Friday, June 21, 2013

Aidan and Adrian 06/21/2013

Aidan walks in to the hotel room closing the door quietly behind him. He places the steaming cup off coffee down on the desk in front of Adrian then pulls the lid off his own and sips it.
Aidan: Anything yet?
Adrian: Nothing! I don’t know how much longer I can listen to this idiot. (He takes off the head phones and places them on the desk)
Aidan: I feel you man! He just doesn’t shut up! (He places the bag on the table and begins to pull cups from inside and places them on the table)
Adrian: It wouldn’t be so bad if would say something useful. (He picks up the head set and places them back on his ears)
Aidan: Maybe he’s just not drunk enough. (He jokes placing a cup in front of Adrian then pops the lid and sips from his own)
Adrian: I don’t know how Sergei does it? I’ve wanted to duct tape his mouth for the last forty-five minutes. (He sighs listening to the boisterous laughter and crude remarks that Fats continued to spew like a broken water main)
Aidan: He does talk a big game. (He laughs nodding in agreement having had the pleasure of having had to listen to him the previous hour. He unwraps his sandwich and bites in to it)
Adrian: You wouldn’t happen to have a sandwich in that bag for me would you? (He smell of Aidan’s hoagie making his stomach rumble)
Aidan: Of course mate! Why don’t you eat and I’ll listen for a while. (He walks towards the desk handing him the sandwich from the bag as Adrian rises and walks towards him then sits at the desk putting the head phone on one ear)
Adrian: Thanks man! (He calls over his shoulder taking the chair across from him)
Aidan: Have you seen Tad today? (He mumbles around the wad of sandwich tucked in his cheek)
Adrian: I saw him for a few minutes this morning.
Aidan: How’s he doing?
Adrian: He’s hanging in there you know. (He takes a bite of his sandwich his mind flicking through the accident on the ridge the other night. This time he was going to nail Devereaux and it was going to stick and if he was the one behind Taylor’s murder he was going to pay but he couldn’t get ahead of himself one step at a time)
Aidan: Yeah I saw him this afternoon he seemed a little better.
Adrian: You must have seen him after he saw his new grandson.
Aidan: I don’t blame him he’s a cute little shaver.
Adrian: Yeah he is. I can’t believe it Tad’s a Grandfather (They both laugh)
Aidan: How are Francessca and Jaime?
Adrian: They’re great you have never seen two prouder new parents. It’s just all so weird! (His mind flashing back to the gurney pulling up Taylor’s lifeless body and a forlorn pall comes over him then to the image of his new grand nephew lying asleep in the bassinette next to his mother then to Tad’s grief carved face)
Aidan: I know what you mean.
Adrian: I still can’t believe this happened.
Aidan: Me either it’s just so serial. (He sighs loudly sitting back against the chair) Have the police heard anything else on the truck that hit them?
Adrian: Nothing yet (He says crumpling the now empty wrapper and tossing it in to the trash can) but they can’t hide it for long Anna has her people on that as we speak.
 Aidan: If anyone can find it they can. (He says over his shoulder as he walks in to the bathroom to wash up)
Adrian: You got that right! (Shouting to him over the blast of water coming from the faucet)
Aidan: And when they find them they’re going to pay and big time.
Adrian: They better hope Anna’s people get there first!
Aidan: Enough about that the more we talk about I the more it just pisses me off. How are things with Lola?
Adrian: Okay I guess. (He shrugs sounding non committal)
Aidan: You guess? What’s that mean?
Adrian: I mean she nice and all but… I don’t know I’m just not feeling it.
Aidan: Come on she’s smart, beautiful, funny. (He says reading off a check list of her attributes making Adrian chuckle)
Adrian: Yeah she all that but I just don’t feel anything more than that “good buddy” vibe. (He shakes as if repulsed making Aidan laugh) Besides with what I do I’m better off with no ties.
Aidan: I get it, but I kind of thought you two were really hitting it off?
Adrian: Like I said she’s cool and all but my gut is telling me to back off.
Aidan: Then trust your gut. (He nods in agreement)
Adrian: It hasn’t failed me yet!
Aidan: Wait, hold on (Making Adrian fall immediately silent) I think this is it!
Adrian: Let me check the computer make sure we’re getting it all. (Adrian tosses the towel down on the counter and races to the other computer. He slides in to the chair placing the headset on his head in the same motion and begins typing)
Aidan: Hurry up! (He whisper waving his hand in a rolling motion at Adrian)
Adrian I got it I got it!
Bobo: Hey you guys playing or what? (He says picking up the deck of cards and shuffling them)
Fats: We’re going to “Or what” (He and Sergei stand and turn towards the serving tables) you got a problem with dat?
Bobo: Hey! Lighten up huh? I just wanted to know who to deal in! Why don’t you go make yourself another sandwich or something? (He says waving him away from the table and laughs)
Fats: Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. (He laughs uproariously slapping Sergei on his back as they walk)
Bobo: Eh, bring me one when you come back.
Fats: You got it! (He laughs as he and Sergei walk toward the bar and serving table. Sergei pours vodka from the bottle in to a glass drains it slamming it down on the tabletop then refills it)
Fats: You and your friend drink that stuff like it’s water.
Sergei: This stuff you get in America may as well be water. (He laughs downing the drink and slapping the empty glass back down on the bar top)  
Sergei: Okay enough talk lets get down to business Fats!
