm not telling him.

Randi: Your secrets safe with me I promise. (She says giving her hand a reassuring squeeze)
Francessca: Thanks Randi.
Randi: Baby that's what girl friends do. (She grins hugging her tightly then letting her go, She smiles her eyes bright with mischief as she moves closer) And the other thing girl friends do is give their other girl friends relationships a push in the the right direction.
Francessca: Which girlfriend are we talking about?
Randi: Your best friend and my sister in-law Nataila.
Francessca: Oh yeah!! Way past time! I'm in!


Friday, November 15, 2013

Rego and Cassandra 11/15/2013

Cassandra steps from the shower and stands in front of the mirror examining the welts that were already forming where he'd whipped her with the razor strap. She stares down at her stomach the only spot where there weren't any then around to her back at the marks his shoe had left where he'd kicked her. Thank God she'd managed to roll fast enough before his foot had made impact. Mustering the courage she looks in the mirror at her face. It wasn't as bad as it felt at least not yet. There was a bruise forming on her cheek and jaw she could cover with makeup and the goose egg on her head she could cover with her hair or a scarf. she decided quickly rushing from the bathroom and dressing hurriedly. She needed to dress and get out before he came back. She reminds herself as she rushes into the bathroom. Inspecting what that monster had done she reaches for her makeup and start the repair work on her face. She definitely wasn't staying around for the next time! She had lain there in a panic desperately trying to think of a way to get away from him,his phone ringing had been like a prayer answered. It had taken everything she had not to bounce with glee. She'd prayed what ever it was would force him out of the house. After he'd beat her then rapped her he'd fallen asleep on top of her pinning her to the floor. She'd lain there for what seemed like hours afraid to move to make a sound afraid she'd awaken him and there would be a repeat of what had just happened. So she'd lain there praying and then his phone rang. He'd awakened with a start then smiled down at her lovingly as if nothing happened then pulled away from her and answered it. She'd sat up then regretted it as pain shot through her body her thoughts immediately going to the child she carried, She quickly analyzed the pain she felt and concluded that wasn't where she hurt. He finished his call quickly kneeling down on the floor next to her and retrieving his clothes as he spoke
Devereaux: I have to go out for a little while.
Cassandra: Where are you going?
Devereaux: I have a meeting to attend to.
Cassandra: Do you want me to go with you?
Devereaux: No, you get some rest I'll be back shortly. I'm going to take a quick shower. (He'd smiled at her stroked the bruise on her cheek then kissed it) I'm sorry for that my love but you never understand anything the easy way I hope we understand each other now? (She'd nodded her head in agreement he'd kissed her again this time tenderly then rose and headed for the bathroom. She'd waited for him to close the door and start the shower before rising and dragging her self to the bed. She'd wailed into the pillow her tears saturating the spot where she'd held it to her face muffling her shrieks of agony until he'd turned off the water. She'd pushed herself underneath the covers pretending to be asleep as he hastened around the room dressing. Holding herself still and breathing steady and evenly as he'd kissed her cheek and managing not to throw up before he left. She'd waited for the sound of the elevator doors closing then run to the window to watch for his limo to leave. She stared at her reflection satisfied with cover up job she'd done. She grabs her bag shoving the rest of her toiletries inside zipping it closed. She gives the bathroom a quick once over turns off the light as she dashes to the closet grabs her fur coats putting one on under the other. If for "A" or "B" reason Rego wouldn't help she could pawn these for the cash. She grabs her case and travel bag walking quietly to the door and peeping through the keyhole. It was just as she'd thought. Devereaux had left a body guard outside the door. Hopefully there wasn't one outside the servants entrance and she could sneak down the stairs to the next floor with out being seen. She'd tipped to the servants entrance through the kitchen and peeped out the door. From this angel she could see his closed eyes and chin resting on his chest as he slept. She quietly placed her case outside the door then the other stepping out behind them and closing the door silently behind her. She reaches for the door to the fire exist praying it didn't squeal when she opened it. She smiles to herself as it creeps open without out a sound then moves her bags to the landing and closing it as quietly as the last. She tips down the steps skipping the next floor and going to two below it she peeps into the hall making sure it was clear before stepping out in to it then pressing the button for the elevator. She waits less than a minute for the car to arrive then presses the button for the parking garage avoiding the lobby completely. The last thing she needed was that loud mouth door man seeing her. Hopefully he wouldn't spot her car leaving the garage but it didn't matter she planned to dump it as soon as she got far enough from the building. She reaches for her phone then presses the button Rego's number. The phone rings as she taps on the steering wheel counting each ring before he picks up)
Rego: Hey what's going on I thought you were going to meet me an hour ago.
Cassandra: Are you still there? (Allowing some of the panic she felt to edge her voice)
Rego: Of course not! (He rolls his eye skyward biting his lip to control his annoyance. He sighs then continues) I waited a while then I went home.
Cassandra: Are you  at your parents? (Her panic becoming more real tears begin to constrict her throat)
Rego: Yes why? (Concern starting to seep in to his consciousness as hears the distraught)
Cassandra: I need you to pick me up. (She croaks out then begins to sob)
Rego: Why don't you just come to the house?
Cassandra: No! (She screams then continues sounding more panicked than before)  it's too dangerous and I can't let anyone see me like this and I can't let him find me! I need you to pick me up I can't keep driving my car. (She breaks down in sobs again)
Rego: What the hell happened? (His own panic starting to set in)
Cassandra: He found out about us! I thought he was going to kill me!
Rego: Where? (He sweeps up his keys from the dresser shrugging into his coat as he runs down the steps toward the front door)
Cassandra: Pick me up at the Pine Valley train station.(She sobs out)
Rego: I'll be right there.
Cassandra: Hurry! ( She smiles to herself tossing the phone from the window.  Devereaux had made this so much easier for her. Once Rego saw what he'd done to her he'd be putty in her hands and she'd be Mrs. Rego Sherrigan by sunrise tomorrow)        

