Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Zach, Francessca and Sophia 09/25/2013

Zach strolls in to Francessca’s room grinning from ear to ear holding the door for the nurse as she passes then walks to the bed and embraces her tightly,

Zach: There’s my girl! (He says smiling like a Cheshire cat and hugging her tight)
Francessca: Heyy! (She says hugging him back before releasing him and looking down in the cradle at her son)
Zach: How’s my little guy?
Francessca: Wonderful! I was just about to feed him do you want to do it?
Zach: I thought you wee ah breast-feeding? (He looks at her surprised)
Francessca: I am but the nurse came by to show me how to use the new pump. Jenny knocked the other one over and broke it earlier and they didn’t have the same one so if you want to feed him you can.
Zach: If I want too are you kidding? (He grins taking the baby from her then sitting in the chair next to the bed. He reaches for the bottle and begins to feed him grinning even broader if possible)
You seen your Dad?
Francessca: He and Mom stopped by last night. You should have seen Dad last night he is over the moon over this boy!
Zach: I wish I had.
Francessca: Where did you disappear too after all the excitement died down?
Zach: I ah had some stuff to take care of at the casino.
Francessca: You and Dad still fighting?
Zach: We’re not fighting it’s just…
Francessca: You don’t trust David, I know. But if you don’t trust David wouldn’t it make more sense to not be fighting with him? I mean if you’re fighting and something shady comes up won’t he be less likely to tell you?
Zach: Why don’t you and I talk about your Dad later I came to see this guy my vey first nephew!
Francessca: You know you’re the first person besides Jamie to feed him.
Zach: Yeah?
Francessca: Yep!
Zach: How bout that? (He grins proudly snuggling the baby closer to him)
Zach: Wow! He’s got some grip. (He strokes the babies small fingers Logan grasps his them wrapping his tiny fist around it making Zach’s face light with joy)
Francessca: You think his grip is tight trying taking that bottle from him. It’s like taking a bag of lime flavored Doritos from his father. (They both laugh)
Zach: How’s Jamie?
Francessca: Wonderful! (She sighs) I’ve never seen him so happy! How are my little guys? (She walks to the bassinet shaking out then re-laying the blankets)
Zach Great! They can’t wait to meet their little cousins although I had to straighten them out a little on what he can and mostly can’t do right now.
Francessca: Yeah I think we had that conversation too. (She nods and giggles)
Zach: Kendall’s going to bring them by after school.
Francessca: Oh cool! (She finishes with the basinet pushing it next to Zach)
Zach: Hey I got him something look in the bag! (He places the bottle on the table then shifts the baby on to his shoulder and pats his back as Francessca fishes through the tissue paper)  
Francessca: Ahh his first Red Wings jersey a tiny hockey stick and a puck! (She grins remembering the first jersey Zach had bought her)
Zach: We have to start him out right and I figured when he started teething you could stick the puck in the freezer and let him chew on it. (He grins as he stands placing the baby in the basinet)
Francessca: You’re kidding right? (She stares up at him her expression perplexed)
Zach: I’m serious! Best thing for a teething baby! I used to do it for you when you were teething. 
Francessca: Ahh huh. (She nods placing the items back in the bag and chuckling)
Sophia: Heellooo! (She calls peeping around the edge of the door then coming in)
Zach: Hey! How are you gorgeous! (He comes towards her giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug)
Sophia: Well “Hi” yourself handsome! Let me look at you! Still handsome as ever! (She says hugging and kissing him again)
Zach: And you are still the most beautiful deli owner in all of Brooklyn!
Sophia: Married life agrees with you! (She says poking at his middle and laughing)
Zach: Most days.
Sophia: So where’s you beautiful wife? (Looking quickly around the room)
Zach: She was meeting with clients she’s going to bring the boys by later.
Sophia: Wonderful! Hey I’m bringing you some thing from the store that’s if Nicky and Tony ever get here! (Rolling her eyes to the heavens)
Francessca: Nicky and Tony are coming? (She finishes tucking her son smiling up at her Grandmother her eyes glittering with excitement)
Sophia: Are you kidding (She huffs plopping in to Zach’s vacant chair) they would have been here last night but somebody had to close the store.
Francessca: Who’s going to watch the store while you’re all here?
Sophia: Your uncle Nunzio and your cousin Angelo said they’d keep an eye on it. (She smiles down proudly down at the baby then up at Zach)  So what do you think?
Zach: I was just telling Francessca how beautiful he is.
Sophia: He is isn’t he? (Lovingly re-tucking his blankets as Zach hugs Francessca kissing her forehead)
Zach: You do good work kid.
Tony: Yo! Yo! Yo! (He says coming through the door carrying a large cooler followed by his brother)
Nicky: Heyyyy! What’s going on?
Sophia: Finally! (Throwing her hands in the air)  I could have walked faster!
Tony: Sorry, (He places the cooler on the floor then kisses his aunt hello) blame Mr. Navigator! (He grins nodding his head towards his brother)
Nicky: Me? You’re the one that kept callin da place Pine Sticks!
Francessca: Hey! Come here! (She says jumping in to his arms and hugging him tight and then doing the same to Tony)
Nicky: Uncle Zach how are ya? (He shakes his hand in the same motion pulling him in for a hug with a resounding pat on the back his brother walking to him and doing the same)
Zach: My God look at you guys! The last time I saw you two you were just skinny kids! Running up and down the street with baseball gloves hanging from a stick)
Tony: Not anymore (He grins proudly flexing his bicep and nodding)
Nicky: Your looking good yourself! (He slaps his hands together rushing to the bassinet and peering in his brother at his side) Now let me see this little dude!
Tony: Ah man look at him!
Nicky: Man he’s so tiny!
Francessca: You want to hold him?
Nicky: I don’t want to break him. (A nervous grin on his lips)
Zach: He’s a Slater you can’t break them. (He looks over at Francessca and winks)
Sophia: Not till you both wash your hands! (She chastises pointing toward the bathroom) Just don’t let the nurse catch you!
Tony: You go ahead Nick I’ll wait. (He sits on the side of the bed next to his cousin watching the baby) So we stopped by your parents place on our way in to drop off some stuff Aunt Phi had us bring, man that is some place!
Nicky: I almost got lost coming out of the kitchen! (Drying his hands and tossing the paper in to the trashcan as he comes out)  Okay let me have him!
Francessca: Watch his head. (He reaches out his arms taking the baby from Francessca smiling broadly and cooing)
Nicky: Oh man would you look at him!
Tony: Let me see him! (He reaching for him as his brother turns and pulls away stepping a few paces away his brother trailing behind) 
Nicky: Hey, wait your turn!
