Monday, April 15, 2013

Zach,David and Michael 04/15/2013

Michael flips through a notebook then throws it in to the box pushing it over as Reggie places a full one next to it.
Reggie: I can’t believe you’re leaving!
Michael: I’m not leaving I’m taking a sabbatical. He grins placing a folder in the box)
Reggie: Same thing (He shrugs leaning back against the lab table) you won’t be here.
Michael: I’ll just be a few miles down the road. (He chuckles placing his pencil cup inside the box)
Petey: No, It won’t be the same. (He places the box he’s carrying down on the table in front of him)
Michael: So you’ll have to drive over instead of running when you need to work out a problem. (He shoves some more folders in to the box then pulls open another drawer and rifles through it)
Jeanine: So what are you guys saying, it’s too far to drive?
Dani: They’ll be fine! They’re just being babies! Come on (She hands Reggie a box then picks one up and walks with it to the door) lets get this stuff down to the car. Hey Mr. Slater! (Stopping short to keep from bumping him with the box making him step back and wave her by)
Zach: Dani how are you?
Dani: Good come on! (She yells from the hall)
Reggie: Ye, ye captain! (he picks up the box he was carrying as does Petey and follow behind her out in to the hall)
Petey: You know that coffee shop that has that flavor you like is about a block from the turn off for Wild Wind.
Jeanine: See it does have its perks! (She grins and kisses his cheek making him grin proudly) We’ll see you at the lab Dr. Slater. Bye Mr. Slater!
Petey: See you Zach.
Zach: Bye Guys! (He moves in to the classroom walking around the room inspecting the empty desks and shelves) So I guess you’re doing this?
Michael: Yep.
Zach: No talking you out of this? (He looks down at his shoe kicking at a dust-bunny rolling across the hard wood floor)
Michael: No. (He throws another folder in the ox the other in the trash can)
Zach: No last minute Haha Zach? (He looks up at him impish smirk playing on his lips)
Michael: I’m not going to argue with you any more. (he throws another folder in the can then pulls open another drawer) This is real and it’s happening. (he pulls out a stack of folders and flips through one)
Zach: Despite the fact that David is dangerous?
Michael: Everybody deserves a second chance! (He toss the stack of folders in the box the force sliding it toward the edge of the table) Look here we go again! I’m not doing this!
Zach: Okay, okay you’re right. (He says with a wave of his hand) Good luck to you I hope it all works out the way you planned. (He grimaces rubbing the back of his neck)
Michael: But you doubt it right? (He frowns glaring at Zach arms akimbo)
Zach: I didn’t say that I really do hope you do great things. Honest. (Sounding earnest and looking sincere)
Michael: Okay, thank you. Now besides harassing me what brings you here? (He places a few notebooks in the box then pulls the drawer out completely and dumps the debris into the waste can)
Zach: There’s a board meeting at “Cambius” I think you should be there. (Michael stops mid motion and stares up at Zach as if stung)
Michael: No, I told you before I don’t want any part of that you can vote my shares! (He pushes the drawer back in the slot opens another)
Zach: If that’s what you want I’ll send over the proposal documents. (He pushes off the table and walks toward Michael)
Michael: I have them. What’s this farm business they’re proposing? (He looks at Zach confused placing the last of his belongings in the carton)
Zach: Some industrialize farming technique I haven’t finished reading it.
Michael: I’ll read it tonight and let you know. (He moves the box to the table closest to the door then turns to face his brother)
Zach: So you and I are good? (He searches his face looking for any residual hostility)
Michael: Yeah. (he grins giving Zach a hug releasing him just as David walks in the room)
David: Michael, I left the keys to your office with the housekeeper and I left it open for your movers.
Zach: David good to see you. (He nods towards David sounding almost pleasant)
David: Zach.
Michael: Thanks David I’m almost done here. (He grins practically bouncing in his shoes looking like a kid in a candy store)
David: I just wanted to catch you up to sped on what I have so far and then I have to get to the hospital. (He looks from Zach’s skeptical face to Michael’s excited one)
Michael: Great let me just run this down to the car (he picks up the box and turns toward the door) and I’ll be right back.
Zach: Well I should get going I have work to do. (He moves quickly towards the exist then stopping at the sound of David’s voice. He braces his self inwardly before turning to face him)
David: Zach before you go I just wanted to say that what Michael is doing is a good thing. You should be proud, our research could save thousands of lives every day and Michael is going to be a big part of that.
Zach: I’m always proud of my brother what ever he does. (He says stepping towards him his tone menacing) Just promise me something David?
David: What’s that?
Zach:  I want you to promise me that if he ever does regret this decision make sure you’re not the one that makes him. (His tone deadly leaving little or no doubt his intentions)
David: You have my word. (Zach glares at him a moment seeing the truth in David’s eyes and relaxes)
Zach: Then good luck to you both I have to get back to work. Tell Michael I’ll call him.
Michael: You’re leaving? (He says coming back in the room)
Zach: Yeah, I have to get going I’ll call you.
Michael: I have my cell.
Zach: Take care David.
David: Zach say hello to the family for me.
Zach: Yeah I’ll do that. (He smirks heading out the door leaving David with Michael)
Michael: I only have this drawer to go and I’m packed.
David: Good because I need you ready to go we have a lot of work ahead of us and I need you focused. (He says giving him a friendly clap on the back and laughing)
Michael: Don’t worry I can’t wait to get started. (He says placing some folders in to another box as David leans back against the lab table) I read the latest results from your last round of tests.
David: What did you think? (Feeling the buzzing of his phone and pulling it from his pocket)
Michael: I think if we finally got the compound to stabilize then we can move to the second phase. (Michael turns pulling some books from the self behind him)
David: That’s what I’m hoping. (He looks quickly at his phone seeing a missed text from Adam asking to meet him at the hospital) Why don’t you get settled in we can talk about this when I see you tomorrow. (He says pushing away from the table and walking to the door smiling as Michael tries to fit he last of his books in the box without crushing the pages)
Michael: I’ll see you in the lab tomorrow.
David: I’ll see you (David walks through the door then stops) Oh and Michael thanks for joining me I promise you won’t regret it. (He taps the wall then heads quickly down the steps in to the warm spring air. Lets see if Adam was willing to dance)

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