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Phillip and Dani 11/14/52013

Dani and Phillip stride up the walk way hand in hand chatting till they reach the front step.
Dani: What I really want to do is surf in Hawaii.
Phillip: I got on one once, it was horrible all I did was fall off.  (He jokes his hands in his pockets as he smiles down at her)
Dani: Come on it can't be that bad? (She says over her shoulder as she walks to the porch swing and sits Phillip following behind her then sitting in the empty space next to her)
Phillip: I'm serious! I have absolutely no sense of balance what so ever. I'm lucky I can walk. (He teases making her giggle)
Dani: I've seen you walk its not that bad. (She steals a look at him from the corner of her eye watching him digest what she said then giggles when he leans forward his eyes wide with mock indignation) 
Phillip: So you admit it's bad?
Dani: Nothing a little practice can`t  fix. (She teases)
Phillip: Only if you help me? (His voice softens as he turns towards her enjoying the slight blush on her cheeks)
Dani: Oh I don't know, (She rises quickly his nearness making her suddenly uncomfortable she walks to the railing leaning her hands against it and looking across the lawn) I'm going to be kind of busy with classes,,studying...(She grins looking back at him over her shoulder. He rises quickly coming to stand beside her)
Phillip: Ah you have to help me considering you do it so beautifully. (Their eyes lock as Phillip leans towards her. Dani stands transfixed as if a spell had been cast over them her chin tilts up to meet his lips as somthing inside bangs to the floor and Tea's voice can be heard mumbling to herself breaking the spell) So did you have a good time?
Dani: That was absolutely amazing!
Phillip: I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Dani: I can’t believe I just had dinner with the owner, editor and publisher of “Tempo” magazine!(She squeals spinning in a small circle and sitting back on the swing) 
Phillip: Yeah, Brooke is pretty amazing. (He grins sitting next to her)
Dani: And she is just so real! I mean I’m sitting there talking to her and after like two minutes I was like telling her my entire life story.
Phillip: Yeah it’s cool the way she does that.
Dani: Dude it’s way more than cool! It’s flipping amazing!
Phillip: I’m glad you had a good time.
Dani: That was like the best night of my life! I got to meet a real journalist.
Phillip: Wait I thought you said your father owns a newspaper?
Dani: I don’t really think you could call what Todd does journalism's. (She says with a roll of her eyes then laughs)
Phillip: What about your aunt? Vicky was it.
Dani: Yeah she’s pretty awesome  but it,s not exactly the same. Brooke English is like the reporters, reporter she's legend. Like that piece she did with Mike Roy or the one she did on homeless women? She won like a dozen awards just for those two alone!  Thank you so much for asking me.Phillip: 
Phillip: You’re very welcome I`m really glad you came.
Dani: So am I.
Phillip: So what are you doing tomorrow?
Dani: Well I`m supposed to go shopping and have lunch with this girl I met today.
Phillip:  What about tomorrow night?
Dani: Nothing  really why?
Phillip: "The Black Keys" are playing at this club in Llanview if we can score tickets do you want to come?
Dani: I'd love to and I might know how to score us some tickets. (She says with a nod of her head a confident grin playing on her lips)
Phillip: You`'re joking? (He turns towards her eye wide)
Dani: No, the club you`'re  talking about is owned by my stepmother I'm pretty sure I'll ask her.
Phillip: Let me know if you can and I'll call my friend see what he comes up with. What time is a good time to call you?
Dani: Umm around one-thirty.
Phillip: So I'll call you and we can compare notes?
Dani: That sounds great.
Phillip: I'd better get my grandfather's car back. (He looks at his watch then stands)
Dani: I'd better go in before my Mom starts flashing the porch lights or something. (She laughs taking his offered hand and stands)
Phillip: Thank you Ms.Manning for a fabulous evenings. Without you I would have been bored out out of my mind.
Dani: Thank you Mr.Brent I had a great time.
