Saturday, July 25, 2020

Devereaux , Ryan and Cassandra


           Ryan yawns and stretches then looks over at the clock on the shelf behind Devereaux.  It was getting late and he was starting to wind down. They had been working all evening and although he was glad they had moved to the comfort of Devereaux's penthouse it was still exhausting. He was ready to to wrap it up and finish tomorrow morning. Besides he couldn't concentrate. Not with Rebeka and JR's wedding just days away and nothing he could do to stop it. Not that she wanted him to stop it. She wanted nothing to do with him. 
            He just couldn't get her out of his mind. She, on the other hand didn't care if he lived or died. It was his obsession and he knew it. He just couldn't seem to control it. Every time he looked at her he saw Gillian. Each time he saw her something inside him just made him want to be near her. His arms itched to hold her, his fingers to stroke her hair his lips burned to kiss hers. His mind instantly went back to the short life he and Gillian had together. Every fiber of him wanted that life back and his heart was convinced he could have it with Rebeka. Her heart was convinced it loved JR and therein belied his problem. They would be married in just a few days and he still hadn't come up with a plan to prevent it. 
           "Ryan!" Devereaux's voice boomed through his thoughts bring him back to the present.
            "Yeah, uh huh?" He stuttered as Dereveraux frowned back at him.
            " I asked you if you had finished with the accounting report?" Dev asks pulling his glass down on his nose as his eyes piercing Ryan's. His penetrating glare sending an odd chill slithering down Ryan's spine before pulling his eyes away and flipping through the papers on his lap.
            "Yeah, yeah right here." He says handing them to him. 
            " What's going on with you ?" Devereaux asks pulling his glasses from his face and tosses them carelessly down on the desk. You seem distracted Ryan."
            "No, not at all. More like exhausted since we've been at this for hours now." He grumbles as Devereaux completely ignores that he'd even spoken as he stares back at him his expression blank he places his glasses back on his nose and continues seamlessly.
            "Next We have..." Devereaux starts the folder in his out stretched hand still dangling as he glances at his phone a moment before picking it up with the other.
            "Devereaux St. Jacques" He grumbles into it annoyed at being disturbed his demeanor changing at the recognition of the voice Ryan notes. He listens intently as a voice on the other end speaks quickly but quietly making it impossible for Ryan to hear their portion of the conversation.
             Devereaux grins to himself. That was much faster than he'd expected. Sherrigan must be planning to make his bid for more than he'd thought if he's willing to make it so quickly. Perhaps Cassandra had gotten him the inside track on whatever it was.
             "Good news?" Ryan asked looking up from the folder he was flipping through at a beaming Devereaux.
              "You could say that an old friend is going to come by for a little chat. So what do you say you and I wrap this up for tonight? " He stands and walks to where Ryan was seated.
              "Sounds like a plan." Ryan says as he stands and stretches again. "I'm just glad I don't have that far a walk."
            "It does simplify things doesn't it?" Deverauax jests as he guides Ryan from his office and towards the door.
            "So who's this "Old friend" That's coming by?" Ryan asks a facetious grin twisting his lips.
            "Just a former business Associate coming by to finalize the dissolution of our former partnership." Devereaux supplies smoothly as he reaches for the door and pulls it open.
            "Uh huh. I guess I won't see you in the office till later in the morning?" Ryan smirks.
            "Good night Ryan." Devereaux says curtly. Ryan smiles knowingly as he passes him a smirk playing on his lips.
             "Night Dev see in the morning." His smile deepening as he hears Devereaux lock the door behind him. He stood there a moment before walking toward the elevator his curiosity peeking by the moment.
             He'd worked with Devereaux for a while but he knew as much about him now as he did when Devereaux hired him. In all the month's they'd worked together they'd never had one personal conversation. In fact, he knew nothing about his personal life. Other than Cassandra, he'd never met any of the women he'd dated or if he was dating. Or, what sports he liked or if he liked sports at all! Before today he'd never mentioned friends or relatives for that matter. Other than the social responsibilities of running "Cambius" there was little to nothing in the papers about him at all. For a man who ran a multi-billion dollar company there was very little scandal in the scandal sheets about him. If for any reason anyone asked him to give a eulogy of the man, he'd be at a complete loss for anything to say. That's why his having an "Old friend" stop by was incredibly curious.
           He stood in front of the elevator combating his demon for a moment. He knew he should just go but the more he thought the more curious he became and a plan began to formulate. If he stood in the small alcove by the fire stairs he could see he front door but be virtually unseen. If anyone did notice him they'd think he was a servant using the kitchen entrance. He vacillates a moment between invading Devereaux's privacy or not when he hears the buzz of the elevator leaving him no choice but to dart in to the alcove hoping Devereaux's butler didn't decided to come out of the kitchen door.
         He steadies his breathing  from his quick jaunt and wait's quietly as the elevator dings. Then listens another moment for the doors to open and the quick tip tap of heels on the parquet flooring. Here it was the moment he'd waited for. Was she going to be a blond, red head or brunette? He thought almost chuckling aloud.
             "I'm here you Bastard!"
             " Well good evening to you too Mrs. Sherrigan please, come in." Devereaux sneers stepping aside and opening the door wider so Cassandra could enter.
             " I don't even! This is the last...!" Her voice trailing off as she steps inside completely and the door closes.
              Holy shit! What the hell was Cassandra doing at Devereaux's and more to the point what the hell were the two of them up too? 

