Saturday, June 29, 2019

Jamie and JR


      Jamie rushes into the men's shop apologizing as he walks. 
       "Man I'm so sorry I'm late! I got held up at the clinic and then the hospital then Kathy and Jenny were late!" He says with a roll of his eye as he pushes out of his jacket and tosses it on the chair behind him. JR smiles opening his arms and embracing him in a bear hug. 
       "Don't worry about it!` I'm just glad you're here! The boys are in the dressing room getting changed." 
    "Enjoy Monsieur!" the Tailors assistant say handing him a glass of champagne then offering him an hors d'oeuvres from the platter. Jamie places his glass on the table then takes a few on a napkin eating them quickly while JR talks. 
    "Besides I'm still waiting for my in laws and brother in-law Lenka." JR mumbles over the canape he'd stuffed in his cheek. Jamie rolls his eyes as he picks up his drink.
     "Yeah I forgot all about that. I suppose Rego is going to be here too?" 
      "Of course he's Rebeka cousin. But if it will ease your mind he was here and left. Cassandra called and he had to go."
      "Good!"Jamie says the vehemence in his voice peaking Jr's curiosity.  
      "I don't understand all the animosity you got the girl." JR jokes as he stuffs another canape in his mouth. 
       "This way sir." Couturier says to Jamie then points to the dressing rooms beckoning him to follow him JR continuing to talk as they walk. 
      "Seriously James I think you're being kind of ridiculous. I've seen you and Francessca together she's crazy about you. I don't see where you have anything to worry about." He says leaning against the wall watching as Jamie steps into his pants and his sons come running out of the dressing room towards him. 
       "Dad! Endre and I still don't understand why we can't just wear one of our Sunday suits these things feel like cardboard!" Jr and Jamie both laugh nodding their heads in agreement. 
     "Look guys we agree with you but your mother wants us in tuxedos so we're wearing tuxedos okay?" Both kids groan rolling their eyes skyward. Making JR laugh harder.
     "I'll make a deal with you, I promise as soon as we get introduced at the reception and we do the dance you guys can change into your black suit pants. You'll have to keep on your tuxedo shirts but you can also put on your tennis shoes." Both AJ and Endre nodding in agreement. 
      "Now I want you guys go stand on the podium so the man can check your suits okay and no wriggling around." He says looking from one to the other as both nod in agreement then run and stand on the podium as JR turns back to Jamie. 
       "So what gives?Why are you so suddenly insecure? Looks like to me Rego's moved on. He and Cassandra are having a baby. You and I both know he's given up a lot to be with her. I'd say he's pretty devoted."
      "Yeah but for how long?" He grimaces as the couturier pulls at the legs of his pants then helps him into the jacket before standing back to inspect his work. JR looks at his brother and shrugs.
       "I don't know James he seemed pretty happy when I was talking to him. Maybe it's not Rego you're worried about. Hold on a second!" He says over his shoulder as he walks quickly to where the boys were being fitted to give the couturier his finally okay.  
       Jamie watches him walk away a moment then stares back at his reflection in the mirror losing himself in thoughts. His mind going back to that moment he'd caught between his wife and Rego. He couldn't get the image of him kissing her out of his head. It gnawed at him and he couldn't explain why. Francessca hadn't changed not in any way she was exactly the same as she always was with him. She was loving and attentive. Cheerful and funny all the things he'd always loved about her. The only thing that had changed in their lives was the inclusion of Rego and her feelings towards him. That's what had changed. The other thing was Rego had changed and that's what also gnawed at him. It wasn't jealousy despite what Cess thought. It was that Rego had become the man Cess thought he was when they were engaged. He was afraid she would tell him about Logan and he'd be in their lives as Logan's father and not just his annoying uncle. He couldn't tell that to JR. He couldn't truly explain his feelings to anyone with exposing the truth about his son. 
