Monday, April 22, 2013

Jamie, Francessca, Rego Cassandra and Devereaux 04/22/2013

Vinny repels down the shaft till he gets to the top of the elevator car and turns and points his flash light at the top then pops then end of it in his mouth using his tongue to aim it perfectly on the door release then reaches down and pulls it open.
Vinny: What’s happening gorgeous?
Francessca: Vinny?
Rego: What the hell?
Vinny: What’s up man?
Rego: Hey!
Vinny: I was passing by I heard you were having a special delivery and I thought I’d bring you some stuff.
Rego: Are you here to get us out of here?
Vinny: Nah, I’m just making a delivery. Now I’m not saying you’re going to need it but it might come in handy. Give me one second.
Francessca: Oh God!
Rego: You all right?
Francessca: How long was that?
Rego: About seventeen minutes. (Francessca grabs his tie yanking him to her his face just inches from his. He could feel her breath fanning his face as she spoke between gritted teeth)
Francessca: You have less than seventeen minutes to get me the hell out of here! (She says releasing him as another contraction takes her)
Rego: You guys had better do something now! (He growls in to the phone)
Jamie: They’re working as fast as they can.
Vinny: Hey buddy up here! (Rego lays down the phone reaches over and gives Francessca’s hand a loving squeeze as he looks down at her concern etched on his face)
Rego: Are you okay?
Francessca: Go ahead. (She huffs in between breathes pain etched on her face thankful for his kindness then continues to concentrate one her breathing)
Rego: Hang on I’ll be right back. (He stands walking beneath opening)
Vinny: Take this. (He calls through the opening lowering the case through the hole Rego takes it and places it near the phone at Francessca’s feet) And here’s some pillows, some sheets and blankets. (Dropping them to Rego who places the pillows on Francessca legs then stacks the linens neatly in the corner atop the remaining news paper) Francessca sweetheart we’re going to have you out of there as soon as possible.
Francessca: Thanks Vinny. (She calls up to him as Rego places the pillows behind her)
Vinny: Here take this. (He calls down waiting a moment for Rego to come to the opening then lowers a phone on a string)
Rego: Why the devil do I need this?
Vinny: It’s Jamie’s new actually really cool phone from Slater-Cortlandt. He said he’s got the camera mode on and linked to his laptop so you can show him what’s going on.
Rego: Okay cool thanks.
Vinny: You take good care of her you understand? (His voice steeped with warning one Rego understood immediately)
Rego: Understood and thanks.
Vinny: All right sweetheart I’m out of here take care and God bless huh? Hey do you want me to call your Mom and grandmother?
Francessca: Would you please?
Vinny: My pleasure oh and I’ll leave out the elevator part for your Grandmother. Congratulation! (He closes the hatch pushing the latch back into place)
Francessca: Thanks Vinny. (She calls up to him as Rego comes towards her carrying the sheets and blanket)
Rego: Do you think we have time to maybe make you a little more comfortable?
Francessca: Sure. (Rego lets out a heavy sigh then kneels to help Francessca shift around so he could get the clean sheet beneath her and chuckles to his self. Glad Cassandra couldn’t see him right now to say she wouldn’t be pleased would be an understatement)
Scene Shift: Cassandra shifts in her seat again wanting desperately to check her phone. The last place she wanted to be right now was trapped in the “Chateau” having lunch with the devil his self.
Cassandra: So what were you doing at the hospital today? (She looks down at her plate pushing the food around it with her fork)
Devereaux: I was visiting a business associate. (Deciding against telling her anything till he’d heard from the doctor)
Cassandra: Oh, are you sure you’re all right?
Devereaux: Why do you ask? (Curious as to what she was up to)
Cassandra: I don’t know you seem a little off is all. (She shrugs)
Devereaux: I’m just tired between the events of last night and work today I’m just worn. (He says rubbing his temple)
Cassandra: So are you going back to the office after lunch? (Trying to hide her hopefulness)
Devereaux: I thought perhaps we would go home and relax. Did you have other plans? (Enjoying the hope dashed from her eyes and her wheels start turning)
Cassandra: No nothing really shopping with Colby then home.
Devereaux: I got the distinct impression you wanted to run back to the hospital? (He wipes his mouth on the napkin and places it on the table)
Cassandra: I’ll admit I’m curious but I don’t have any desire to go running to the hospital. (She shrugs again trying to sound nonchalant her failing attempt making him press on)
Devereaux: Your lover and his pregnant ex-fiancĂ©e are trapped in an elevator and she is about to give birth to a baby and you expect me to believe that you’re content sitting here with me having lunch? (He stares at her disbelief etched on his face)
Cassandra: Why should I care what happens between those two? (She puts her fork down pushing the plate away from her)
Devereaux: You seemed fixated on them back at the hospital. (His grin infuriating her she push her anger aside determined not to let him know she shrugs)
Cassandra: Who wouldn’t be? I mean you have the son and daughter of two corporate titans trapped in an elevator giving birth that’s a tabloid headline if I ever read one! (Devereaux’s voice becomes low his words succinct)  
Devereaux: You had better make sure that it’s no more than your fanatic concern for celebrity understood?
Cassandra: Why would it be anything else?
Devereaux: Yes, why indeed? (He studies her face looking for any chink’s in her armor)
Cassandra: This is a small town Devereaux I’m bound to cross paths with the man. (She chastises her annoyance barely under control) 
Devereaux: Yes it is but even so, you always manage to find your self in situations where he’ll be more often than probability would allow.
Cassandra: I can’t help it if he comes to the hospital to see Randi too. As I’ve explained to you before we used to all be friends.
Devereaux: So you’ve said. (His voice dripping with sarcasm filling Cassandra with anger)
Cassandra: Why does it always have to come back to this? I’ve done everything you’ve asked! I’ve stayed away from Rego. I barley see my friends or my family. I spend almost every waking moment of my day with you. Besides how could I? You have a bodyguard following me everywhere I go! (She finished feeling relieved that she was able to release her pent up frustrations to man who for all intent and purpose seemed non-pulsed by her outburst)
Devereaux: Speaking of whom he’s been reassigned. (He reaches for his coffee cup sipping the hot liquid it gingerly)
Cassandra: He’s what? (He face a mask of shock proving his instincts concerning her guard were well founded)
Devereaux: He’s been re-assigned back to my operations overseas. (His tone even and unemotional cautioning Cassandra to tread carefully)
Cassandra: When did that happen? (She pulls her compact from her purse and repair her lipstick trying to ignore his baiting)
Devereaux: Yesterday, I thought you would have noticed this morning when you went out.
Cassandra:  I just assumed he was working with you like he was yesterday. (She closes her compact slipping it back in her purse and checking her phone for a message from Rego and still nothing)
Devereaux: Mr. Truedeau will be guarding you now. You’ll remember him from Paris. (How could she forget him he was her jailer in Europe and extremely loyal to Devereaux as well as diligent. There would be no sneaking off to see Rego not on his watch, which was more than likely why he was here. Now what? She needed to get back to the hospital and see what was going on but there was no way she could do that now. She’d have to wait till her visit with Randy tomorrow and even then how was she going to get a moment to speak to him with Attila around? God! What was she going to do now? She needed to come up with a plan and quickly! Devereaux watched the emotions play across her beautiful face any moment now here wheels would start turning the process always fascinated him. It was like watching a rat in a maze. It was going to entertaining to see what her next move would be and then he’d make his)

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