Thursday, August 24, 2017

Brooke and Oliver 08/24/2017


           Brooke walks from her masterbath into her bedroom and sits in front of her dressing table. She thinks back on the evening's events and smiles at the memory of Oliver and Logan rocking in the chair when she'd come up to get him. She'd stood in the doorway a moment and marveled at the Oliver chatting and laughing with his grandson the image the polar opposite of the cold hate filled man she had seen just a few moments before on her veranda. She removes her earrings placing them in the small crystal dish and watches Oliver in the mirror. She tried to gage his mood then shrugs her shoulders and plunges in.
          "This evening ended much better than it started." She says still watching him as she slips out of her heels. Oliver sighs pulling his tie from his neck and tosses it on the back of the chair before sitting down heavily on the side of the bed.
           "Thank God for small favors." He grunts then shakes his head. "At least the women in my family use their God given brains!" He grumbles as he bends and removes his shoes then walks across the room to his closet. Brooke ignores his comment and bluster deciding to ease into what she really wanted to discuss.
             "Yes. she and JR are absolutely adorable together. I'm so glad they both found each other." Oliver smiles remembering the pleasant evening he'd just spent with his niece and her future husband. It had been nice spending the evening discussing their upcoming nuptials and plans for the future with hope instead of the dread he felt whenever he thought of his son.
              "Yes it was a very nice change of pace. We should have them both over more often." He calls over his shoulder. "As you said much better than how the evening started but at least we didn't have to deal with my idiot son and his woman at the end of it." He chuckles bitterly.
          "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks waiting for a venomous tirade but instead his voice sounded frustrated and tinged with sorrow.
             "I feel so helpless! It's as if my son is completely blind!"
              "Or, blinded by love." She says softly as Oliver's brow furrows followed by a long sigh of exasperation.
          "You still haven't considered that possibility have you?" She says then smiles at the the look of shock ,disgust then consideration as he undresses and hangs his suit. She bites her lip then braces herself hoping her next words didn't send him off into a fury.
            " As much as I don't like the women that Cassandra has become, I'm very proud of the man Rego is becoming." She says looking up in the mirror as he steps out of the closet back into the room his face a mask of confusion.
            "How in the world could a brilliant woman such as yourself be proud of anything my son has done since the moment that women exploded into our lives?" He says crossing the room and standing behind her staring back at her reflection in the mirror.
             "I'm not talking about how she seduced Rego that's besides  the point. I'm talking about the matured Rego that's taken responsibility for his actions and he's acting like the man I know you raised him to be." She says firmly reaching for her brush and running it quickly through her hair ignoring the look of angry confusion on his face.
             "I could be very proud of him if it wasn't this particular issue he's chosen to become noble about." He says walking into the bathroom as he speaks. Brooke continues as if she hadn't heard what he'd said refusing to be distracted by his sarcasm.
            " Honey, all I'm saying is despite what you may believe to be true Rego believes this is his child. He's doing everything in his power to protect it from harm. And at this moment Cassandra and her baby are a package deal. I think you should give him some credit for that and maybe cut him just a little slack." She finishes as she rises and begins to remove the pillows from the bed tossing them onto the chaise lounge in the corner just as Oliver comes back in the room tying the strings of his pajama bottoms as he walks.
            " I know, I know and your right as always my love." He says coming behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to him. "It's just that woman is so infuriating with smug smile. And, the way she can never really look you in the eyes. The constant lie on her lips."  Brooke nods her head in agreement as she turns to face him.
            "I understand exactly what you're saying but when you attack Rego all you're doing is making the bond between them stronger. You may not see but what you're actually doing is creating a challenge and you and I know just how much Rego enjoys a challenge. At the end of whatever game Cassandra playing there are going to be two people hurt your son and an innocent child who may very well be your grandchild." Oliver smiles down at her and holds her close.
            "How in the world did I ever get so lucky to find you?" He says kissing her as he pushes her gently back on the bed.  
            "And one more thing." She says pushing gently against his chest.
            "What's that my love?" He whispers as he nuzzles her neck sending a shiver through her. Making her almost forget what she was going to say before she pulls away from him.
             " I don't ever want to hear you say the things you said to him today or anything like it ever again. You can't allow your anger at the situation drive your words. To be honest you frightened me." Oliver stops his lovemaking her words freezing him in motion.
            "My God Brooke I don't ever want you to be afraid of me. I swear on our Grandson's life I would never intentionally harm you or anyone else in my family."  Brooke reaches up and lovingly strokes his cheek.
           "I know you wouldn't but sometimes words can hurt worse than physical abuse and physical wounds heal faster." Oliver looks down at her and smiles.
           "This is why I love you Brooke English-Sherrigan you protect all your children." Brooke smiles back pulling him closer.
            " That's because when I married you Rego, Rebeka and Endre all became my children. Now enough about the kids let's concentrate on us" She says pulling him close pushing the evening's events from her mind and kissing him deeply.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Erica and Corbin, Jack and Tea 08/23/2017


