Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jamie and Francessca

        Jamie walks through the living room to the kitchen then stops and leans against the door frame smiling at the scene unfolding before him. His wife happily feeding her son and chatting with him. Telling Logan what he and his Daddy would be doing when he got home. All of it making him feel guilty and ashamed about his earlier thoughts and actions. He turns away quietly to head up the stairs unseen and unheard by his wife and son. He'd hoped to shower and change perhaps wash away some of his guilt but was caught before he could complete his retreat.
        "Hey honey you're home! We were just talking about you." Francessca smiles up at him as she rises and pulls Logan from his highchair then walks over and kisses him.
          "Weren't we pumpkin? There's your Daddy" She says handing her son to Jamie then walking to the sink and begins to scrub and rinse it as she talks.
           " So how was your day?" Jamie laughs and pulls his head back as Logan attempts to feed him his dripping wet teething ring and laughs at Jamie's reaction.
           "It's was pretty good everyone lived." He laughs jiggling Logan in his arms as he sits down on the kitchen chair Logan in his lap.
           "Very funny!" She giggles despite the chastising tone in her voice.
           "So I assume you figured out that problem you were having with that patient."
           "What patient?"
           "The one you were worried about when I saw you earlier."Jamie thinks for a moment not sure what she was referring to.
           "What patient are you talking about?"
           "You know the one you were all worried about when I dropped off Logan this morning." Jamie thinks back to earlier that morning flipping quickly through their interaction and clicking on the lie he'd told.
           "Oh yeah, yeah I figured it out. "
           "Oh good what was wrong with them?"
           "Early signs of tetanus from a cut they got a couple of days back." He lied.
           "You rock on there Monsieur Curie!" She say with a laugh " Do you want to eat now or take a shower first?"
           "Hm I'll eat now thanks." He says rising from the chair as he carries Logan in one arm and reaches for the silverware in the drawer with the other putting a setting at each place as Francessca helps his plate then places it on the table talking as she walks.
           " How's Tad, did he and Logan have a good time?"
           " Babe that's like asking if kids likes Christmas?" Jamie teases making them both laugh.
           "What do you want to drink?"
           "I'll have some water please."
            "Here you go honey." She says placing the bottle of water down in front of him. "Need anything else?"
            "Nah babe I'm good." Francessa reaches down taking Logan off Jamie's lap and walks to the sink placing the stopper in the drain and begins to temper the water.
            You're not eating?" Jamie asks as Francessca pulls the baby caddie from under the sink and places it on the counter.
           " I wasn't sure how much longer you were going to be so I ate earlier. I thought I'd get our little man ready for bed then you and I can spend some time together. What do you think?" Jamie nods in agreement.
          "I think it's the best idea you've had all day." He smiles watching his son happily splashing in the water while his mother bathes him.
            "What are you doing my little duck? You splashing water all over the kitchen? Yes you are! Look puddles everywhere and water dripping from the cabinets!" She teases the baby making him laugh. Jamie smiles enjoying the close family moment as he eats.
           "Oh! How did your interview go with that new doctor." Francessca asks over her shoulder as she removes Logan from the sink and wraps him in a towel.
           "It went okay she seems nice, eager I think you'd like her." He says smiling at the memory. as Francessca towel dries her son.
            "That's good! Maybe you won't have to work such long hours and we can spend more time together. What do you think Logan? More time with Daddy?" She say kissing the end of Logan's nose making him brush at it and giggle as she rises.
            'I'm hoping so too." Jamie says as he rises and walks toward Francessca and kisses her forehead then his sons before walking to the sink with his plate then rinses it. He turns his head trying to hear above the running water and ringing phone as Francessca walks from the room talking as she goes.
             " I'm going to put him down." Jaime smiles as a droopy eyed Logan curls up against Francessca's neck as she walks.
              "Okay while you do that I'm going to take a quick shower" He calls after her wiping his hands quickly on the dish towel as he retrieves his ringing phone from his pocket.
             "Hopefully this isn't a patient." He mumbles before tapping his phone.
             "Dr. Martin." He says sounding both official and annoyed at the interruption.
            'Hi Jamie I hope I'm not interrupting your evening?" Jaime immediately relaxes at the sound of Ivy's voice.
            "Oh no you're fine. I was just finishing up dinner whats up?" He asks his curiosity peaked.
            " I know I am and I'm sorry. Sounding shy and a little nervous still as she rushes on. "Sometimes I can be a little impulsive."
            "No really Ivy it's fine. I wasn't doing anything just cleaning up after dinner." He soothes.
            "I just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed talking to you today and how much I'm looking toward to our working together." Jamie smiles to himself not knowing why it pleased him so much that she had enjoyed their afternoon as well.
           'That's really sweet. I'm looking forward to our working together too." He said and could almost hear her tense on the other end of the phone
           "You're not just saying that are you?" She said her words sounding playful but still belied her trepidation he thought.
            "I never say anything I don't mean" He said hopefully with enough authority to put any other argument to rest that she might have.
           " Please don't think I'm a total ditz." She says with a laugh " I was just really nervous today and I need to ask you a question?"
           "No I don't think you're a ditz at all the opposite in fact." He say with a laugh feeling oddly shy and sophomoric. Ivy laughs softly on the other end.
            "Oh you're so sweet thank you. What time did we set for tomorrow?"
            "It was nine fortyfive And you're welcome."
           "Thank you so much Jaime. I can already tell it's going to be a pleasure working with you already."
           "No problem anytime. I'll see you nine-fortyfive sharp.
           "I'll see you then. Good night Jaime." She says her voice sounding more low and seductive to her own ears than she'd intended or it could be the normal kitchen feedback sound he always had in this room Jaime thought of it.
           " Goodnight." He says smiling as he hangs up looking forward to going to work in the morning. The other lies back her latest novella propped on her lap the pages unseen her mind instead filling with daydreams of Jamie the clinic and their future with a hopeful smile and excitement.