Cassandra and Rego 08/15/2017
Cassandra and Devereaux
Cassandra and Rego

*Copyright "Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles © " 2020

Friday, July 17, 2020

Jamie, Francessca and Ivy


           Francessca walks into the clinic carrying the lunch she'd ordered from the Tai place Jaime and herself since they'd both been so busy over the past few weeks they hadn't had much time to spend together. When they were together all they did was bicker. Coming by with his favorite would be kind of a peace offering she thought smiling to herself .
           "Afternoon Ladies." She said as she placed the boxes of cookies she'd bought down on the counter. "I bought you ladies something to go with your coffee later."
           "Thank you so much!"
           "Jaime hasn't taken lunch yet has he?"
           "No, he's in with the last patient before he goes to lunch. You can wait in his office if you want and I'll let him know you're here. And theses," Peggy says dangling the boxes strings on her finger tips. "I'm going to put in the break room. Thanks Doll!"
           "Anytime!" Francessca smiles back then hums to herself as she walks back toward Jamie's office. She didn't expect resolution for all the issues they'd been facing lately. But, they needed to start spending more time together. Maybe what they needed was a moment to catch their breaths and catch up. Their lives had been so hectic lately they barley had enough  time to say hello. Her bringing them in lunch would give them a few minutes together even if nothing got resolved. She thought as she opened his office door.  She places the bags down on top of the desk then walks behind it to retrieve some napkins from the drawer before pulling the contents from the bag and placing the containers on the desk next to them.
          "Oh wow! You bought us lunch." Ivy calls from behind her smiling to herself as Francessca jumps her hands and body go into defense stance at the sound of her voice.
           " What the hell! Ivy!" Francessca snaps noting the brief satisfied smile on Ivy's face. Ivy places the file she'd been reading on the sofa as she stands and walks towards the desk meeting Francessca's annoyed stare her words sounding unapologetic to Francessca's ears.
           "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Ivy smirks unable to hide her amusement. Francesca smiles back her hands and shoulders relaxing as she sighs. This woman she thought silently, was not going to steal her glory! Not today!
           "It's okay I just didn't see you there. How are you?" She asks over her shoulder as she continues setting up the desk for lunch.
           " I'm okay." Ivy responds her annoyance mounting as she notices Francessca had not set a place for her.
           "What are you doing in here?" Francessca asks trying to make light conversation as she waited for her husband. She hoped he'd be a long soon so she wouldn't have to speak with this woman any further. Something about her set off Francessca's alarm bells and whistles. 
           " My office isn't ready yet so Jaime and I are sharing his until mine's finished." She smiled back politely.
           "Oh." Francessca said as she folded the empty bag placing it under her purse before shrugging out of her coat and hanging it on the coat tree.
           " So are you still working on that thing with your ex?" Ivy asked knowing from her conversations with Jaime it was sore topic between them. If nothing else the topic would certainly slap that happy grin off her face.
           " You mean Rego and the 'Founder's Day' celebration?" Francessca smiles back her voice even showing none of the venom she felt at the moment. Ivy was intentionally trying to bait her she instantly saw through the game she was trying to play.
            " Yeah that. Jaime was telling me you two are almost done. Boy, will he be happy when that's over! I mean I really admire you for that.
            "You admire me for what?" Francessca stares back at her looking confused which she was sure was the reaction Ivy expected.
            "You know, being able to work shoulder to shoulder with him after what he did." Ivy states hoping it would take some of the shine off Francessca's apple.
            " Well as I said before Rego is family and this is for charity." She smiles back
            "Yeah so you said. But, it's got to be just a little uncomfortable for you. I mean I remember Jaime the last time Rego was here. He was going on and on about how annoying his being around all the time was."
           "Well you know family's fight and then they kiss and make up. It's nice you and Jaime are getting to know each other so well." Francessca says keeping her voice carefree and absent of her true feelings. Ivy stares back her surprised she could remain so nonchalant.
           " Well you know when you work together and share an office you end up chatting and sharing a lot."
           "True, I'm sure Peggy and the rest of the ladies in the front office are glad their ears are getting a break." Francessca says with a laugh truly enjoying the frustrated turn of Ivy's lips. This woman was itching for some kind of confrontation and Francessca wasn't sure why. All she knew was she wasn't going to give it to her. She watches as Ivy sniffs at the air as her mind searching for another topic to pounce on and finding it.   
           "Smells good!" Ahh there's what Francessca had been waiting for. She was fishing for an invitation she wasn't going to get.
           "Thanks it's one of Jaime's favorites." Francessca smiles as she pushes the chair closer to the desk enjoying Ivy's notable frustration then change of tacit.
