Monday, July 31, 2017

Dani and Tea 07/31/2017


         Tea looks down at the file Jesse had put together for her with the help of some of his FBI contacts and it was a some of the scariest stuff she had read in a very long time. This Calisco Group were into everything legal and suspected of quite a bit of illegal as well. Unfortunately for the legal community there wasn't much they could do to really build a case with speculation here rumor there. Questionable associations with accompanying photos  but nothing solid like the ones the Fed's had of Barbara.
          So far the only thing they had was she had been hired to do legal work for them what they didn't know was what kind of work. What they did know was she had a scheduled meeting with them. She'd received some kind of delivery from them last night but they didn't know what. The only good news they had was her meeting and the person they had on the inside. The only thing she had on her side both good and bad was the person Jesse had on theirs. She just hoped when it all came to a head Molly wasn't the one who was hurt. Maybe after Barbara's meeting they'd know more and maybe they could avoid Molly getting hurt anymore than she already was. Or Jack a small voice whispered.
             Tea stands then walks toward the window and looks out. Dani should be home shortly she thought. She wanted to hear everything about her first day at "Tempo". She'd been so excited when she'd left this morning. All she'd talked about at breakfast was Brooke English, Tempo and Molly and how happy they both were being at their dream internships and she was determined to keep it that way. She just needed more.
             "Dam it!" She mutters to herself then heads back to the sofa and her computer pushing the pile of papers off to the side as her mind ignites on an idea.
              "If I can't figure out the what maybe I can figure out the why." She mutters to herself as she types. Her eyes lighting up as she found what she wanted.
               "Good to be assistant DA" she smirks as she continues to type saving her search then typing again.
                "And viola......" She says smiling broadly. "This looks interesting." She mutters typing again. Then stops and begins to read clicking through each document slowly.
                'Bingo!" She smiles copying the information she wanted into a file then reaches for her phone.
                "Hey, it's me. I need you to pull all of Barbara Montgomery's bank statements for the last four years and make sure you get me everything on this account" she says tapping on her phone then putting in back to her ear.
                "Did you get it?........Good! Send me everything you find as soon as you find it okay?......Thanks...... I'll be in touch." She places the phone down on the table and goes back to her computer and reads through the document more slowly then reaches for her legal pad and begins to jot down notes. Now this was starting to make sense. She thought  a lot more! Now that she understood the whys and hows all she needed now was the what? What exactly was her role in all of it? More to the point what could her involvement eventually do to Molly and Jack. She looks down at her ringing phone and smiles.
               "Speak of the devil." she says to an amused Jack.
               "So you were talking about me?" He says with a laugh.
               "No, I was actually thinking about you." she laughs nervously wondering why she was suddenly nervous.
                "Oh, what were you thinking?" He asks suddenly feeling shy and awkward something he hadn't felt since adolescence.
                "I was thinking maybe you and I should get together I think we should talk." She says turning towards the door as Dani comes in and waves. Tea waves back then holds up one finger as she walks toward the kitchen still talking to Jack.
                 "If you don't mind maybe we could meet...." Is the last Dani hears as Tea walks to the kitchen. She shrugs out of her jacket and hangs it on the hook by the door. She walks to the coffee table and looks down at the papers her mother had strewn across it. She smiles wondering what case she'd read about in the paper that her mother was working on now. She looks toward the kitchen and back to the table her mother was still talking she noted before looking down at the folders and picking it up. She grins to herself her own devilment thrilling her as she read through them quickly her heart giving a sudden lurch as she sees the information her mother had she quickly puts it down as her mothers voice grows closer.
               "Okay I'll meet you in about an hour?" She asks looking down at her watch. "Okay I'll see you there." Tea finishes clicking her phone off and smiling back at her daughter.
                "Hola mija how was your first day?" She asks reaching down and shuffling the papers back into there folders as she talks. Molly watches her hoping she wouldn't put them in her case and begins to speak quickly as she reaches for her hand and pulls her down on the sofa beside her.
                 "Mom, it was great! Brooke is awesome! I'm going to be working as her assistant. In my wildest dreams I never thought I'd be working side by side with Brooke English!" she practically swoons with excitement making her mother chuckle laying the file back down on the table.
                 Oh!" Dani shouts excitedly trying to keep her distracted enough to forget what she was doing so she'd could get another quick look at that file she had.
                 "I also met Brooke's daughter in-law Francessca! She's the one that did the photo essay on that little town in "Tempo" last month." Tea looks at her a moment then before the the light of recognition lit her face.
                "Oh yeah about the revitalization of the town with the new company that's building there! Yes! I remember. They were beautiful." She says nodding in approval.
                 "Wow! You've had quiet the day there kid!" Tea says with a nudge and a laugh. Dani nods in agreement practically jumping up and down with excitement.
                  "It was great Mom! I think I'm going to really like it!" Tea reaches over and hugs her tight.
                  "Have I told you how proud of you I am mija?" Dani giggles pulling away gently.
                  "Only like a thousand times!" making them both laugh as Tea looks at her watch.
                  "Listen honey I had dinner all ready for us. Thought we could sit and talk but, something really important came up about work and I need to meet with Jack." Tea says sounding both disappointed and excited. If was any other time she'd call her Mom on the excited part but she was hoping to get another look at that file.
                   "No problem Mom I completely understand go ahead and don't worry about it. I still have some homework to do and Phillip said he'd stop by later so I can keep an eye on Victor." Tea smiles giving her daughter a quick hug and kiss.
                   "You are the best!" Tea looks down at her watch then quickly checks her appearance in the mirror over the mantel.
                    "I'm a mess" she says checking her watch again. "I have just enough time to take a quick shower and change." She calls back as she rushes quickly up the steps. Dani smiles watching her till she disappears then listens for her retreating footsteps then the door to close before picking up the folder with the "Calisco" information inside. She opens it on the table quickly taking pictures with her phone not daring to take the time to read them. She could do that later. Right now she needed to get as much of it as she could before her mother came flying back down the steps. She listens for the shower a moment then quickly flips through the pages clicking as she goes. She closes the folder and sighs in relief as the water shuts off at the same moment.
                     "Thank God!" She sighs in relief grinning to herself. She couldn't wait to show them to Brooke! With what she'd read earlier she'd definitely want this information! Holly! Crap! She'd searched and searched the Net all day had even made some calls but hadn't come up with anything more than Brooke had. If she was right she'd just gotten everything she needed! She'd Love to look at it but she didn't dare not until her mother had gone. She couldn't risk getting caught or the guilty look she knew would be on her face. It was going to be hard enough to keep it from betraying her for going through her file. She'd love to show them to Brooke now see what she thought but she wanted to read them through first before she gave to Brooke just to make sure she had what she thought she did. She looks down at her phone tempted to check it just as the doorbell rings.
            "I got it!" Dani yells up the steps as she walks to the door and opens it.
            "Hey Beautiful" Phillip smiles pulling her towards him and kissing her. He'd been anticipating the moment all day and now that it arrived he didn't want it to end. He never did. Nothing was better than holding her in his arms like this and kissing her. No matter how crappy his day had gone these moments made up for all of them.
             "Hi," She says feeling that dreamy haze she always felt whenever they were together. She'd missed him. They'd both been so busy she with classes and her internship and he with his residency. When he wasn't on duty he was studying this had been the first free night they'd had in days.
              "What was that for?" She teases knowing perfectly well what that kiss was about without asking the question she'd just wanted to hear him say it.
               "You know perfectly well lass I missed you and from the way you just kissed me you missed me too." He laughs kissing her again. Tea smiles to herself spotting Dani and Phillip kissing in the doorway as she runs down the steps shoving an earring into her lobe as she does. The two of them were so cute and in love. She just hoped she hadn't put too much of a damper on their evening.
                 "Hi! Nice to see you Phillip I hope you don't mind spending your evening off watching my son. I swear I wouldn't do this to you guys if it wasn't important." Tea says from the landing as she pulls her heels from under her arm and hops into them one at a time as she skitters toward the hall closet and pulls out her shawl. Philip looks at Dani's pleading eyes and shrugs.
                 "Sorry I know it's not exactly what we planned." Dani apologizes. Philip shrugs again then smiles.
                 "I don't mind as long as Dani doesn't. I have a wee bit of reading to do anyway at least this way we won't have to cut our evening early. I'm just going to get my book from the car and I'll be right back." He says walking toward the door then turns back. "Oh and Ms. DelGado I don't know who the bloke is your meeting but he's a very lucky guy!" He says with a wink. Tea smiles bushing slightly.
               "Thank you very much." She says trying to ignore his remark as she rifles through her purse making sure she had what she needed then smiling at Dani as as she throws on her shawl.
                "Thanks again for doing this. You don't think he minds do you? Dani laughs and shakes her head watching her mother gather up her files and stick then into her briefcase.
                 "No, you heard him he needs to study and so do I. I think he was just squeezing dinner in just to be nice anyway." She shrugs. " You go ahead do what you have to do and we'll be right here." Tea gives her daughter a quick hug then opens the door as Philip comes back in books in hand.
                 "Have a good night." He says holding the door for her as she walks out.
                 "Thanks again honey and you too Phlip. I promise not to be too late." She calls over her shoulder as she trots down the walkway to her car.
                  "Bye Mom!" Dani waves before Philip close the door then comes towards her. Dani sighs loudly throwing herself down on the sofa Philip following behind her.
                   "Thank God! I thought she would never leave!" She says sitting up and looking down at her phone. Philip picks up his textbook and thumbs to the page he'd marked off as he talks.
                    "What's up" He says looking up at her briefly before looking back at his book.
                    "Nothing her mad dash was driving me crazy and I wanted to read this." She says concentrating on images on her phone.
                     "What have you got there?" He asks distractedly pulling his notebook from his backpack. Dani chews on her inner lip not sure if she should share what she done with him then thought better of it. She needed to see what she had before she involved anyone else besides good reporters kept their mouths shut and did their homework first.
                   "Just some research I'm doing for Brooke." She says leafing through another page. Philip places his books on the table then gently takes the phone from her hand and places it on top of them.
                   "You know what, I have a way better idea." He says pulling her towards him and kissing her. Dani pulls away gently caught between wanting to finish reading what she'd found and her desire. Philip feels her hesitation and whispers between kisses.
                    "We were going to grab something to eat so we have at least an hour before he have to actually study." He says before deepening his kiss and silencing any more argument she may have had.