Phillip: I'll see you tomorrow. (He steps down a step making them almost eye level holding her hand a little )
Dani: See you tomorrow. (She tips up kissing him gently on the lips then moves towards the door)
Phillip: See you tomorrow. (She smiles and waves then opens the door closing it quietly behind her. He watches a moment then strides down the walk whistling to his self as he walks back to his car. He climbs into the vehicle sliding the key in to the ignition and starts the car at the same moment his phone rings. He slaps the dashboard with one hand and pulls on to the road rolling slowly down the street as he talks)
Phillip: Tell me what's poppin Girlie? 
Molly: Where are you?
Phillip: I had something else to do.
Molly: I thought you said you were going to stop by?
Phillip: No, you said you wanted to meet up tonight I told you I was busy.
Molly: Come on a John's got the key to his Dad's boat  Justin's got a keg so a bunch of going to party on the river. 
Phillip: Naw I can't I'm moving into the house with my Uncle and his girl friend tomorrow.
Molly: What happened to my favorite party boy?
Phillip: The Party's over Love.
Molly: I hope that doesn't include me?
Phillip: Our party's was over a long time ago besides I thought you and Justin were hooking up now?
Molly: Justin's cool it's just you should come it's the last night before classes it's just not going to be party without you.
Phillip: You mean it's just not a party without the party favors. 
Molly: Now that you mention it do you have anything?
Phillip: I told you weeks ago darling, I'm done my summer semester is all paid and I'm out. 
Molly: So that's it?
Phillip: Done, I'm not taking any chances with my scholarship But you might want to check with Kyle.
Molly: Cool, sure you won't come?
Phillip: No I can't besides I have to get my Grandfathers car back. Oh and if you can't get Kyle, try Randy  
Molly: Thanks Dude! See you tomorrow.
Phillip: Have fun. (The ends as Phillip gets to the end of the street checking the traffic pulls out on to the highway then up the hill back towards his Grandfathers. No, partying with Justin and Molly tonight getting sucked back in to her games no way. She was way to much of a party girl for him and he wasn't sure what else she needed but what ever it was, he wasn't the guy to give it to her. Whatever he mentally shrugs, she was Justin's problem now. Besides tonight at his Grandfather's with Dani had actually been fun. There was just something about her. He smiles wistfully to his self looking forward to tomorrow at one-thirty)    

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Zach and Rhea 11/13/2013

Zach walks into his office his eyes flick over the stacks of paper piled on his desk that he had no interest in. He missed the days of just runnings the casino He missed the taste of excitement in the air, that thrill he felt when ever he walked through the door. This just made him feel dead inside. This wasn't what he enjoyed or wanted he had done it more for Kendall than anything else. When she and Palmer had come to him with the proposal to help save Cortlandt Electronic and his casino by incorporating them it had seemed a great way to save them both and make a ton of money by bringing Rhea on board and it was. All the work the wheeling and dealing had been fun at first but now all he felt was restless and a longing to be back in his element.Perhaps Michael had the right idea just screw everyone and do what you want to do. The hell with everyone else. Isn't that what he'd always done? But it was just him anymore there was Kendall and the boys to think about and really what was there to think about? He had money coming in from the casino and they had made a fortune on "Synergy Systems" Slater-Cortlandt didn't need this Slater to stay solvent heck the company no longer needed the Slater portion of the moniker at all. Besides Rhea was a Slater she and Petey would be fine without him. He was going back to the casino as soon as possible and he'd have to thank his brother later for helping him come to his senses. He smiles to himself as he turns from the window and smiles at the papers on his desk. Pretty soon this will no longer be his responsibility and the more he thinks about the broader he smiled and the better he felt.