Francessca: Guys! (She chides with a laugh) He’s a baby not a football. (Just as the nurse comes through the door)
Nurse: Sorry everyone Mr. Logan here needs to get checked out. (She takes the baby from Nicky placing him back in the basinet) and wheels him towards the door)
Francessca: Ahh, Bye pumpkin I’ll see you in a little while.
Nurse:  We’ll be right back.
All; Bye!
Sophia: Here let me hold the door for you I’m going to run to the little girls room I’ll be right back! (She lets the nurse pass with the baby then scurries down the hall towards to the ladies room)
Tony: That sucks I didn’t get to hold him! (He sulks plopping down on the edge of the bed)
Nicky: I promise we won’t leave till you do kay? (He pats him on the back winking to his Zach and his Aunt)
Tony: Kay, Hey, so you named him Logan after Uncle Mike nice! (He nods in approval)
Nicky: Yeah I like it. (He nods in agreement)
Tony: I miss your Dad sometimes. (His voice tinged with sadness)
Nicky: Hey (He practically shouts break the momentary somberness) remember when you all came to visit.
Tony: And we went camping on the roof? (His face brightening at the memory)
Francessca: Cause Aunt Marie was afraid if we went to the woods we’d be eaten by black bears! (They all laugh)
Zach: Oh yeah! So we took you kids camping on the roof complete with tents and trees. (He grins at the memory of them roasting marshmallows over the hibachi)
Francessca: And my Dad played that cheesy woodland tape he found and we went fishing in the kiddy pool! (They all laugh again)
Tony: That was so much fun!
Sophia: Remember the time I took you both to Vegas with me? (She looks from Nick to Tony)
Tony: And Uncle Zach was supposed to be keeping an eye on us?
Nicky: And we tried to sneak on to the casino floor through the dressing rooms?
Francessca: And Dad had to pick us up from casino jail! I’ll never forget his face! (They all laugh uproariously)
Zach: I’d almost forgotten about that! Your Dad boy he let me have it for that one. (Michael stands on the other side of the door listening to the sounds of laughter as Zach and the other laugh and reminisce. He shakes his head feeling a pang of jealousy rip though his chest and turns from the door walking back down the hall feeling an anger he hadn’t felt in a long time burn with in him)
Scene Shift:
Rego traverses the halls of the hospital carrying a gigantic stuffed elephant and grinning like a movie star on the red carpet. The last twenty-four hours had been incredible he’d delivered a baby and had just sealed a multi-billion dollar deal without his father and he’d made peace with his stepbrother and his wife. Things seemed to be getting better. He turns the corner practically running headlong into Cassandra. The interaction not unnoticed by Sophia who had spotted her as she’d left the room. She’d recognized her immediately from her pictures that had been plastered all over the papers. She’d chatted with the nurse as they walked the baby to the nursery her eyes glued to her as she stood leaning against the entrance to the maternity ward watching the hall. Her first instincts had been to give her a five across the face as she and then nurse parted ways but something told her to just watch she stood in front of the window watching the doctor give the baby his check up with one eye and Cassandra with the other. As she scam the visitors coming off the elevator till she spotted her prey then purposely walks in to his path)
Rego: Oh! I’m very sorry! (He says stopping short and smiling) Cassandra! Hey! What are you doing here in the maternity ward?
Cassandra: You caught me.
Rego: What are you up to?
Cassandra: Nothing really I was visiting Randi and my curiosity just got the best of me.
Rego: The feeing was just so overwhelming you risked running in to Francessca?
Cassandra: The media has just been “Oooing” and “Ahhing” all day I just had to come see for my self.
Rego: So what do you think?
Cassandra: He is pretty cute and if you ever tell Francessca or Jamie I said so I’ll kill you!
Rego: I won’t.  I’m sorry about yesterday as you know I was held up.
Cassandra: Don’t worry about it. Maybe we can meet up later?
Rego: I don’t know I was kind of hoping to make it an early night.
Cassandra: I really need to talk to you it’s important.
Rego: Really Cassandra I’ve had an exhausting twenty-four hours.
Cassandra: Please Rego I know you must be exhausted but I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t.
Rego: Okay I’ll call you in about an hour as soon as I’m finished here okay.
Cassandra: Thanks I’ll talk to you later?
Rego: I promise. (Rego continues down the hall stopping by the nursery window and peers in)
Sophia: They’re cute aren’t they? (She says coming up beside him)
Rego: Very. (He smiles back at her then back to the nursery) How are you Mrs. Logan?
Sophia: Very well better now that my great grandson is safe. Listen I wanted to thank you for everything you did for my granddaughter yesterday.
Rego: Nothing to thank me for it was my pleasure.
Sophia: Yesterday I saw the man my granddaughter saw he’s not such a bad fellow. (She smiles slyly watching him from the corner of her eye)
Rego: Thank you.
Sophia: Are you looking for Francessca?
Rego: Yes I forgot to ask what room they’re in.
Sophia: She’s down the hall here at the end on the right.
Rego: Thank you. (He says turning to leave Sophia’s voice stopping him)
Sophia: Do you mind if I tell you something?
Rego: I don’t think I could stop you.(He smiles nervously)
Sophia: That girl you were talking to. (She nods toward the entrance behind her brow creased)
Rego: Cassandra?
Sophia: Yeah her. She’s been lurking around her for the past fifteen minutes.
Rego: She just came up to see the baby.
Sophia: Really? (She nods in mock surprise) That’s what she said?
Rego: Yeah she asked me not to tell anyone but she thought he was really cute. (Sounding like a conspirators whispering)
Sophia: She said that huh? (She says rolling her eyes to the ceiling)
Rego: But that’s just between you and I.
Sophia: I think you had better keep an eye on that one (She stops at the door a moment) she’s been lurking by the entrance for the maternity ward for fifteen minutes and never once looked in the nursery besides the baby wasn’t in nursery he was in the room with his mother. The doctor is just finishing up. If it were me I’d wonder, if someone lies about something so small what else will they lie about but that’s just me. You do what you want. (She shrugs) There’s nurse she’s bringing the baby back to the room now just follow her and I’ll see you in a moment. (She turns and walks towards the ladies room leaving Rego to mull her words as he follows the nurse)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jack and Tea, Brooke and Oliver 09/24/2013

Brooke and Oliver walk in to “Carmen and Krystal’s” practically beaming as Oliver passes out cigars to the male patrons as they walk toward the counter.

Krystal: Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa! (She squeals coming around the counter to hug each of them) How are Jamie, Francessca and the baby?
Brooke: The proud parents couldn’t be happier and Logan is beautiful!
Oliver: He is the most handsome baby in the nursery!