    *Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017                

Friday, July 28, 2017

Adam and Lola 07/28/2017

             Adam averts his eyes back to his plate. It had been a few days since he'd seen Devereaux slipping out of her office and since then he'd received the full report he'd been waiting for. The one that told him in deep detail the nature of Lola's relationship with Devereaux and her rise from the ashes to where she was now. It was an absolutely fascinating journey the details had literally kept him riveted. If anything knowing all of what she'd gone through to get to this point had made him admire her even more. In her own quiet way she was truly a force to be reckoned with. The only question left was could she be trusted? More importantly should he allow himself to fall in love with her anymore than he already had? He needed to know if he could truly trust her the voice kept gnawing at him. Was she still working for Devereaux? She seemed happier and more relaxed since the day he'd seen him leaving her office. Perhaps something in their relationship had changed? It could be any number of things that had somehow lightened her load how could he possibly determine what it was!
             "What's the matter Adam?" Lola says looking over at his furrowed brow.
             "I beg your pardon?" He says pulling his mind back to the moment. Lola smiles back at him laying her fork on the side of the plate staring at him pointedly.
             "You've been unusually quiet all day. Is something bothering you?" She asked looking concerned.
              "Business nothing more." He fluffs off and continues to slice into his steak trying to ignore the nagging in the back of his mind.
               "Anything I can help you with?" She asks while resuming her meal. Adam shakes his head no.
                "No, but thanks for asking. Just something I'm working on. You, on the other hand have never looked happier or more beautiful." He teases making her smile broader.
                "You think so?" She asks her face brightening. It was rather a shame he needed to do this and ruin a wonderful evening but he needed answers.
                "Yes, ever since the other day when I picked you up for lunch. Funny I thought I saw Devereaux St. Jacques coming from your office." He probes watching her for a reaction she looked startled and mildly upset before schooling her features back into her mask of nonchalance. He'd started he may as well finish it. He needed to know. Ever since the bid Devereaux had won over his he'd had this nagging suspicion he couldn't shake.
                "Adam, you know I can't discuss my patients with you." She says trying to avoid his suspicion. Adam smiles to himself enjoying the little game of cat and mouse they were playing. He could tell by her response the small twitch at the corner of her mouth there was more there.
                "Is he a patient of yours?" Lola smiles over the brim of her glass before setting it back down on the table.
                "Is Mr. St Jacques ill" Lola looks back at him one brow arched. Exactly what was he getting at and how much did he already know? With his money and contacts more than she'd liked. Suddenly she felt trapped unsure what to do. Should she keep the pretense or just tell him?
                "I can't tell you that either. Honestly Adam what's the sudden interest in the comings and goings of my office." Adan chuckles.
               "Nothing my darling just trying to solve my curiosity. I mean you have told me that you've spent sometime in France I was just curious if the two of you had met before." Lola sits back in her chair smiling in astonishment.
               "Adam, are you jealous?" Adam chuckles. This was something he might be able to use to ferret out what he wanted. He just needed to play it just right.
                "As I said I was just curious is all." Lola blushes for the first time in a very long time a man was jealous because of her.
                 "You have nothing to worry about Adam what's in the past should stay in the past and Devereaux is definitely not apart of my future."
                 "So tell me Dr. Colgate what is a part of your future?"
                 "I was hoping you could tell me."
                 "I've never been much of a fortune teller but from what I can tell it's looking pretty bright." He flirts then chuckles enjoying the twinkle of laughter in her eyes.
                 "Oh how so?" She flirts back enjoying the evening they'd spent together as she had all the others before it. Adam was exciting, funny, passionate romantic he was like no one she'd met before. She was awed by intensity of the feelings she was developing for him which both frightened and comforted her at the same time.
                 "I'm sorry madame I can only tell you my visions as I see them it doesn't give me details." He chuckles making them both laugh before his tone takes a serious inflection.
                 "It's just that you've never really talked about your past and whenever I bring it up you avoided it like the plague." He looks at her pleading as her eyes avert his. He reaches out and takes her hand in his and gives it a little squeeze.
                  "Lola it's just that for the first time in a very, very long time I find myself feeling connected to someone. You don't understand how big a deal that is for me and I want us to be as honest and as up front with each other as we possibly can. That means I want to know everything the good along with the bad. And, I swear on my children's lives I'm not going to judge you for it. God knows I've done some things that would make, what am I saying does make most women run for the nearest cab!" He says with a laugh sliding closer to her as he speaks.
                  "I want this time, with us to be different. I don't want there to be any lies or any manipulations of one another because of them. I want you to feel you're able to trust me with anything and I need to feel the same way about you. You know me well enough to know exactly what I can do and what I'm capable of. Just like I'm positive Krystal has filled you in on every detail." He says as she nods in agreement.
               "I could just have one of my investigators dig up every spec of information on, you leave no stone unturned as they say. What I want is to hear it from you." Lola stares at him seeing and not seeing him at the same time. He was right he could do exactly what he said. She could spend the time they had together always wondering always waiting or she could just tell him all of it now and be done. He was giving her an opportunity to start their relationship on an even level without fear. Without having to worry at every cross moment what he may have found out. Maybe she should tell him the entire story from beginning to end now. This way if he was going to walk away it was early in the relationship and at least this time she wouldn't have given any more of her heart to him than she had as she had done with others.
           "Okay Adam whatever other plans you had for us cancel them. You can also let your staff know we're finished and to brew a big pot of coffee because this my friend is going to be a very long night." She said pushing her chair back and walking down the hall to the living room Adam following behind her not sure what pandora's box he had opened.
            "Where are you going?" He asks finally catching up to her quickly fleeing back."
            "To the living room!"  She says pulling from him and heading into the room. She looks around quickly as the fading sunlight casts the room in long shadows perfect atmosphere for what she had to tell him! By the end of the evening they would both know where they stood.
            "What the hell is in the living room?" He says coming in behind her as Lola makes her chosen spot comfortable by retrieving a couple of pillows from the sofa and places them on the chair facing it. She wanted to be able to watch his face as she unraveled her tail she'd know just by looking at him where she stood.
            "Did you take care of the coffee?" She asks slipping off her shoes as she talks. Adam pulls the cord for the servant then gives him quick orders before ushering him out the room and closing the doors.  Lola watches him her chin propped on her palm. Adam look about the room and take the only seat open to him. He wanted her story he would get it but she would be sitting in the power seat this time. She would have preferred to do it in the safety and comfort of her own home but, this was better. At least if things didn't work the way she hoped the memory of it wouldn't be lurking around every corner of her home.
         Adam takes the seat on the sofa preparing himself for either the truth or lies looking at the expression on her face it was hard to tell which. From the distance she'd put between them his instincts told him it would be the truth. A liar would want to be close so they could give all the physical assurances when the lie turned south. No, his instinct said it was the truth he would hear. She wanted distance to avoid physical contact and interruption from them. She wanted her story to be fluid and he was going to give her every opportunity to do so no matter what lie she threw at him. He'd wait till the end of her soliloquy before saying a word. He was sure that by the close of this evening he would have his answer one way or the other.
         "Are you comfortable?" She asks watching him squirm slightly in his seat.
         "Yes I believe so." He says his patients with the dramatic turn the evening starting to wane. He thought, then shook off his inpatients. He'd asked for it he was going to listen patiently without uttering a sound. He just hoped he could keep that promise if she lied.
           Lola looks out the window behind him. The sun had just set and the sky was lit with pinks and oranges fading off into the darkening sky reminding her of evening she'd first met Wellington. She closes her eyes and begins to tell Adam of the evening they'd met her jealousy and rivalry with Leslie Stockton. Her marriage to Wellington the birth and death of their child. Her depression, madness and alcoholism. Her attempt to kill herself and Wellington in the process. Her time in jail. What she'd done to Krystal and Babe. Her life in Louisiana and meeting Devereaux. How she'd saved his friend's life, in turn Devereaux had saved her and changed it. She told him what she'd had to do pay him back without betraying Devereaux's trust leaving out all the details of the bid. She'd also kept to herself  the last deed she'd done for him but, she'd made it understood her association with Devereaux was terminated and she owed him nothing without betraying Devereaux's confidence. That was still business and anyone who knew Devereaux as intimately as she did knew not to betray him ever. What she'd told Adam had been the truth from beginning to end. If he had information on her he knew she was being completely candid and she honestly felt better for it. She felt cleansed and refreshed for having done it. Whatever happened with them from this point forward she had nothing to be afraid of and it felt good.
         Adam listened to it all intently till the early hours of the morning when she finished. She hadn't gone into great detail of some of her actions which was understandable from what he now knew of Devereaux. Reviewing in his mind from the report he'd read he knew she hadn't left anything out.   She'd closed her eyes and told it as if she was watching it all play out in her mind. There were moments when he had to stop himself from going to her. The tears began to stream from the corners of her eyes as she wept over the death of her daughter. He didn't even think she realised her face was drenched with her tears till she'd finished. He'd wanted to take her in his arms and comfort her but had fought the urge. He hadn't wanted to break the spell she was under. When she'd finally reached it's end her expression became relaxed, serene in fact. She'd taken a deep breath and opened her eyes then stood and walked straight to the end table and pulled a few tissues from the box and wiped her face then blew her nose. She took another deep breath then walked to the library table retrieved her purse and opened the closed door.
       "Where the hell are you going?" Adam calls to her crossing the distance between them in three easy strides. Lola stares at him shocked unsure how to respond.
        "You were so quiet....I thought you wanted...I wasn't" She stammers looking up him confused and fearful.
         "You're not going anywhere." He whispers sweeping her into his arms and kissing her letting loose the passion that had been seething between them. Adam pulls at the thin fabric of her blouse as she loosen the buttons of his shirt. Raw animal instinct exploding between them. He maneuvers her away from the living room door kicking it closed behind them as he pulls her to the floor with him. He waited as long as he could and had the answers he needed tonight he would finally have the women he wanted completely, unafraid and unashamed.  