           "So what brings you here? I thought Jaime said you were on assignment today?"
           " I had a break from work I thought maybe Jaime and I could have some lunch spend sometime together. What about you? Where are you off to?" She asked giving her the first hint she wasn't invited to stay and eat with them
            " I was going to run over to "McKays" and bring Jaime and I back something, but now I see don't have too." She giggles looking down at the desk and surmising they could squeeze out more than one extra plate if she really wanted too. The wanting too being the problem and Francessca wanting too was not an option she could tell before she'd even spoken.
            "Yeah about that. I'm really sorry Ivy I honestly forgot all about you. I only bought enough for two." Francessca said smiling politely yet letting her know without a doubt that she was not invited to stay even though they both knew there was more than enough. Leaving a very pregnant pause between them only broken by Jamie's surprised entrance.
            " Hey honey! What's going on in here?" Jaime says as he comes into the office stopping to kiss his wife before inspecting the containers on desk top.
            " I stopped by one of your favorite places and bought us a little lunch."
            " Oh wow! Thanks honey!" He smiles broadly before kissing her again this time the kiss becoming more passionate as Ivy looked on feeling annoyed by her back and forth with Jaime's so called wife. As she was getting to know him  she still couldn't understand how someone like Jaime would be married to such a polite arrogant bitch.
            " Yeah, I was just telling your wife I was going to go to McKays and pick up lunch for the two of us." Ivy says looking at Jaime expectantly the maneuver not lost on Francessca.
            "  Oh I'm sure we could..." Jaime starts before being cut off by his wife before he can finish the sentence.
            " Yeah, I had to apologize to Ivy before you came in. I only picked up enough for the two of us." Francessca says starring back at Ivy daring her to challenge her further her smile broadening as Ivy body language angrily concede the battle.
            "As I said before don't worry about it. Really. I'll see you both later." Ivy says as she moves toward the door watching over her shoulder as Jaime and Francessca kiss again then chuckle as they sit and begin opening the containers. She closes the door behind her and walks out to the empty lobby to grab her coat from the rack before heading out the door and towards the parking lot. All hopes of having lunch with Jamie again today were torched as soon as she arrived. Ivy thought as her feet slapped mercilessly on the pavement. Each step further feeding her annoyance. She just dismissed her from her own office! Exactly just who did that bitch think she was anyway? She might be riding high right now but Princess was in for a big fall. It was just a matter of time. Not that she'd notice anyway! She was spoiled used to getting and having whatever she wanted when she wanted. Greedy bitch wanted two men! One in her bed and one waiting in the wings for Jaime's curtain call. A woman like her could never appreciate a person like Jaime who was good and kind christian man. Someone thoughtful and considerate, funny and compassionate. No, she didn't appreciate him and she certainly didn't deserve a man like Jaime. Was her final thought  as she revved her car out of the parking lot.   
           "Baby thank you so much for picking up lunch this is great." He say leaning across the desk and kissing her check.
            " You're welcome. I'm really glad you're enjoying it." She smiles back.
            " It was just what I needed. Although I feel kind of bad you know about Ivy."
            " Yeah me too. I honestly forgot all about her. But really, it's not our responsibility to feed her." She shrugs knowing she hadn't forgotten her she had no intention of including her after the encounter they'd had before Jaime had arrived, she didn't care if she starved! Besides, Ivy had already been there two weeks. Long enough for her to feel comfortable enough to be independent of Jaime and start branching out on her own. Ivy was weird and today proved it. That innocent helpless act was just that! She may have Jaime fooled but she wasn't.
            " She new in town it sucks to eat lunch alone."
            "Yeah it does. But she's a big girl she'll be fine. Besides how else is she going to meet people? How often do you guys have lunch together anyway?" She asked her curiosity getting the best of her. Jaime shrugs dropping his used napkin into the empty container then shrugs.
            "I don't know couple two three times a week I guess. I haven't mind. It's actually been kind of fun." He says then begins to chuckle as he speaks. " Yesterday when we were at McKay's I was telling her about your camping trip with your cousins coming up. I was telling her how you were staying at the cabin and we got in to this debate how it wasn't really camping unless you were actually sleeping outdoors." He chuckles as his wife weakly smiles back at him.
            "Actually we're going fishing!" She teases back. "You guys share a lot huh?"
            "Well, it's hard not too when you share an office." He replies as he gather up the rest of the waste and tosses it in to the trash bin.
            "That's what she said." Francessca retorts making them both laugh. " So what's her story?"
            " Not much more than what I've already told you."
