Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Jake and Amanda 04/09/2013

Jake walks in to the Expo bumping his way through the crowd glancing at all the demonstrations blaring loudly around him. Why the hell had he even bothered to come? She didn’t want him here and he hadn’t made himself wanted either a small voice nags at him. He’d felt as if he’d been drawn here and he knew why he’d come. What Tad had said to him had really hit home especially after everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. He’d made him feel selfish and stupid!  What would he do if what had happened to Tad and Taylor happened to them? Would he want the last memories of he and Amanda to be the argument they’d had, the last images of her face to be contorted in disgust and anger? He loved Amanda he loved the life they’d built together. She needed to know that, she needed to know he’d be there for her no matter what even if he didn’t always agree. She needed to know he loved her. And, he needed to see for him self, to try and at least find out why this was so important to her murmured the voice.
He walks quickly towards the sound of Amanda’s voice the large crowd seated around the stage in the middle. He pushes his way through the crowd the silent crowd to the front people assembled behind the ones seated to watch her. She was absolutely dazzling; he couldn’t take his eyes from her. She seemed to float from monitor to monitor explaining each product in precise detail. She was knowledgeable, funny and beautiful, her voice carried a melodic tone that mesmerized the crowd of onlookers hanging on each word. Turning and looking around him a feeling of pride swelling in his chest as the crowd grew around him. Passerby’s who had previously been scurrying to whatever they had been off too slowed their pace or completely stopped to watch her. She commanded the stage and demanded their attention with every lilt of her voice and hand movement to the very moment she finished to overwhelming applause and a standing ovation from the men seated in front of him.
Tad was right about another thing too and Amanda had said it to him over and over he was just too pig headed to hear her. She needed this she needed to be more than just his wife or Trevor’s Mom she needed to also be her own person and to feel like more than a caregiver to her family and he was sorry he hadn’t realized that sooner. HE moves through the departing crowd toward the front of the stage as Amanda descends the step to an awaiting crowd that began pummeling her with questions not a hair out of place nor any signs of fluster in her voice she answers each question to satisfaction of the inquisitor even taking a few pictures and signing a few autographs in between before the guard shoos them off leaving just here and Anne.    
  Anne: That was unbelievable! You had them eating out the palm of your hand! They were absolutely speechless! (She hugs her tight her face beaming with excitement and pride)
Amanda: I was so nervous! (She exhales feeling as if that was the first breath she'd taken in hours)
Anne: You couldn’t tell you were perfect! I’m so proud of you!(The two hug again practically jumping out of their shoes)
Amanda: I couldn’t have done it with out you!
Anne: They were my ideas but that, up there on the stage that was all you baby! Check out the twitter fed! (She bounces with excitement showing her the response from the fed on her phone) Congratulations! You are the hit of the Expo!
Amanda: Holy crap! Look at this! It’s incredible!(She squeals making Anne squeal the two giggle hug again. Anne glances over Amanda's shoulder noticing Jake standing behind Amanda smiling proudly and winks at him as she lets go of Amanda)
Jake: No, you are incredible! (He reaches out for her puling her to him him and hugging her tightly) You were incredible! You could have heard a pin drop they were so enthralled!
Amanda: You saw? (She pushes away from him looking up at his face and seeing nothing but pride and love for the first time in weeks. She hugs him again burying her face in his chest enjoying the feel and smell of him)
Jake: Yeah and I couldn’t take my eyes off you! Anne's right you are amazing!
Amanda: You really think so? (She looks up at him surprised)
Jake: I know so! I was so proud of you!You are the most amazing women I have ever known! (He kisses her feeling all the residual anger ad frustration he slipped away as he held her replaced by the the love and pride he felt)
Anne: We have like an hour and a half before the next demonstration. Why don’t you two get out of here? (She looks down at her phone with hand and reaching for her note pad and pen with the other)
Amanda: Why don’t you come with us? (She grins nudging her arm gently. Anne smiles at the two of them knowing the last thing they needed right now was a third wheel)
Anne: You guys go ahead I have some work to take care of, and a couple of calls to make.(Hugging her binder and reaching for he phone knowing the best medicine for the two was some alone time)
Amanda: Thanks Anne we’ll see you later. (She grasp hold of Jake's arm leaning her head against his shoulder)
Anne: Have fun.(Anne picks up her phone and laptop and heads off behind the stage)
Jake: Thanks Anne. (He waves at her retreating back she turns and smiles then winks before disappearing behind the curtain then turns his attention back to Amanda) Baby I’m so sorry I acted like a complete and total jerk. I should have listened to you and realized how important this was to you. I love you so much and I promise to listen to everything you have to say I’m willing to do whatever you want to make you happy. I’m so very, very sorry do you think you can forgive me?
Amanda: Of course, I love you Jake and I love our family. (She kisses him deeply feeling closer to him in that moment than she had in months) I have an idea she says pulling him by the hand as they maneuver through the crowd)

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