               Corbin turns from the Matire'd and follows Erica's line of sight catching one of the steamiest kisses he'd never catch on camera. Then looks at the expression on Erica's face and swallows hard happy he wasn't on the receiving end of her murderous glare.
               "It will be just a moment." He say snapping Erica's attention back to him. Erica shakes her hair back from her face and squares her shoulder plastering a broad smile on her face.
            "Wonderful I'm starved." She says taking hold of his arm as they're lead to their table. She steals another glance at Jack and Tea as they stand enamored of each other in the middle of the restaurant. Oblivious to anything else but each other as Erica takes the offered seat across from Corbin her fury barely contained.
              Jackson gently releases Tea from his arms knowing if he held her any longer he wouldn't be able to stop himself. The kiss had lit a fire in him he'd thought long ago extinguished. It was like eating and suddenly realising how hungry you are and can't eat fast enough. Tea's eye lock with his the mad hunger in his eyes matching the one threatening to erupt from her. She pulls away needing the fiery current between them to end by breaking his touch and allowing her to think.
            "Ummm, ah...yeah are we a still going to the a...." She stumbles over her words as she feels the color rising up from her chest to stain her cheeks.
            " sure lead the way." He stutters back allowing her to walk in front of him as they head toward the exist. Neither noticing Erica or her companion.  
            "Wasn't that Jackson Montgomery?" Corbin asks noting the long stare at the two of them over the top of her menu.
             "Was it?" She asks laying down her menu and looking around the restaurant then back to her menu.
             "I must have missed them." She say scrolling intently through her menu. Corbin forces down a laugh.
              "Yeah I don't think anyone could have missed that!" He says desperately trying to smother his laughter. Erica ignores his remark keeping her voice cool and aloof.
              "I'm not sure what you are talking about. Are you ready to order?" She lays her menu to the side and signals to the waiter terminating the subject.
               "Yeah sure." He says distractedly his eyes still following the pair. He wasn't sure what he'd witnessed or what to do with the information he had but knowing it would be somehow useful in the future.
               Erica watches the wheels turn in Corbin's head she'd given away too much. She hadn't meant for it to happen but the shock of seeing the two of them was overwhelming the most infuriating part was he hadn't even noticed her. All of it left her feeling angry and somewhat defeated. Not defeated, not yet! She still had weapons in her arsenal and she was going to use every one. If it was war this DelGado woman wanted then it was going to be a fight to the death. As far as Corbin was concerned he really didn't have anything useful to use against her if anything he had shown her his weakness. One she planned to exploit.
            "So, going back to the scripts. Since we've changed the premise back to the way it should be how soon can your typing chimps have those changes available?" She smirks drawing Corbin's attention back to her and away from Jack and Tea.
            "I'm sorry what?" He says snapping his attention back to her.
            "I said, " She continues hiding her amusement. "How quickly can your writing staff have the revisions?" Corbin looks back her confused. Just moments before she was was seething with rage and jealousy now she was the picture of poise and confidence leaving him feeling just a little off balance.
             "Umm they should be able to have them ready in about a day or two depending on whatever other changes we make."
              "So you're planning other changes?" She asks sounding innocent and conversational as she shakes out her napkin and places it on her lap. Corbin shakes his head.
              "Well, I do want to definitely accentuate the jealousy between Jerica and Sara and I would like to make the fight over Peter to be just a little more vicious." Erica raises one brow reminding herself to remain calm and see where he was going with his new concept.
               "How so?" Corbin clears his throat  as he looks around the room. Then props his elbow on the table resting his head in his palm and leans towards he as he whispers.
               "I'd like to include some notes I got from Tara Martin when I was researching Sara. You know a couple of pranks you pulled on her in high school you didn't include in your book. I think when Jerica finally does get Peter and loses the baby it will show just how long and how much in love she was with Peter and how devastating the loss of that child and eventually Peter truly was to Jerica. I really think it will make the audience really empathetic." He finishes as Erica eyes flash angrily her voice cool and steady.
           "You spoke to Tara Jefferson?" Corbin nods
           "Of course I did. It was all apart of the research. You didn't think I left that up to just anyone? I'm the head writer and producer. I need to know my subjects inside and out. I've spoken to every person in your life the characters represent on the show. I wanted to make sure they were more than just two dimensional. I found it very enlightening. I think I know more about you than even Jackson Montgomery." He says grinning from ear to ear.
           "So you think." Erica laughs back inside her stomach dropping. Her evening had just gone from worse to catastrophic! It wasn't enough she would have to contend with that Tea DelGado and figure out a way to get her out of Jackson's life without ruining his career. Now she had to deal with an arrogant know it all who thought he knew her! Just wait and see Corbin! Tea DelGado was a problem but there wasn't a man born that she didn't know how to deal with! Especially obnoxious arrogant men who thought they "Knew her"    

Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Cassandra and Rego 08/15/2017