       "So are you going to talk to me about what's going on with you and Cess or what?" JR asked hoping his brother would finally open up about what was bothering him. 
       "You know what JR can we talk about something else please?"
       "Well bro I'm just saying I'm here when and if you want to talk. Anyway how's work?" Jr says as he watches his brother turn in the mirror inspecting his tuxedo. 
       "Pretty good. I was able to hire a permanent physician for the clinic with a salary." Jamie says smiling with pride. 
       "Wow! That's great I'm really proud of you. All your hard work is really starting to pay off. Congratulations." 
        "Yeah it's great to finally stop operating in the red for a change. And the new doctor I hired? She's great! She's funny, smart, experienced." Jamie gushes as he steps from the podium and removes his pants handing them back to the couturier making JR smile slyly.
         "Is she pretty?" He asks making Jamie smile as he remembers watching her walk to her car as they existed that afternoon. 
          "Very. I enjoyed talking to her during our interview and I really enjoyed working with her today. I think the two of us are going to get along great." He says the smile curling his brothers lips and reminiscent tone giving him a momentary pause to wonder exactly what position his new doctor had actually been hired for. 
       "So who is this marvel of modern medicine?" He ask trying to sound more casual then he felt as he watched the expression on his brothers face change as he  reminisced about his encounter. 
     "Ivy is pretty terrific she from Chicago. She worked in a clinic there so she's familiar with the general in and out of the operation. She's pretty, funny, friendly, smart and I think she'll be a real asset."
      "Emphasis on the pretty?" JR slides in smoothly watching carefully for Jamie's reaction the later stares back at him his mouth twisted in distaste.
      "No, and don't even joke like that. I love my wife and son as well as I'm happily married man. Second I'm human and I'm not dead." He says stepping down from the podium and removing his jacket and trousers. "Besides Cess's got this major crush on that Vin Diesel guy." He says with a laugh.
      "Yeah but she's not working side by side with him every day." JR warns as Jamie stares back at him one brow raised. 
        "Where the hell is this coming from JR? All I said was she was pretty." 
        "I don't know Bro you tell me. If I didn't know any better I would say you're a little smitten with her." Jamie chuckles.
         "Are you really serious with this man? I just met the woman and she impressed me nothing more. Is that okay with you?" Jamie asks shoving one leg into his pant leg then the other as JR shrugs. 
         "It's fine with me. Just take a little advice from someone who's been there just be careful." 
         "Be careful of what?"
         "You got a lot going on right now Jamie and it can get really easy to lose sight of what's important really quickly. Just promise me you'll keep your focus on what really matters and don't let yourself get distracted."
          "I really don't know where the hell this is coming from." JR smiles then laughs as he throws up his hand silencing him
          'Look just do a nervous soon to be married man a favor and promise me okay?"
          'Okay, okay I promise." Jamie concedes with a laugh and a roll of his eyes. JR nods satisfied then adds his tone becoming serious again
         'Oh and another thing no matter what happens remember you can always come to me."
         "I don't know what's wrong with you but okay I promise I'll come to you."
         "And there's nothing wrong with me! You're my little brother and I love you Jamie! I just want to you to continue to be as happy as I am." He laughs as he reaches over and grabs Jamie by the neck and gives him a playful noogie on the top of his head.
          "What the hell JR?" Jamie yells and tries to pull away as his nephews run roaring from the dressing rooms and grab on to his ankles making them all laugh as they tumble to the fitting room floor in a mass of giggling bodies.

