Friday, April 12, 2013

Natalia, Brot Cassandra and Devereaux 04/12/2013

Natalia walks in to the police station searching the room for Brot.  She spots standing in the corner by the window looking over some paperwork and navigates the room quickly to get to him
Natalia: Hey!
Brot: Hey, what’s shaken bacon?
Natalia: Nothing much how are you doing?
Brot: I’m as good as I can be how about you?
Natalia: I’m hanging in there. I went to see Randi today.
Brot: Yeah how’s she doing?
Natalia: Better than she was.
Brot: I’m glad at least something good happening for somebody.
Natalia: Hey I saw Cassandra today.
Brot: Yeah? What’s up with her?
Natalia: She didn’t say much but it was more like what she didn’t say than what she said.
Brot: Why what happened what did she do.
Natalia: Randi and I were asking Cassandra about her life with that Devereaux guy.
Brot: And?
Natalia: And she got all nervous and evasive.
Brot: So maybe she didn’t want to talk about her personal life.
Natalia: No, Brot it was weird I mean she completely avoided any conversation about him. Something is up with that.
Brot: I don’t know.
Natalia: Come on Brot it’s Cassandra if she were living this great life we wouldn’t be able to shut her up! All she ever did was talk about her self where she’s been how much it costs where she’s going now nothing! Why?
Brot: Did you ask her about last night?
Natalia: Yeah! That’s when she really got quiet and changed the topic!
Brot: Huh!
Natalia: Huh? That’s all you’ve got?
Brot: Stop acting like you gave me the keys to the invasion but it could be useful.
Natalia: That’s better.
Brot: Anything else?
Natalia: No nothing. How are the Thompson’s?
Brot: They’re coping. I went with the Colonel. To have Taylor’s body released.
Natalia: That must have been tough huh?
Brot: It wasn’t pleasant that’s for sure. Hey why don’t you and I have a nice quiet evening at home tonight no phones, no computer, no tv just you and me?
Natalia; That sounds perfect! What time do you finish?
Brot: I’m out of here at six what about you?
Natalia: Six thirty, so we’ll meet back at our place?
Brot: Don’t be late.
Jesse: Officer Hubbard!
Natalia: Yes sir.
Jesse: Your reports were not on my desk last time I checked see to they’re  there by the end of your shift.
Natalia: Yes sir! (She skitters off to an empty desk and flips on the computer)
Jesse: Detective Monroe what do you have for me? (He sits on the edge of the desk)
Brot: Not much sir. I’m still trying to develop a timeline and my partner is out getting a statement from the tollbooth operator and tech is still going through the security footage. (He flips through his notebook then places it back in his pocket)
Jesse: Let me know when you have something.(his mouths twist in to a grimace he stands tapping the folder on his palm)
Brot: Something wrong chief?
Jesse: Just let me know if you come with anything on Devereaux. (He grumbles mangling the folder in his hand as he walks to his office)
Scene Shift Devereaux sits in the office of his doctor.
Devereaux places his phone back in his pocket annoyed that his call to Cassandra went to her voice mail. What was she up to now? He doctor comes back in holding a folder closing the door behind him.
Devereaux: Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. (Pulling his cuff down from his jacket sleeve)
Dr: Weston: No problem at all. (He pulls the chair out and sits glancing through the chart then looks up)
Devereaux: So what’s the prognosis doctor?
Dr. Weston: As far as I can tell you’re in excellent shape Mr. St. Jacques (he grins his tone impressed) I wish all my patients followed your example. I should have the results of your blood work in the next day or so I’ll call you when they come in.
Devereaux: Thank you doctor. I just don’t understand why I feel so suddenly fatigued. (He rubs his temple feeling another wave of exhaustion come over him)
Dr. Weston: For now try and get some rest with your schedule I’m surprised this hasn’t happened sooner. (They both laugh) try to relax take it easy for the next few days and I’ll call you. (He stands shaking Devereaux’s hand as he walks him to the door)
Devereaux: Thank you doctor.
Dr. Weston: Thanks for coming in, (He pats his back gently holding the door as Devereaux steps through) have a good day.
Devereaux: You as well.