Krystal: You’re not just a little prejudice huh? (She teases as Oliver lays his hand on his chest in mock modesty)
Oliver: Me? Never!
Krystal: So what can a get you?
Oliver: A booth and whatever the lady wants on the menu!
Krystal: You two have a seat wherever you like and I’ll be right back
Brooke: Thanks Krystal.
Oliver: So how are you doing Grandma? (He puts arm around her as they walk to a booth)
Brooke: It’s strange and wonderful all at the same time. (She smiles wistfully as she slides in to the seat)
Oliver: I know how you feel you’re sad that your baby has grown and has family of his own and happy all at the same time.
Brooke: You hit the nail right on the head.
Oliver: I’m feeling the same way and maybe just a little remorseful. I mean if my son hadn’t been such a fool this would all be entirely different.
Brooke: I always try to tell myself that life always works out the way it’s supposed too.
Oliver: Why shouldn’t you? In your case you have a wonderful daughter in-law and a beautiful grandson. In my case I have and immature son who runs around with the town strumpet!  (He shrugs then looks puzzled as Brooke laughs uproariously till tears slide down her cheeks)
Brooke: I’m sorry! I’m really sorry I know how serious you’re being but I have not heard that word used since my Aunt Phoebe passed away.
Oliver: I’m glad I amuse you. (He grimaces as Brooke smiles and gives him a kick hug)
Brooke: Oh, I don’t think you have anything to worry about besides Rego and Cassandra haven’t been together since she’s moved in with that Mr. St. Jacque.
Oliver: Not according to the “The Sun” the other day. (He retorts knowing in his gut those two were still at it)
Brooke: Oliver you know better than to believe anything that rag prints. She scoffs opening her menu and glancing over the contents)
Oliver: Despite the ridiculous headlines there actually is some useful information in it. (He picks up his own menu skimming through as he talks)
Brooke: I really don’t think Rego would be foolish enough to keep seeing her do you?
Oliver: Unfortunately I do and from what I know, Devereaux St. Jacque is not a man to be trifled with. (He grunts placing the menu down on the table)
Brooke: You don’t think he would hurt Rego do you? (Her voice filled with concern Oliver shrugs again)
Oliver: I can’t be sure but who knows what an angry jealous man will do?
Brooke: Lets just hope what you read in “The Sun” is just a rumor.
Jack: I hear congratulation are in order. (He cheers Tea by his side)
Brooke: Jack good to see you! (She stands giving his cheek a kiss and a hug)
Jack: You look beautiful as always Red or should I saw Grandma and Grandpa Red? (He reaches out shaking Oliver’s hand)
Brooke Oh Thank you!
Oliver: Here have a cigar! (He claps him on the back jovially as he hands him the cigar)
Jack: Brooke, Oliver you remember Tea Delgado?
Brooke: Yes we met at the wedding. (She reaches out her hand to Brooke and Oliver)
Tea: Yes, Good to see you both.
Oliver: Lovely to see you again. Why don’t you both join us?
Jack: Tea?
Tea: We’d love to, (She smiles at Jack and the two slide in to the booth opposite brook and Oliver) so new grandchild boy or girl?
Brooke: A beautiful baby boy Logan Michael Martin.
Jack: How is Francessca?
Brooke: Fine practically glowing.
Oliver: You would think she gave birth in an elevator everyday! (They all laugh as Krystal comes to the table pad in hand)
Krystal: I guess I’ll have to give you all some more time.
Jack: Not necessary if you guys are ready to order. (He looks around the table everyone nods in agreement)
Brooke: I know what I want how about you Oliver?
Oliver: I’m having the ribs!
Tea: That’s double for us. (She smiles bumping Jack with hr shoulder then winks)
Brooke: Make that four.
Krystal: If you don’t mind a suggestion I bring y’all three racks and sides it cheaper that way and you actually get more.
Oliver: Fine! I don’t know about you Jack but I’m starved.
Jack: You and me both! We’ve been working all afternoon.
Krystal: Okay I’ll be right back! (She gathers the menus and heads for the counter)
Brooke: Tough case?
Tea: Just one, we had to do a little re-thinking.
Jack: Lucky for me I have one of the best legal brains in the state of Pennsylvania on my side. (He puts his arm around her shoulder giving it a quick squeeze just as Opal walks to the table)
Opal: Hey everyone!
Brooke: Hi Opal how are you?
Oliver: Hello gorgeous. (He stands giving her hand a quick kiss making her blush)
Opal: Oh stop you old charmer!
Jack: Opal good to see you! (He stands giving her cheek a quick kiss then turning to Tea) You remember Tea Delgado?
Opal: Yes, we meet at Rhea and Michael’s wedding nice to see you again. (Her mind races a moment knowing full well Erica was not going to like this at all)
Tea: Nice to see you.
Oliver: Would you like to join us? (Shifting in his seat ready to make room)
Opal: Oh. No I just stopped to pick something up for Tad then I have to stop by Erica’s. (She looks at Tea trying to gage her reaction but her poker face gave nothing away) Did you know she’s interviewing that Devereaux St. Jacque for her TV show “New Beginnings” tomorrow?
Brooke: Good for her so I guess she’s doing a serious interview. (Mildly annoyed by Erica’s monkey see monkey do antics)
Opal: Yeah, (She smile nodding and smiling with pride)  and she asked me over to give her pre-recorded interview with some details from Tad’s accident.
Oliver: I promise I won’t miss it!
Brooke: I can’t wait to see it.
Opal: I mean it’s still pretty exciting considering the circumstances and if I can’t give an interview to my best girlfriend then what kind of friend would I be? You better than anyone know how Erica is when she wants something.
Jack: Good for you Opal!
Tea: I guess we’ll have to DVR it and watch it later. (She says moving a little closer to Jack and placing her hand in the crease of his elbow. Oh no Erica was not going to like this one bit)
Opal: Yeah I umm yeah…Oh I better go put in Tad’s order I’ll you all later. (She walks over to the counter and greets Krystal her reaction making both Jack and Tea grin devilishly leaving Brooke and Oliver curious)
Tea: I wonder what made Erica want to interview St. Jacque I mean I’ve watched her show a couple of times and it never impressed me as a hard hitting news program. (She shrugs speaking her internal question aloud)
Oliver: Probably the article that “Tempo” ran a few weeks ago. (He says with a roll of his eyes and Jack nods in agreement)
Brooke: No, I have to admit it is an interesting story he saved Tad’s life. If he hadn’t come along I shudder to think what may have happened if he hadn’t. I’d have run with it myself if I hadn’t just interviewed him.