          Joe hovers by the Maitre'd stand looking over his shoulder for his father. He spots him seated at the far end of the restaurant away from the bulk of patrons  and moves hastily to the table to greet him.
         "Bonjour Pappa!" He says kissing both of his cheeks.
          "Bonjour, bon de vous voir fils." Maurice says then resumes the seat across from him and continues their conversation in french limiting the amount of people that could over hear.
          "I took the liberty of ordering for both of us." Maurice says as the first course is set before them. Maurice waits until the waiter departs before continuing.
          "How did it go with Monsieur's whore?" Maurice asks bitterness tinge his voice. Joe smiles and nods.
           "Just as you had expected the child she's carrying is the monsieur's."  He says with a sly grin. Maurice stares back at him brow raised in surprise.
          "I didn't witness any explosions this afternoon what did you do?" Joe's chuckles softly.
             "Actually I didn't have to do anything other than what Monsieur had instructed leaving us both out of the eye of suspicion and Monsieur extremely pleased. At this moment they both have exactly what they want. She has her husband and Monsieur has the truth." He laughs again. Maurice laughs with him as he raises his glass in salute.
          "Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for St. Jacques to make his move." Joe smiles as he clicks his glass against his father's.
          "And you can be sure it won't be long, then we will make ours." Joe says making them both laugh.
            Devereaux stares down at the tests and smiles to himself. He had Cassandra exactly where he wanted her. She just didn't know it. Right now she was basking in the fact that she'd pulled off her plan and none were the wiser. She was probably gloating that there was nothing he or Oliver Sherrigan could do at the moment and now thought she'd bought herself a few more months of safety. What she'd actually bought were mere weeks! He laughs aloud.
            If he knew Cassandra and he did, sometimes better than she knew herself. She was going to use this little victory to the hilt! She'd play frail and dependent to woo Rego into her web. She'd pull out all the stops to make him feel like the proud expectant husband, father and protector. In fact right now he'd bet the two were looking for a little place of their own. Ha! Nothing too small knowing Cassandra but she'd want to get him as far away from Oliver as possible right now so she could work her magic.
            He on the other hand, he was going to sit back watch and wait. He'd let them grow closer and closer before sneaking into their little garden of eden and destroying it piece by piece. All her fawning and platitudes should be quite entertaining to watch. There were a couple of events coming up Cassandra was sure to want to be seen at and he was more sure she'd want to rub it in his face that Rego was the father and he'd let that happen too. He wanted her to be good and confident about her position and future with Sherrigan. He let her build that foundation as shaky as it was before coming in with his bulldozer of truth crushing it. He had enough time since the Xangtong bid didn't come up for a few weeks.
             That's when he would spring his trap! He'd have her dancing to his tune and it would be delicious! Just imagining her face when he showed her the real results of her DNA test filled him with unimaginable glee. She'd do anything he asked to keep the fact he was the father of the child she carried not Rego Sherrigan. Anything! She'd get him what he wanted from Sherrigan and anything else he asked of her. Just imagining the humiliation she'd feel in addition to what he could and would inflict on her was literally arousing he thought reaching for the zipper of his pants. He'd have her on her knees both figuratively and literally. He smiled into the darkness as his hand reached beneath soft wool of his trousers. He lays his head back against the cushion of the chair allowing his fantasy to take over and his moans of pleasure fill the room.
              Cassandra startles awake a sense of foreboding coming over her. She sits up and looks around the bedroom peering closely into the shadows for Devereaux. She could still feel his hands on her the sour smell of wine filling her nostrils. His cold breath fanning the nape of her neck his fingers pinching her breast as he whispered to her.
              "You can run Pet but you'll never escape me. The truth will always snare you." The words kept rolling over and over in her mind she couldn't let them go. Maybe it was the unfamiliarity of the room that made her feel haunted or the fact that Rego had left her alone in it after they had bolted from Oliver's house. Or the fact the the truth did haunt her and Devereaux learning it scared her to death. If she could help it he wouldn't!
          She just had to make sure Rego was on her side and stayed on her side. That was and wasn't going to be easy. He had groused and raved the entire way to the Inn up the elevator and into the room. Then as soon as they were in the room he'd ranted at her! All she'd done was suggest if they were going to be here a while they would need bigger accommodations and then he'd flown into another twenty minute hissy fit and stormed from the rooms leaving her alone and honestly feeling a bit vulnerable. Right now she needed Rego to come back she was hungry and still a little tired and she really didn't like being here alone.
          She lifts the covers from her head then laughs at herself when she realizes she'd actually had hidden under the covers as she throws them aside and sit up. She was being ridiculous. Devereaux wasn't going to find out. Joe would be the last person to tell him. He hated Devereaux as much as she did and knew first hand how dangerous he was he wouldn't betray her. No, for now she was safe so what she needed to do was make plans.
         She quickly went to the phone and ordered a late dinner for them then darted into the bathroom washed her face and applied fresh makeup when that was completed she slipped into one of her new maternity dresses that made her look and feel ultra feminine as well as making look as vulnerable as she secretly felt. Next she pulled her Pad from her purse and opened a few browsers with baby clothes and furnishings and another to available homes in the area. Then left it open on the coffee table where he would be sure to see it.  She walked quickly to the knock at the door and opened it for the waitstaff to set up the table and leave. She looked around quickly and smiled satisfied with the mood she'd set then sat down to wait for Rego to arrive only moments before he came back to their rooms.
          "What's all this?" He asks looking around surprised. He set the box in his arms down on the table then his computer next to it. He glances down at the page on the open tablet and smiles. Cassandra smiles back at him and points to the table.
           "I figured since you never had dinner you might be just a little hungry." She says as he walks towards her surprised by her act of kindness especially since he'd walked out on her hours ago. He'd expected her to be asleep when he got back.
             "Thank you very much I'm starved." He says not sure exactly what she was up to but relieved he wouldn't have to face another battle. He was weary from the trials of the day and all he really wanted was a shower. Cassandra looks up at him noting his weary expression she would be the contrite and obedient wife right now.
       "Here, why don't you sit down." She says patting the back of the chair then walking to the coffee table and retrieving the tablet then handing it to him. "I was looking at rental homes in the area and bookmarked a couple so you could see them and I promise they are all reasonable," She adds quickly when she see's the scowl come across his face. "and in nice neighborhoods a couple were near the park where I could walk the baby in the afternoons." She says wistfully. "Then I looked at baby furnishing. There are so many cute things!"
      She says as she picks up a plate and serves it for him then places it in front of him leaning close enough so his hand would brushed her burgeoning belly at the same moment the child stirred within her giving them both a start.
            "Oh my lord! Did you feel that?" Rego looks up at her his eyes wide with joy and surprise into a face that almost mirrored his own. Cassandra lays her hand on her stomach next to Rego's as another movement of her child brings an odd wave a joy over her and peels of laughter from the two of them.  The sensation shocked and surprised her bringing along with another feeling she hadn't felt before for anyone unconditional love. It overwhelmed her making her feel both protective and fierce. No matter what she'd always make sure her child never suffered and would always have the very best of everything no matter what she had to do to get it.
          "That's our child in there." Rego says in awe as he lays his ear against her belly."
          "Yes darling" She murmured wrapping her arms around him.  


