Thursday, April 18, 2013

Amanda, Jake Tad and Opal 04/18/2013

Jake rolls over on his back then reaches for his cell phone on the night stand to check the time. Then calls from the bed in to the bathroom
Jake: You know it’s still early we could go out to dinner if you want?
Amanda: Or we could just stay here. (She peeps her head out drying her face)
Jake: I don’t know about you but I’m starved and I don’t want room service food. (He stretches and yawns then jumps as Amanda flops down on the bed next to him)
Amanda: You sure you want to go out?
Jake: Maybe, (He pulls her to him hugging her closely enjoying the smell and fell of her) I just like being seen with New York’s new “It” girl?
Amanda: You do huh? (She looks up at him lovingly brushing her lips gently against his)
Jake Yeah I do. (he kisses her luxuriating line the sweetness of her lips then pulling away as he feels him becoming aroused at the same moment his stomach grumbles making Amanda laugh and pat his tummy)
Amanda: All right, where do you want to go?
Jake: I made reservations for the restaurant downstairs. I want to go out but I don’t want to go too far. (He moans trailing kisses down her neck)
Amanda: Oh no (She pushes away from him turns and kneels on the bed in front of him) if we’re going out I want to go out, out! (She laughs flicking the tip of his nose making him twitch his nose)
Jake: Like where?
Amanda: I want to go ice skating at “Rockefeller Center” (She jumps up running to her suitcase)
Jake: Before or after we eat?
Amanda: After you said you were starving. (She stops pulling out some leggings and a heavy sweater glad she packed for “just in case” weather)
Jake: Okay so we’ll keep the reservation and then we’ll go skating how’s that? (He stands reaching on the floor and picking up his hastily discarded clothes)
Amanda: And then I want to go to the “Guggenheim” (Fishing through her suitcase for underclothes)
Jake: You want to do all that tonight? (He comes up behind wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the back of her neck) I had another idea!
Amanda: Yeah, we have to be back in Pine Valley tomorrow. (She pulls away reaching in her suitcase for her toiletry bag)
Jake: Why don’t we do dinner and skating and see where the rest of the evening takes us. (He pulls his suitcase from behind the door and places it on the end of the bed and opens it)
Amanda: That’s a really good idea. How’s Trevor? (She walks to the bathroom and places her toiletry bag on the counter then walk back to her luggage)
Jake: Mom says he’s fine. (He calls over his shoulder looking for the shirt he bought to match his pants)
Amanda: Is she okay having him stay the night? She stops in front of the mirror and winds her hair in to a bun atop her head)
Jake: Are you kidding she’s in her glory! I think taking care of Trevor was just what she needed. (He closes his suitcase placing it back on the floor)
Amanda: It’s kind of strange with everything that’s happened you and I should be this happy. (She turns from the mirror to look at him her voice and expression strangely melancholy)
Jake: Maybe it’s because of everything that’s happened.
Amanda: Maybe.
Jake: No maybe about it, if it weren’t for Tad I wouldn’t have come here today.
Amanda: What’d he do?
Jake: He showed me what an ass I was being.
Amanda: I knew I always loved that man. Remind me to give him a big kiss when we get home.
Jake: Only if you remind me.
Amanda: It’s a deal. I better go jump in the shower so we can get going. (Padding barefoot into the bathroom Jake following closely behind her tugging on the ties to her robe giving her naked buttocks a playful slap)
Jake: Here let me help you!
Amanda: Oh my God Jake!
Scene shift Tad in his hospital room gritting is teeth from the pain as the Orthopedist makes adjustments to his leg so that the bone doesn’t loose length.
Doctor: That should take care of the pain Mr. Martin. (He finishes placing the syringe in the container on the wall)
Tad: Thanks I feel better already. (Grumbles the pain shooting through his body)
Doctor: You should feel better in a few minutes maybe even a little loopy try to get some rest okay. (He pats his shoulder then walks to the door and pulls it open)
Tad: Yeah, okay (He grouses afraid to move and cause more pain)
Doctor: I’ll check in on you later. (He leaves closing the door behind him)
Tad: I’ll be here. (He mocks)
Phil: How are you? (He says from behind the door and moves to the side of the bed)
Tad: How do you think I am? (He says between gritted teeth)
Phil: Are you in pain?
Tad: What do you think? (He croaks out)
Phil: Well if it makes you feel any better our little brother took your advice.