Rhea: Hey! What are you doing here? (She looks at him eyes wide with surprise)
Zach: I was going to get some work done before I go home. What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at the hospital visiting that new grandson of yours?
Rhea: I'm on my way. I was just going to drop this on your desk and hope it didn't get lost in the forest you have growing there. (She laughs pointing to the stacks of files on his desk)
Zach: Yeah sorry about that. I'm going to get through it I promise. Hey, how about I step down and you and Pete take over the company? (He blurts out grinning at the confused and shocked expression on her face)
Rhea: You're joking? (She stares at him searching his expression and finding no humor in his eyes)
Zach: No, I'm serious. I can't do this and honestly I don't want to.
Rhea: You're serious. (She sighs with resolution knowing from his tone his mind was made up)
Zach: Very. I'm going back to the casino. I don't like this. I don't need the money and I love my casino so why bother doing something I hate. You and Pete can take over you still have the brand actually a better brand when you release "Europa". So how do we go about making you two CEO?
Rhea: I can call the lawyers, (Her mind racing over the implications and making a mental checklist) have you talked to Palmer?
Zach: I haven't talked to anyone I just decided about five seconds before you walked in. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Back to where I belong. (His voice sounding frustrated and disappointed)
Rhea: We've been friends a really long time and I want you to do what ever makes you happy. Palmer. Pete and I will be fine. Who knows this may be great for Slater-Cortlandt. What about Kendall? What she going to say when you tell her?
Zach: Kendall wants what ever makes me happy and this is what will make me happy. Besides it will give me more time with her and the kids. She'll love that part.
Rhea: We'll miss you around here.
Zach: I'll miss seeing you too but, we're family we'll see each other.
Rhea: Sometimes I'm not so sure. (She raises her eyebrow her lips pursed mouth twisted to side)
Zach: Micheal and I just had a misunderstanding we'll work it out sooner or later.
Rhea: Anything you can do to make it sooner would be better.(He smiles at the deja vu conversation. Like mother like daughter)
Zach: I promise you, Micheal and I will work it out.(Giving her shoulder a reassuring pat)
Rhea: I'm going to keep you to it and that reminds me(She looks at her watch) I better get out of here before visiting hours end. I'll see you tomorrow? (Her eyes questioning)
Zach: I'll finish what I started.( He reassures her. She smiles placing the papers on the corner of his desk then turning towards the door)
Rhea: Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
Zach: Night. (Zach watches her leave closing the door behind her then turns toward the desk and sighs thankful for the ringing of his phone and the familiar sound of Dax's ring tone) What's going on?
Dax: Hey I have some high rollers up in one of the luxury suits.
Zach: Is there a problem with them?
Dax: Not a problem per say but one you may be interested in.
Zach: And who might that be?
Dax: A Mr. Devearux St. Jacques.
Zach: So he's doing a little gambling.
Dax: It's not so much that he's gambling it's with whom that you'll find interesting.
Zach: Oh yeah?
Dax: Lenka Gregorian, his usual side-kick some local high roller and some local high-end drug dealer named Fats.
Zach: Huh. (He says cocking his head to one side his mind going a mile a minute) Keep an eye on that situation will you?
Dax: Roger that. Talk to you in the morning.
Zach: Night. (Interesting what would someone like Devearuax St.Jacques be playing cards with Lenka Gregorian and some local drug dealer yes he'd definetly been away from his casino way too long)


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tad ,Jamie and JR 11/12/2013

Jamie and Tad

Jamie calls to his father as he walks into his Dad’s room grinning from ear to ear carrying his son.

