Friday, April 5, 2013

Jack, Erica and Tea

Jack, Erica and Tea
Jack and Tea sit a table inside the Pine Valley in enjoying a late lunch and reviewing their caseload for the following week.
Tea: I read through the Roberts file earlier this morning. (She takes a sip from her coffee cup then places it on the saucer)
Jack: What did you think?
Tea: I think I have enough to put him way for the next thirty years.
Jack: What about Wakefield?
Tea: Not too sure about that one I think we’re going to need PV finest to dig just a little more so I can make sure it sticks.
Jack: Well Ms. Delgado you seem to be very on top of things.
Tea: Why thank you Mr. Montgomery I try.
Jack: I knew when I hired you’d be prefect for the job.
Tea: Don’t be so sure I haven’t even tried my first case yet.
Jack: If your assistance this morning is just a sample of what I can expect in the future than I’m more than positive you will be the best assistant district attorney this town has ever seen.
Tea: Thanks Jack. I was watching the news this morning and saw that terrible accident that happened up on Oswego Ridge last night the news said it was a hit and run, any more on that?
Jack: Not much so far the police are still investigating.
Tea: I can’t believe we just went to that wedding yesterday.
Jack: Yeah I’m having a difficult time with it myself. How could so a joy filled occasion end in such tragedy?
Tea: Tad must be devastated. Were there any witnesses?
Jack: There were two actually a Mr. Devereaux St. Jacques and his driver.
Tea: That road is pretty deserted this time of year.
Jack: Yeah, I guess Tad was pretty lucky Mr. St. Jacques was there.
Tea: Why was he there?
Jack: According to the police report he and his driver got turned around coming off the highway.
Tea: So it was a case of right place right time.
Jack: It would seem that way.
Tea: But I take it you don’t think so?
Jack: I’ll just wait till they finish the investigation. Okay enough about work how are you settling in. Were you able to get in touch with realtor I gave?
Tea: Miriam, yeah she’s great she found us a beautiful place over on Summerset.
Jack: That’s not too far from where I live.
Tea: I know that’s what Miriam told me.
Jack: Well welcome to the neighborhood.
Tea: Thanks neighbor.
Jack: Maybe after court I could show you around the neighbor then we could have dinner.
Tea: That sound great but I’m not sure you’ll have time? (She says looking over the rim of her cup as she spots Erica walking into the dinning-room casually scanning it.)
Jack: I’ll make the time. (Smiling broadly openly flirting with and Tea very much enjoying the moment between them as Erica spots them then making a beeline towards them)
Tea: Ahh don’t look now but here comes your ex.
Erica: Jack! I didn’t expect to see you here.
Jack: Hello Erica you’re looking lovely as always.
Erica: Thank you Jack Tea, nice to see you again.
Tea: Nice to see you too.
Erica: Jack may I speak with you a moment, in private.
Jack: can't this wait Erica Tea and I were just catching a quick bite before we head back to the court house.
Erica: I promise this won't take long. (Erica smiles at Tea her eyes challenging as Tea's eyes gleam with a light of their ready to meet it and smirks as she reaches for her purse to retrieve her ringing cell phone saving them all from the ensuing battle  
Tea: Go ahead Jack I need to get this.  (She looks down at her phone)
Jack: Would you excuse me a moment please? ( He pushes out his chair and stands his eyes locking on Tea's a knowing look passing between them which startles Erica this could be real trouble an inner voice called to her) 
Tea: Sure I’ll be right here. (She press the button putting it to her head. Jack open his wallet tucking money in to the folder and leaving it on the edge of the table then walks to the bar Erica walking beside him)
Jack: How can I help you Erica?
Erica: How much longer are we going to play this game?
Jack: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Erica: Please, Jack I’m not stupid do you think I haven’t figured out what you’re doing?
Jack: Why don’t you tell me exactly what it is you think I’m doing?
Erica:  Using this Tea to make me jealous. I’m telling you right now it’s not going to work.
Jack: You’re right Erica it’s not going to work.
Erica: Of course it won’t. I'm not jealous. I mean Ms. Delgado is very pretty and all but really Jack?
Jack: I'm not trying to make you jealous as I've told you how many times does it make this? You and I are through I'd have to care to even want to make you jealous and I don't. 
Erica: Please Jack it’s so obvious.
Jack: Only thing that is obvious is you’re delusional. 
Erica: You're just trying to punish me. So okay I'll admit it I was wrong to go snooping in your life and that prank I pulled at the studio consider me punish. 
Jack: I'm not punishing you the fact is Erica I don't care! You're all way such a narcosis. News flash everything everyone does isn't about you cupcake. When I told you months ago that we are done I meant it and what I do, who I see or don’t see it none of your business. Now get it through your head you and I are over I’m moving on with my life and so should you. (He grinds out his eyes spitting fire causing Erica to smirk back at him just as Tea arrives her expression urgent cutting of any reply Erica may have had) 
Tea: Jack I just got a call from the courthouse the jury is back.
Jack: We’d better get going. (Taking a quick peak at his watch) Good-bye Erica.
Tea: Good-bye Erica. (Her tone dismissive giving Erica that eerie feeling she'd had earlier then shakes it off when she catches Jackson's eye again as he exists the Inn)
Erica: Bye! Oh Jack your mouth may be saying we’re over but your eyes say you’re lying through your teeth.
Kendall: Who’s lying through their teeth Mother? (Her eyes following Erica’s as she watches Jack and Tea then back to her Mother) Oh come on when is this going to stop?

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