Monday, April 8, 2013


Brooke walks through the lobby of “Cambius” heading toward the exist just as Rebeka walks through the two almost colliding.
Rebeka: Hi Brooke what are you doing here.
Brooke: Hi, just stopped in to pick up some copy for the magazine. What are you doing here?
Rebeka: JR and I have a meeting to sign the finally contracts.
Brooke: That’s great I’m glad all your hard work has paid off congratulation.
Rebeka: Thank you I wish JR would hurry up he was supposed to meet me here.
Brooke: I’m sure he’ll be here shortly I know he wouldn’t miss this.
Rebeka: I know it just the thought of having to meet with Ryan Lavery alone…never mind I’m just being silly.
Brook: Has Ryan said something to upset you?
Rebeka: No, in fact he’s been nothing but professional its just the way he looks at me… It’s kind of creepy.
Brooke: You know I think I may be able to help you with that (She starts just as JR walks up)
JR: I made it! Hey sweetie sorry I’m late.
Brooke: Hey JR.
JR: Hey Brooke good to see you.
Brooke: Nice to see you too. I hear congratulations are in order.
JR: Yeah, yeah it’s all coming together thanks to my beautiful fiancée.
Rebeka: We did it.
Brooke: Who ever did it I happy for the both of you but listen I have to get back to the office so can this in to this months issue.
JR: If you stop by the hospital let Tad know I’ll be by later.
Brooke: Sure and Rebeka I’ll call you later maybe we can go to lunch and finish our conversation.
Rebeka: I would really like that.
Brooke: I’ll see you both later.
Rebeka: Bye. Did you get a chance to see Tad?
JR: No, Opal and Ruth were in with him. I stopped and talked to Joe for a few minutes then rushed over here?
Rebeka: What did Joe say?
JR: He's going to okay physically mentally, well you know. You ready to go make history?
Rebeka: Ready as I’m going to be.
JR: Are you still feeling uncomfortable around Ryan?
Rebeka: No, I'm fine. I have to do this Uncle Oliver has always said you have to face your fears.
JR: What ever it is you and I will face them together besides, (He grins sheepishly his voice teasing) according to the call I got our meeting will be with Devereaux, Ryan had to go into the city for the Expo. (Rebeka's face notably brightens her shoulders relax as the tension leaves them)
Rebeka: Best news I've had all day shall we go up?
JR: Yeah lets get this over with if we can get out of here quick we'll have a couple of hours to kill before the boys come home. (He wriggles his brow his lips twisted in a seductive smile Rebeka blushes slightly reaching over to brush the hair from his forehead her touch sending a tingle through him where they touched his skin)
Rebeka: I like the way you, think maybe we can pick up from your favorite place on the way home, maybe get a bottle of whine to go with it? (She leans in to him rubbing the tip of her noses against his)
JR: Sounds perfect! (He kisses her gently and feels himself becoming more aroused by the moment) We better get going before we're late.
Rebeka: Okay (she pulls away picking up her case lead the way toward the elevator) The faster we get this done the faster we can get home (she pushes the button and the door opens she winks at JR as she steps in) And we can forget the lunch and just go straight home enjoying the expression on JR's face as he steps in behind her adjusting his tie then shaking out the leg of his trouser causing her to giggle as she presses the button) 
Scene Shift Ryan steps out of the private elevator leading from the roof helipad to the executive suites just as Devereaux comes down the hall.
Devereaux: Ahh Ryan good you made it. How are things at the Expo?
Ryan: So far so good not that I got to see much of it before I got your call. What's going on?
Devereaux: Sorry to do this to you again but I have to take the emergency conference call from Hong Kong. This Chandler thing should only take a few moments then I'll need you to join me.
Ryan: Do you have a moment 
Devereaux: a few (He says looking at his watch)
Ryan: What's going on with you?
Devereaux: What do you mean?
Ryan: First you have me take the meeting, then you have me go to New York then you have me rush back here. Is there something going on with you maybe at home? Maybe some business stuff you're not telling me?