            "Yeah, like what." She coaches hoping to get more insight in to what made Ivy tick. As Jaime thinks back to their lunch yesterday and smiles devilishly.
            "Oh, I bet I never told you she was engaged before she came here?"
            "Ooooo do tell." She says rubbing her hands together like a conspirator and laughs
            "Yeah, she was engaged to some doctor Kyle I think she said his name was, at the hospital she was working at. They broke up a few months before she took the job here." He shrugs and his wife ponders.
             "Did she say why they broke up?" Her curiosity genuinely peaked.
             "No, but I kind of got the feeling he left her." Jaime speculates sure he hadn't been listening fully when Ivy had mentioned it. That was only in passing.
             "Why? What did she say." Francessca asks. Jaime shrugs.
             " I didn't want to pry but it wasn't really what she said but how she said it." He chuckles before reclaiming his chair.
             " Oh, interesting. So what have you told her about us?" Francessca smoothly guides the conversation. She'd be lying to herself if she said the things Ivy said hadn't chaffed at her just a little even though she would never give her the satisfaction of knowing that. What was bothering her more was just how deep Ivy and Jaime's conversation got about she and Jaime.
              "I don't know just stuff I guess. You know wherever the conversation takes us. Why?" He replies starting to feel a little uneasy at the direction the conversation had taken. Exactly what was she accusing him of now. Wasn't he able to have idle conversation or even confide in a college without checking with her first now?
              " Just curious. Some of her comments are a little personal for someone I just met. Do you talk about us with her too?" Jaime thinks a moment to the conversations they'd had over the past few weeks then shakes his head.
               "No, I don't think so, I mean may have mentioned a couple of things about Rego after you guys left the other day." He says as a pang of guilt hits him. He said more than a few things as far as Rego was concerned in fact there were a couple of times he'd vented like "old faithful". He'd known he shouldn't but he needed it and she was there willing and easy to talk to. For a change unlike everyone else she made him feel justified and unashamed of his feeling towards Rego. At least she understood without knowing all the details why the man was annoying and he had to admit it was really nice to have someone that understood his side.
               " Well that explains it."
               " Explains what?" So Jaime had found himself a confidant in Ivy. It explained why Ivy felt comfortable making her comments and her hostility earlier.
               "Some of comments she made about Rego and me."
              "Really like what?" Jamie asks unable to keep the slight ring of sarcasm from his voice. A tone that didn't go unmissed by his wife.
              " Rego." She says flatly her gaze searing his guilty conscious.
              " Yeah, I was pretty annoyed after you left the other day. I guess I gave her kind of the wrong impression when we were talking. Sorry." He mumbles as his wife rolls her eyes her hands slapping her legs loudly.
               "Come on Jaime! I don't tell all our business to some rando co worker every time you piss me off!"
               "She's not some rando. We've gotten to kind of know each other over the past few weeks and become friends. Besides, we're the only doctors here we can't help but talk. I'm sure she was just feeling a little protective."
               "Wow, so you've become so close that she feels she can protect you from your wife and you feel you need protection which justifies her actions. What the heck have you been saying to her Jaime? 
               " Nothing  really I don't think. I was just venting."
               "How much 'venting' did you do?'
               " Just a little." He says sheepishly making her sigh heavily as she reaches over and takes his hand in hers.   
               "Promise me in the future you"ll be a little more selective about what you discuss with her?" Jaime pulls his hand from hers waving it dismissively his next words tinged with annoyance.
               " I was just blowing off a little steam. What do you want me to do? Not talk to people?" Francessca sighs calming her voice before she speaks knowing instinctively that she couldn't let her anger cloud her words or it would just make matters worse.
               "No. I'm not saying don't talk to people. Talk to your Dad, Jr, Jake your grand father your cousin Phillip, Brot your stepfather. There are like a million other people you can have that conversation with besides a person you barley known."
               "So what topics can I talk to her about with her? Hold on let me get a pen!" He says sounding peeved and amused at the same time.
              "Anything else Jaime!" She pleads. "The two of you are free to talk about anything else in the world you like! I'm just asking you not to share our personal problems with her. That's all okay?
              " Okay, okay I won't."
              "Thank you."
              " Wow, whatever she said really got to you huh?"
              " Lets just say, it's not the first time but it had better be the last. I don't need attitude from her when I come in here. And, I really don't want it to get mean or nasty okay?"
              "Okay." He say pulling her to him and holding her but something in his tone not giving her the comfort she'd hoped.