Friday, August 11, 2017

Rego and Francessca 08/11/2017


         Rego walks down the hall holding his laptop in one arm and a small box of files in the other he'd forgotten in his haste to leave earlier. He'd gone straight to the Pine Valley Inn and booked a suite for the two of them. Not surprising although the largest in the Inn it wasn't big enough for Cassandra. Nothing was ever big enough or expensive enough or grand enough for Cassandra. That quality in her both amused and infuriated him at the same time and had since the first time he'd met her. Then again everything about Cassandra was maddening and exciting all at the same time. The same could be said about their relationship. The best description for it would be volatile and now, she was carrying his child. What kind of world would they be bringing a child into? Would the fact that she was carrying their child change the way he felt about her or their behavior towards each other? Could they together make a stable home for their child or was his father right was he blind to who Cassandra really was and the relationship between them doomed? He sighs heavily then stops a moment to readjust the box in his arms just outside the nursery door.
              "Raaa Raaa Brrr!" Comes a small voice from inside. Rego place his items on the hall chair and smiles broadly as he comes fully into the room.
              "Hello my precious boy! What are you doing up?" He chuckles as he lifts Logan from his crib and cuddles him. "Can't sleep with all those noisy revelers downstairs?" Logan giggles snuggling his face into Rego's lapel as he chatters nonsensically back.
               "I understand completely! Your ever proud Grandfather dragged you downstairs to show you off to his guest didn't he? Now you can't get to sleep can you?" Logan giggles again.
                "Let's see if Uncle Rego can remedy that and get you back to sleepy land." He says walking to the bookshelf and scanning them. "Here's a good one" He says pulling a book from the shelf then sitting in the rocking chair next to it as he thumbs through a couple of pages. Logan pushes up on his lap and stands laying his head against Rego's chest his arm wrapped around his neck clutching his shirt collar on the other side.
                  "This looks incredibly boring and I'm more than sure you've heard it before. Why don't you and I have one of our little chats hmm?" He's says to a cooing Logan. Rego kisses his cheek making him giggle then plop down into his lap. "I'm going to miss this you and me and our quiet chats. You my little friend are my favorite confidant. You don't judge or offer advise you just listen." Logan looks up at him and grins then snuggles down into Rego's arms. Rego smiles and holds him a little closer as he rocks gently in the chair. "I found out today you are officially going to have a little cousin to play with in a few months." Logan fusses letting out a small whimper then quiets again making Rego chuckle. "I completely get it. Now that it's official I'm not sure how I feel about that either. I mean of course I'll love my son I already do it's his mother. She's the part that perplexes me. I mean she's funny, charming, fun and exciting. She's also calculating, duplicitous and a consummate liar and I don't trust her not that I let your Grandfather know that. If I don't trust her then how can we possibly build a life together or be a family for my son? I don't know why I'm asking you this your mother made the right decision the day she left me for all the same reasons." He says chuckling aloud as he rocks a sleepy eyed Logan. "I was too arrogant, self centered and busy being a "debonair playboy" to appreciate what was right in front of me. I'm sure I wasn't mature enough back then to be a husband or a father. That didn't come till the day you were born my friend. I guess I was her Cassandra." He chuckles again then looks down at a sleeping Logan. " Perhaps if I hadn't been such an ass you, me and your Mum would have been a family." He says whimsically then sighs heavily. "Then the three of us would be going through this." He says with a roll of his eyes. "Perhaps fate stepping in and saving you from that was a good thing. Well none of that matters now does it? Whatever the future brings you and your uncle Rego will always be friends and we'll always tell each other our secrets." He whispers and kisses the sleeping child's head as he rises then places him in his crib. "Good night sweetheart I'll see you soon as we get settled. Uncle Rego loves you." He says as he pulls the blanket up over him tucking it in around him before turning and leaving the room.
            Francessca leans back against the wall the baby monitor in her hand falling to her side. She'd heard all of their conversation and the guilt she felt was overwhelming but there was also an odd feeling of affirmation of everything she'd thought of him at the time. Yet he was also right, since the moment Logan was born he'd been wonderful with him. Still it didn't erase his action in the months leading up to Logan's birth. No, she'd made the right decision and Rego had just confirmed it but what about now?
           "Hi! there" Rego whispers smiling as he comes out of the room and retrieves his belongings from the chair and comes towards her. "You don't have to bother checking we had a nice little chat then he went right off." Francessca peers over his shoulder at her sleeping son and smiles.
            "Thank you so much for getting him settled in." Francessca says walking beside him as he heads toward the stairs.
            "It was my pleasure. Now that Cassandra and I moved out I won't see him as much. I'm really going to miss him." He sighs voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. Francessca smiles back at him as she walks stopping at the top of the steps.
            "You know you're always welcome to come see him anytime." Rego smiles back as they both descend the steps.
             "I may just take you up on that. Not sure how long I can go without my favorite confident" He says with a wink making them both laugh. "You know theses are the first quiet and stress free moments I've had all evening? Thank you." He says feeling a fleeting moment of melancholy for what could have been. Francessca smiles nervously then averts her eyes to hide the sudden pang of guilt rising in her and quickly changes the topic.
             "I know it's kind of soon but have you and Cassandra found a place yet?" Rego shrugs then shakes his head.
             "For now we're staying at the Pine Valley Inn. I'll start looking for a place for us tomorrow."
             "You know that place you and I looked at over on "Honeysuckle Grove" is still for sale. Jamie and I passed it on the way here and the sign was still up." She says as they reach the bottom of the staircase. Rego stares back confused not sure what she was talking about.
              "Love, You and I looked at so many properties back then which one was that?" Francessca rolls her eyes then laughs.
               "The one you really liked with the modern spanish architecture you loved." Rego's eyes open wide his expression more hopeful then she'd seen it all evening.
                "That's fantastic! Do you remember who the realtor is?" He asks excitedly as he sets his load atop the hall table and reaches for his phone.
                 "Yeah, Miriam Chandler. I still have all the information in my phone if you want I can shoot her a text asking her to contact you ASAP ?" She says not waiting for a response and reaching for her phone. She scrolls through her notes is she speaks. Then sends the text to Miriam.
               "You're all set!" She says finishing her text then looking up at him. Rego looks down at his phone a second later a text from Miram already appeared on his phone asking if ten tomorrow would be a good time to meet. Rego quickly text her back agreeing then reaches over and sweeps Francessca into a hug.
               "You my dear are a lifesaver!" He says grabbing her and kissing her quickly surprising them both then setting her down.
               "What's going on?" Jamie asks his eyes going from one to the other unsure what he had happened upon.  The pair stare back at him both looking mildly guilty by his estimate. Thoughts race through his mind none of them comforting.  What had happened before he arrived that would make either feel guilty? The thought sending a bolt of jealousy through him. This wasn't happening again and Rego wasn't leaving till he knew exactly what was going on.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Liza and Wellington 08/09/2017