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Jesse and Tea 07/27/2017


             Tea walks to Jesse's office door and knocks. She waits for his greeting then steps inside closing the door behind her.
            "So Chief what do you have for me?" She says placing her things on the chair and stares pointedly at Jesse. The later places his pen down and reaches for his coffee cup as he speaks.
             "And good morning to you too. Coffee?" He asks walking to the small coffee maker on the table and pouring more into his cup.
             "Sorry Jesse. Sure I would love some." Jesse smiles pouring coffee into the spare cup and handing it to her.
              "Don't worry about it. I get it. There's cream in the mini frig and sugar in the bowl on top help yourself." He says going back to his seat and closing the file he'd been working on and pulling another from his "In" bin and opening it as Tea takes the seat in front of him.
              "You were smart to be concerned." He says pushing the folder toward her.
              "My man noted she received a message from the the "Calisco
 Group" last night then again this morning. According to the man I have tailing her now about an hour after she got it a limousine arrived." Tea looks over the rest of the report as Jesse speaks not sure what to make of it all yet. But something about it gnawed at her.
               "Why does that name sound so familiar?" Jesse smiles behind the brim of his cup. He knew that would get her. That's why he liked her she was sharp as a chef's knife she missed nothing.
                "We saw him at the gala a few nights back. He was with Devereaux St. Jacques." Tea looks up at him the light of recognition going off in her head.
                 "This gets more interesting by the moment." Tea says looking up at Jesse who stares back at her just as curious.
                 "What could Barabara possibly be doing for them?" Jesse leans forward placing his mug on the warmer.
                 "My question exactly. Why would she have any business with them? They're an east coast firm with no real holdings out west and nothing near where Barbara is from? Then I found this." He says sliding another folder to her as he speaks.
                "Barbara's been doing some heavy gambling in one of the casinos in Montana that they do have controlling shares in. Maybe it's some kind of way of paying that off?"
                 "Yeah, yeah that's a possibility take a look at this." She say pointing to the folder and handing it to Jesse.
                  " She had some pretty hefty fines and legal fees after her little foray as a party girl. Then look there right before leaving for here she paid it all off." Jesse looks at the item then leans back in his chair.
                "But it wasn't long after she sold the practice. She could have used that money." He shrugs.
                "Okay I'll give you that but, if she did that would have taken every last penny of that sale. Where did the rest of it come from?" Jesse shrugs again.
                 "She is a lawyer maybe she's doing work for them we don't know. What keeps me interested is St. Jacques and his involvement with Tad's case. His tie to Calisco Group and now their tie to Barbara Montgomery. I need some answers and I think I may know where to get them." Tea nods her head in agreement closing the file and handing it back to Jesse.
                 "So what's your interest in Barbara anyway? Don't tell me you and Jackson...." He says with a laugh as his voice trails off making Tea blush slightly.
                  "If you must know," She starts her voice both playful and reproachful giving Jesse feeling he was on a seesaw for a moment not sure if he was right or not.
                   "Our daughters are best friends so we were over the other night for dinner when she popped up and I don't know she just seemed..." Her voice trailing off as she goes back over the scene.
                    "I can't put my finger on it exactly but after years with two of the best liars in the world I've become pretty good and spotting one as soon as I hear it. Something about her last night just sent my radar off." She confides. Jesse listens intently knowing exactly that feeling she was talking about.
                    "My gut agrees with your radar. I can't imagine Barabara living like the rest of us working and scraping by she was never the type." Tea nods in agreement.
                    "My thoughts exactly." Jesse leans forward his voice hushed.
                    "That's why I kept my man on it. Like I said before I think I know where I might be able to get some more information. There's a strange undercurrent flowing and I want to know where it's coming from and if she's a part of the connection I want to know about it. Thanks for the tip by the way."
                    "No Problem and you'll keep me informed?" She says as she stands and places the cup back on the small table.
                     "You bet and this is still between the two of us right?" Jesse asks as he stands and walks toward the door.
                     " Please, until I have something solid I don't want him envolved okay?" She asks her eyes pleading. Jesse also understood that situation.
                      "You have my word." He says holding the door open allowing Tea to pass through.
                      "I appreciate it Jesse." Jesse chuckles closing the door behind them.
                      "I'm glad you do I'm not so sure my daughter does." Tea laughs as they reach the office.
                      "Hopefully when it's all said and done she'll understand it's for a good cause."
                      "From your lips." He says crossing himself quickly and looking to the heavens then stealing a glance at his daughter who looked anything but understanding.
                      Brot stares at the report on his screen wishing he could remember what the hell it was he was about to type. He looks up at Natalia who seemed her usual self but there was the laugh that was a little too shrill and the long stares into nothingness. There was also the fact that she had been asleep when he came home and gone when he'd gotten up and they really hadn't talked at all today or yesterday for that matter. He'd been on surveillance tonight as well even if Cooper came up with nothing useful. That was not going to help matters at all. He thought with a sigh turning back toward his computer screen and trying to recall what he was doing before.
                  Natalia looks over the top of her computer feeling Brot staring at her. she smiles and winks hoping that would be enough to keep him at bay. She didn't feel liking talking yet which was why she'd taken the call to come in early to avoid it. She needed to think and what better way than with some mindless chores to keep her busy. It kept her from checking the text she'd gotten earlier from Preston. She didn't want to know any more than she already did. I was over between them and like Cess said she was dealing with suppressed emotions. That was all it was. They didn't need to meet for coffee and talk what was there left to talk about? Preston was her past Brot was her future.
                 She gets up from her desk carrying a stack of folders and walks to the file cabinet next to Brot's. This would give them a few minutes to talk.
                "Hey! What's going on? You got in late last night." She says hoping her strange guilt didn't show in her voice. Brot looks up from his computer. Natalia seemed alright on the outside but there was something just a little off.
                "Yeah I didn't finish the assignment till late then by the time I came back here and wrote it up it was even later." He says as he stands the file case separating them as they talk and Natalia works.  
               "I figured as much. That's why when I got back I just went to bed. Then this morning Hernandez called out and I had to come in early." Brot feels his shoulders relax a little. That's what was bugging her.
               "Hey maybe we can go out after work just you and I. What do you say?" Brot looks back at her grinning sheepishly.
                " I can't I have a surveillance detail again this evening. Can I get a rain check?" Natalia sighs sounding as disappointed as she felt.
                "Sorry Babe I'd get out of it if I could but you know. That's the life of a detective." Natalia shrugs understanding but still feeling disappointed.
                 "No I get it. Tell me you're not working this weekend right?" Brot looks back at her and shakes his head.
                  "No. I put in for that months ago even the chief couldn't be the heartless." Natalia looks over at her father and back as she sticks the last folder in the cabinet.
                  "You just make sure of it okay?" She says sternly leaving no room for an argument making Brot laugh.
                  "Yes Ma'am you can count on it. There is no way I'm missing our anniversary." Natalia smiles back at him resisting the urge to kiss him.
                   "Okay I better get out of here before the chief says something." She says closing the drawer and walking back to her desk feeling more at ease than she had all morning and ignored her phone vibrating in her pocket.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Brooke and Dani 07/26/2017