Jamie and Zach
Jamie and Ivy
Jamie and Francessca
Jamie, Francessca Rego and Ivy

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2019


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Cassandra and Rego

            Cassandra nervously paces the living room in a vein effort to get her fear under control. She was so frightened after seeing Devereaux that she'd called Rego almost in tears demanding he come home. Now she wasn't sure what she was going to tell him when he got there. She couldn't tell him about Devereaux and with all the progress she'd made she couldn't act like a shrew. Besides, she didn't want to. She was enjoying the closeness that was forming between them.
           He also seemed to be a little more trusting of her. Even with the progress she'd made with Rego so far. She wasn't sure how she was going to get what Devereaux wanted without making Rego suspicious of her or even how to get it. Rego was very careful with his work rarely leaving it out of his sight when working at home and when he wasn't working on it, it was locked in his briefcase. How in the world was she supposed to do that? How? More to her immediate problem what was she going to tell Rego when he came through that door?
             Rego channeled his annoyance with his wife impatiently tapping the steering wheel with his thumbs as he waits for the light to change. She'd called him in the midst of his fitting with JR demanding that he return home immediately. Why, she couldn't say other than she needed him home. He'd started to stay where he was just to let her know she wasn't at her beck and call. On the other hand she was pregnant with his child and it may be important. Knowing Cassandra it was probably as trivial as her quest for morning attire but, he couldn't be sure. Besides lately she's been more reasonable one could almost say loving, almost. Rego was no ones fool. He knew that leopards don't change their spots. Especially someone like Cassandra but he had to admit she'd been better of late. Then there was also also something in her voice that sent a prickle up his spine. That's why he had to give her the benefit of the doubt and why he felt the odd sense of urgency.  He thought his impatiens and annoyance festering as he began tapping rhythmically on the steering wheel again.
          Cassandra checks her reflection in the mirror after deciding on her story. She'd felt terribly ill after her appointment and it had really frightened her. Until she remembered she'd forgotten to eat. If nothing else she was a true depiction of her lie. She looked awful. Her skin was pale and drawn. Her eyes were puffy and swollen. Her stomach felt as if it was roiled and at any moment would churn over again. All of it thanks to Devereaux! Well least their encounter was good for something was her last thought before she heard the sound of Rego's car in the drive.
         "Cassandra!" Rego calls as he races into the living room. While moments before the object of his urgency laid down on the sofa finally deciding at the last second on an alignment.
         "Cassandra!" He calls again coming quickly and kneeling by he side the later feigning sleep.
         "Rego?" She says sitting up on the sofa and looking about the room as if confused before her eyes settled on Rego.
         "Are you all right? Shall I call for the doctor?" He asks panic beginning to edge his voice as Cassandra rubs at her eyes groggily.
         "I'm fine now." She smiles her hand reaching out to caress his cheek before sliding back down to her lap as Rego pulls instinctively away then immediately regrets it as a the hurt flashed across her eyes and takes her retreating hand in his. 
         "What happened? When you called you sounded urgent?" His voice sounding more concerned and less urgent than it had moments before giving Cassandra the reassurance she needed.
         "I'm okay and I'm sorry I frightened you." Her voice demure almost cheerful as if his previous words had not touched her. If he didn't know better he would say she was contrite but he knew better than that something still didn't feel right to him.
         "What happened to get you so worked you?" He asked. His eyes probing her expression for the slightest change or telling signs of her lies as she spoke.
         "It's really silly now and completely my fault. I was so busy running errands this morning I completely forgot to eat. By the time I actually did it all made me so sick."
          " I told you this would happen if you weren't careful!" He chides a small smile of relief and satisfaction of being right twinging his lips. Making her smile her own secret satisfaction.
          "You're right I should have listened. And I'm sorry I completely spazzed and totally panicked." She says with a little laugh. Rego chuckles as he pats his chest and sighs.
          "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Cassandra schools her expression to display proper amount of guilt and sorrow to match her contrite tone.
          " I'm so sorry I scared you like that. I promise I won't scare you like that again."
          "It's alright as long as you and the baby are okay." He says patting her hand and smiling back at her. Cassandra laughs as she rubs her swollen belly with her free hand.
          "We're fine really you can stop worrying."
          "I'll stop worrying when you stop being so foolish." He teases making them both laugh.
          "I promise I'll be more responsible."
          "Thank you. Now that I know you're okay is there anything I can get you?"
          " No, really I'm fine but if you don,t mind maybe you could just sit here with me and maybe we could just talk for a little while, I mean if you're not too busy." She asks patting the place next to her. Rego smiles as he slides onto the cushion next to her.
           "I'd love to."
           "Devereaux reads over the last paragraph of the documents he'd had his lawyer draw up before signing his name on the bottom with a flourish and satisfied grin. That was the last of them he thought as he closed them in the manila envelope and locked them in his desk drawer. Tomorrow morning he'd have them sent by messenger in to his lawyers office. Everything was in place he'd secured his child's financial future and he was ready to secure his own. All he had to do now was wait for Cassandra to bring him what he wanted and if she was smart she'd get it to him sooner rather than later. Perhaps he'd make it crystal clear to her that time was definitely of the essences.