Jack: That’s right the memorial service for Taylor is tomorrow I’d almost forgotten. (He shakes his head sadness edging his voice)
Brooke: I still can’t believe it. (Her tone matching his some of the lightness slipping from the mood)
Jack: How’s Tad holding up?
Brooke: You know Tad he tries to be strong for the girls but deep down you know he’s hurting.
Oliver: Who wouldn’t you marry the woman of your dreams one minute only to loose her in the next. That’s why you have to savor each one.
Tea: You’re absolutely right Oliver because in the end the only thing left, are the memories. (Her mind filling with memories her heart with the emptiness of loss)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Rego and Oliver (Earlier) 09/23/2013

Rego walks in to the dinning and heads straight for the server and grabs a plate heaping it with eggs and fresh fruit smiling happily at the sounds of his father’s boastful cheers.

Oliver: There he is the man of the hour! (He grinning turning the newspaper and showing Rego the image of him Francessca and the baby on the cover) So how does it feel to bring my first Grandson in to the world?
Rego: I have to admit it’s a pretty amazing feeling!
Oliver: How did you sleep?
Rego: Like a rock. I don’t think I’ve slept that well in a long time.
Oliver: Good! It’s always easier to sleep when your demons stop chasing you.
Rego: I suppose you a have a point. After the baby was born right before the doors opened I think Francessca and I finally came to an understanding.
Oliver: So no more kicking you across rooms? (He grins devilishly making them both chuckle)
Rego: No, I think those days are over.
Oliver: I want you to know I’m very proud of you. (He reaches out slapping his son on the back then pulling his head to him and kissing the top of it)
Rego: Thanks father that means a lot to me.
Brooke: Well you should be very proud of yourself you did a wonderful thing yesterday! I got off the phone with Jamie a little while ago he says Francessca and the baby are doing great!
Brooke: It was a very brave thing you did yesterday thank you again Rego for everything! (She says grasping the top of his head and kissing it making him grin broader as he chews.  Brooke walks to the server and begins to help herself to breakfast)
Rego: I don’t know what everyone keeps going on about I really didn’t do anything Francessca did all the work.
Brooke: Don’t underestimate what you did. Women have died during childbirth and still do.
Oliver: Thank God nothing like that happened.
Brooke: You can say that again.
Rego: So how’s Jamie?
Brooke: When I talked to him he sounded exhausted but still on cloud nine. He’s so proud. (She places her plate on the table then reaches for a coffee cup and fills it before sitting at the table)
Rego: He should be that’s a beautiful boy he’s got there and that’s not just proud uncle talking. If I didn’t have a meeting I’d go over to the hospital with you.
Brooke: Well why don’t you? I was going to go by before I go over to the office today I thought I’d go over to the hospital and take a peak in on them.
Rego: Because I set this up months ago I can’t cancel now besides, the publicity may work in my favor.
Oliver: Why don’t we let Holmberg handle it the sneaky little weasel has been itching to get his hands on something for weeks!
Rego: No, I really should take this I’ll come over when I’m done.
Oliver: Suit yourself you can tell me all about it later. I have a gift I want to give the proud parents. (He says reaching in his pocket and handing Brooke an envelope) I met with my lawyers last night and I had this set up all I need is the babies name and it’s ready to go. (Grinning like a like a cat who swallowed a canary as he hands her the envelope)
Brooke: You had a two million dollar trust fund set up? I can’t believe you did that! Thank you. (She jumps from her seat hugging him and showering his face with kisses)
Oliver: Of course! Who knows by the time he gets older that may be the cost of a really good education. You handle the meeting Brooke and I are going to the hospital! I’ve been dying to get my hands on that baby since woke up. 
Brooke: That’s if you can pry him away from Sophia!
Oliver: Who is this Sophia again?
Rego: Francessca’s grandmother very formidable woman. (Remembering his last encounter with her and her nephews his rear still smarting at the memory)
Oliver: I look forward to meeting her.
Scene Shift: Sophia walks in to Francessca’s room arms loaded down with bags. Grinning even broader when she see’s her great-grandson nursing in his mother’s arms.

Sophia: There he is! Nonnie’s beautiful baby boy! And all the ladies in “Lacey’s” agreed with me. Nice store by the way! I got this beautiful outfit for when he goes home. And where the heck did all these flowers come from? My God it’s like a florist in here! Good grief how many Teddy bears can one kid have?
Francessca: Morning Nonnie. Most of them are from family and friends some from Oliver’s, my Mom and Zach’s business associates others from I guess you would call them fans which is nice but just a little weird and with people now days. After I have Zach’s people check them then them to the Miranda center and the Women’s Shelter.
Sophia: Yeah you can’t be too careful now days.
Francessca: So you like “Lacey”s” huh? I guess you cleaned them out?
Sophia: Not quiet. I was looking for a bassinet set and my goodness they had some of most ugly things you have ever seen! I walked over to the sales girl and I told her and she agreed with me and pulled a couple from the back for me that had just come in. Here look! (She opens the shopping bag pulling the set partially out and showing her the fabric)
Francessca: Very pretty! What else do you have in those bags Grandma? (Sounding like the character from the Goldilocks cartoon they both loved and laugh)
Sophia: All kinds of goodies! You want to see?
Francessca: Sure you want to hold him while I look?
Sophia: Are you kidding? Oh look at him so handsome! Come to Nonnie that loves you best! (Taking the baby from Francessca and cradling him in her arms as Francessca sifts through the bags)
Francessca: You are going to spoil him rotten.
Sophia: That’s what Grandma’s do! I did the same thing to you and you turned out just fine!
Francessca: Ooo! (She coo’s pulling the bed set from the bag)
Sophia: I knew you’d like that one.
Francessca: It’s so cute! (She unfolds it spreading it across the bed and admiring it)
Sophia: So tell me about yesterday you and the prince that became a frog? You disappointed it wasn’t the way you planned? 
Francessca: It was the way it was supposed to be I’m at peace with it.
Sophia: You and that Rego character made peace, good! It will be a lot easier that way when you’re trying to raise your son. (She looks down at the sleepy child then back to Francessca her brow furrowed as she folds the quilt and places it back in the bag)
Francessca: Jamie is Logan’s father.
Sophia: You’re going with that huh? (She rolls her eyes shifting the baby in her arms and pulling the blanket closer around him)
Francessca: Yes, (She says over her shoulder knowing her grandmother wouldn’t let it go till she had the last word even as she said it) yesterday didn’t change anything at all.
Sophia: You know how I feel about that but I’ll just keep that to myself.
Francessca: Thanks Nonnie. (She sighs in relief)
Sophia: Oh before I forget go in my purse your Aunt Marie sent the baby something. (She smiles a happy secret smile as Francessca open the small box holding the tiny cross in the palm of her hand)
Francessca: Oh wow!