           Brooke clicks through the folders till she comes to the one she'd created for Barbara. She had done some research on that Calisco Group. All the normal things real estate holdings capital investments etcetera but, little to no information on the family themselves or Robert Broderick. There were the usual social things that appeared in the society section of the paper but nothing really juicey. The Broderick's had managed to keep themselves away from even the hint of scandal not even the usual ones that plagued most upper crust families. Bad marriages, out of wedlock children wild children. No it would seem they lived quietly among their social circle and quietly amassed a fortune making them one of the most powerful families in New England. She could really use aunt Phoebe's Daughters of Fine Linage information right now. She always knew the family long forgotten and buried deep secrets. Every family had them she just needed to figure out what it was and how Barbara fit into it. She thought staring at the screen her mind deep in thought.
         "Hi! Miss English?" Dani calls from the other side of the partially open door. Brooke turns her head toward the door calling to Dani as she stands.
          "Hi come in" Brooke says stopping in front of Danni and extending her hand. "Glad you could make it" She says shaking her hand then walking back to her chair.
           "And on time too please, have a seat." Brooke says pointing to the chair in front of her desk.
           "Thank you Ms. English." Dani says taking the seat offered hoping she didn't sound as nervous as she felt. Brooke smiles pleasantly hoping it would calm her obvious nervousness.
           "If we're going to be working together you're going to have to start calling me Brooke." She says noticing Danni's shoulders relax.
            "Thank you Ms...I mean Brooke" Brooke smiles back amused.
            "First things first, " Brooke starts then pauses as Danni reaches into her purse and pulls out a small notebook and a pen then stares up at her expectantly making Brooke smile broader.
             "First thing you need to learn to relax." She says almost laughing as Danni begins to write furiously on her pad. "We're very informal here. And second,"  She says as she stands and comes around the desk. "Every word that comes from my mouth isn't a precious gem." She says as she gently takes the notebook from her hand. Dani stares back at Brooke surprised and slightly embarrassed.
           "Rule number one relax. There's a lot to learn and you not going to absorb any of it if you don't relax. Third I don't bite and neither does anyone else here accept Gurney who runs the presses." She says with a laugh. "Seriously you and I are going to be working very closely together for the next few months. I'm going to need all that honesty and straightforwardness I saw when I proctored your class and in the article you submitted. We're a family here. Okay?" Dani finally lets go the last of her nervousness her smile lacking it's earlier nervous twist which Brooke was happy to see.
        "Okay." Dani says with a smile and a nods her head. Brooke looks up as the door opens and Francessca comes in.
         "And some of us are just a little more family than others." She says walking toward Francessca. And giving her a quick hug and kiss.
         "Hi honey!" She says then turns back to Dani.
         "Danielle Manning, this is my daughter in-law and "Tempo" staff photographer Francessca Logan-Martin."
         "Hi nice to meet you." Francessca says stopping in front of her and offering her hand. Dani takes it shaking it firmly.
         "It's really nice to meet you! I really love your work! Especially the series you did to go along with that article on "Harbinger Falls".  They were just beautiful."
          "Thank you very much. I've enjoyed your work especially the article you did for the University paper about the illegal dumping." Dani jaw drops in surprise her eyes bright.
           "Wow, I can't believe you read the University paper." Francessca smiles.
           "See, you never know where opportunity will come knocking. Brooke can I borrow you for a moment I need to show you the contact sheet for the article you're working on."
           "Sure, get set up and I be right with you. Dani, I'm sorry but it you could just give me one second." Dani smiles pushing the hair behind her ear and nods in agreement.
            "Thanks this shouldn't take me too long. In the meantime there's a folder open on my laptop." She says signaling Dani to follow her then pulling her chair and patting the arm rest.
           "Why don't you have a seat and put those wonderful research skills you have to work. I need you find me any and all and by that I mean anything and everything you can find on them." She say clicking open the Calisco Group folder glad she'd trusted her instincts and not included the photo of Barbara in it.
            "I have all the surface information. What I want is all the stuff under the surface. I want you to dig to China if you have to understand?" Brooke says firmly then smiles watching her practically run behind the desk and started reading before pulling up a browser. Brooke smiles knowing she'd assigned the perfect person for the job. Dani and her desire to please her new boss would reap her a treasure trove of information.
             "If you need anything I'll be over here. There pads and pencils in the bottom right draw." She calls over her shoulder confident in the fact she'd have something to work with and maybe figure out why Barbara was actually back in Pine Valley.          


