Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Jesse and Griff 04/04/2013

Jesse sits in his car outside Krystal & Carmen’s staring down at the report he’d gotten from the FBI then folds it sticking it inside his pocket. He still hadn’t told Frankie anything yet but first things first he needed to talk to Griff. He exists the car slamming the door behind him then walks inside. He looks around the restaurant it was still early just a little after opening the place was practically empty and no sign of Krystal or Carmen good. He sit’s down at the counter and slaps the top.
Jesse: Hey anybody home?
Griff: Hey Jesse! (He calls from the back wiping his hands on a towel as he comes through the door) Hey what’s going on?  (Extends his hand and Jesse shakes it)
Jesse: Nothing much I though maybe I’d come in and talk to you for a few minutes.
Griff: Why something up? (His suspicions raised)
Jesse: No nothing just some family issue I need to bounce off some body. Maybe you could join me for a cup of coffee?
Griff: Sure, let me just let Carlos know. (He opens the door to the kitchen calling back to his helper as Jesse moves to a table. Griff quickly pours two cups placing them on a try with a small picture of milk and two spoons then carries them to the table placing one in front of Jesse and one in front of the empty seat across from him. He places the tray at the end of the table then sits down) so what’s going on Jesse how can I help?
Jesse: Well there’s no other way to do this so I’m just going to say it.
Griff: Say what?
Jesse: I know that you’re Randi’s father.
Griff: Nah, I don’t have any kids chief. (He grins broadly then shrugs)
Jesse: Randi has a very rare blood type and a few months back there was a shortage at the hospital you went to the blood lab and you donated the night we talked. (Griff stares at him then shrugs sipping his coffee coolly giving away nothing)
Griff: So, lots of people donate blood. I just felt bad and did my civic duty.
Jesse: There’s more I had a sample of your DNA and Randi’s compared you’re her father. There’s no point lying I know.
Griff: You stole my DNA? (He glares at Jesse his look full of venom)
Jesse: I didn’t steal it I used the tissues you bled on the day you cut your hand then I stole Randi’s toothbrush.
Griff: Have you told her yet?
Jesse: No, you’re the first person I’ve told. (Griff looks at him his expression surprised then confused)
Griff: You came to me first why?
Jesse: I want to understand why you would want to keep that a secret?
Griff: Can’t you guess?
Jesse: Why don’t you tell me?
Griff: Because I’m a criminal and I’ve been to prison.
Jesse: Come on man Randi doesn’t care about stuff like that. She’s had her own ruff times.
Griff: Yeah I know and it’s all because of me. It’s my fault she grew up in foster homes, my fault she was a prostitute, my fault her mother died all of that there, is on me.
Jesse: What happened to you?
Griff: Randi’s mother and I we ran off we ended up here in Pine Valley. I drove a cab for a while went. Then I got a job at the steel mill and I was lucky to get that I barley-finished high school. All and all things were fine we even saved up money got a little place over on Maple Shade. We were so happy baby on the way I was king of the world. (He smiles laughing bitterly thinking back) Then not too long after Randi was born I got up one morning went to work got told the mill was closing down they were moving all operations to Japan.
Jesse: Oh man. (He moans his heart feeling his pain remember his own past when he and Angie had run off with Frankie)
Griff: I got a couple of part time jobs but it wasn’t enough, money was tight mortgage was due, newborn baby I was desperate. (He moans) She begged me not to go. She told me that if I did and if I got caught I would never see her or our baby ever again. I kept trying to convince her we wouldn’t get caught and when I got back we’d be living like kings! (His eyes well with tear his voice becoming tight) I was supposed to be the wheelman because when I first came to town I drove cabs and knew the streets. They caught us about two blocks from the place. And Larisa, she was true to her word I never saw her again. I kind of held out hope there for a while but when she wasn’t at my arraignment, not at my trail not at my sentencing. I got the hint. (His chuckle edged with the bitterness he felt)
Jesse: How did you know Randi was your daughter she was just an infant when you left.
Griff: I’d know my baby anywhere she looks just like her mother besides, Mrs. Crawford she lived next door she’d send me pictures every now and then till Randi was about four going on five then they just stopped. I just assumed she had died or something.
Jesse: She may have around that time a tornado hit Pine Valley Maple Shade was all tore up.
Griff: After that I lost track of them both (He finishes look down at the table then back at Jesse) till Carmen started teaching at the prison. (He smiles for the first time since they started talking)
Jesse: Is that why you took the job here with Carmen? (His voice sounding more cop than he had intended)
Griff: I was scheduled to come here after I was released long before I knew she was a friend of Randi’s. I wouldn’t do that to her Carmen’s been good to me. I didn’t find out about that till a week before they put Ryan in my cell.
Jesse: Glad to here that. (He says with a sigh his gut telling him Griff was being honest)
Griff: So where do we go from here? (His voice resigned and filled with sorrow. Jesse leans forward his voice firm but compassionate)
Jesse: You’re going to talk to your daughter and tell her who you are I can’t keep this a secret from my family correction, (He smiles) our family for much longer Frankie is already breathing down my neck.
Griff: Frankie knows? (His eyes wide with surprise)
Jesse: Frankie suspects he doesn’t know anything for sure (He watches as the tension leaves Griff’s face) but I’m not going to be able to hold him off for too much longer. (Griff places his hand against his hand on his forehead then rubs his temple then sighs)
Griff: Just give me a couple of days.
Jesse: Just do me a favor please? Let me know before you do it?
Griff: No problem.
Jesse: Thanks, (He looks at his watch then stands) listen I got to get over to the office I have a ton of paper work to get through. (He begins to shrug in to his jacket)
Griff: Hey Jesse thank for coming to me first.
Jesse: No problem (He says reaching out and shaking his hand) I’ll catch you later.
Griff: Take care man!

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