Jaime and Cassandra
Jamie and Zach
Jamie and Ivy

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2019

Sunday, January 20, 2019



         Devereaux smiles ruefully as he reads over the documents Sherrigan had his man send over. He muffles a laugh as he folds them neatly and places them inside his drawer. One thing, he did have to give Sherrigan credit for he was considerate. The process server had delivered them to his home at six am sharp and not to the office. He assumed he wanted to keep this all a private matter as much as he did. He was glad for that it made it a lot easier to do what he was going to do to her.
          It was going to take some planning on his part but he was more than sure he could accomplish the task and achieve the results he wanted. He had Cassandra exactly where he wanted her. Secure in the false knowledge that she had gotten away with her lie. The proof of that was contained in the copy of the paternity test Rego Sherrigan had enclosed with the restraining order he'd sent. He thought with a laugh. It was time to make his next move.
         He pulls the copy of the paternity tests he had run and as he'd thought all a long they matched. He was the definitive father of the child she carried and soon she'd know it too. That one little fact was going to make him not only richer but would make him and "Cambius" a true power to be reckoned with. That was once he got what he needed from Cassandra. What he had on her was enough to force her to get him everything he wanted including Cassandra herself and their son when it was all done. She'd have no choice because in the end Sherrigan won't want her and she'll have nowhere else to go. He thought laughing aloud.
      He looks across the top of his large chestnut desk to the blinking envelope in the corner of the monitor and opens it. Good! He thought. His friends at "Calisco" had completed the transaction and they were ready to proceed. Fantastic! He was ready to be done with the entire business. Lately he'd lost his desire for the dubious side of his businesses.
        For some time now he'd had a feeling of foreboding he couldn't shake. If anything as time went on it had only increased and only seemed to have gotten worse since meeting that Montgomery woman at the theater. That's why he'd seen his lawyer and gotten his affairs in order. Especially now with his son on the way. He needed to secure his legacy if anything did happen. Who was he kidding it was bound to happen at sometime. The business he'd been in for so long didn't have a retirement plan and most never made it that far. He was doing what any man in his position would do taking precautions. That's why this was his last illegal transaction. Once he finished with "Calisco" he was done with all his nefarious businesses.
       Unbeknownst to anyone over the past few months he'd quietly sold off all of his overseas businesses. Making quite a hefty profit in the processes. Three quarters he'd set up into a trust fund for his son the the rest he'd placed into high yield account. The interest would pay for the maintenance, executors fees and custodial salary which Cassandra would be more than satisfied with. She'd also be their sons legal proxy until he came of age. In the past she'd shown to have a good business head on her shoulders. The brothel she'd run for him had been the most profitable. She'd handle all his business matters as well. It was a job he was sure she would be more than capable at in fact, he was positive she'd excel.
        But, enough morbidity he had other things to concentrate on right now. He needed to contact Cassandra before the end of the day but there was no way he could do that personally and he couldn't send Maurice either anyone who knew him new Maurice. No, what he needed was someone that wouldn't raise suspicion. He thought for a moment sitting back in his desk chair his fingers tee-peed beneath his chin as he went through the list of his employee's finally landing on young Joe. He'd be perfect. He worked in the hospital he'd have access to her without raising suspicion from anyone. Besides he and Cassandra had a history so he'd be easy to explain to that doddering husband of hers should they be caught. He may also be able to see her doctor's appointment schedule in which case he could handle contacting her himself. He leans forward reaching for his phone and searching through his contacts till he comes to Joe's number and presses it strumming his fingers on the desktop as the tone drones in his ear. He waits another moment for the the greeting to end on the voice mail.
         "Joseph I would like you to contact me as soon as you get this message. Thank you." He finishes then clicks the the dial and place the phone back down on the table top then reaches for the photograph hidden inside his desk door.
         "It won't be long now my pet. You're going to wish you had accepted my kindness when it was offered." He says with a smile then a laugh as he pictured the expression on her face when he told her the truth about their child.
         Maurice smiles to himself as he slips back down the hall. It would seem the Monsieur was making his move. That meant he would have to start making his plans of his own. It was time for them both to pay. The moment was so close he could almost taste it. He was practically choking on anticipation it was becoming harder for him to be patient but be patient he must. The moment to finally close the curtain was almost upon him when Devereaux would take his final bow. There would be no encore for that player. When he finally got his revenge there would be no encore for either of them the stage would be black no light escaping the curtains drawn.

Cassandra, Rego and Joe
Devereaux and Joe
Cassandra and Rego

* Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2019

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Harbinger Falls: "Dinner at Eight" Ep 1

Harbinger Falls: "Dinner at Eight": Jacob Stockton paces the space behind his large cherrywood desk growling into the phone. "So he's the one that owns...