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Devereaux and Joe 07/25/2017


      Devereaux stares down at the report a self satisfied grins spreading across his lips. He had Cassandra where he wanted her and there was no way she could wriggle out of it. He also had what he needed to prove young Joseph's loyalty. His smile broadens as he reads the results again then slips them back into his desk drawer and locks it.
      Young Mrs.Sherrigan would be dancing to a new tune very soon. He'd make sure it would be wild, exotic and profitable. With the information he had she'd be willing to do anything to keep it a secret. All he would need now was the perfect opportunity and the other documents to add the perfect amount of pressure. He thought looking down at his watch.
      He'd have what he needed soon enough. Young Joseph should be here any moment. He'd made sure Maurice was out for the afternoon so they'd have as much time as they needed to conclude their business. He looks down at his watch as the knock came from the door good he was on time he thought his smile broadening.
       Joseph looks down at his phone making sure he was right on time. He gives the folder he had hidden inside the large pocket in the lining of his long coat a reassuring pat. It was almost over he sighs in relief and soon he'd get his money. It had taken manipulations but he'd been able to do exactly as he'd been asked now all he had to do was give it to him and wait for the fun to start. He tucked away his satisfied grin replacing it with the look of dower complacence with a slight tinge of fear that Devereaux so enjoyed. He rapped on the door slumping his shoulders as footsteps behind it rang out and waited for the future to begin.
         Devereaux walks to the door and looks over to the monitor making sure his guest was alone before opening the door.
        "Come in Joseph." He says closing the door behind him and locking it before turning back to him.
         "Follow me please." Devereaux say leading him down the hall to his private office then closing the door behind them.
          "Do you have what I asked you for?" Deveraux asks as he offers him a chair then sits in the seat behind his desk. Joseph nods as he reaches into his pocket and pulls
 out the large envelope then slides it across the desk.
           "It's what you hoped and exactly what you asked for." Deveraux slices the to pulling the documents out and examining them his smile broadening with each page. It was as he'd said exactly what he wanted and suspected. He was the father of Cassandra's child. He separates the documents sliding them into separate folders.Placing them inside the drawer and placing them inside before reaching in his pocket and handing him his payment. Joe opens it counting it quickly then placing it in his jacket pocket.
           "Have you met with Cassandra yet." Joe shakes his head.
           "No monsieur" Deveraux smiles enjoying all the delightful scenarios running through his head.  Deveraux nods in satisfaction.
            "When will you?? Deveraux asks looking at the teletype at the bottom of the monitor and a plan begins to finish take shape. Joe clears his throat and sit up straight in his chair.
            "According to the hospital schedule she and the husband are scheduled to meet with her doctor this afternoon. Then, I'll meet with her sometime after that. Everything is as it should be you have the only copy showing Rego Sherrigan is not the father of her child. She'll think exactly what you want her to think for as long as you want her to." Deveraux nods in agreement as he stands and walks around the desk and extending his hand.
            "Last question you made sure nothing could be traced back to you." Joe smiles inwardly you bet you pompous self important ass. He'd made sure no one at the hospital could trace anything back to him and he'd kept copies for his own insurance just incase he or Cassandra decided to make him the scapegoat.
      "Everything is clear there's nothing." Joseph says as he stands and reaches for Deveraux's outstretched hand.
       "Thank you for assistance I'll be in touch should I need your services again. Until then keep your nose clean both literally and figuratively understand?" Devereaux says his voice turning Joe's spine cold.
       "Yes." He says Deveraux's eyes slicing through him for moment leaving Joe's soul feeling bare before Devereaux looked satisfied and walked him back to the front door.
       "Remember what I said. I'll call you it I need you." Devereux says as he reaches for the door knob Joe nods his head in agreement
        "Oui monsieur." Joe says stepping through the portal.
        "Bon journee." Devereaux says closing the door behind him.
         "Comme toi." Joe calls back as he presses the call button for the elevator relieved it was over.  All he had to do now was get his money from Cassandra and then sit back and wait. He looks down at his phone and checks the time as the doors open any minute now Mrs. Sherrigan should be getting her happy news.
         Cassandra flips through the magazine in her lap as Rego looks at something on his phone. He'd seen something earlier and had been frantically texting someone she wished she could figure out who. She'd tried but he'd purposely positioned himself so she couldn't see it. More than likely that always nauseating Francessca. Lately they seemed to have a lot to talk about! She didn't know what was more annoying their talking or his constant mooning over that picture! Hopefully Joe had done his what she asked. She'd done nothing but prayed for it. She hadn't dare call Joe not before the test results were revealed. She had to make sure there was no connection between them and she really couldn't afford for them to be seen together. That's what the afternoon out with Colby was all about. Rego had already set up some meeting right after the appointment sending a direct message that even if it proved to be his child he wouldn't be celebrating with her. That was perfectly fine. It was going to take time to melt the wall he'd built but as long as Joe did what he was supposed to do she'd have the ammunition to break through. She stared down at the the page not seeing the article as she tried to think of something to say to him. She had just thought of the perfect way to break the ice between them when the doctor stepped into the office.
       "Mr. and Mrs Sherrigan please, don't get up. Very nice to see you both again." She says extending her hand to each of them and shaking them quickly before sitting behind her desk and pulling up her computer screen. Cassandra braces herself hoping beyond hope Joe had done what she'd asked barely hearing the doctor as she spoke as she waited for the words she wanted to hear.
        "Everything seems to be right where they should be and according to the results Mr. Sherrigan you are ninety-nine point nine, nine percent probability of paternity. Congratulation Mommy and Daddy it's a baby boy!" She says smiling broadly looking from one to the other.
        Cassandra turns to Rego her face jubilant her smile satisfied and something else he wasn't sure of. It still didn't change how he felt about her but it did change how he felt about the child she carried and solidified what his next actions would be.
        Cassandra watch the chronicle of emotions flow across his face surprise, a fleeting moment of pride then happiness. Then settling back on loathing when he'd caught her eyes they'd met and immediately clashed. She knew she had her work cut out for her but she'd seen the keys to how she would win him back in those fleeting moments.  