Tad: Yeah I told her to leave me alone and I haven’t seen him all afternoon. Now if others were more accommodating I’d feel even better.
Phil: You told him to go be with his wife and he did. I’m happy to report that they are together and happily playing footsie at the Plaza.
Tad: Footsie at the Plaza? (His face construed laughing lightly at his brother’s terminology) They don’t let you out much do they?
Phil: What’s wrong with footsie?
Tad: No one has said that since the seventies and even then mostly in old movies!
Phil: Tad I’ve been dead since the early eighties.
Tad: Oh yeah it doesn’t seem that long. Anyway if you’re going to be just hanging about you’re going to need to work on you idioms.
Phil: My what?
Tad: Your modern American language skills.
Phil: Why didn’t you just say that?
Tad: Because the look on your face was more entertaining!
Phil: Haha funny guy! (Tad giggles again) I guess that pain shot is kicking in.
Tad: Well it doesn’t hurt as much.
Phil: You should be proud of yourself you accomplished your first task.
Tad: I’ve been calling my brother a bone head all his life I didn’t know it was a task.
Phil: No idiot you got him to go to his wife and work things out.
Tad: It’s magic Cool! What else can I do?
Phil: Nothing you don’t have any magical powers.
Tad: That sucks! The least they could do is give me a super power!
Phil: You’re not some Super Hero!
Tad: Since I’m stuck in this bed they could give me the power to teleport out of my body I could float all over town. (He stretches his arms out like Superman making a swishing noise)
Phil: I don’t think so.
Tad: Oh come on! You guys took Taylor, you’re haunting me the very least the big guy could do is let me teleport! We could fly around together. Come on it would be fun. Hey maybe I could fly up or wherever and see Taylor. I miss her so much (He stretches his arms out again making airplane noises)
Phil: Why don’t you just rest buddy. (His smile melancholy he pats Tad’s shoulder then moves to stand behind the door)
Tad: Why are you standing all the way over there? (Raising his hand and waving him over)
Phil: Because any minute your mother Opal is going to come through that door.
Tad: Oh, because she can see you! (He salutes him then stares at the door) Where is she?
Phil: I said she was on her way I didn’t say she was here. Why don’t you lay your head back and rest your eyes for a little while.
Tad: Sounds like a plan.
Phil: I’ll see you later.
Tad: See you Phil!
Opal: Hey love-bug who you talking to?
Tad: I was just talking to Phil
Opal: Phil your doctor or something?
Tad: My brother.
Opal: Are you feeling all right?
Tad: Great! Doctor gave me a shot after he fiddle no wait adjusted my leg.
Opal: Oh. Now it makes sense. So other than talking to Phil how are things?
Tad: Tad and Amanda are back together!
Opal: Oh that’s wonderful! I knew they’d work things out!
Tad: Yeah and it’s because of me!
Opal: Because of you, what’d you do?
Tad: I told Jake to stop being an ass and go be with his wife and he did! They’re at the plaza right now playing footsie! (He giggles) Footsie! (He giggles again) And it’s all because of me Phil told me so. Who’s the man? I’m the man! I’m Tad the Man That’s who I am! Tad theeee man! Waoca Ka! (Ending his song with a high pitched crescendo in to his imaginary microphone and head banging forward in a rhythmic motion) Thank you! Thank you very much!
Opal: oh now you think you’re Elvis. (She looks down at him his eyes closed making crowd noises and giggling) You know maybe I should let you get some sleep? (He frowns down at him brushing the hair from his forehead)
Tad: Yeah I’m a little dizzy now! (He mumbles seeming to doze off for a second)
Opal: I bet you are. You just lie back and take a nap and I’ll be right here.
Tad: Okay Momma! You sit right over there. (He point to the chair in the corner laying his head against the pillows smiling to his self) Maybe you can knit me a nice warm sock for my big cold foot! (His eye pop open wide pleased with his own brilliance) Hey that’s another good idea! I’m just full of them today.
Opal: Okay I’ll make you a sock you just rest okay. (She leans down kissing his forehead)
Tad: Okay Night Momma. (He folds his hands over his chest smacks his lips and settles in to the pillow)
Opal: Night honey. (She squeezes his hand then moves towards the chair but he holed it tight and opens his eyes)
Tad: Don’t go stay right there I want to talk to you okay? (Sounding like he did when he was a little boy making her smile at the memory)
Opal: I promise I’ll be right there in that chair knitting you a big sock. (She grins giving his hand another squeeze)
Tad: Okay thanks Momma. (He smiles a moment then drifts off to sleep)

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