          Liza stands at the bar counter waiting for the bartender to come back with her change. She looks over at the table and watches Francessca and Jamie talk and laugh with Chase and Erin as Preston chimes in and they all laugh. She then turns her head toward Wellington who waves then laughs at whatever inane thing one of them had said. She was glad she'd missed it. It would have been the seventh time in the past hour he'd had to explain something to her that was common knowledge among the rest of them. She'd had to control herself from rolling her eyes and just politely nodding of her head. Thank God this was just after work cocktails!
          She had to admit she felt just a little out of place with all of them. She was starting to think she was getting too old for all of this. Compared to her companions she was ancient. Well. not quite ancient she mentally protested. She turns toward the mirror catching an image of herself. She still looked great and had been able to hold on to her figure. Hell she'd been able to attract a man twenty plus years her junior she looked dam good! Seriously though what did she really expect? It was bound to happen at some point once she'd actually met his friends and family. After all over the past few months they'd been dating they'd only had to deal with her friends and family and let's face it no one was going to be non-supportive especially after what she'd gone through with Ryan.  She was also, over the past few days starting to feel a little left out and more surprising was it had taken her a week to feel it. It had only occurred to her this evening because she knew almost nothing about Wellington or his life before Pine Valley. Did that really matter? Yes it did it said a lot more about the depths of their relationship than she had wanted to admit. Although they liked each other a great deal they were not in love. She'd been in love and knew how that felt.
           No, what they had wasn't love it was healing and companionship. She from her wounds and he from his. Wellington had been good for her. He was what she needed at the time and she'd enjoyed what they had but it wasn't love. Not the kind of love they could build a real future on and not the kind of love he still had for Lesley Stockton. She'd realized that this evening when the topic had turned toward her He'd told her about her not all the juicy details she was sure but, enough. He'd always stopped just short of his feeling but he'd said enough that she was able to come to the conclusion that she'd been the love of his life and because of Lola he'd lost her. She just hadn't realized how deeply those feelings still ran.
        They'd all been reminiscing when her name had been mentioned. His face lit up as flames of love burned in his eyes and longing had come over his face she'd known for sure Lesley still was. Sadly it confirmed it was time for she and Wellington to end. She needed to end it now while they could still be friends because losing him as a friend would be unbearable.
           "Here you go" The bartender says handing her, her change.
            "Thank you" She says with a smile then walks back to the table thankful to have missed whatever silliness had caused the new burst of laughter.
           "What did I miss?" she asks keeping her polite smile plastered on her face as she resumes her seat.
           "Preston was just telling us about his adventures in Japan." Wellington chuckles.
            "Only you man!" He laughs shaking  his head.
            "And on that note we are going to have to go." Francessca says turning toward Jamie who nods in agreement.
            "We have to pick up the baby from my Mom's and that usually takes forever." He says with a roll of his eyes as he rises from the chair Chase and Erin nodding in agreement.
           "We're going to have to go soon too. I have rounds in the morning and Chase has a meeting over at Slater-Cortlandt." Wellington nods in agreement then turns back towards Liza.
            "Yeah, we still have some last minute details to finish up on our contracts." He says rising then holding Liza's chair for her as she does the same. She sticks out her hand toward Erin and then Chase shakes it.
         "It was really lovely finally meeting both of you and you Preston." She smiles giving Preston's hand a quick shake.
         "It was really great meeting you too. I hope we can do it again sometime." Erin smiles back.
         "Liza it was really good seeing you!" Francessca says as she gives Liza a hug and kiss.
          "Oh and you're taking lunch over to Tad tomorrow right?" She asks and Liza nods in agreement.
           "Yep, I promised him I'd stop by "The Serving Spoon" and pick him up quiche." She says with a laugh.
           "Good Night Liza and thanks." Jamie says as he leans in and kisses her cheek.
           "Anytime honey".  She smiles back as Jamie turns toward his friends.
            "He's going to be a million pounds by the time he gets out of there." Erin laughs and shakes her head.
           "Don't worry I'll check him out tomorrow before my rounds and I'll make sure his physical therapist starts really pushing him and I recommend to all of you to stop giving in to all his food whims he's really just bored trust me on this." She lightly chastises making Liza,Jamie and Francessca blush guiltily and all nodding in agreement.
           "You're right and I should know better. I think Liza's quiche is probably the healthiest thing he will have eaten in days. Hopefully his new room will keep him occupied." Jamie looks down at his watch then back to Preston, Erin and Chase.        
           "Since we have to pass that way, why don't you guys follow me and we'll drop you by the Pine Valley Inn on our way to my Mom's." They all nod in agreement and start walking toward the door leaving Wellington and Liza alone for the first time all evening.
            "So you ready to go?" He asks smiling happily. Liza smiles and nods walking toward the exit Wellington at her side chattering happily as they walked she lost in her own thoughts. Wellington still prattling not noticing her long silence until they were half way home.
           "Hey there, what are you thinking about?" He asks turning toward her as the car rolled to a halt at the traffic light.
           "I'm sorry what?" She says turning towards him as she stalls for time not wanting to reveal what was foremost on her mind she wanted to wait and talk with Tad first.
           "I was just thinking about the contract and tomorrow's meeting." She lies.
           "I was thinking it's still really early we could catch a late supper if you want?"
           "You know I'm really kind of tired and I still have some work to do on the Murphy Case. I was thinking we could call it a night and I'll meet you for breakfast before our meeting." She says with a smile in her voice hoping it was enough to convince him.
           "Sure honey anything you want." He says suspiciously unable to get a good look at her expression as the light changed.
            "Did I do something wrong?" He asks trying to get a good look at her as he drove. Liza smiles into the darkness and shakes her head.
            "You haven't done anything wrong you were great as always I just want to get it done before depositions tomorrow afternoon and since we won't have any time after the meeting tomorrow morning." Wellington nods in agreement back to smiling that same whimsical smile he'd had all evening as he turned into her street.
              "I'm glad you came." He says slowing down as they approach her house. Liza smiles back as she leans in and kisses him.
              "So am I. Goodnight I'll meet you at "Krystal and Carmen's" nine AM sharp." She says pulling away and reaching for the door handle and exiting the car. She leans down into the open window.
              "It was really nice meeting your friends. I think I learned more about you tonight than I have in months." Wellington laughs then winks.
               "Promise you won't hold it against me?" Liza laughs at the irony of his statement.
               "I would never. Besides Tad you're the best friend I have. Careful driving home okay." Wellington smiles back feeling flattered and somehow dismissed at the same time.
              "I will. I'll wait till you get inside."
              "Thanks again. Goodnight" She said standing and walking up the walk. Wellington watches her waiting until she reached the door and gone inside. He waited for her to walk to the front window and wave letting him know she was safe before pulling away. He looked in the mirror and watched her house fade into the darkness with an odd sense foreboding.  