Jaime and Cassandra
Cassandra and Rego
Cassandra and Devereaux

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2019


Saturday, June 15, 2019

Erica, Corbin and Gavin


       Gavin looks down at the legal pad in front of him and checks off an item from his list before moving on to what he was sure would be today's dynamite. He looks up at Corbin who was whispering to Molly who was furiously writing on her pad. Then to Erica who seemed to be distracted some goings on on her phone. Well he may as well wade into the deep water he thought as he cleared his throat.
          "All right everyone should have the final changes for the premier episode of "New Beginnings" there's nothing added to the script just updated sponsor sheet. Now moving on." Gavin says as he reaches behind him and pulls the scripts from the table then places them in front of Corbin.
          "I've gone over the first scripts for "Raising Fire" and I would like to commend each and every one of you on the tremendous work you've done. I've been both moved and captivated by what you've written so far. However I will reiterate any reference to the rape by Robert Grassland will always be just that. The character of Jerica will never be portrayed as a seductress in any way shape or suggestion. At this point we are talking about a child and brutality done against her and the repercussions there after. With that said I want the scripts I've given to Corbin reviewed and any suggestion to the contrary within them corrected to reflect what I've said." Corbin looks at Erica who sits with a satisfied grin on her face staring up at Gavin before turning her smug grin towards him. If her co-hosts had run in the room with a rail he'd be the first in line to hoist her up on it.
        "Gavin, do you realise how much work that's going to intaile and how much man hours that's going to take? This was just going to put us further behind." His frustration punctuating each word. All to accommodate one woman's ego he thought knowing better than to speak it aloud.
         "Yes I do. My suggestion is that you and your staff clear your schedules and get started." Gavin stated firmly hoping his tone would be the end of the argument but knowing full well it wouldn't be.
         "Come on Gavin this is ridiculous. Jerica isn't Erica she's a character! I thought we were all in agreement that everything doesn't have to be exact!" Corbin argues back his eye catching Erica's and locking. Hers never wavering challenging him to say more.
         Erica smiled to herself she'd known since breakfast how this meeting would go. Not that she would ever use her rape or what had happened between her and Gavin last night as a tool to get what she wanted. It was more of a silent understanding they'd reached during their conversation over breakfast. She'd luckily avoided any conversation after the storm had passed. She'd been exhausted after and had lain down on the bed while she waited for Gavin to return. She must have fallen asleep while he'd gone down to the kitchen. She had awakened once hours later to find him sitting in the chair across from her reading quietly. He'd smiled and told her to go back to sleep and she had.
        She'd been awakened by his maid and told where to find him her clothes cleaned and pressed. She'd dressed quickly and hurriedly gone down to the dinning room to join him her emotion pinballing between curiosity and trepidation.
         "Good Morning Erica."
         "Good Morning. I hope you slept well."
         "Yes I did thank you."
         "How long have you suffered from your storm terror?" He asked. Erica glanced up at him over the rim of her cup. His question was simple enough and there was no sign of mocking in his voice or expression. If anything his eyes showed empathy. He wasn't asking why or when just how long giving her a suspicion that he already knew the answer. Besides after what had happened between them she owed him something of an explanation she just hoped she wouldn't have to explain further.
        "Since I was thirteen." Her expression reminiscent of the one she'd had last night after the storm had passed he noted. He nodded in understanding changing the topic to some triviality concerning "New Beginnings" effectively closing the previous subject. That's when she knew she'd won him over.
        Corbin watched Erica practically preening as she gazed at Gavin adoringly. What the hell had happened between the two of them? He thought only half listening to Gavin's response as he let his mind wander through the possible scenarios wondering what trick Erica had used fromm her arsenal to bring Gavin over to the darkside.
         "We are but in this case I want to be clear in the portrayal of the character. She had nothing to do with perpetuating what happened nor was she a willing participant. I want to make sure that is perfectly clear to the audience." Gavin explained knowing Corbin barley heard a word he'd said. He and Erica were too busy having a silent battle of wills he thought. He watched the emotion play over Corbin's face then braced himself for the question he knew was causing the twitch in his lip.
           "Excuse me Gavin?"
           "Yes Corbin"
          "If you don't mind what bought all this on so suddenly? I mean I thought we were all in agreement about the characters role in this?" Gavin takes a moment his thoughts flashing back to last night and Erica curled up on the floor in hysterics.He knew this question would come and he was prepared for it without giving Erica away or showing any alliance with her.
          "It's really quite simply. After going through the scripts and having more time to think on the subject. I decided that we are a new show and I don't want us to tarnish our brand right out of the gate by being accused of contributing to rape culture. I want the audience to see Jericho Lane and Robert Grassland for the monsters they really are. Perhaps you could seed the scene with more of that aspect. That should satisfy the audiences titillation needs." Corbin nods in agreement.
        "Yeah that should work." Gavin looks around the table at the nodding heads as Corbin whispers to Molly and the later scribbling hastily desperately trying to keep up with whatever he was saying.
        "All right next item...." Gavin starts but Erica didn't hear a word of it she was too overwhelmed by her delight in Gavin's decision to side with her. She was sure she wore it like a beacon judging from the expression on Corbin's face.
         "Ha!" She thought she hoped he choked on his anger. He was so smug when he'd come to her dressing room. He thought he knew her so well because of all his research. She'd admit he'd come closer than most. She'd also have to admit some of what he'd said earlier was spot on and somewhat helpful. But now Corbin thought he knew her  inside and out. With that knew found knowledge he also thought he knew how to "handle" her.  Fool! No man really knew who she was deep down inside. A few had come close But in the end  none really knew her. Least of all Corbin! He could do what he pleased with any other aspect of her book and her life but there were some things she would never allow him to play with and this was definitely one of them.
         Right now she could tell Corbin was furious and confused. Right now he was trying to figure out how he lost Gavin's support on this. The later would be too chivalrous to ever tell him the real reason he'd changed his mind. Right now Erica Kane had both the men in her life exactly where she wanted them and she couldn't be happier.