(Aidan: Here we go!)
Fats: I thought we were just playing cards? (Sergei glares up at him his eyes narrowed his expression making Fats swallow hard)
Sergei: And I thought you told me you’d get back to me yesterday what happened? (Adrian checks the computer again making sure every word was being recorded)
Fats: My supplier experienced how shall, we say some complications.
Sergei: It’s a complicated business (He shrugs his mouth twisted in a smirk of indifference) the bottom line is I need what you promised me.
Fats: And you’ll have it. You got my word it’s just going to be a few more days.
Sergei: A few more days? (He inhales swiftly and shakes his head) Perhaps we should start looking for other partners.
Fats: No, no need pal. (He says with a wave of his hand then pats his chest proudly) I have it all under control.
Sergei: If you had it under control I’d have my product. (He pours more vodka in to his glass and sips it eyeing Fats as little beads of sweat begin to pop up on his ample forehead and run down his temple as panic flashes across his face. Good, he had him exactly where he needed him. A flustered Fats was a talkative Fats)
Fats: I promise you’ll have it in a couple of days. (He slathers mayonnaise on the bread licking the excess from his fingers then flips the slice on top places it on a plate then prepares another)
Sergei: So what’s the hold up?
Fats: Things got a little hot when it was being delivered last night.
Sergei: How hot? (Feigning worry in his voice and mild agitation)
Fats: Lets just say if it weren’t for some fancy maneuvering he’d have been on the front-page of yesterday’s morning paper instead of that other poor schmuck! (His lips turn down in to a grim smile) Now that, was a hell of a thing! (He crosses his self)
Sergei: What happened?
Fats: Between you and me the wheelman he hired to do deliveries don’t drive so good and almost ended up at the bottom of a ravine. (Aidan and Adrian look at each other nodding to each other their hunch was right but it still wouldn’t be enough but they were on the right trail)
Sergei: So who is this guy?
Fats: Some Euro bigwig. (He reaches for the tray of cold cuts lying slapping a stack of ham slices on the bread)  I hear, and this is just rumor mind you (Moving over to the tray of sliced vegetables and stacking them on top of the meat) that this guy runs a multi-billion dollar legit business.
Sergei: Does the big man have a name? (He pulls a roll from the tray and bites in to it)
Fats: Come on Sergei you know better then to ask me to kiss and tell. (He plops the other sandwich on to a clean pate and begins to garnish both with an assortment of salad and other condiments giving Sergei indigestion just looking at it)
Sergei: What you do in your bedroom is your business (They both laugh) but if this guy is as big as you keep saying he is (He looks back at the other men still playing around the table then back to Fats lowering his voice) then perhaps we could maybe go bigger.
Fats: How big we talkin? (His voice lowering in the same conspiratorial tone)
Sergei: Huge the only problem is my guy doesn’t like dealing with mystery men or middlemen. (He shrugs )
Fats: So what, you think you can just cut me out completely? (His tone raising slightly catching the attention of the others for a moment. Sergei grins then laughs clapping him on the back)
Sergei: Of course not you’ll get a very nice finders fee all I need you to do is arrange a meeting. You know make the introductions) 
Fats: I don’t know if I can do that. (His voice lowers again as he stares at Sergei his obvious greed practically had him salivating but still hesitant) This guy really likes his privacy I don’t know if he’s going to want to set up a meeting with you?
Sergei: If this guy likes money as much as you say he does he’s going to be begging to meet with us. (He laughs pulling a leg off the roasted chicken and biting in to it)
Fats: So how much we talkin about? (Sergei knew he had his pigeon in a cage, He just had to make it a little sweeter)
Sergei: How about enough to take the permanent vacation you’re always talking about.
Fats: That’s much huh? (He rubs his chin a moment his mental calculator clicking away)  You know what they say money talks. I will definitely be making a few calls and getting back to you give me twenty-four hours to get something together and I’ll be in touch. (He grin jovially his mind already picturing his new boat cursing down the Atlantic. This could be the ticket he was waiting for finally get free of all the filth and be free. He picks up his plate and the two walk back towards the gaming table)
Sergei: I’ll be waiting don’t disappoint me.
Fats: If this thing goes good none of us will be disappointed! (He jokes making them both laugh)
Aidan: the hook is baited.
Adrian: Now we just have to reel him in. (They high five each other grinning like Cheshire cats)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cassandra 06/19/2013

Cassandra glances over at a sleeping Devereaux his lust finally stated. She gently slips out of the bed. She watches his chest rise and fall as she quietly pulls on her sweat pants and jacket. She picks up her shoes from the side of the bed then tip toes from the room closing the door behind her. She walks to the living room and reaches for her purse and pulls out her phone checks it still nothing but Rego knew better than to call her! God! This was driving her crazy! It had been hours since she’d left the hospital and she still didn’t know what had happened. She wanted to call him but she was more than sure Devereaux had her phone bugged and she had had time to purchase another disposable. She checks her phone again then throws it down on the couch. She walks to the bar and pours herself a drink she stares at a moment then pours it down the drain and takes a bottle of water from the mini-frig. Remembering she hadn’t been able to take her pregnancy test yet, heck she hadn’t even bought one she’d plan to pick it up after she’d left the hospital but Devereaux hadn’t let her out of his sight all day. She picks up the remote and turns the television on then sits down on the couch curling her feet under her and flips mindlessly through each channel.