Sophia: Every baby in this family is christened with that cross and so will you! That’s right! (She snuggles him closer as Logan yawns) When you’re christened your going to wear the same cross as your Grandfather! Yes you are! (He yawns again then closes his eyes)  I remember when your father was this age. Do you know he cried one day for eight hours straight? I thought your Grandfather would pull his hair out!
Brooke: Hello! (She says peaking her head thru the door then coming through followed by Oliver) Hi! Ohhhh! (She says quickly kissing Francessca’s check then makes a Beeline straight for Sophia and the baby)
Francessca: Hi nice to see you Oliver. (She smiles hugging him quickly)
Oliver: Nice to see you my dear you look beautiful.
Francessca: I know I don’t but thank you for saying that.
Oliver: Don’t argue you look beautiful! (He kisses her cheek then turns and walks toward Sophia)  Now let me see the man of the hour.
Sophia: Here he is! (She says smiling proudly)
Francessca: Oliver Sherrigan this is my Grandmother Sophia Logan.
Oliver: Wonderful to meet you.
Sophia: Lovely to meet you too. Here why don’t one of you take him please I need to stretch my legs.
Brooke: You don’t have to ask me twice!
Sophia: There was a beautiful little snowsuit I saw at “Lacy’s” I want to get before somebody snatches it up.
Francessca: Nonnie He has enough stuff really.
Sophia: Never you mind, (She says grabbing up her bags and purse and walking towards the door) besides your Uncle Zach gave me a limo at my disposal so I’m going to go pick that up, drop theses things off and I’ll be right back. Very nice meeting you both!
Oliver: Nice meeting you!
Brooke: Nice seeing you again!
Sophia: I’ll see you all later! Bye my sweetheart! (She says blowing a kiss to the baby then bouncing out the door her arms loaded)
Oliver: He’s a very handsome baby you and Jamie do nice work!
Francessca: I think so.
Oliver: Kind of reminds me of Rego at that age.
Brooke: He has his lower lip pushed out just like Jamie used to.
Oliver: Sweetheart I meant to give you this it’s for the Logan. (He says reaching in his breast pocket and handing her an envelope she looks from Brooke to Oliver as she opens it her eyes opening wide as she reads it)
Oliver: I set up a trust fund for him.
Francessca: Oh my God Oliver Thank you. (She says hugging him then Brooke) this is way too generous.
Oliver: Nonsense! It’s not every day that my grandson is born! (He says looking down at the sleeping child in Brooke’s arms)
Francessca: Wow! Jamie and I really thank you both. (She stares down at it again still unbelieving)
Brooke: It was our pleasure.
Francessca: It’s just so unbelievable really!
Jamie: Hey honey (He says holding her close and kissing her) how’s…hey everyone! (Looking up and noticing his mother and stepfather)
Brooke: Hi Honey!
Oliver: Congratulations! (He hugs Jamie and hands him a cigar) We were just admiring your son.
Jamie: Isn’t he beautiful?
Brooke: You’ll get no argument from me!
Oliver: So are you both ready for the no sleep and two-am feedings?
Jamie: Are you kidding? I can’t wait to get my family home! (He says pulling Francessca closer and kissing her)
Francessca: Look what your Mom and Oliver just gave Logan!
Jamie: Oh, my…(his voice trails off) Thank you! this is really unbelievable! 
Randi: What’s unbelievable? (She smiles pushing past the open door and rolling in to the room)
Francessca: Randi! (She squeals running to her and hugging her tightly) How are you? How are you feeling?
Randi: I have never been better. (She smiles looking happier and optimistic that Francessca had seen her in months)
Francessca: I’m really glad you’re here.
Randi: Do you think I could stay away! (She rolls closer to the chair where Brooke sits) Look at him he’s gorgeous Mommy! (She smiles back at Francessca)
Francessca: Thank you! How are you? Frankie said you were getting out of here?
Randi: Doctors said I could go home tomorrow! (She squeals with excitement)
Francessca: That’s great! (She smiles happily hugging her again) Frankie must be ecstatic! 
Randi: He’s been bouncing off the walls and so have I. (She laughs) So tell me what’s so unbelievable?
Francessca: Oliver and Brooke set up a Trust Fund for Logan.
Randi: Holy cow! How long before he can sign a loan?
Francessca: I think it will be a while. (They both laugh)
Randi: Listen when Jamie gets off work why don’t you come by my room and we can talk.
Francessca: That will be great around six? (She looks towards Jamie who nods his head in agreement)
Jamie: Yeah it will give Logan and me sometime to catch up. (He smiles don at his sleeping son in his mother’s arms then back at Randi)
Randi: Cool, and that’s just the person I came to see and I think it’s my turn to hold him!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tad and Opal 09/09/2013

Opal sits in a chair beside Tad’s bed holding a yellow legal pad and reading off her list.

Opal: Okay so we have the flowers, the music oh and the girls and Phillip put together one of those CD with pictures to run during the memorial service.
Tad: Yeah that’s great Momma.
Opal: How you doing honey.
Tad: I’m okay stop fussing. Stop! How are the girls?
Opal: They’re fine Ruthie took them over to the Miranda center for their art lesson then they’re coming here to see the baby. Oh Tad you should see them they are so excited to be Aunts!
Tad: Yeah Kathy was telling me on the phone last night she wanted the baby to call her Aunt Kathy.
Opal: You should gave heard them trying to trace the family line with Phillip. Oh and your little girl is in love Tad. She thinks that Phillip hung the moon!
Tad: Yeah Jenny was teasing her about it yesterday. How’s he doing by the way? I haven’t seen much of him.
Opal: He’s off to the University this morning with Chuck. He’s a nice boy been real helpful to Joe and Ruthie and such a charmer! He’s got Jenny and Kathy eating right out of his hands. Kind of reminds me of you at that age,
Tad: God I hope not or Pine Valley is in trouble!
Opal: Well if he’s not careful he’s going to charm himself in to a heap of trouble just like someone else I know.
Tad: What makes you say that?
Opal: Well I was over to Ruthie’s this morning you know discussing the program and while I was there the phone must have rung at least four times with four different girls looking for him.
Tad: Just four?
Opal: Ha ha very funny! I’m serious Tad!
Tad: Why are you answering Mom’s phone in the first place?
Opal: We were waiting for a call from the caterers and Ruthie was trying to get the girls lunch so she asked me to man the phones.
Tad: I guess you and Mom have everything under control.
Opal: Yep, everything’s a go for tomorrow I’m sorry you’re not going to be there are you sure you don’t want to take Rhea up on wiring your room?