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

Friday, August 4, 2017

Cassandra and Rego 08/04/2017


              Cassandra and Rego walk through the the living room onto the patio swiveling their heads till they spot Brooke and Oliver in the far corner sitting side by side quietly reading.      
               "I'm glad we found you together we have some news." Rego smiles proudly. Oliver looks from one to the other his worst nightmare confirmed before either opened their mouths. Cassandra looking more like the cat that swallowed the canary but something else glittered behind that smile and he knew exactly what it was.
               "We've just come back from the the doctors and she confirmed that the child Cassandra is carrying is ours. Her's and mine." He says firmly. Brooke rises from her seat and congratulates her stepson and Cassandra. Oliver rises from his chair his eyes never leaving Cassandra's face. She was still lying he didn't know how she'd done it or who helped her but that small glint of fear in her eye told him she was.
             "Nothing has changed my original decision still stands. As I told you before. I'll believe it when I can actually see it." Rego's eye fill with fury and from Oliver's vantage point Cassandra's shock and fear disguised as mock hurt.
            "What are you trying to say that somehow Cassandra was able to alter the results of the test?" Rego says his disbelief fueling his anger at his father's belligerence. Oliver nods then shrugs.
            " That's exactly what I think! I think she would pay the devil himself to get what she wants." Cassandra wraps her arms around Rego's waist her eyes well with tears. Oliver was impressed at how quickly she could conjure them.
             "You are absolutely unbelievable Father!" Rego growls his face twisted with hurt and rage. Oliver shrugs again unfazed by his show of emotion. He had an idea how she'd done it but couldn't prove it. Not now any way. Now he'd have to wait a few months till he had his proof but he'd never believe a word that came from her mouth, He thought his eyes boring into hers, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. Brooke looks from one to the other her fear mounting as the situation continues to deteriorate into chaos.
             "Please, the both of you need to stop before you both say things you can't take back." She shouts over them both ignoring her plea as Oliver snarls back at his son.
             "Why won't you believe it? I told you the my terms the day I threw this slut out of my house!
              "Oliver! That's enough!"  Brooke interjects aghast at the venom in Oliver's voice as he continues unimpeded as if she hadn't spoken his focus on Cassandra never wavering.
              "Again none of that has changed and until it has neither will my opinion of this common street walker you seem determined to pull out of the gutter! A man your age should have learned by now that whores are for the bedroom not the boardroom never mix the two? Or are you so blinded that you can no...." Oliver voice trails off his face red with rage as Rego cuts his tirade short mid sentence.
              "That's enough father!" Oliver looks at him as if seeing him for the first time.
               " You listen to me boy! This woman wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her! Have you forgotten what she did to your life before?" Rego eyes glitter with suppressed rage his,
               "There are two things you keep forgetting Cassandra is my wife and the mother of my child. I'm not going to allow you to speak that way about her ever again!"
              "You don't get the right to tell me how I can or can't speak it my own house! If you hadn't disobeyed and bought this prostituált back into my house after I distinctly told you not to you wouldn't have to hear it! As for you," he says turning to a cowering Cassandra starring back at him her eyes bright with triumph.
              "You may have won this round but the battle will be mine! Now get this, this mocskos kurva out of my sight!" He bellows his expression filled with disgust and loathing.
              You don't have to worry father! We won't darken your doorstep ever again! We shall be out of your house by morning!"
               "Good! Then I can have the red light taken down and the rooms cleaned and fumigated!"
               "What is going on? I could hear you both from the driveway!" Rebeka shouts over the foray pulling both of their attentions to her as JR comes in behind her.
                "Ask your idiot cousin and his concubine!" Oliver shouts as he stomps from the room.
               Cassandra watches Oliver storm off her mind screaming every obscenity she knew back at him the self righteous pompous ass! Any other time she would have said it all to his face but playing hurt and demour played more to her favor and had since they'd left the doctor's office. She could feel Rego softening. Good! That was something she would have to work on. She was sure that before long she'd have him completely and thoroughly wrapped around her finger. She'd have to watch herself around Oliver he was definitely going to demand another test when the child came. Perhaps by then with the way Rego had stood up for her she wouldn't need it. She'd make sure of it! For now she had time, she was out of Devereaux's crosshairs and she could breath for a while in the shelter of Rego's very plush very willing arms and there was nothing Oliver could do about it.
 Oliver walks into the nursery and pick up Logan from his crib hugging him closely then kissing his neck making the child gurgle happily.
             "How's Nagyapa boy today?" He chuckles as they sit down in the rocking chair.
             "That's right you are really Nagyapa boy. I knew it the day you were born when I saw that little birth mark on the back of your neck. I almost missed it because of all that hair of yours." He says smoothing the tendrils on his forehead then kissing the top of his head.
              "Just like your Poppa and your Nagyapa and his Poppa and every Sherrigan male for as long as there have been Sherrigan men. Between you and me your Poppa's woman can say whatever she wants. I won't believe that child is a Sherrigan until I can see it with my own eyes." He says giving Logan a little hug before settling back in the rocking chair cradling his grandson.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017 

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Anna, Devereaux and Barbara 08/02/2017