          She’d spent the afternoon with Devereaux stroking his over inflated ego. Something was up with him more than just his jealousy. She’d seen fear behind his eyes more than once that day but she had no idea what it stemmed from. Maybe something was going on over at Cambius or something had gone wrong with his other business the one that he was kept secreted from her since she’d stolen from him to leave France. She knew he was till invested very invested but, there was no written information anywhere no files on his computer wherever he was storing it wasn’t in the penthouse she was sure of that. She just needed to figure out where he’d hidden it. She still needed some kind of leverage against him just incase her plans for Rego didn’t work out. Perhaps she needed to pay a late night visit to Cambius if not there then she’d have to follow him one of these evenings and find out where he goes. Come hell or high water she was going to get away from him one way or another. She presses the remote again stopping on the local news station when she sees the image of Pine Valley Hospital in the background and turns up the volume.
 “Thank you John Pine Valley Hospital is no stranger to emergency as you can see from the sign above my head but nothing could have prepared them for today’s event. It all happened at approximately noon today when Francessca Martin daughter of electronics pioneer Rhea Logan-Slater became trapped inside the hospital elevator and went in to labor. According to eyewitnesses Mrs. Martin wife of prominent doctor James Martin thankfully was not alone in her ordeal she was accompanied by none other than Rego Sherrigan son of business mogul Oliveri Sherrigan. If you will recall John, Rego Sherrigan is the former fiancée of Mrs. Martin who was dramatically dumped during their long awaited fairy tail wedding ceremony. Mr. Sherrigan was coached by phone by the proud poppa himself Dr. James Martin who did the delivery remotely using his lap top and cell phone. Rescue workers were finally able to secure the elevator and free Mrs. Martin who had given birth to a bouncing eight pounds two ounce baby boy.  
John: Wow! Nice size baby!
Sue: Any word on Mom and baby.
Jackie: Both mother and child are doing just fine.
John: That had to be absolutely frightening!
Sue: I would say so not to mention just a little bit awkward.
John: I think after an afternoon like that any animosity they had for each other is gone.
Jackie: I think you maybe right John! Here are some photo’s the proud and I’m sure relieved parents released via twitter just moments after the three were freed.” The television flashes an image of Rego, Francessca and Jamie across the screen just outside the elevator the workers in the background then another of the four of them, the proud parents then grandparents. Cassandra watches in horror as the reporter drones on about the familial ties and of Tad and Taylor and tragedy befalling the family image after image of the Martin and Sherrigan’s in varied assembled poses flip across the screen each one making her more ill by the moment. The last and final blow infuriating her to no end one of Rego, Francessca and their baby smiling happily, faces filled with pride holding up their son for the world to see! That image would be splashed across every television news screen and newspaper around the world by morning the very thought making her groan aloud with rage. “As you see, there are Mommy and baby and their hero!
Sue: Ahh! Pretty baby!
Jackie: This is Jackie Johnson live from Pine Valley Hospital back to you John, Sue!” 
Cassandra snaps the set off tossing the remote across the sofa. The stupid Reporter was right she sulks. Rego had helped give birth to his son. Even if he didn’t know that child was his son there would now be a bound between him and that bitch. Any headway she’d made with breaking the remaining ties between them was shot to hell! She needed to get out of this apartment and to the drug store. She needed to know what her next step would be. She could take the test there they had a bathroom that way she wouldn’t have to bring it home. She’d pick up some other stuff too just to make it look good incase Devereaux woke up before she got back. She stands walks to the hall and stops listening for the sound his snoring there it was! She grabs her purse and keys and heads for the door locking it quietly behind her and heads for the elevator.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ryan and Griff 06/18/2013

Ryan closes the photo album slipping it back in to its hiding spot on the shelf. Greenlee was alive. Lily had all but said it and the private detective he’d found was going to find her. The question why kept haunting him why would she let him think she was dead. Why wouldn’t she come back to Pine Valley to him? His head swivels towards the sound of jiggling key then the door opening.
Griff: Ryan your still up? (He smiles closing the door behind him and locking it)
Ryan: Yeah I couldn’t sleep. (He stretches out on the couch propping his feet on the edge of the coffee table. Griff tosses his keys in to the bowl on the table as he comes down the steps. He walks doggedly to the sofa across from Ryan and sits with a groan)
Griff: Feels good to sit down. (He stretches his arms above his head and yawns) This is becoming a habit with you.
Ryan: A bad one. I took a walk to try and clear my head it didn’t help.
Griff: When’d you get back?
Ryan Maybe about twenty minutes ago.
Griff: Your message light on the phone is flashing. (He nods his head toward the phone on the table its little red light flashing hypnotically on and off then lays his head back against the cushions)
Ryan: I know I just wasn’t in the mood. I’ll check’em later.
Griff: Not in the mood huh? (He tilts his head looking at him through one eye
Ryan: I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. (He mutters starring down at his hands)
Griff: You too? (His ears perking up he opens his eyes and picks his head up)  
Ryan: Why what’s going on with you? (Sounding a little guilty it had been a while since he’d asked Griff about his life and not sure if he was ready to talk to him about what was going on)
Griff: Na, na you started this you first. (He smiles sensing the turmoil inside him)
Ryan: I don’t even know where to start. (He sighs shaking his head)
Griff: The beginning is always nice.