Tad: No, I’m okay Momma. Now tell me more about my nephew. So who are these girls?
Opal: Well two said they met him at the park, one said the Mall and one said the Miranda Center and they just couldn’t stop giggling. All I’m saying is somebody better keep an eye on the boy.
Tad: That boy is a grown man and world traveled. He just spent six years studying abroad I think he can handle him self.
Opal: Judging by that phone I think that’s the problem.
Tad: So you want me to talk to him?
Opal: I think someone should or there’s going to be a trail of broken hearts from here to Ireland.
Tad: I’m just his Uncle I barley know the kid really, what about Jake? Or, his grandparents wouldn’t that be better coming from his Grandparents better yet his parents?
Opal: Come on Tad, Ruth and Joe have enough on their plates right now besides you’re really just laying here. You could be kind of his mentor you know. Show him the ropes and pit falls you’d be doing Ruth and Joe a big favor.
Tad: Okay.
Opal: So you’ll do it?
Tad: I said okay. (he sighs laying his head back against the pillow and starring at the ceiling)
Opal: Now I’d better get on to the caterers and give them this deposit. (She pushes the chair back picking it up and placing it in the corner) I’ll be back later. And if you’re a good boy I’ll bring you back something from  “Carmen and Krystal’s”.
Tad: Momma bring me some ribs please? (His head popping up off the pillow his eye brightening)
Opal: That’s going to be a little messy don’t you think? (She looks down at him wrinkling her nose in distaste)
Tad: I have to have some fun some how. (He grins devilishly throwing his hands in the air and shrugging)
Opal: Keep it up and they’re going to have to roll you out of here.
Tad: They have to roll me out of here now!
Opal: Very funny! I’ll see you later.
Tad: Okay I’ll see you. (Tad waits a moment then turns to Phil who’s standing behind the door) Is that what you wanted?
Phil: That’s a part of it.
Tad: What’s the other part?
Phil: I can’t tell you but you’ll know when it happens.
Tad: This is ridiculous! Why me? Haven’t I been through enough?
Phil: The big man thinks you’re perfect for the job so who are we to argue.
Tad: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Phil: All I can say it that it’s important.
Tad: Can’t you just give me a hint?
Phil: She’s coming back I have to go.
Opal: Sorry Love-Bug I forgot my bag.
Tad: Right there on the windowsill.
Opal: Who was just here?
Tad: No one.
Opal: I thought I heard you talking to somebody and I feel as if someone was just here. (She looks around the room sure she’d felt something just moment before the door opened)
Tad: No one was here.
Opal: Then who were you talking too? (Still feeling something but now she wasn’t sure)
Tad: I was leaving myself a message on my voice mail. (He picks up his phone and waves it at her)
Opal: Oh okay well I’m off I’ll be back in a bit. (She tosses over her shoulder picking her purse up checking it’s contents as she walks distractedly towards the door)
Tad: See ya. (Tad waits a couple of seconds then glowers at Phil)
Phil: That was close.
Tad: She’s going to catch you! She can feel you man.
Phil: Don’t worry about it I have all under control she lurking outside the door right now (He says pointing at the TV and disappearing in the same moment)
“TV: Dude! How the heck do you know? You can’t see through walls” (Opal looks up at the TV then at Tad who smiles at her with one brow raised his hands in the air palms up she smiles weakly looks up at the TV again then leaves the room looking confused and shaking her head)
Tad: Man you have to stop!
Phil: Come on you have to admit that was funny! (He says letting out the laugh he’d been smother and receives a quelling look from Tad making him laugh harder)
Tad: Yeah it was, the look on her face it was priceless. (The two burst out in peels of laughter) 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Cassandra and Dr. Holmes 09/06/13

Cassandra stares at the poster on the wall reading it again for the twentieth time trying to distract herself from the thoughts racing through her mind. She had a lot riding on these results. This child had to be Rego’s it had to be! She had to be sure about the timing. She reached in her purse taking out her phone and checking the calendar then adding up the time in her head again. Anything more than two months and the child would be Devereaux’s and if it was what the hell was she going to do? It had to be Rego’s there was always that slim possibility. If she were less than three months it was definitely his. She’d managed to keep Devereaux at bay between the pills and his business she’d made sure he’d been incapacitated on the days she’d ovulated all except that one time in the limo. When Devereaux had raped her once again making sure he’d but his brand on her. She’d considered herself kind of lucky at that, since that was all he’d done to her. She was more than sure he’d known about Rego tucked away in her apartment she’s lucky he hadn’t killed them both. She was going to have to play this one very carefully. There was only a months difference she could still convince Rego that the child was his it wouldn’t be hard the baby could always come a few weeks early it happens.

Dr. Holmes: How are you Ms. Foster? (She says coming around the desk and sitting down)
Cassandra: I’m good a little nervous.
Dr. Holmes: It’s okay everyone is nervous this is completely life changing so I’m not going to keep you in suspense (She says opening the file folder then looking up at her and smiling) congratulation Mommy!
Cassandra: Oh my God I don’t believe it! That’s incredible I’m shocked! How pregnant am I? (Feigning surprise and glee)
Dr. Holmes: Just about three months. (Oh God! She thought as the doctor prattled on about vitamins and check ups with a stupid smile plastered on her face nodding like an idiot all the while her mind screamed in terror. She was having Devereaux’s child! She could feel it. She needed now more than ever to get away from Devereaux once and for all and now was the time. She could still convince Rego it wouldn’t be hard he didn’t have much memory of that night and he’d just assumed they’d made love when he awoke that morning he had know idea they hadn’t so that part was covered. Now it was getting away from Devereaux that was going to be the problem. She’d figure it out and soon she needed to protect her billion-dollar baby and her ticket away from that sociopath for good)
Dr: Holmes: Do you have any questions? 
Cassandra: No, no thank you.
Dr. Holmes: Okay, I’m going to need you to make an appointment with the receptionist for next month.
Cassandra: I will thank you Dr. Holmes.
Dr. Holmes: Thank you Ms. Foster I’ll see you next month. (Cassandra shakes the doctors hand from across the desk then rises and leaves the office never stopping by the counter on her way out there was no need to she’d paid for the visit with cash then torn up the receipt and stuffed in the bottom of the trash can in the exam room. There was no way Devereaux would ever find it, for now this was her little secret and she intended to keep it that way until the time was right. She’d completed step one now to work on step two. She thought pushing the button for the elevator she glances at her reflection in the mirror and smiles satisfied mentally patting herself on the back she waits for the doors to close then reaches for her disposable cell.
Cassandra: Hello this is Ms. Foster may I speak to Mr. Rego Sherrigan please?