           Deveraux looks down at his watch she was late and that gave her one strike against her but she was relatively new at this, still new or not punctuality was extremely important in his business. According to Broderick she was supposed to be here at seven-thirty sharp and it was already seven-thirty three he'd give her another minute and then he'd leave and contact Broderick about his poor choice for a courier. He wasn't looking forward to tonight's performance. The lead soprano was replaced with her understudy tonight and there was nothing he hated more than second best. Not unlike the woman Broderick had chosen for tonight's errand.
            He'd done a background check on her once he'd been given her name. She was smart, beautiful and a wild card at the very least. The last few years of her life was filled with media attracting scandal and according to his contacts was only recently sober. All in all a worrisome combinations. Although, there had been signs of clear thinking she'd been able to pay her debt and squirrel away quite a large sum of money recently. Whatever she owed Broderick must be huge he wouldn't trust her, not at this point in time anyway. He wouldn't be dealing with her now if he had a choice. He looks down at his watch and another minute had passed. He leaned forward to tap on the glass to signal Maurice his departure at the same moment Maurice lowered it to speak.
         " I believe the person you had been expecting has arrived sir." Maurice states flatly before returning the signal and rolling up the divider. Devereaux reaches for the door handle and exist the car then walks to the slow moving line through the entrance of the theater altering his pace so that Barbara would be directly in front of him as it crept along.          
         "Good evening Ms. Montgomery don't turn around just proceed casually to your seat." He purrs behind her as he nods to casual acquaintances enter the lobby.
         Barbara jumps startled by the voice behind her. She been frightened on the drive here and now, now she was scared to death. She had no idea what the information was on the zip drive she was carrying, what it's importance or what she was expected to take back. She nods her head quickly then makes her way up the stairs to her seat. She looks around the theater then to the empty seat beside her. She looks around the room again wondering which one had been the cold emotionless whisper behind her. She sits back in the seat and flips through the program trying to appear less nervous than she felt the hair prickling on the back of her neck at the memory of the cold emotionless voice upon it. She looked up mildly startled from her thoughts by the blinking lights signaling the beginning of the performance. She looks around the auditorium again then settles back in seat and waits for the performance to begin and it wasn't until the lights completely dimmed and the first chords of the overture playing that the seat next to her became occupied. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and a cold shiver down her spine as the same voice came from beside her.
            "Do you have my property?" Deveraux whispers inbetween the booming of the overture. Barbara nods as fear grips her throat she swallows down her rising fear then whispers back.
             "Yes" Devereaux smiles the dim light glittering in his eyes and off his perfect white teeth giving him a serpent like quality and just as mesmerizing.
              "Good. I want you to place your bag on  your lap as if you're looking for something. I want you to then drop the bag to the floor We will both reach for it. In that moment you will hand it to me. Do you understand?" Devereaux says as Barbara smiles and nods in agreement doing exactly as directed handing him the flash drive as he bends down to retrieve her bag he handing her back her purse which felt oddly heavier as he rises. Barbara smiles thanking him politely then opens it to check the contents spotting the bulky envelope tucked inside.
            "Enjoy your evening Mrs. Montgomery." He says with a nod ending any further communication between them. As the curtain rises Barbara smiles into the darkness she finally had what she needed and could get back to her life and the hell out of Pine Valley. She could check out of the Inn spend a little time at the casino have a few drinks and some fun for a change. Like they said get her groove back. Better yet as soon as she got back to Pine Valley pack her bags and catch the first flight out. There wasn't anything holding her in there. Molly wanted nothing to do with her she'd made that abundantly clear so what was the point of sticking around that hell hole? She could be some place with a cool drink a pair of hot dice in her hand and an even hotter man at her side. Something like the one her daughter had been with this afternoon. Now there was something she could literally sink her teeth into. No! That was what had gotten her in this spot in the first place she couldn't let that happen again. She wouldn't let that happen again she vowed. She couldn't leave without at least trying to see Molly and set things right. No she wasn't leaving she wasn't going to the casino or touching a drink. She was going to stay strong attend a meeting and fix things with her daughter.  
       Anna sits back in her seat and smiles to herself. She'd seen the entire transaction from her angle and the camera had caught it all. They had exchanged something. That satisfied grin on Barbara's face when she'd opened her purse said it all. What that something was she wasn't sure but it was small obviously important she thought perhaps a drive? That would make her an information courier for things they didn't dare transmit over the net. This wasn't going to turn the tide but it got them one step closer and maybe they could use Barbara to do it. They were going to need Lenka and Sergei for this one.
       From the look on her face Barbara wasn't going to be hard to turn. Her fear was almost palatable but that also made her unpredictable. She looks down at her watch then reaches into her purse for her phone and send Aidan a quick text before settling in for the opening of the performance she'd slip out sometime in the middle of it before the intermission and before Brot recognized her.
         She'd seen him come in after Barbara sitting a few rows up and to the left of Devereaux neither had noticed him in the slightest but then he'd stepped in just before the lights dimmed and both had been involved in conversation. Tea and Jack would have to be very careful how they played it since now they had a wild card to deal with. One thing was for sure they were only a few smalls steps in front of Jesse and somehow they needed to figure out how to sprint to the finish.      

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Erica and Corbin, Jack and Tea 08/01/2017