Monday, July 24, 2017

Molly, Justin and Barbara 07/24/2017


            Molly looks up from her computer and stares across her desk at the piles of folders laid on top of it and shakes her head. She knew they were going to be busy she just hadn't realised how busy. It was an exciting kind of busy there was so much happening and so much to do before the deadline she wondered if they would get it all done. She'd been so busy she hadn't even gotten a chance to really gage her new boss. All he'd done for the past day was run in and out of the office barely speaking. Just issuing orders then off to another staff or production meeting leaving another folder on her desk. She'd organized his calendar set up all his appointments for the next three weeks even leaving a day or two for emergencies just to be on the safe side. Then she'd run two more errands for him to Erica who couldn't have been more cooperative and obvious it was almost hilarious. All and all this internship and being busy was working out better than she'd expected. She was actually happy for it.
           It kept her mind off Barbara and why she was here. She still wasn't taking her calls and she'd called three times this morning alone and had left two messages last night. She was like that old eighties movie with crazy stalker ex. The more she ignored her the more she persisted. She was probably going to have to get a new number since talking to her was out of the question. She needed to stay as far away from her "Drama Momma" as possible and just focus on her own future. Whatever Barbara was up to wasn't her concern or problem she reconciles.
            She stands and begins sorting the packets and balancing the pile on her other arm as she works. Trying to push the random images of Barbara in one disaster after another from her mind. She turns to place them into her cart and can only watch as they fall spreading across the floor.
          "Oh crap!" Comes Justin's welcome voice as he comes through the door kneeling in one swift movement and begins picking them up.
           "Hey!" She smiles kneeling next to him as they both pick up the packets and place them in the carts basket.
           "This is a nice surprise. What are you doing here?" Justin smiles tossing the last packet into the cart then helps Molly to her feet.
            " I finished up early and since I didn't get a chance to talk to you last night I thought I'd stop in maybe take you to lunch." Molly blushes looks around her office quickly then throws her arms around Justin's neck and kisses him much to Justin's surprised pleasure.
            "Maybe I should ask you to lunch more often?" Molly grins pulling away and smiling up at him
            "Maybe you should."  She giggles as she walks to her desk to retrieve her purse then back taking his hand in hers.
             " How do you do it?" She asks as they walk toward the elevator.
             "Do what?" He asks his voice filled with curiosity.
             "How do you know to just show up when I need you?" Justin presses the call button then leans against the wall smiling devilishly.
              "It's my superpower." Molly laughs nodding her head in agreement pushing the button for the lobby.
            "So where do you want to go for lunch?" He asks holding the elevator door as she steps in then steps in behind her.
            " Let's go to the "Serving Spoon" we could have a couple of sandwiches at the table outside. I've been cooped up in that building for hours I need some fresh air. " Justine laughs grasping her hand in his as they walk toward the exist.
             "Best idea I've heard all day! I think I was getting cross eyed staring into that microscope! I could definitely use some sunlight." He says reaching into his pocket and taking out his phone.
             "You want the usual right?" His fingers stopping in mid motion as he reaches for the door allowing Molly to pass through.
             "Yep that works!" She smiles happily looping her arm in his as they walk down the busy afternoon sidewalk. It had been a couple of days since they had spent any actual time together. She'd been too upset to see him the evening Barbara arrived and then she'd just plunged herself into her work surviving on texts between him and Danni even Philip had been there for her as well. None of them had been judgemental or pitying. None of them had given her that disgusted look hidden behind a smile she'd gotten from her friends back home. She'd felt nothing but acceptance and love. Danni even told her some of her family's stories. A couple of which had completely blown her away. It was like Reggie had said the last time they'd been over at Philip's "You'll know when you've found your tribe." and maybe she had.
             "So how are things at the hospital?" She asks. Justin smiles down at her enjoying the moment between them and shrugs.
              "I work in a lab and stare at samples all day. What you're doing has to be a lot more exciting." Molly laughs.
             "You'd think so but I wouldn't call setting up a calendar and delivering materials exciting." Justine laughs.
             "I guess for now you and I are in the same boat but, you on the other hand will be moving into production soon where as I'll still be staring at samples until my next rotation change. That's not for another four months." He says stopping in front of the "Serving Spoon" and holding the door allowing Molly to enter then walking in behind her.
             "Yeah you have a point." She says as she walks to the beverage case and takes two bottles of icedtea as Justine walks to the register. "Here." She says walking to him and placing them on the counter.
              "You want anything else?" He turns to Molly who shakes her head "No".
              "That's it thanks. Any free tables?" He says turning to Molly who looks out the door to the small patio in front spotting a few vacant seats.
               "Yeah a couple." She calls back to him as she pushes through the door and holds it for him trailing behind him as he pushes through the others seated to the vacant table. He places the bag down on the table then holds the chair for her while she sits. Molly reaches for the bag placing the contents down in front of them while Justin takes the chair beside her.
               "Everything okay?" He asks opening the wrapper on his sandwich as Molly unwraps hers nodding in agreement.
                "So how are things going otherwise? I mean with the "Dragon Lady"? Is she still blowing up your phone?" Molly nods.
               "Yeah but actually when I think about it no more than usual. It's just that now I don't know when or where she'll just pop up."
               " Yeah that's not creepy at all" He nods in agreement. "I figured as much so I'm going to take us up to my family's lake house for the weekend. It's quiet and it's really pretty this time of year. The best part is your mother has no idea where it is." He smiles up at her enjoying the look of surprise and joy on her face.
                "Did I tell you today you are the best boyfriend! Come here!" She says tugging on the front of his jacket and pulling him into a kiss that shook them both igniting something deep but yet unnamed within them surprising them both.
               Barbara spots her daughter from the backseat of the limousine as it sped by. She looked happy sitting and laughing in front of "The Serving Spoon" with some handsome and virile looking young man. She turns to watch them catching them as they kissed. She turns forward and sighs wishing she could go back and talk with her. Right now she needed to get to Manhattan and make her delivery and if everything went as planned she'd have all the time she wanted. She thought clutching her purse in her hand as she looked back at the the tops of the bright umbrellas far in the distances.
Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles          


Friday, July 21, 2017

Cassandra, Rego and Joe 07/21/2017


      Cassandra flips through the magazine then tosses it back down on the table this was tortuous. They had only been waiting fifteen minutes but to her it felt like hours. She'd texted Joe twice but hadn't received any back. What the hell was going on she'd made sure she'd paid him. She'd even given him the sample he needed! She just hoped that it would work!
          "Who are you texting?" Rego asks breaking through Cassandra's mental ranting.
           "Colby, we were supposed to meet for lunch but she may have to cancel."She lied putting her phone inside her purse.
           "Glad you're keeping yourself busy." He says going back to his laptop and continuing to work ignoring Cassandra's huffing and twitching beside him.
           "What the hell is taking so long?" She says with a huff as she crosses and recrosses her legs shifting in her seat for the hundredth time it felt like to him. He knew she was nervous but something else had her knickers in a knot and it was more than just the test. She had something else going on and he doubted it had anything to do with Colby. It was also more than the tongue lashing his father had unleashed on them or Devereaux something else was going on she was too antsy and it was his job no matter how frustrating she was trying to be.
          "As the receptionist told us the doctor had a delivery earlier and is running behind. They'll call us shortly." He said ignoring the audible huff and her puffed out lower lip.
          Cassandra picks up the magazine again and turns through the pages. She couldn't risk looking at her phone again Rego was already suspicious. All she could do was sit and wait until the samples were drawn to contact Joe. She prayed the pacifier would be enough she needed for this to go her way.
        "Mr and Mrs Sherrigan come with me please?" Came the nurse's voice from the open doorway. Cassandra tosses the magazine on the table and stands snatching up her purse as she walks. Rego lagging behind as the nurse leads them to a small room with two chairs.
           "Please have a seat. The doctor is still running behind and didn't want you to wait any longer. She is having the lab assitant draw the samples for you. He's on his way up and will be right with you."
          "So now we get to wait in here?" Cassandra huffs as she sits in the chair her chin on her palm pouting. Rego looks at her and sighs. He was weary of her constant childish whining.
           "Good Lord! Do you ever stop whining and complaining? Just do me a favor just be quiet please!" He sighs rubbing his temple as he paces back and forth across the room. Cassandra glares at him more annoyed than she had been but stays silent. In the mood he was in she didn't want to say anything else that would push him any further than she already had. She sighs loudly leaning back in the chair and watching Rego pace back and forth. They both turn their heads quickly as a knock comes on the door and a familiar voice to Cassandra calls from the other side.
           "Mr and Mrs. Sherrigan I'm Joe from the lab." He says extending his hand toward Rego then turning to Cassandra and doing the same giving her a quick wink as her turns back toward Rego.
           "I'm going to be drawing your samples and running your tests. Mr. Sherrigan why don't we start with you have a seat please." Joe says pointing to the chair as Rego removes his suit jacket then rolls up his sleeve as he sits.
           "Do you have any questions?" Joe asks as he prepares Rego arm for the withdrawal.
           "How long to we have to wait for the results?" Rego asks then grimaces as Joe inserts the needle then attaches the tube.
           "Not long the doctor said you were in a rush I could have them done by early tomorrow afternoon" He lied. He'd have them done by this afternoon he just needed the evening to make the necessary switch and get Deveraux his copies.
             "That's great by tomorrow afternoon we'll be able to put this all behind us and concentrate on our family's future." Cassandra says her mood brightening by the moment. She knew by that wink she'd gotten from Joe that everything was going to be perfect she thought as she watched Joe label Rego's sample and place it in the carriage then place a bandaid on his arm.
            "You're all done Mr. Sherrigan." He says with a smile then rolling his stool over to Cassandra.             "Thank you very much." Rego says rolling down his sleeve then slipping into his jacket.
            "My pleasure. You're turn Mrs. Sherrigan." Joe says reaching for the alcohol swab as Cassandra rolls up her sleeve. She wished that Rego would step out but knowing him he'd stay until the blood draw was completed.
            "So do we call the lab or do we call the doctor?" She asked forcing conversation hoping to gage her odds by his responses.
             "You'll have to call your doctor to get the results but, I'll make sure everything goes smoothly." He smirks as he makes the insertion at the same moment Rego's phone rings. He pulls it from his pockets looks down at it a moment and frowns.
            "If you'll excuse me a moment I have to take this.I'll meet you in the lobby." He says with a nod to both of them and steps out the room talking as he walks.
             "We'll be right here" Cassandra calls after him waiting for the door to close before whispering to Joe.
             "So are you going to be able to do it?" She whispers holding the cotton ball against her arm while he opened the bandaid. He looks up at her a knowing smirk playing on his lips as he place the bandage over the small puncture wound.
            "I've got everything I need to get you the answer you want. You have nothing to worry about." He smiles back placing the bandage on her arm. Cassandra stis back in the chair more than pleased with herself.
           Rego walks back from the atrium on his way back to the doctor's office to meet Cassandra. He'd walked out the office to finish his call away from an office filled with prying ears. He rounds the corner his mind still distracted as he presses buttons on his phone and is brushed in the leg as Francessca comes by pushing the stroller.
          "Oh I'm terribly sorry. Well Hello!" He says stepping back quickly then smiling broadly as he looks up.
          "Hey! Sorry about that. Are you okay?" Rego smiles brushing the dust from the edge of his pant leg.
          "I'm fine you just missed me and hello to you too!" He says looking down at a bouncing Logan with his arms outstretched. He reaches down picking him up and tickles his tummy making him giggle and cuddle his neck.
            "How's my favorite little man today?" He asks and receives excited baby babble in return making he and Francessca laugh.
             "Well aren't you a happy boy today! What brings you both to the hospital? No one sick I hope?" He asks looking from Logan then Francessca. She smiles and shakes her head.
           "we're fine we just came to help my Mom spice up Tad's room so he doesn't feel so isolated. We were just waiting for Grandma won't we sweetpea." She says kissing the end of Logan's nose making him laugh and swipe at his nose.
           "What brings you here you okay? She asks her brow creasing in concern. Rego smiles impishly.
           "It's nice to know you still care." Francessca chuckles.
           "Not really I still have that insurance policy you took out I just wanted to know when I could cash it in." She teases back making him laugh uproariously the sound catching the attention and ire of Cassandra watching them from the mezzanine. She storms away from the rail frantically pressing the button for the elevator. She needed to get down there. Every time she turned around those three were bonding! Every encounter brought them closer and closer. How soon before she had his ear again and could feed his already suspicious thoughts. She needed get down there now. she hissed allowed pushing the the call button again.
            "No, Cassandra had a doctor's appointment and I came down here to take a work call." Francessca grins devilishly.
            "So you still call them "business calls"?"  She smirks enjoying Rego's fake wide eyed indignance.
             "Oh you are on a roll today aren't you?"
             "I couldn't help myself." She says looking down at her phone then putting it back in her pocket.
            "Okay, that was Grandma Rhea and she's out front waiting for us. Say bye-bye to Uncle Rego."
            "Bye buddy see you soon." Rego kisses the top of Logan's head then gives him a quick hug before handing him back to his mother. Francessca takes Logan from him placing him back in the stroller.
           "We'll see you soon Rego." She says smiling up at him a devilish curve twisting the edge of her smile as she spies Cassandra coming down the elevator. She tips up kissing Rego on his cheek knowing it would irritate her to no end.
            "Take care of yourself oh, and good luck with that." She winks then scurries toward the exist before Cassandra had the chance to join them leaving Rego to face her undisguised rath.
           "Thanks for that!" He yells after her. His blood simmering with a mixture of amusement and annoyance at her laughter as she pushed through the door.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017