Asst: I’m sorry Ms. Foster Mr. Sherrigan just left the office.
Cassandra: Did he say where he was going?
Asst: He was on his way to the hospital. Is there a message?
Cassandra: No message thank you. (Ha! He was on his way here to visit his brat and the bitch good she’d catch him there instead of risking the call. She smiles to herself then reaches in her purse for a mirror and her lipstick things were falling perfectly into place. She removes the lid flipping open the mirror and repairing her lipstick at the same moment her phone rings. She pulls it from her purse glaring at it a moment before answer)
Devereaux: Hello darling (He purrs then blows the erase shaving from the paper and admiring the portrait he’d finished drawing of her and smiles)
Cassandra: Hi. (Her tone filled with perk her eyes rolling as she pulls distractedly on the loose thread on the zipper on her purse. He lays the image on the desk then reaches for letter opener sliding his thumb down the sharp edge as he speaks)
Devereaux: I called the house Maurice said you had already gone. (He draws the knife across the edge of the paper slicing through it as he hears the background noise of the hospital sure she was “visiting” her “sister in-law” as slices in to the paper again) Where are you?
Cassandra: I had a little shopping to and now I’m at the hospital on my way to visit Randi. Why, what’s going on is something wrong? (She rolls her eyes again not caring whatever his issue was she had other things to attend to and was in no mood to deal with him)
Devereaux: No, nothing at all, I was just missing you and counting the hours till I see you. (Methodically cutting through the page as he speaks lovingly in to the phone)
Cassandra: Oh you’re so sweet. (She coos wishing he’s just get the point) 
Devereaux: I planned a special evening for us.
Cassandra: Ooo! What’s the occasion? (She purrs silently cursing the air around her)
Devereaux: I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate everything you do for me and to me. (He growls seductively enjoying the unsuspecting giggle in her voice)
Cassandra: Oh, you’re bad!
Devereaux: Some times very I’ll see you at seven. (He says throwing the tattered pieces of Cassandra’s portrait in to the trash as he ends the call. Cassandra stares at her phone a moment then shrugs. If he wanted a romantic dinner fine! Maybe she could get him to fall asleep after his evening brandy? She’d have to check and see how many she had left hopefully he had one of his “Meetings” and would be out till early morning. Right now she was going to see Rego. She presses the button again for the maternity floor hoping she could get this over with now and catch him before the euphoria of being the man of the hour wore off)   

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Jack and Tea 09/04/2013

Jack walks back in to the living room handing Tea a bottle of water. He looks down at the coffee table covered with folders and shakes his head. Then takes the seat next to her.

Jack: Thanks for coming over on such short notice. (He picks up a file then throws it back on the table causing some of the photos to spill out)
Tea: Not a problem. Your just lucky my sister in-law volunteered to take Victor for the evening. (She picks up the folder he discarded she pushes the contents pack inside then opens it thumbing through the photos as they talk)
Jack: Tell your sister in law she has my eternal thanks. What’s Dani doing this evening? (he picks up the legal pad and skims through his notes)
Tea: Dani was invited to a reception at the Dean’s house this evening.
Jack: Very nice!
Tea: That’s why I’m such a mess I drove to Llanview to drop Victor at Vicky’s then I spent ten minutes digging around in the back of the car trying to find Victors bear because he won’t sleep without it. (She pulls out one photo from the rest and studies it)
Jack: Please I’m the one who should apologize I promised you a day off.
Tea:  Don’t worry about it! There’s no way I’m going to let this guy just walk any word on the cause of death? (She looks up at him as she places the photo down then pulls out another)
Jackson: Single gun shot to the head. (He sighs leaning back against the cushions. Tea places the photo down then pulls out another as Jack sits forward placing his pad to the side and reaching for another folder as Tea examines another photo)
Tea: What’s the coroner saying?
Jackson: I won’t have a report till the morning even with the rush on it.
Tea: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Jackson: Some one is purposely tampering with our case.
Tea: Ya think, they found our star witness conveniently dead the day before he’s going to testify oh definitely! (She growls studying the last photo in the pile) 
Jack: Honestly I wasn’t sure what we were going to do.
Tea: Trust me we still have a case take a look at this. (She says handing him the still photo from the video) we just have to change the focus just a little but not where they’re going to expect it.
Jackson: Where you going with this Delgado? (He looks at the photo then back at her confused)
Tea: Forget about his testimony that’s out and we know they already have something up their sleeve with Parkinson. What if we shift the focus to the testimony of the girl at the drive through the partial fingerprint and gun residue on his hand?
Jackson: That’s brilliant! Then we can re-introduce the video evidence!
Tea: And if you look at these stills (She says pointing to the clock in the background) you can see the clock in the background and the time.
Jackson: Completely eliminating the need for his testimony! Delgado you’re brilliant! (He tosses his pen on the coffee table then reaches over smothering her in a bear hug) Hiring you is the best decision I’ve made in a long time!
Tea: Thanks Boss and don’t worry about Parkinson I’ll trip him up on the cross. (She holds up her water bottle in salute then sips it)
Jackson: Remind me never to be on the opposite side of you! (They both laugh)
Tea: All you needed was a pair of fresh eyes.
Jackson: Now that, that’s settled what do you say you and I have some thing a little stronger than water. (He rises from the sofa clapping his hands together looking pleased)
Tea: Sure. (She places the cap back on the bottle placing it at the end on the table then gathers the rest of the folders pulling out the ones they’ll need)
 Jackson” How about I make us a picture of martini?
Tea: That would be great. (She smiles and nods in agreement Jack walks to the kitchen as Tea continues to sort through the folders. She nods satisfied then rises and walks to the self looking at the array of photos on the mantel and wall beside it) Your children are beautiful!
Jack: Thank you. (He says walking in carrying a tray with a pitcher and glasses and places it on the table. He pours two glasses handing Tea one as he walks to the mantle pointing at a picture of Lily) Lily just became the head accountant for Slater Cortlandt and Reggie is finishing up his internship before he and his girl friend head off to Boston for law school.
Tea: Chip off the old block. (She smiles up at him enjoying the look of pride on his face as he points to each child)
Jackson: Yeah he’s a great kid I’m so proud of him and this little cutie right here is my granddaughter Simone and her mother Greenlee. 
Tea: Pretty baby just like her Momma! (She points to the photos on the wall) and these are your nieces?
Jack: Molly you met earlier and that’s my niece Bianca her two daughters my Miranda and Gabriele, and that strapping young man is their brother Sean.
Tea: You have a beautiful family.