Ryan: Remember when I told you about my wife Greenlee and how she died?
Griff: Yeah (Leaning forward his brow drawn his interest peaked)
Ryan: Turns out she may not be dead. (He looks up at him smiling impishly at the look of wide eyed surprise on Griff’s face)
Griff: So you were right! How did you finally find out? (He searches Ryan’s face not liking the guilt written all over it)
Ryan: I tricked her little sister in to revealing the truth.
Griff: Really, (His lips twisted to the side he shakes his head in disappointment) sweet little Lily? You should be ashamed of your self!
Ryan: Yeah, I feel bad (He groans looking up at Griff his eyes pleading) but I needed to know for sure. I just couldn’t take the games anymore.
Griff: Now that you know what are you going to do?
Ryan: I’m going to find her. (He sits back against the cushions starring back at Griff nodding his head)
Griff: Sounds to me like she doesn’t want to be found. (He leans down and unlaces his shoes pulling one off and then the other)
Ryan: I need to find her.
Griff: So this is about you? (He looks back at him his eyes searching his)
Ryan: Ever since I was in the hospital and Erica told me Greenlee was alive I’ve had theses questions running through my mind and I can’t shake them. I need answers. (He rises from the sofa pacing behind it rubbing the back of his neck)
Griff: Are you sure the answers you need, will be the ones you want? (He reaches down and pairs his shoes then places them next to the door)
Ryan: Whatever those answers are I need to know. (His voiced filled with frustration and unshed tears)
Griff: I just hope whatever they are you don’t flip out when you hear them.
Ryan: I promise (He says taking a breath then huffs) I’m not going to flip out, whatever it is it’s got to be better than this limbo I’ve been living in.
Griff: So what are you going to do? (He sits back down on the couch pointing Ryan back to the one opposite him)
Ryan: I hired a private detective to find her and when he does I’m going to go see her. (He stares back at him his chin tilted defiantly. Griff stares back at him seeing the pain etched on his face his heart filling with sorrow for his friend and for his self)
Griff: For your sake I hope it works out for you. (His voice sounding remorseful his eyes filled with sadness)
Ryan: Thanks man. So what’s going on with you? (He watches Griff hesitate for a moment as he wrestles with his inner demons. He sighs heavily looking vacantly at the floor then back at him)
Griff: Remember when I told you about my daughter? (His voice low as if each word was causing him physical pain)
Ryan: You found her? (He asks knowing that Griff wasn’t going to just tell him he wasn’t one to confide his feelings with anyone as much as he may want to. Ryan was going to have to pull it out of him one piece at a time)
Griff: Yeah.
Ryan: When?
Griff: I’ve known for a while. (Ryan’s anger instantly rages then passes just as quickly as he watches the riptide of emotion flow across Griff’s face.) 
Ryan: Why didn’t you tell me before? I could have helped you?
Griff: I don’t know. With everything going on I didn’t want to burden you with it. (His expression matching the sadness in his voice. Ryan grins back at him trying to look and sound optimistic)
Ryan: So have you seen her or talked to her?
Griff: I’ve seen her once but I haven’t talked to her.
Ryan: Why the hell not? (Griff looks at him a moment then through him as he starts to speak his mind going back to the occasions he’d seen her with her new family. Even sick she seemed happy who was he to take that from her)
Griff: She’s been through so much in her life most of it bad. She has a new life a good life a husband children a real family the kind she always deserved. She doesn’t need some ex con blast of bad news messin with it.
Ryan: There are so many things wrong with what you said I’m not sure where to start. First you are not some bad news ex-con you’re a good man. Carmen and Krystal love you they sing your praises to everyone and anyone. Jesse and Angie’s grand kids think you’re the best thing since pie! If it hadn’t been for you I’d be dead right now and so would a lot other people bad news ex cons don’t do that. You spent your time in prison learning a skill so you wouldn’t fall back in to the trap so many guys like us do. I don’t ever want to hear you say that again there is nothing-bad news about you! She’s your daughter good or bad she wants to know who you are. She must have so many questions that only you can give her answers to she deserves the chance to at least ask them. You have to give her that chance. Hey maybe she’ll surprise you and want you in her life.
Griff: Yeah, that’s what Jesse says. (He says chuckling at the déjà vu moment he was having with Ryan)
Ryan: Jesse? (His eyes open wide with surprise)
Griff: He came to see me today. (He continues pairing his shoes and placing them next to the couch)
Ryan: Wait, (He interjects still not understanding how Jesse was involved) what does Jesse have to do with any of this. (His eyes growing wider as his mind races to a conclusion) Is your daughter in some kind of trouble?
Griff: Randi Hubbard is my daughter. (He stares at Ryan who stares back at him his mouth a gape his eyes wider if that was at all possible) 
Ryan: Randi Hubbard is your daughter? (He finally huffs out still flabbergasted by Griff’s revelation)
Griff: I guess I should just tell you the whole story.
Ryan: Yeah you definitely should. (He situates himself on sofa listening intently as Griff explains)
Griff:  A couple of months back I was on my way home form the hospital from seeing you and I ran in to Jesse on the elevator. He told me that Randi needed a blood transfusion but they were having a hard time finding her blood type because it’s rare. I knew I would match so I went down and donated and that made her husband Frankie suspicious and he had his father track me down. 