Jaime and Ivy
Jaime and Francessca 
Jamie, Francessca Rego and Ivy
Jamie and JR         
© Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2020


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Erica and Corbin


            Corbin shifts the bag in his hand then knocks on Erica's dressing room door twice not waiting for Erica's response before entering. He close the door behind him calling he name as he enters. Following the trail of discarded clothing to her bath. He listens at the bathroom door to the sound of her still coughing and the water running and knocks on it.
           "Hey Erica? I got you something that will help." He says as he tentatively knock again then listens to the coughing and sputtering coming from the other side of the over the sound of running water.
            "Help? How could you possible help! My throat and stomach are on fire!" She groans out her voice sounding raspy and dry as she moans again in agony. Corbin hears more coughing and the toilet flush then more moaning accompanied by the sounds of gargling.
             "Please tell me you didn't try brushing your teeth?" He asks smothering a laugh as Erica chokes and sputters on the other side of the door.
             " God in heaven!" She rasps before the sounds of gargling erupt again.
             "Come on Erica I promise I have something that will make the burning go away." He cajoles.
             " Those witches tried to poison me!  I want them fired Corbin! Do you understand me? I want them gone!" She croaks then coughs.
              " Erica please I promise it will help." He pleads then smiles at the sound of the water being turned off then the door unlatching.
              "Hand me my robe!" She barks opening the door a crack and trusting her arm out her fingers pawing at the air. Corbin opens her closet door and hands her the robe she had hanging on the back of the door.
               "You've got five seconds!" She hisses as the bathroom door flies open and she stalks towards him her face flushed and her hair plastered to her head and dripping with perspiration.
               "Here chew this." He says handing her a slice of bread,
               "I don't know how..." She starts before Corbin's commanding voice cuts her short.
               "Just chew it! Then drink this he says pouring milk in to a glass and handing it to her. "Drink half of it slowly then chew another piece of bread." Erica drinks half of the contents of the glass fighting herself to keep from swallowing it all. Then chews another piece of bread before finishing the contents of the glass and sighing in relief.  Corbin smiles taking the glass from her and refills it then hands it back to her.
               " Feel better now?" He asks as Erica reaches for as tissue and dabs at her face.
               "I mean it Corbin I want them fired!"
               "Now hold on a second Erica. From the early feed back it was ratings gold."
                "Ratings gold? Is that all you care about? They tried to poison me and nearly killed me in the process and all you can say is "Ratings Gold"!!"
                "Admit it Erica they gave as good as you gave" He chuckles further infuriating her.
                "What are you talking about? Everything I did today was to improve the quality of the show! They were out of control and completely out of their element!"She says with a wave her hands and a shake of her head as Gavin smiles back at her.
                " You were trying your darnedest to make them look foolish and they retaliated. Seriously what did you really expect them to do?"
                " I expect them to act like the professionals they were hired to be!"
                " You mean the same professionalism that you showed today?"
                "That's not fair!"
                "Sure it is! Erica no matter who you have on the show whether you have co-host or not people still tune in every day to see Erica Kane."
                "I know that!" She snaps then takes a deep breath before continuing. "My God, you make me sound like some jealous prepubescent." She half laughs her usual coyness missing from her words her anger still weighing on her tongue. She walks to her mirror and dabs at her now ruined makeup staining her eyelids and cheeks. She begins to swipe at the dark circles left by her running eyeliner angrily tossing the used clothes in to the corner of the table. Corbin follows behind her talking to her reflection in the mirror as she whips a comb quickly through her hair twisting it in to a neat little bun on the crown of her head.