Erica,Corbin Jack and Tea
Erica and Corbin
Erica and Gavin

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Kendall, Zach and Erica


         Kendall stares up at the stage checking the set against her design and putting on the final touches. Tomorrow would be the first taping of "New Beginnings" premiere episode and she needed to complete it today so she could start the construction of the permanent stage at the studio. She was looking forward to the quiet of the studio after spending the past week trapped at the casino with her mother and her castmates. It had been the week from hell and she was looking forward to handing her referee whistle back to Corbin and Gavin. Five more hours she thought as Erica shrieked her name from the back of the theater.
           "Kendall!" Erica yelled as she came down the aisle towards her daughter. She needed to speak to someone about her evening with a Gavin and talking to Opal was completely out of the question. If she didn't feel so disturbed by the encounter she'd keep it to herself but she needed to confide in someone.
            "Good Morning Mother." She says over her shoulder as she continues to review her work.
            "Kendall I must speak with you."
            "Can't it wait Mother? I really need to finish this."
            "No it can't wait I need to speak with you now, please?" Erica says her voice becoming shrill with the effort grabbing Kendall's full attention.
             "Mom are you okay?" she asks true concern edging her voice.
             "No, I'm not alright! I'm not sure if I'll ever be all right again!"
             "My God Mother! What happened?"
             "Just everything is all!" Erica hisses shaking her chestnut tresses back from her face.
             "Come here a second and sit down." Kendall says calmly as she leads her mother over to a row of empty seats.
            "Now, what's going on and what do you mean by "Everything"?"
            "Exactly what I said Kendall! Am I not speaking english?"
            "No need to snap at me Mother! I'm just trying to help you."
            "I'm sorry honey really. I didn't mean to snap at you. I just haven't been myself since the other night when I was out to dinner with with Corbin."
             "Did something happen with Corbin?"
             "Oh Kendall please keep up it hasn't anything to do with Corbin at all and everything to do with one Jackson Montgomery and his sudden interest in that viper Tea DelGado! You should have seen it. They were all over each other like cats in heat! He doesn't even know I'm alive anymore!"
              "Face it Mom he hasn't known you were alive for sometime now."
              "Well  thank you Kendall for your support!"
              "Mom, I'm not trying to be cruel at all but I really think it's time for you to just move on."
              "Just move on? You think I should just move on? Tell me Kendall how do you move on from your soulmate? If it were Zach would you just "move on"? In fact if I remember correctly you fought like a wild cat to hold on to Zach!"
              "Yes I did Mother but unlike you I didn't have a string of "true loves" while proclaiming Zach was my soulmate!"
               "Kendall I never realized a child of mine could be heartless and cruel."
               "Well if your expecting me to apologize I'm not! You had everything you said you ever wanted with Jack and you decided the lifestyle wasn't for you. Jack didn't leave you! You left him remember? What did you expect him to do? Sit around waiting for you decided you want him this month because there wasn't anyone else? Jack wanted someone with hm that wanted the same things he wanted. A home a wife a family. The same domestic doldrum you ran from. Face it you don't really want Jack you don't want anyone else to have him. You really should be tired of this game you play with yourself. It can't possibly be healthY. That's why I think you should move on."
             "Well thank you Dr. Kendall for your unsolicited advice. I'll be sure not to make an appointment in the future!"