Ryan: Wow! (He leans back against the cushions his hands in his lap grinning) So when are you going to go tell her?
Griff: I don’t know how.
Ryan: Just tell her the truth and go from there. If you want I’ll go with you.
Griff: Thanks I appreciate the offer but I’ll handle it.
Ryan: I know you man any kid would be proud to call you their Dad.
Griff: I hope you’re right.
Ryan: I know I’m right. (The phone begins to ring)
Griff: I’ll get it.
Ryan: Just let go to the voice mail I’ll check it in a second. (He reaches for the empty glass on the table and walks towards the kitchen)
Griff: I’m going to turn in night. (He walks slowly up the steps and walks towards his room)
Ryan: Okay man we’ll talk in the morning. Night! (Ryan walks in the kitchen places the glass in the sink then back into the living room. He walks to the phone pulling it off the cradle and dials in to in voice mailbox. His eye open wide with shock his mouth agape as a shiver goes though him at the sound of the voice coming through the receiver)
Greenlee: Ryan? It’s Greenlee I know that you know the truth so hearing from me shouldn’t be any surprise. You and I need to talk so I sent directions to your email so we can meet. So I hope to see you tomorrow at two PM. (The line goes silent for a moment then the recoding comes on blaring directions in his ear he presses the button again and stands with the receiver pressed to his ear unable to move barley breathing his heart pounding in his chest relishing the sound of her voice. She was alive)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Kendall and Greenlee 06/17/2013

Kendall and Greenlee.
Kendall sits on the bed in her bedroom chatting happily on the phone with Greenlee dangling her feet off the edge of the bed painting her toenails.
Kendall: So how’s that sweet girl?
Greenlee: She’s perfect! She’s growing so fast! Last weekend Leo took her fishing with him!
Kendall: Fishing? (Stopping mid stroke and laughing) How’d she like it?                         
Greenlee: She loved it! (She squeals making them both laugh)
Kendall: Oh my God! That is too funny!
Greenlee: Yeah can you believe it a daughter of mine liking something as disgusting and dirty as fishing! (She contorts her face looking as if she’d smelled a skunk)
Kendall: She adventurous like her mother. (She screws the cap back on the polish then blows down on her nails)
Greenlee: So what’s going on Great Aunt Kendall? (She walks out on to the porch and sits on the Adirondack chair propping her feet up on the little foot stool)
Kendall: So you heard!
Greenlee: How could I miss it? It was all over the news! Are she and the baby okay?
Kendall: She’s fine and the baby is beautiful!
Greenlee: So did you get your hair die to cover that grey and tune up your rocking chair?
Kendall: Shut up! (She laughs)
Greenlee:  Tell Francessca I said congratulation.
Kendall: I would if I could. (She half jokes figuring now would be as good a time as any to broach the topic)
Greenlee: Yeah. (She sighs sadness edging her voice)
Kendall: I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to tell you (She takes a swift intake of air squares her shoulders before she continues) Ryan more than suspects that you’re alive.
Greenlee: What do you mean more than suspects? (She bolts upright in her chair her voice sounding shrill through the receiver)
Kendall: Well he was practically grilling my mother and me at lunch today.
Greenlee: Ugh! (She groans) Erica! I should have known!
Kendall: Don’t blame her! (She chimes in defensively) He’s been suspecting for a while!
Greenlee: That’s because no one can keep her mouth shut! (She grinds out between clenched teeth trying to control her annoyance from boiling over)
Kendall: Don’t blame all of us! (She charges back her anger getting the better of her)
Greenlee: What do you mean “all of us”? Who else is he questioning? (Her annoyance turning to anger. Kendall sighs again her mind going back to a frantic Lily earlier)
Kendall: Lily came by earlier very upset that she had let it slip too.
Greenlee: So now he’s badgering my sister? That’s just great! (She stands pacing the porch)
Kendall: He’s questioning everything and everyone he can think of!
Greenlee: I still can figure out how the hell he found out.
Kendall: Come on how long did you think you were going to keep this a secret? You know Ryan! Did you think for one second that you were going to make this work forever? (She shoots back pushing some of the blame back squarely on her shoulders)
Greenlee: Yes! (She shouts into the receiver) I expected you to be able to keep a secret! (She rolls her eyes throwing her had to the sky letting it slap to her slide) What the hell am I talking about? You could never keep a secret.
Kendall: Look it was bound to come out at some point. You run an Inn! Someone was bound to recognize you.
Greenlee: So how did he find out?
Kendall: I don’t know. (Greenlee smirks nodding her head as she pieces together what happened)
Greenlee: I have a good idea you were talking to Ryan he got you angry and flustered and you blabbed!
Kendall: That’s not what happened at all we… (She screeches back)
Greenlee: Yes it is! (She shouts cutting Kendall off mid sentence) that’s what always happens! (Bitterness edging her laugh. Kendall closes her eyes and counts to ten trying desperately to maintain some composure)
Kendall: Look Greenlee it’s not fair for the rest of us to have to keep your secret! I think it’s time you faced Ryan and let him know exactly what’s going on and how you feel! Because honestly its not fair to him either.