Jamie: Hey! Hey, hey! Look who came down from the nursery to see his Granddad!
Tad: I can’t believe you bought him down! (He tosses the last of his ribs on to the plate)
Jamie: We were sitting up in the nursery bored out of our skulls when Logan here had a brilliant idea to see his Granddad. (He stares at Tad with a start his as he stares at his father who's face and hands are covered in Barbecue sauce resembling some deranged mime) 
Tad: Oh yeah give me the baby! (he reaches out waving his sauce lacesed fingers
Jamie: Not till you clean the barbeque sauce from your face and hands. He laughs and shakes his head) 
Tad: Your Grandma Opal brought me back some ribs from Krystal’s. Man they were good! (He pats his belly leaving a palm print)
Jamie: What did you take a bath in them? (He laughs again)
Tad: That bad huh?
Jamie: You look like you let Kathy and Jenny play dress up with your face. Let me get you a washcloth. (he looks down at the baby then at his father then around the room and finds no place to lay his son. He reaches for the door handle and smiles at his luck)  Hey Lori (He says to the young nursing assistant passing in the hall) Can you help me here?
Lori: Sure Dr. Martin. (Jamie smiles as she walks in the room then points to his father she looks at Tad stopping dead in her tracks eyes wide her mouth agape) Oh good Lord! (she rushes to the bed pulling away the snack tray and discarding the empty packaging then pulls off the stained sheet tossing it in the corner. She scurries to the bathroom runs the water)
Tad: You want me to hold him? (A facetious grin playing on his lips waving his hands "come hither" motion)
Jamie: Nah he might get stuck to you. (he teases back)
Tad: You’re a funny kid a regular laugh riot!
Jamie: Here! (He takes the damp cloth from the attendant and hands it to him)
Tad: Thanks! (He says taking the warm damp cloth and wiping his face and hands) How’s that?
Jamie: One second (He takes the cloth from him handing it back into the bathroom he is handed a clean one and hands it back to Tad. He takes it from him wiping his face and hands)
Tad: Better?
Jamie: Much!
Tad: Do me a favor?
Jamie: Sure.
Tad: Would you take this sheet off and hand me that clean one on the chair over there?
Jamie: One sec. (He glances around searching for a place to set the baby)

Lori: I got it (She smiles shaking her head coming from the bathroom grabbing the sheet and laying it over him) I'll come back later and give you a bath Mr. Martin.
Tad: My favorite part of the day. (He smiles and winks at her making her giggle as she picks up the soiled linens then walks toward Jamie)
Lori: Ah what a cutie congratulation to you and your wife Dr. Martin!
Jamie: Thank you.
Lori: I'll see you on about an hour. Try to stay clean till then. (She grins wagging her finger at him playfully)

Tad: I'll be counting the minutes. (He winks making her giggle again as she walks from the room carrying the soiled linens.) Now give me the Baby!
Jamie: Here you go! Logan say “Hi” to your Granddad.
Tad: He little man looking cute as hell and no worse for wear just like your old Grandad!  You and I have had a rough couple days but we made it you and me. That's because we're a couple of fighters huh? You're one lucky little guy you've got two great parents that love you more that anything in this world and will make sure you're always safe. And you've got your Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins I think that's everyone...Yeah... you can depend on too. I promise you it gets better. I promise you and me we're going to get through them together. That's right Grandpa's going to keep his special eyes on you.  Man he’s strong.(grinning broadly as Logan grasp his finger)
Jamie: Yeah and he's got a pair of lungs on him too! (He grins snapping a picture of his Dad and the baby with his phone)
Tad: How’s Cessie?
Jamie: “Cessie” is on top of the world! I haven’t seen her this happy in a while.  (he pulls the chair closer to the bed and leans back closing his eyes as he talks.)
Tad: What's going on with you?
Jamie: Nothing I'm a little tired I was here late last night then I got up early so I could finish setting up the nursery and I worked a full shift.
Tad: You should go home and get some rest before this little guy gets home. (Adjusting the baby in his arm then back to Jamie)
Jamie: Yeah I told Cess I'd be back in an hour and then I'm going home to crash. I have to be up early I promised Grandma Ruth I'd pick up Jenny from Krystal's.
Tad: Have you seen Kathy today?
Jamie: Yeah for a couple of minutes when they came by to see the baby. (he picks his head up from the back of the chair then straightens his posture)
Tad: Does she seem okay to you?
Jamie: She and Jenny both seemed sad (he shrugs)  but otherwise okay.
Tad: I know you have a lot going on but can you do me a favor please?
Jamie: Sure. (His ears perking at th tone of his fathers voice his playful manner gone for the moment)
Tad: I'm going to be in here for a while so could you and your brother keep an eye on your sisters for me please?
JR: We're way ahead of you Tad. (Grinning broadly as he comes through the door shaking Jamie's hand as he rises to greet him.Then walks to Tad's bed side) 
Tad: Hey! What are you doing here? Good to see you! (He hugs him gingerly then smiles down at his nephew)
JR: Jamie told me he'd be here so came to see you and my new nephew! Wow! He's beautiful man.
Jamie: Thanks man, how are you Rebeka and the the boys?
JR: We're good. The kids are spending the night a Krystal's and Rebeka went to pick up the contracts from "Cambius" So I came here to see you guys! 
Tad: So what do you mean you and Jamie worked something out with your sisters? (Pulling the conversation back to where it started)
Jamie: I'm going to be taking maternity leave so I'm going to be filling in for you.
JR: I'll be keeping the usual schedule that we have. (They look at each other nodding satisfied. Tad looks from one to the other and grins back his voice dripping with sarcasm)
Tad: Great what happens when Maternity leave is over?
Jamie: Then JR and I are going to split up your schedule between us, and Grandmas' Opal and Ruth will fill in when we need them. (they look at each other nodding in agreement)
JR: That's one of the beauties of owning our own business (He shrugs grinning like a Cheshire cat) we can make our own hours. So I'm going to be around a lot more you don't have to worry.
Jamie: Yeah we have it under control. (Tad looks from one to other still feeling leery)
Tad: That's exactly what I'm worried about. The two of you have a lot going on I'm not sure you're going to be able to handle it all.
JR: They're our sister Tad were going to make sure they're okay you have to trust us.
Tad: I do trust you I'm just worried.
Jamie: Dad we get it the girls have been through a lot. We get it and JR and I are going to take care of them we'll make sure they have everything they need or want.
JR: and they both know that they can come talk to us about anything, anytime night or day it's going to be okay.
Jamie: You don't have to worry. (the earnestness in their expressions melting his last reservations) 
Tad: How did I get so lucky to get two great sons? 
JR: We love you Tad. I don't know about Jamie but I know my life would be a mess without you in it. 
Jamie: That goes double for me!
Jr: So do I get to hold my nephews or are you going to keep hogging him? (He puts his arms out reaching for the baby)
Tad: I think I'm going to keep hogging him.(He grins snuggling him a little tighter)
JR: You're kidding right? (He eyebrow raised in surprise)
Tad: Yeah! (Holding baby slightly away from his body so JR can take him from him) Here I need to get myself situated.(He gasp the bar over head pulling himself up in the bed then adjusting the bed)