Devereaux leaves the office walking towards the elevator his pace slowing at the sound of a commotion ahead then stops in his tracks as he spots Cassandra coming from the stairwell. She hadn’t noticed him among the other people rushing towards the elevators. He follows behind remaining unseen by her till she stops just on the edge of the hall and stares transfixed at the men prying the doors of the elevator shaft open. He walks quietly behind her watching her as she, watches Jamie Martin and the other men working.
Jamie: Do you think you can reach it from here? (The two peering over the edge at the top of the car)
Vinny: Piece of cake let me just get hooked up. (He steps back shrugging out of his jacket and puts on his harness as the nurse he’d sent off earlier carrying a case and placing it on the floor)
Nurse: Dr. Martin I have all the things you requested.
Jamie: All right! (He turns towards rubbing the back of her neck)
Nurse: They didn’t have that big basket you wanted but I found something better. (She holds up a large Tool case then places on the floor. He kneels down in front of it opens the latches stares inside in awe it was packed with everything he’d asked for and more then closes it)
Jamie: Ah this is perfect. (Vinny stops and looks at the case nodding in approval)
Vinny: That’s great now I don’t have to worry about stuff falling out.
Bob: Here let me get that ready to lower. (He checks the locks making sure they’re locked tight then measures out a the rope rolling it as he goes then ties the loose end in a sailors not around the handle)
Nurse: Oh and Dr. Oleschuck will be here in a few minutes.
Jamie: Wow thanks.
Nurse: You’re welcome how’s your wife? (Devereaux’s ears perk up, that was the big drawn Mrs. Logan-Martin was the one trapped)
Jamie: So far okay.
Nurse: Well at least she not alone that would be horrible!
Jamie: Yeah, for once my stepbrother was in the right place at the right time. (Devereaux’s brow draw together his eyes like thunder clouds again Rego Sherrigan) Vinny how soon can we get this down there?
Vinny: Take it easy doc I’m moving as fast as I can. (Checking the fastenings on his harness)
Devereaux: What’s going on (He says smoothly his mask in place as Cassandra spins round to face him)
Cassandra: Devereaux! What are you doing here?
Devereaux: I could ask you the same question?
Cassandra: I went to see Randi.
Devereaux: But what are you doing up here?
Cassandra: When I went to leave I couldn’t, someone was trapped in the elevator then I heard who it was.
Devereaux: So you ignored my call to gawk at an elevator door?
Cassandra: Well forgive me for being human and letting curiosity get the best of me. I did just tell you who it was trapped in there? Besides you called when I was running up the stairs I was going to call you right back I have my phone in my hand see? (She says holding up her phone waving it in the air in front of him as the voices of Rego and Francessca come through the radio commanding her full attention) “Rego: Do you have some kind of clamp or string, a knife or a pair of scissors?
Francessca: Yeah look in my purse there should be a roll of twine and a pair of scissors in a blue hard case. Oh and in one of those bags are some rags and some sponges.
Rego: Wow you are the little Girl Scout aren’t you?
Francessca: Really? You want to get in to that now?
Rego: No, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it that way I…it just my lame attempt at humor you know because you have all this stuff with you.
Francessca: No I’m sorry I snapped at you” (Devereaux watches Cassandra as she listens intently to the conversation the that she still wanted him infuriating him)
Devereaux: So I see. How’s your sister in-law?
Cassandra: What?
Devereaux: I said how is your sister in-law?
Cassandra: She’s doing much better. (Her head snapping back to the radio conversation) “Rego: Okay we have everything.
Jamie: Good make sure you have it where you can reach it when the time comes. Now see if you can spread some of that newspaper around so it covers the floor.” (He watches a worried look cross her brow then disappear before grasping her elbow and giving it a gentle tug)
Devereaux: Let’s go shall we? “Rego: Got it. Can you move a little I need to spread this newspaper.
Francessca: Sure Let me get out of your way and out of this jacket.
Rego: Come here let me help you”
Jamie: We’re going to lower some stuff you’re going to need (He nods to Vinny who grins salutes him then starts down the shaft)
Cassandra: What? (She sighs over her shoulder her attention still glued to the radio)
Devereaux: I said let’s go. (He tugs her arm more forcefully causing her to stumble just catching her footing as he pulls her in the direction of the stairwell)

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