Greenlee I know you’re right I just…(She plops down on the porch rail sounding as exhausted as she felt)
Kendall: Don’t want to hurt him? Well Earth to Greenlee he’s already hurting!
Greenlee: Yeah. (She sighs looking up at the star spattered sky and saying a small prayer)
Kendall: So what are you going to do about it? (Kendall’s voice bring her back to he moment at hand)
Greenlee: I guess I don’t have a choice do I? (She sighs knowing that she had just run out of time)
Kendall: No you don’t and to be honest I really can’t do this any more it’s getting way too hard. (She whines)
Greenlee: Okay! Okay! (She relents Kendall sighs in relief) I’ll talk to him.
Kendall: What are you going to say? (She asks tentatively)
Greenlee: I’m going to tell him the truth. (Her voice low and thoughtful)
Kendall: What do you think he’ll do?
Greenlee: There’s nothing he can do (She shrugs her mind resolute) my life is here and I’m never coming back to him or Pine Valley.
Kendall: I know, I just hope he can handle it.
Greenlee: He doesn’t have a choice. (Her voice terse with finality. Kendall sighs again knowing it was going to be anything but easy or final)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

David, Lola and Krystal 06/13/2013

David walks into Wild Wind and heads straight up the stairs to his lab he opens the door quickly flipping on the lights as he comes through the door. He looks over at the pile of boxes stacked neatly on Michael’s desk and smiles it had been a long time since he’d looked forward to something he couldn’t wait to get started he walks to his desk unlocks it and pulls a ring of keys from then walks to his file cabinet and unlocks gliding open the third drawer and rifles through to the back of the drawer till he finds his leather document pouch then fingers through the ring till he gets to the small key slides it into the lock unzipping it quickly.
David: Dam! (He grumbles tossing the pouch back into the drawer and kicking it shut. That’s why Adam had been so smug he’d had it stolen) Son of a bitch! (Some how he’d known as soon as he’d walked in his office and looked at Adam he’d lacked that look of panic in his eye. He’d doubted it would work in the first place but now he’d forced him to go his other plan although a bit more complicated it would achieve the results he wanted and there was no time like the present to get started. He locks the cabinet tosses the keys back in his desk and locks it then leaves the lab shutting the lights and locking he door behind him whistling to his self as he walks down the hall then down the stairs toward the living room)
Darius: Daddy! (He yelps running down the hall and jumping in to his arms)
David: Hey slugger how was your day?
Darius: Great! I got a one hundred on my spelling test and my geography test!
David: Wow! That is excellent I’m so proud of you!
Darius: So will you take to the batting cages after dinner tonight?
David: Of course that’s what I promised you I would do right.
Darius: Right!
David: And Daddy always keeps his promises right?
Darius: Right!
David: So right after dinner?
Darius: Right!
David: What did Mommy make for dinner?
Darius: I don’t know it smells like when she makes roast beast.
David: Roast beef. (He laughs) where’s Mommy?
Darius: She’s in the living room with Aunt Lola.
David: Why don’t you go change in to your practice uniform and wash your hands for dinner?
Darius: Okay Daddy I’ll be right back.
David: I’ll be right here. (He gives him a quick hug then sets Darius back down on the floor smiling as he watches him scamper up the steps then walks the short distance down the hall into the living room) Good Evening ladies!
Krystal: Hey ya honey! (She rises from her chair giving David a welcoming hug and kiss then walks to the bar and pours him a martini and hands it to him then returns to her place on the sofa)
David: Hello Lola. Thank you (He takes the glass from Krystal and slips it then nods his approval taking the place next to her on the couch)
Lola: Hello David.
Krystal: Lola came by with some good news.
David: Oh yeah? (He sips his drink then sits back against the cushions waiting for what ever earth shatter news she had. There was something he still didn’t quiet trust about her she was just a little too good to be true)
Krystal: She bought a house!
David: Congratulation! (He smiles saluting her with his drink waiting for the other shoe to drop)
Lola: Thank you.
David: Where?
Krystal: Remember down the road that little white and red house around the corner from Tad?
David: Yeah? (He nods recalling passing it on his way to and from there. That was close maybe a little too close)
Lola: I bought it today!
David: Congratulation! When do you move in?
Lola: I should be able to have all my stuff moved from storage by the end of the week. (Grinning proudly feeling happy to finally putting down roots for the first time in a long time)
Krystal: I’ll check with Carmen see if she can handle the restaurant Friday and I’ll help you unpack.
Lola: That would be great!
Krystal: What made you decided on that one?
Lola: After my first disappointment Miriam suggested looking on this side of town closer to my family and how did she put it close enough to the hospital to get there in an emergency and far enough away that I don’t have to be reminded on my day off.
David: And further away from her daughter. (He adds smiling devilishly he was sure Liza would be ecstatic about the news)
Krystal: Ignore him, Miriam’s right and I like having you close by. Close enough that you can ride that bicycle of yours. (She teases grinning behind the rim of her glass as Lola laughs and looks flustered)
Lola: Why does everyone keep picking on my poor bike? (She laughs again then takes a sip of her drink. David looks from one to the other noting Lola’s tentative smile as if she had said more than she had meant to)
David: Who’s everyone? (He ask knowing it was the last question she wanted to hear but his curiosity got the best of him and there had to be more behind that deer in the headlights look)
Lola: Adam Chandler asked me why I’d be riding it over here as if it was some bizarre notion. (She says her light tone ringing false in David’s ears like the rest of the weak minded she’d fallen for that deadly Chandler charm)
David: It is at Adam’s age!