Thursday, July 20, 2017

Lola and Adam, Devereaux and Joe 07/20/2016


               Lola looks at the clock on the wall as she taps the desk with her pencil waiting impatiently. He was supposed to have been here five minutes ago! She'd wanted him in and out of her office before her receptionist came back from lunch. The last thing she needed was her running around the hospital with stories and speculation. The less ties she had to Devereaux the better. She also wanted him out of her office before Adam came to pick her up for lunch. She definitely didn't want him making any connection between the two of them. She'd forgotten when she'd agreed to Adams invitation this morning that Devereaux was coming she just prayed one would be gone before the other arrived.
                "Good afternoon doctor." Devereaux calls cheerily closing the door quietly behind him.
                "You're late." She snarls coming around the desk to face him. Devereaux smiles enjoying her nervousness and glad this would be the last of her services he'd be needing.
                 "Relax doctor I waited for the last of your patients and for your receptionist to leave before I came in and I had to make sure all my other arrangements were in place." His voice casual and attitude nonchalant as he turns and sits on the edge of the desk.
                " Thank you." She sighs her shoulders relaxing a little,
                " What do you want me to do? I'm going to warn you I won't do anything medically unethical. I won't jeopardize my license." She warns challenging him her eyes deadly. Devereaux smiles at her enjoying the the change in her since they had first met. she'd come a long way from that filthy back room in some long forgotten bar.
                 "Don't worry my little dove. I have no intention of doing anything that threatens your livelihood and as I promised this is the last thing I will ever ask you to do." Lola eyes him suspiciously still not fully trusting him or the deal they'd made.
                   "What do you want me to do?" She asks hoping beyond hope it was just something simple she could do and he be on his way. Devereaux smiles as he stands. He removes his jacket tossing it across the chair then unbuttons his cuffs and begins to roll up his sleeves.
                   "I need you to draw two vials of blood from me." He says turning back toward a confused Lola.
                   "That's it?" She inhales deeply starring back at him in shock making Devereaux chuckle.
                   "That's it my sweet. I just need you to draw two vials of blood put them in one of those protective containers one in each for me and our business dealing are at a close."  Lola sighs in relief as she walks to the cabinet and withdraws two sterile vials laying them on the desk next to him as she prepares his arm for the procedure.
                    "What do you need it for." She asks puncturing his arm and attaching a vial to it both watching as it fills quickly. Devereaux looks up his eyes locking with hers.
                     " That's not your worry doctor. I would think you'd be more focused on your new life." He says coldly cutting off any further discussion as she fills the second vial placing it in the container then closing and sealing them both. Devereaux rolls his sleeve down then shrugs into his jacket as Lola seals the container then hands it to him.
                      "Here you go Devereaux." She says quietly as he lays his brief case on the chair and opens it before taking the container from her and placing it inside.
                        "Thank you Lola." He says all the coldness having left his voice replaced by a sort of melancholy.
                        "I'm going to miss you Lola. You were probably one of the most loyal employees I've ever had. I hope you'll be very happy with whatever you plan to do from this point forward." Lola stares at him her mouth agape surprised by his words.
                         "Thank you Devereaux that's very kind of you." He smiles a little half grin then picks up his briefcase and walks to the door. stopping and turning back towards her.
                         "Au Revoir Lola tout le bonheur dans la vie, mon amour." Lola smiles back feeling an odd sadness at their parting.
                         "Vous aussi bien pour vous mon ami et plus Merci." She says as he leaves closing the door behind him. She looks around her office and takes in a deep breath letting it out a slow grin spreading across her face. She was finally, finally free!
                         Adam walks from the opposite end of the hall spotting Devereaux as he steps into the hallway. Adam steps back quickly around the corners edge as Devereaux walks down the hall to the elevators. His being there sending Adam's curiosity to a fever pitch. He waits for him to board the elevator then another moment until his nagging little voice quiets before continuing down the hall and entering Lola's office.
                        Devereaux walks to the elevator taking it to the new genetics lab and waits discreetly in the alcove down the hall. Joe pauses looks around the empty hall then slips into the alcove pulling the plastic construction sheet closed again.
                      "Here's my sample." He says holding it up in the dim light then pulling it back as Joe reaches for it. Joes eyes lock with Devereaux's making the hair stand on the back of his neck at the lifelessness of them. It was as if no soul burned within him. The thought chilled him to the bone sending a shiver through him.
                     "You are going to be the technician that draws her blood and you will be testing the samples. When you do I want you to take two samples from Cassandra. I want one. I want you to give it to me as soon as it's taken. I will meet you here before you go in the lab." Devereaux says handing him the box. "I want you to run the test with Sherrigan sample when you do I want a copy. Then, I want you to run the test with mine and I want a copy of that. If  Sherrigan's blood isn't a match which I'm sure it won't. I want a copy. If the test shows I'm the father then I want you to switch it with mine and give it to them. Make sure this can't be traced back to me. I want  them to think Sherrigan the father. I want you to call me as soon as it's done." His eyes cold as death.  "You have your instructions and you understand what to do?"  Joe nods nervously taking the small Styrofoam package from him and placing it in his lab coat pocket.
                     "Yes sir" Devereaux reaches for him pushing him against the wall his hand wrapped around his throat lifting him from the floor. "This is extremely important do you understand? Make sure there are no mistakes like in New York or this time you will pay with your life. Do I make myself clear?" His voice a deadly whisper. Joe's face begins to turn purple his lungs burning as he nods in agreement. Devereaux releases him watching him fall to the floor coughing and sputtering. Joe's hands going instinctively to his throat as he croaks out an answer.
                   "Very clear sir I promise I will follow your directions to the letter." He rasps between gasps of air. Devereaux looks down at him smiling demonically.
                    "Make sure that you do." He says before straightening his tie and smoothing back his hair then leaving.
                 Joe slumps against the wall takes a few deep breathes then laughs to himself. This worked out better than he'd have ever dreamed! He wouldn't have to use that stupid pacifier! From what his father had told him Joe was sure that either Devereaux or Rego's were the father of her child. The slut was good but even she couldn't juggle three men under Devereaux's watchful eye. He'd have exactly what she wanted proof her husband was the father of her child and if it wasn't he'd have proof of that too! He'd tell her exactly what he was told to tell her! Secondly he knew exactly why Deveraux wanted the other sample. If Devereaux was the father or not his reaction worked for them either way. There was no worry in telling him the truth.
              It only worked more to his favor if he maintained the lie in the case of Cassandra if Sherrigan was not! It also kept them out of Deveraux's way for whatever he had planned and a better idea which embers to bring to a flame. For now Cassandra would once again think her world was safe. All sides would be satisfied taking him out of both Devereaux's and Cassandra's crosshairs. No matter the way he observed the situation he could only be the benefactor!
                 Should his father's machinations not work they'd have something solid for the future! With a rich husband like her's that information could come in handy, very handy. Either way they would always be able to take care of his sweet Genevieve. Cassandra would continue to pay for what she did to her and he had the devil himself to thank for it all!
               "Il n'y a pas d'échapper à ce qui a déjà été conçu mon amour. Vous devez faire face à votre destin!" He mutters and laughs remembering his sister during happier times then stands and heads to Obstetrics to meet it.