                " I don't see you that way at all. You're just a woman who's had a lot of change in a very short amount of time. I don't even know why you're so worried about this show when you have something so much bigger and greater to sink your teeth in." Corbin watches the wheels turn quietly as Erica contemplates what he said.
                 " New Beginnings" Is my baby I started that show from the ground up!" She says firmly. " I'm not going to let you and Gavin just waltz in here and destroy something I've poured every ounce of my energy in to and made into the success it is today." She chided as Corbin nodded in agreement while his thoughts screamed if she was so great neither he or Gavin would be here. That would definitely be counter productive. he needed to smooth the edges not 
                 " I get it "New Beginnings" is your baby but "Raising Fire", is your legacy Erica! When are you going to realize that? Your life, your story will take a lifetime to tell and even past that! It's a soap opera! It could last for ten, twenty maybe fifty years! Think of all your fans. You've had not one but two best selling books about your life you, "The Erica Kane". People have been waiting years to see that all unfold right before their eyes. "Raising Fire" could be legendary like the great "Bless My Lineage" by Agatha Dixon or her other one "One Lives A Life" or those other two "Fraternity Row" or "The Progeny and The Uneasy". All of them have been on for decades with millions of fans all over the world. There hasn't been a new Soap Opera in decades! Everything we do will be fresh and new! Our pool of writers have never written for another soap there young with fresh ideas that will fit in to this decade. And the most brilliant part of it all is it's all based on you and your history! That's what you should be focused on. "New Beginnings" is going to be fine "Raising Fire" is the newborn that needs all of your attention right now. People will say Erica Kane had a good talk show for awhile or they can say Erica Kane created one of the best soap operas of all time. Together we can blow those other soaps right off the air! That gorgeous is all up to you." He finishes his eyes boring in to her reflection. Erica thinks a moment about the wisdom in his word. For a change there was an earnestness in his voice.
               "You make some excellent points," She says the coyness in her tone and attitude he'd always found enchanting and exasperating was back her fury hopefully exhausted."and, I'm not saying I agree with everything you've said because I will always be concerned with "New Beginnings'" but you're also right when you say I need to focus on "Raising Fire". Besides I've already seen what happens when I leave you by your self too long." She teases making them both smile and Corbin's mood lighten. His expression was ripe with satisfaction giving him a child like awkwardness as he walked toward the door then back she thought smothering a laugh. 
               " Well okay then! Why don't I go and check in with Gavin. If you're up to it maybe you and I could get some dinner, maybe go over some ideas I had for episode where "Jerica" first meets her crush "Prescott Brennan" and his girlfriend "Sara Larkin" the schools "it" couple." Erica smiles back her memories of Phil Brent and Tara Martin dampening her mood as she turns back toward the mirror and reaches for her jar and twists the lid off as she talks.
                "Why don't you give me about an hour to freshen up?" She says almost bursting with laughter as Corbin's eyes widen in surprise.
                "That's terrific! I'll see you in an hour." He's says sounding almost giddy as he walks toward the door. Erica watches his reflection in the mirror waiting until his hand was almost on the handle before calling to him.
                "Oh and Corbin?" She says sounding like her old self.
                "Yeah?" He smiles back still elated with the progress the two of them had just made. His heart sinking as her eyes narrow as she rises from her seat.
                " You tell Gavin, if anything like today ever happens again, I will own this station and everyone in it. See you in a bit." She says her tone lightening again before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Corbin chuckles to his self as he leaves her dressing room closing it behind him.
                "I'll assume that went well" Gavin asks as he pushes off the wall and walks beside Corbin down the hall.
                "Better than I expected." He sighs and shakes his head.

Erica and Corbin
Erica and Gavin
Erica, Corbin and Gavin
The All New "New Beginnings"
* Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2020