Krystal: Where’d you run in to him? (She says taken aback by the mention of Adam making her wonder if he was up to his old tricks)
Lola: I met him when he stopped by the house to drop something off to Miriam. I think he bought a property from her. (She says casually relaxing some of the tension that had started in Krystal’s neck her explanation seeming innocent enough since Adam often did business with Miriam so their meeting could have been coincidence. David watches Lola careful now was as good a time as any to test his theory)
David: So what did you think of our resident megalomaniac?
Lola: He seemed very charismatic and pleasant.
David: Are you sure it wasn’t his brother Stuart?
Lola: No, I’m sure he said he was Adam. (He smirks she was charmed she came immediately to his defense)
Krystal: David’s just kidding Adam can be quite charming when he wants to.
David: Like most snakes before they bite you. (He mutters as smirking to his self he walks to the bar placing his empty glass down)
Lola: I’m sorry David I didn’t hear what you said.
David: I said you just met him it’s nice of you to give him a fair shake.
Krystal: Just be careful around him remember what I told you about him.
Lola: Don’t worry I remember. (David watches Lola and grins to his self her lips were saying she remembered but her eyes and body language said something completely different this could get very interesting and very useful. Darius runs into the living wearing his old uniform and cap carrying his glove and David’s)  
Darius: Mom! Is dinner ready? (He stops in front of her looking at her with big anxious eyes)
Krystal: Well look at you! (She takes of his hat ruffles his hair then places it back atop his head)
Lola: Do you have a game today? (She stands placing her glass on the bar next to David’s)
Darius: Daddy said after dinner we’re going to the batting cages! (He looks up at her his eyes bright with excitement as he looks from her to David)
Krystal: Well then lets get you fed and out of here so you can bat them over the fence! Come on everyone. (She takes her sons hand and marches him towards the dinning room Lola in tow. David watches the trio swaggering behind him congratulating himself on his good fortune given by a chance meeting)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Jamie and Francessca 06/12/2013

Jaime: Heyyyy! (He calls gently sliding in to the room and closing the door behind him) how are you feeling?
Francessca: Hey honey! (He leans in closes and kisses her gently he pulls the blanket to the side smiling as his son drifts off to sleep) Fine a little tired but for the most part good.
Jamie: Is he sleeping?
Francessca: He just dozed off. (She smiles up at him and nods her head)
Jamie: He’s had a big day and so has his momma.
Francessca: Yeah, one of the longest ones I can remember but this little guy (She kisses the sleeping child forehead as she rocks him in her arms) just couldn’t wait to get here.
Jamie: God, he is so amazing.
Francessca: I think so.
Jamie: and look at all that hair!
Francessca: That explains all the indigestion.
Jamie: It couldn’t possible be the pepperoni pizzas with onions?
Francessca: No, not at all. (She shakes her head in mock denial and laughs)
Jamie: He’s so tiny.
Francessca: Who you calling tiny? He’s eight pounds two ounces twenty-two inches I’d say that’s a nice size baby.
Jamie: Wow!
Francessca: You want to hold him?
Jamie: I don’t want to wake him. (She hands him the sleeping child giving him no choice but to take him then stretches her arms out in front of her)
Francessca: You’re not going to wake him.
Jamie: How’s my boy? (He stands and slowly paces the room cradling his son in his arms)
Francessca: Logan, say “hi” to Daddy! (She reaches for her phone on the night stand snapping a quick picture of Jamie holding their son)
Jamie: So I guess Shania is out? (He winks)
Francessca: It was never in! (She laughs) Logan Michael Martin what do you think?
Jamie: I like it. It fits him! (He nods in agreement)
Francessca: I wanted to name him after my Dad’s but there are way too many Michael’s in this family and then somebody would want to give him a nickname and what’s left Mickey? Yuck! (She contorts her face looking as if she’s swallowed a lemon making Jamie chuckle)   
Jamie: Hey, Logan how you doing little guy you’re out cold who could blame you? You had a very big day today so you get some rest. I can’t wait till you get big enough I’m going to teach you how to ride a bike, how to catch jellybeans in your mouth, throw a football kick a soccer ball and anything else you want to do. That’s right whatever you want to do I’ll be right there with you. Now why don’t you finish your nap and let Mommy and I talk. (He smiles laying the baby in the bassinette, then sits on the bed next to Francessca and holds her in his arms she lays her head against his chest snuggling her nose against him enjoying the scent of him and the strength and comfort she always felt in his arms flow through her. She’d waited all day for this moment)
Jamie: I’ll admit I was scared. (He kisses her again this time slowly savoring the taste and feel of having close)
Francessca: So was I! (She looks up at him then pulls his arm tighter around her) All I could think about was what if his thing falls?
Jamie: All I wanted to do was climb down in there with you. The thought of you in there giving birth and all the “what if’s” running through my mind. (He pulls her closer resting his head on the top of hers) I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to the two of you. (He kisses the top of her head and looks over at the baby sleeping bassinette next to them)
Francessca: I don’t even want to think about it I was just glad Rego insisted on helping me carry the art supplies to my car or I would have been in there by myself! (She says with a shudder) 
Jamie: Yeah! (He sighs with relief then chuckles) If we were scared he must have been freaking out.