JR: Hey little guy! (He brushes his cheek wit his finger then smiles up at Jamie looking reminiscent and humble) Wow! It's been a long time since I've held a "Baby" baby, he's beautiful man. How's Francessca?
Jamie: She's great she went to visit Randi for a little while and we decided to come down here.
Tad: I'm really glad you did.
JR: So am I, gave me a chance to see both of you and this little guy.
Tad: Next time you'll have to bring Rebeka and the boys.
JR: I was going to pick up the girls and the boys after school tomorrow and bring them all by. If you want I can stop by Krystal's for you.
Tad: Yeah! Pick me up some of Carmen's Black beans and rice, a couple slices of her roast pork and a big slice of bread pudding!
JR: You got it.(He takes out his phone taps on the keyboard quickly then places it back in his pocket)
Jamie: You are going to be huge by the time you get out of here! (He says with a snort)
Tad: Have you eaten the food here? (he says sounding slightly insulted)  I'm not that bad and how far do you think that snack size Cherrios they give you gets you? I have one big meal a day lunch and I don't eat the dinners they serve, and I'm not on some special diet "Dad".
Jamie: Sorry, (throwing his hands up in surrender then laughs) well at least you won't be painted in sauce. Speaking of which what time is it? (He glances at the clock) I better get him back up to the nursery before the nurses kill me.
Tad: How did you two get out of there in the first place? It's like fort Knox up there.
Jamie: Thank Grandpa. He pulled a little Grandpa magic (He reaches for the baby in JR's arms) but I had better get back. Say bye to Grandpa and Uncle JR.
Tad: Night Logan. (he and JR wave)
JR: Night little man!
Jamie: Night Dad. Good to see you JR talk to you tomorrow. (He pats his brother on the back with his free hand and walks to the door) We'll stop by on our way out tomorrow Dad. (Calls tosses over his shoulder)
Tad: Okay see you tomorrow. So what's going on with you? (Turning toward his son who seemed very please with his elf))
JR: We just finished signing a deal with Cambius. Rebeka and I set the date for our wedding. Tad for the first time in a long time everything is great and I'm happy. (He looks at Tad his expression happier than Tad had seen in him in a long time)