              Erica looks up from the script in front of her watching the sun slip behind the "Cambius Tower" and sighs heavily. They had been at this for hours and had still made no headway and never would not on this portion of the story. She was not about to change her mind no matter what Corbin wanted not on this. Not ever!
            "You do understand this isn't an exact replica of your life? This is fictitious remember? In fact you're the one that wanted to make sure people understood that?" Corbin says his eyes wide his tone rich with sarcasm. Erica stares back at him her tone as cold as her glare.
             "You also said it would be my opportunity to clear up fan misconceptions." She spits back she was not going to back down on this ever.
              "The only misconception..." Corbin shouts back glaring down at her continuing to speak as if he hadn't heard a word she'd said forcing her to shout over him till he silenced.
             " What you are proposing to do will do exactly that! I don't want anyone to have any misconceptions about what happened that night or what happened afterwards!" Corbin shakes his head grinning maniacally.
               "This is a deviation the audience will recognize immediately and we don't have to change anything that happened afterwards! We could do like that cable show did write it so there just a little question in the audience's mind!" He says his face brightening as he looks from Gavin then back to Erica the later face white with shock.
              "There was no seduction!' She roars "My father used me as a bartering chip! It was rape! Neither myself or the character was some kind of fourteen year old slut running around seducing forty year old men!" She yells back then takes a deep breath to calm her racing heart and anger. He was still the most exasperating man she'd ever met her hand itched to slap the smug smile from his face but instead steadies her raging anger and continues as her voice calm and steady.
          "Look Corbin, what you want to do has future ramification for this character. You may see it as her doing whatever it takes to get what she wants other people are going to see her as a fourteen year old slut. That's not the image I want portrayed and I honestly feel it won't be a lasting character or show that way. Leaving the truth  in this particular story will lead to empathy and understanding of her future actions. You have to be able to see that can't you?" Her words sharp and succinct her last cutting. Corban's jaw flexes his eyes narrowed as he rises leaning across the table towards her.
          "And you have to see we are building toward a future powerhouse we can save the actual rape for the future where we can use it as a humbling of sorts in a future storyline." He shouts back his face flushed with suppressed rage. Gavin looks from one to the other knowing if he let it go any further it may come to blows. If he were a betting man his money would be on Erica for this round.
           "Alright enough! This nonsense could go on all night and that is time I don't have to spare! So, I'm going to make the decision! Erica's right Corbin she's fourteen and still a child she not this power house yet we have to build towards that and at the same time build in empathy for the character not instant hate and loathing." Gavin interjects silencing them both. He was tried of the hours of back and forth he thought pushing the script away from him and massaging his temple. Separately the two were a headache together they were a splitting migraine and he could feel one coming if he had to listen to this same argument any longer.
           "We'll tell they story using it's original premise point to Erica let's move on!" He commands pulling the script back to him ignoring Erica's satisfied smile and Corbin's grimace then contrition.
           "Alright! Alright! What the hell else am I going to do it's two against one!" He grumbles running his hand through his hair as he speaks then retakes his seat. Gavin looks from one to the other before pulling his script back in front of him.
           "Good, now that, that has been decided can we move on to the next story arch please? And, is possible for us to get through it in less than three hours this time? Matter of fact what the hell time is it?" He asks aloud then looks down at his watch grumbling as he stands.
      "Jesus, Mary and Joseph I have ten minutes to get to another meeting. You two keep working I'll be back in an hour. I know this because I'll be meeting with adults! Hopefully you two have made some progress by the time I get back!" Gavin says then walks hastily out the conference room door leaving Erica and Corbin alone something they had both been dreading.
        "You think he's annoyed with the two of us?" Erica asks with a laugh as she stands and stretches then walks to the coffee urn.
         "I think he's pissed" He says following behind her making them both laugh as she hands him a mug then walks back to the table and sits. She sips from the cup the bitter taste of the coffee burning her tongue making her grimace.
         "That bad huh?" He asks taking the seat across from her.
         "Worse!" she states pushing the cup away from her and reaching for the bottle of water. Cobin looks down at his cup then does the same.
        "Shall we keep going? Erica asks Corbin nods his head in agreement as he places his hand on his grumbling stomach.
          "Hey, what time is it?" Erica looks down at her watch ignoring the tightening of her own stomach. It had been hours since lunch and she couldn't eat another one of those pastries if she wanted too.
            Six-thirty" She says turning the page as another loud grumbling noise comes from across the table.
            "What do say you and I go have some dinner instead?" Corbin asks. Erica looks back at him her mind leary of his request. Corbin recognize her expression he'd gotten very used to it over the past few days.
             "I promise nothing untoward just dinner. Come on?" Erica thinks a moment on one hand she didn't trust him as far as she could throw him. On the other she was hungry and getting him alone could work to her advantage. She still knew little to nothing about Gavin maybe Corbin had some useful information all she needed to do was play this just right.
             'Do you think we should. He seemed pretty adamant we continue working." She says with just enough tremble in her voice to sound sincere instantly getting the reaction she wanted.
             "If Gavin says anything I'll take all the responsibility. Look we'll even take our scripts with us." He goads playfully.
              "Well all right if you think it will be okay?" Erica nods in agreement as she rises looping her purse over her shoulder as she walks through the door Corbin held for her.
              "If Gavin asks tell him we'll be back in an hour." Corbin says to Gavin's assistant as they pass.  
          Jack hands the folder back to Tea and shakes his head. He'd read through the file twice and still found it all hard to digest.
            "This is unbelievable! It's like a bad movie of the week!" He says still in shock. He reaches for his wine glass and takes a gulp then lets out a heavy sigh. Tea nods her head in agreement.
          "Just imagine if your brother hadn't had the forethought to protect his children's assets." Jack nods in agreement finishing the sentence for her.
          "She'd have wiped them out too. I thought what Molly had told me was bad enough this is just...." His voice trails off again as he tries to digest everything Tea had shown him.
          "I really didn't want to be the one to tell you all of this but after what we witnessed the other night. I don't know, it just kept gnawing at me. That poor kids been through the wringer the last thing she needs right now is more mama drama." Jack nods in agreement.
         "You couldn't be more right. As shocked as I am by all of it, what really concerns me right now is her involvement with these "Calisco" People. How that could possibly affect Molly if what we suspect her of doing comes to light." He sighs heavily then sips his drink as Tea nods in agreement.
         "I have faith in Molly she's a strong girl I think she can handle whatever is thrown at her."
         "Yeah, it's how she'll handle it that concerns me."
         "I'm hoping we can stop this before it becomes a real problem. That's why the first thing I did was get Jesse involved. Between the two of us I'm positive we can come up with a plan. I still have faith in Molly. Besides this time around we already know the truth she has nothing to hide. She has good friends that love and care about her and that will stand by her. But, most of all she has you. You've been there for her no matter what she did. She knows she can trust you. In my opinion she couldn't ask for a better than that." She finishes with a smile and salutes him with her glass before sipping it making him smile bashfully.
           " I couldn't ask for better either Del Gado." He says reaching over and grasping her hand in his then raising it to his lips and kissing it sending a warm shiver up her arm. Tea smiles back at him enjoying the close moment between them and she could tell by his whimsical smile that he was feeling the same.
   "What do you say you and I put business aside for a moment."
   "What do you have in mind?"
   " I know a little place on the Northside of town I think you'll love."
   "So this dinner your offering it's strictly non business?"
   " Wouldn't have it any other way. Come on let's get out of here." He says rising from the table then offering her his hand. Tea grasp it and stands then reaches down to retrieve her purse. The movement catches the heel of her shoe on the carpets brocade causing her to stumble against him to keep from falling. Jack reaches out to stop her fall pulling her against him. Tea's body melts into his of it's own accord as if it was naturally meant to fit there. Like a puzzle piece locking perfectly into place. Her eyes lock with his the flame of desire dancing within them bring hers to a furious boil.
         Erica walks through the door he arm looped in Corben's. She surveys the room quickly as Coben speaks briefly to the Maitre'd catching Jack and Tea staring hungrily at each other as they embrace just moments before they devour each other in a kiss so heated it sends a chill up Erica's spine. This was no Mary like dalliance for Jack.  This was a real threat of the highest priority! The moment she'd witnessed between them signaled it would be be a bloody battle she thought. Her eyes riveted on them as hard as she tried she couldn't force herself to look away. She felt herself physically shake as another frosty chill slithered it way up her spine when she realised. For the first time in a very long time she feared it would be her blood spilt on the battlefield.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017