Francessca: A couple of times there I thought he was going to loose his lunch. (She laughs at the memory of the look on his face when he saw the baby was crowning)
Jamie: It must have felt a little awkward.
Francessca: At first but once he calmed down he was actually really good he was funny and empathetic I was actually kind of glad he was there.
Jamie: Really? (He looks down at her his eyes questioning)
Francessca: It made me feel a little less guilty you know, (She looks up at him he stares at her a moment then stares unseeing out the window) at least we didn’t steal that moment from him. I figured no matter what happens in the future at least we won’t be taking that from him too.
Jamie: Are you having second thoughts?
Francessca: I did. (She feels the tension instantly as the arm that held her tensed. He looks back at her his face compassionate yet disappointment dulled the smile in eyes that had been there before)
Jamie: We can still tell him if that’s what you want
Francessca: After everything that happened today for a moment there I came really close to telling him the truth.
Jamie: What stopped you?
Francessca: The elevator doors opened. (She shrugs) 
Jamie: Is that the only reason?
Francessca: At that moment yes but not now (Her tone resolute leaving no room for reproach she lays her head back against Jamie’s chest her palm resting against it she smiles as she feels the tension leave him) I know we’re doing the right thing. I was thinking about it after thing settled down and I was so glad I didn’t. (She sighs with relief at the divine intervention that had kept her from making that blunder)  For one thing I was just caught in the moment and probably just a little shock. I’m a mother and I have to do what’s best for our son. I have to think with my head not my heart. (Remembering back to right before they stepped in the elevator and the doors closed and she’d gotten a glimpse of Cassandra coming from Randi’s room and the look on her face when she’d seen Rego helping her) He hasn’t grown up and he’s still playing games with Cassandra.
Jamie: Wait I thought she was with that Devereaux guy. (He pulls away looking down at her she stares up at him in disbelief)
Francessca: Come on Jamie when has that ever mattered to either one of them?
Jamie: You’re kidding right? (He shakes his head still not believing what he was hearing, She pulls away from him sitting up so her arms crossed over her chest) brows drawn in to a v-shape)
Francessca: What’s with Rego’s sudden interest in Randi? I not saying they’re not friends but Randi has been in the hospital for months all of a sudden both he and Cassandra start visiting Randi on the regular oh and coincidentally always on the same days at around the same times? Give me a break! (She chuckles shaking her head at Jamie naïveté)  Natalia and I had that figured out in like two seconds flat.
Jamie: I never noticed.
Francessca: Trust me those two are still together and Rego will never grow up he seems to like drama. They may think they have everyone else fooled but their still creeping around town. Now instead of me they have that Devereaux guy in the mix. (She smirks devilishly) He impresses me, as the type that will be way nastier than I ever was when he finds out.
Jamie: You’re not kidding (He whistles between his teeth she was right the man was a shark in business darn right dangerous he couldn’t imagine his personal life would be any different)
Francessca: I’m never going to tell him especially not as long as he’s with her.
Jaime: So that’s it? (He smiles down at her pulling her close again glad they were finally putting it all behind them)
Francessca: That’s it we’re never going to talk about this again. (She holds him tighter snuggling down in to his warm embrace)
Jaime: Good because I have a way better way to spend our time. (He teases)
Francessca: Oh yeah?
Jaime: Yeah, (He reaches in his pocket and takes out his phone) I took pictures of Dad and Opal when I took the baby up to see him. (Handing her his phone enjoying her face light up as she flips through each photo)
Francessca: When did you do that?
Jamie: While you were sleeping.
Francessca: Oh wow these are great!
Natalia: Hey! (She pushes the door her arms filled with a large bouquet of flowers and places them on the night then give Francessca a big hug) Congratulations Mommy and Daddy!
Brot: Here I got this for you Jamie. (Handing him a square wooden box)
Jamie: Real Cuban cigars this is amazing! (He opens the lids and pulls one out running it slowly under his nose enjoying the rich smell of the tobacco) Thank you!
Brot: Only the best for the best! (He moves around the side of the bed leans down and kisses Francessca’s cheek) How you doing darling?
Francessca: I’m fine. Thanks for the flowers guys they’re beautiful!
Natalia: Oh my God! (She moves to the bassinette looking down at the sleeping baby sighing in awe) Look at him! He’s gorgeous! Can I hold him? (She turns towards her eyes half pleading)
Francessca: Of course why are you even asking? (She reaches for her phone snapping a few pictures of Natalia holding Logan for the first time. Natalia smiles down at the infant in her arms then walks to Brot. He places his arm around Natalia and looks down in awe of the tiny life in Natalia’s arms) Logan say hello to your Godparents Aunt Natalia. (She says snapping the look on their face as their heads fly up mouths agape, grinning from ear to ear)
Brot: You’re kidding right? (His eyes bright with surprise his voice cracking with suppressed emotions)
Jamie: We couldn’t think of two better people.
Brot: I’m, we are so honored Thank you! (He gives Jamie a hearty hug slapping him on the back for good measure)
Natalia: We are going to be “Thee” best Godparents you have ever seen!