              "Mom!..... Mom!.... Don't ru.....I didn't mean....." She calls after her Mother's retreating back.
              "Ugh!" She groans wishing she wasn't so tired and her patients weren't so short. She also wished she'd kept her thoughts to herself. She knew better than to be logical when her mother was in one of theses moods. She just couldn't help herself Jack had always been good to her and it hurt her to see him alone and defeated for so long he deserved to be happy. If this Tea DelGado made him happy then she was glad even if it meant for the moment her mother would be unhappy she supposed. Judging by what she was witnessing between her Gavin and Corbin, she thought as she smiled to herself knowing her mother it wouldn't be for long.
         "Hey! What's going on? I just saw Erica come flying out of here like the place was on fire." Zach chuckles as he comes towards his wife and embraces her.
          "Ugh! She's annoyed with me I'll tell you about it later. What's up?" She asks as Zach shrugs.
          "Nothing really. I just had a rough afternoon I never got to eat lunch and thought if you weren't busy you'd like to join me?"
          "Lunch? What time is it?"
          "One o'clock"
          "I Would love to!" She says before turning and yelling at the stage. " Frank let's break. Have everyone back by two and ready to tape!"
           "You got it Mrs.S! That's break everyone two o'clock be ready to shine!" He calls walking towards the back of the stage as the other men follow.
           "I'll take that as yes?" He says pulling her to him and nuzzling her neck making her giggle.
           "You betcha! Let's get out of here I could really use some fresh air."
           "Come on I know just the spot!" He smiles pulling gently on her arm and leading her up the aisle.
            "Hey! Kendall I'm glad I Caught you! Hey Uncle Zach!" Francessca says tipping up and quickly kissing his cheek.
            "Hey! Why don't you join us?"
            "I Can't I have to get over to the hospital to see Tad. I just wanted to tell you the photos for the cast are complete for 'Tempo" I'll send Gavin an email in the morning with the proofs. I gotta go. I'll see you both later." She say trotting back up the aisle.
            "Oh and don't forget I'm picking up my boys friday after school."She calls behind her.
            "As if they'd let us forget!" Kendall yells back making Zach laugh.
            " That's all they've talked about all week!"
            "Well it will be nice you and me an entire weekend alone in an empty house." He says wriggling his brow.
             "Yeah an entire weekend alone. with nothing but you and me and time on our hands."
             "What do you think we should do with all our free time." He says pulling her into his arms and nuzzling her neck.
              "I think you and I should get a bottle of wine," she murmurs as she nibbles gently on his ear.
"Mm Hmm." He groans as she continues her assault on his senses.
              "Order dinner from the chateau..." She says kissing him.
              "Mmm hmm." He moans in between kisses.
             " And when were all done we finally clean out that hall closet." She laughs running half heartedly up the aisle as Zach pursues her catching up to her quickly and pulling her into his arms.
          "I have a better idea come on." He grins seductively as they walk arm and arm out the theater.
          All of their playful banter playing out in front of their unseen visitor. Much to his amusement. Although he'd learned one thing. The big man was going to be away for the weekend. That meant this weekend would be the best time for him to make as much money as he could. He'd need it if he was going to put the rest of his plan in motion. He thought rising from his secluded spot and heading toward his room. He needed to rest up before he went to work this evening.

* Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2019*

Erica and Corbin - Jack and Tea
Erica and Corbin
Erica and Gavin