Devereaux: Look Ryan if you must know I guess I'm a little more shaken up by the whole ordeal last night then I thought. I'm a little off my game today if you must know.
Ryan: No man, I'm so sorry! I completely understand I forgot all about what happened to you last night. My bad. Sure, sure I'll be done as quickly as possible and be right in. 
Devereaux: Thanks Ryan I really appreciate it. I'll see you inside. (He turns quickly and begins to step away then reaches for the wall to steady himself. Ryan rushes to him grasping him beneath the arm and holding him up right)
Ryan: Whoa, are you sure you're okay.
Devereaux: I'll be all right. (He reaches his hand up rubbing his temple)
Ryan: No you're not all right you should go to the hospital and have yourself checked out. (His voice urgent as he guides him to a chair and sits next to him) Look, you start the meeting with Hong Kong let them know I'll be taking over and I'll be there as soon as I can.
Devereaux: I assure you I'm fine. (Devereaux leans his head back against the wall closing his eyes a moment then sits forward)
Ryan: I still think you should get yourself checked out. Almost passing out isn't something to play around with trust me on that one. 
Devereaux: I'm sure it's just a little exhaustion. (He sits up opening his eyes and physically steels himself for the task ahead)
Ryan: Do me a favor please, just see the doctor? You could have picked up a virus or something. (He looks at Devereaux who looks a little less green than he had a moment ago)
Devereaux: Okay, okay if it makes you feel better I'll go have myself checked out as soon as we're finished. (He says straightens his tie then smoothes his hair) Take your time I'll be fine, (He adjusts he gate and regains his composure) I'll see you momentarily. (He walks to the board room the other's in attendance quieting as the door opens. Ryan walks towards his own office stopping by his Administrative assistant desk to leave his brief case and coat) 
Administrative Asst: Mr. Lavery The Sherrigan-Chandler Group is in meeting room three.
Ryan: Thank you. (He rounds the corner and opens the door stepping through and reminding himself that she wasn't Gillian) Rebeka, JR good to see you again I have the paper work right here all the pages are marked.(He looks from Rebeka's panic face then to Ryan) 
JR: I got a call that said we were meeting with Mr. St. Jacques? 
Ryan: Unfortunately Mr. St Jacques had an Emergency and couldn't be with us today.  (He says handing a copy to each one and their lawyer then one for himself to view with the Cambius lawyer) Please take a moment to review it make sure the revisions are there. (JR and Rebeka review it quickly scanning it for all the changes they'd wanted nodding to each other then handing it to their lawyer who checks it again.) 
JR: It all looks good to me what do you think? (He turns to Rebeka who smiles back at him her smile loving but there was a twitch of nervousness around the corners)
Rebeka: It looks fine. I think we are all in agreement Mr. Lavery. 
Ryan: Then we have a deal. (He says taking out his pen and beginning to sign his copy Rebeka a JR following suit then passing it to the right until they were finished) JR Rebeka it's a pleasure doing business with you both. (He says shaking first JR's hand and then Rebeka's holding it just a few moments too long as their eyes lock and something strange passes between them. Rebeka pulls her hand away unconsciously wiping her palm on her skirt then picks up her brief case) 
Rebeka: Thank you Mr. Lavery have a good day (Her voice trembles nervously she looks to JR)
JR: Thank you Ryan it was a pleasure doing business with you. (He gently takes her elbow leading her through the door and out in to the hall Ryan collects the documents and hands them to the attorney mumbling something in coherent as he hands him the signed contracts then heads out the door towards his other meeting. He glances towards the elevator where JR and Rebeka wait catching Rebeka’s eye before the door opens she stares at him a minute then turns away as she walks through the open elevator door in to the waiting car. Ryan watches as the door closes he reaches for the hand he’d shaken hers with still tingling where she’d touched him judging from her expression he knew she’d felt something too. Now more than ever he needed to find a way to talk to her without JR)       

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