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

David and Michael 07/19/2017


            David walks into the lab surprised to find Michael sitting at the table already working. He'd been hoping to get in the lab early he'd wanted to get a look at Michael's computer before he got in but of course here he was. He only had another day before Jeanine got back and he needed to see what was going on with his research. He needed something more to bring to the investors. Michael seemed quiet and undisturbed so Obviously Rhea hadn't mentioned running into him or at least wasn't suspicious of him. That was a good sign. He also looked happy maybe he had some good news for a change. He thought coming fully into the room and waving hello to Michael.  
           "You're here early." He says watching Michael's reaction closely.
           "Yeah, yeah babies will do that for you." David smiles back not seeing any animosity behind Michael's broad grin.
            " What did you go see your grandson before work?" Michael smiles even wider.
            "The first time he's spent the entire night with us! One of the best evenings of my life. He is such a character." He says smiling at the memories and chuckling on his way back to the lab table.
             " Made some coffee a little while ago and there are some zeppoles Sophia made this morning." Michael says pointing to the paper bag on the table next to the pot.
               " Thanks" David smiles pouring coffee into a cup and placing a pastry on a napkin. " So, Sophia is still staying with you? How that's going?" He asks walking to the lab table and standing behind Michael as  he works. Michael grins shaking his head in amusement.
               " Actually I enjoy having her around. she a lot of fun I've never eaten better in my life. I think I've gained about ten pounds. It's nice not coming home to a big empty house having a hot meal and good conversation. Looking through what must be a hundred photos she must have of Francessca. Did I tell you she made me this huge photo album filled with photos of Francessca as she grew up?" David looks at him one eyebrow raised in surprise.
               "Wow! That was really nice of her." David says trying not to sound distracted as he reads Michael's computations over his shoulder. Nodding with relief he hadn't noticed his down load and the formula was still holding up. This morning kept getting better and better.
                "So, from the message you sent this morning we got the additional money we needed." Michael asks keeping his back to David as he works. David sips his coffee smiling to himself as he walks back to his desk.
                 "Yeah, yeah like I told you it went great we got more than we need to continue." David says over his shoulder as he switches his computer on. Michael smiles and nods in agreement.
                  "I'm sorry I missed it." David grimaces to himself here it came.
                   "I'm sorry you missed it too. I tried to call and tell you." Michael chuckles.
                    "well, it happens, besides I had breakfast with my grandson and I wouldn't have missed that for the world." He says rising from his stool at the lab table and walks towards him. "Rhea told me she saw you at the conference center this morning."
                   "Yeah, I ran into her in the elevator on the way out. I was telling her how sorry I was I couldn't reach you." David says sounding distracted as he click through the programs. Michael watches him a moment stopping just behind him.
                   "Couldn't reach me or didn't want to reach me?" Michael says casually watching David over the brim of his cup. David stares at his computer his lips becoming a thin line as he contemplates his next move deciding to stay the course he'd already chosen.
                    "Of course I wanted you there. I tried calling you last night and again this morning." David says over his shoulder then moves to his lab table Michael in tow.
                   "Yeah, yeah so you said. So I guess even with all the failures we've experienced they were still willing to take the chance on us huh?" David's mind clicks over the possibilities of each statement before deciding which direction to take.
                   "To be honest Michael no, they weren't. I needed to show them the promise of a future with their investment and I showed them your research along with our work up to yesterday. I know you didn't want too but it was the only way I could secure the funding we needed to keep going. Now I'm sorry if that bothers you but we said from the beginning that I was going to handle the business end of our venture and I'm doing just that. That mean sometimes you're not going to agree and you're not going to like what I have to do. But, at the end of the day and please don't take this the wrong way I've been doing this a lot longer than you."  David says with a shrug. "And I didn't purposely leave you out of the meeting they did a last minute reschedule just like I told you and Rhea." Micheal's mouth twists into a half grin excepting his excuse in part.
                      "Huh, and I get all that but that doesn't explain you going into my computer and stealing my data." David looks at Michael and chuckles.
                       "First off it's our work secondly. You and I discussed it and you gave me your opinion then I did what I thought was best to get the money we needed to continue our research." He's says anger edging his voice his arms crossed. Michael stares back at him one brow raised meeting his challenge with one of his own.
                     "Yes, it's our work and we do need the money I don't have a problem with that. My problem is that instead of you asking me for what you needed you just took what you wanted. You gave Jeanine some time off to get her out of the office so she wouldn't slip up and tell me. Then you pretend the meeting was changed when you are the one that changed it! You didn't want me there because you didn't want me to know to took my work. You know what the really sad part is? If you had bothered to ask I would have just given it to you. It's painfully obviously you didn't trust me enough to even bother! THAT'S what I have a problem with!" He counters throwing his hand up and rushing on before David can speak. "My biggest problem is that you still don't trust me. After everything we've been through and talked about and you still don't. You definitely don't see us as equals and I have to be honest that hurts. I'm not sure I can work that way." He says shaking his head as he walks back to his lab table and closes his laptop then places it inside his briefcase. David stares after him a moment trying to ignore the sudden pang of guilt he felt as Michael walks toward the door.
                 "Michael wait!" He calls to him. Michael pauses a moment turning back towards him the disappointment glistening in his eyes.
                 "No you wait! I can't deal with you right now so I'm going to go home spend some time with my grandson maybe do some work. But, I know one thing I won't be doing, that's thinking you and I were ever working towards a real partnership or a true friendship." He says walking out the door and passing Krystal on her way in.
                   " How are you Krystal" He mutters not waiting for a response.
                   "He sure left out of here in a hurry. What's going on?" She says staring after Michael then turning towards David. David sighs heavily feeling at a loss for the first time in a long time.
                    "We're just having a little difference of opinion."
                     " A little difference of opinion? He looked madder than a wet hen!"
                     " Nothing to worry about we'll work it out. What's going on with you? I thought you were having lunch with your sister?" Krystal looks at him fighting back the questions she had.
                      "I did, she had to cancel. She said something came up." David smirks knowingly thinking back to what he had witnessed earlier. Krystal watches the smile come and fade making her curious.
                      "What's that supposed to mean?" She asks poking him in his side playfully making him giggle.
                       "Nothing! Nothing, I was just down at the hospital earlier and it seemed a little busy is all. Why don't I take you to lunch and you can tell me all about your meeting this morning. Then we can pick up our son from school and go to the park. How does that sound?" He asks sweeping her into his arms and kissing the top of her head. Krystal smiles holding him close.
                      "I thought you had a lot of work to catch up on now that you have your funding?" She asks hoping to pull more from him as to why Michael had stormed out.
                       " That can wait I'd rather spend the afternoon with you." He says before kissing her pushing away the lingering curiosity about Michael and his odd remark about Lola.    

Read David and Rhea 07/01/2016
Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2017