Jack: Thank you. (He says walking back to the sofa and sitting with Tea beside him)
Tea: Where’s Molly? (She sips her drink placing the glass on the tabletop)
Jack: Probably empting out another store! (They both laugh) I have to admit I’m going to miss her when school starts this place is going to feel so empty.
Tea: I know the feeling Dani insisted on getting a single on campus. (she picks up her glass and drains it setting it back down on the table) Don’t tell her but I’m going to miss the music blaring from her room and the trial of clothes leading to it. (They both laugh again)
Jack: Here! Here! Can I get you a refill?
Tea: Sure. (Offering him her glass Jack reaches for the pitcher pours some of the liquid into Tea’s out stretched glass and then reaches for his own spilling the contents down the front of his shirt)
Jack: Oh good lord! (He says jumping to his feet smiling and blushing with embarrassment) Can you excuse me a moment while I change in to some dry clothes?
Tea: Sure.
Jack: I’ll be right back. (Tea kicks off her shoes rubbing her sore feet then walks around the room glancing at the photo’s placed around the room smiling at the one of Jack standing in some tropical setting his shirt half buttoned smiling and looking all kinds of sexy)
Tea: Oh my, my, my! (She mutters placing the photo back on the shelf and fanning herself just as the doorbell rings) Jack you want me to get that? (She hollers back waiting a few moments as the bell rings again. She shrugs and walks to the door swing it open smiling at the devilish tickle that went through her at the look on Erica’s face)
Tea: Hello Ms. Kane nice to see you. (Erica give her a quick once over taking in her casual attire tussled hair and bare feet)
Erica: Is Jack here? (She says barging into the room and looking around frowning at the two glasses and what looked to be the remains of a pitcher of martinis)
Tea: He’s getting changed. (She smiles picking up her glass and sipping it gingerly) I’m sorry where are my manners would you like a drink?
Erica: No, no thank you. I have to say you do move rather quickly.
Tea: I beg your pardon?
Erica: You’ve been in town five, ten minutes and I see you’re already having afternoon drinks with the boss.
Tea: Jack and I were friends long before I started working for him.
Erica: Working for him or working him? (Jack walks out from the back of the house looking down buttoning his shirt speaking as he comes in the room cutting off Tea’s reply with a better one of his own)
Jack: After the work out we’ve had this afternoon what do you say we grab some dinner?
Tea: Sounds heavenly! (She purrs enjoying the look outrage and jealousy flow across Erica’s face. She knew what this must look like and she was enjoying every minute)
Jack: Erica! What are you doing here?
Erica: I was on my way to the hospital to visit Francessca and the baby so I thought I’d just drop off my contract for you to look over before I sign it like I do every year.
Jack: How are they Francessca and the baby I mean?
Erica: Just perfect!
Jack: Give them all my best.
Erica: I will, here when you have a moment just look it over please? I just want to make sure there are no hidden agendas’.
Jack: Sure, (He says reaching for and quickly flipping through the folder then tosses it on the desk) I’ll take a look at it and drop it by the studio tomorrow.
Erica: Thank you
Jack: Is there anything else?
Erica: If you have a moment there is something I’d like to speak with you about.
Tea: Excuse me a moment Jack I’m going to freshen up before we head out. Good seeing you again Erica.
Erica: Yes (She nods her smile wining her tone frosty. Tea shoots Jack a brief look he nods smiling knowingly as Erica simmers. The later waiting till hears the door to the bathroom shut before speaking) what exactly is going on here Jack?
Jack: Not that it’s any of your business but Tea and I spent the afternoon saving our case and now we’re going to celebrate with a little dinner.
Erica: Oh please Jack, I know exactly what’s going on and I must say I thought you were so much smarter than that!
Jack: What are you talking about Erica? I’m taking my college out to dinner to show appreciation for her hard work.
Erica: Well she looks as if she’s built up quiet a sweat! (She shoots back trying to maintain her outer composure) All I can say Jack is if you really enjoy being the DA as much as you say you do then you had better think about whether you should continue romping around with your subordinate.
Jack: Funny Erica I don’t ever recall where being a subordinate or otherwise every stopped you. (Sounding bored and impatient)
Erica: Look Jack I’m just trying to be your friend (She shakes back her hair from her face her voice becoming more serious) and I’d hate for your career to go up in flames over an absolutely preventable scandal.
Tea: A hem! (She says clearing her throat as she re-enters the room her moment in the bathroom having been put to good use judging by the daggers coming from Erica’s eyes and the twinkle of amusement in Jack’s) Ready when you are!
Jack: Thank you so much for your concern but if you’ll excuse us we were on our way out. (He places his hand on Erica’s back pushing her gently towards the door)
Erica: Just remember what I said.
Tea: Bye! (She calls lifting her glass in salute receiving a glower in return)
Jack: Have a good day Erica. (He says shutting the door behind then walking back in to the living room)
Tea: Oh thaaaatt was interesting. (She reaches for her glass finishing the contents)
Jack: And funny! (He laughs saluting her with his glass and sipping it)  Thanks for playing along.
Tea: What are friend for? (She grins then sits on the edge of the couch and puts her shoes on)
Jack: So ready to go? (He says placing the pitcher and glasses back on the tray and walking toward the kitchen)
Tea: Just one second (She says stepping in to his path) as much fun as that was we’re not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on. I mean I understand why I let her think you and I were…but what I want to know is why you let her think it? (She says following him into the kitchen she leans against the counter as he places the glasses in he sink as he talks)
Jack: Eric is under the impression that I’m her property lock stock and barrel and I just want her to get it through her head once and for all that I am not now nor will I ever be her lap dog ever again. (Tea nods in agreement pushing off the counter and following him back in to the living room)
Tea: Ahhh I get it.
Jack: I shouldn’t have but I just couldn’t help it. (He sighs sounding annoyed and frustrated)
Tea: She does have a way of pushing your buttons. (She smirks reaching for her purse lying on the chair) 
Jack: I’m really sorry I shouldn’t have put you in the middle.
Tae: Oh no I completely get it believe me. (Remembering her own moments of drastic action for independence)  So what do you say you and I do what the song says. (She grin devilishly poking Jack in the ribs and laughing as he jumps)
Jack: What song?
Tea: Lets give her something to talk about a little mystery to figure out and you and I could have some fun along the way? (She winks as Jack flashes her a conspirator’s smile. This could be fun and it was better than sitting around the house alone every night )
Jack: Delgado I like your style. (He reaches for his windbreaker from the hook holding the door open for her in the same motion Tea steps out on the porch turning and watching him lock the door) What do you say I take you for the best ribs in town? (He says leading her down the walk towards his car)
Tea: I’d say “Hurry up Jackie I’m starved!”