Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Ryan, Erica and Kendall 04/16/2013

Ryan sits in his office starring out the window at the bright afternoon sky. It had been a long but successful morning. Annie had sent him a text to watch the afternoon coverage of the Expo Amanda was a hit and Cambius stock was up at closing. He’d settled the dispute with Hong Kong. Devereaux had gone off to the doctor to get checked out and he’d finally had a moment to catch his breath he should have lunch but he wasn’t hungry he was too hyped up to eat. He’d been jumpy since his meeting with Rebeka and JR he was sure Devereaux had noticed but then again maybe not he seemed to have spaced out for a few moments during their meeting with China. Not that anyone else had noticed but he had. Which worked for him he wasn’t in the mood to deal with Devereaux and his weird undercurrent of who knows what and he didn’t care! His job was to man “Cambius” and that was what he was going to stay focused on. That and his personal life of which there was none. Maybe he was better off with out one. All he ever did was make a mess of what relationship he had. Liza, Greenlee, Anne the only one he hadn’t managed to ruin was he and Gillian. But maybe it would have been just a matter of time. No, he and Gillian could have been really happy together if she hadn’t been taken from him. Was the universe giving him a second chance with Rebeka? There was something there what it was he wasn’t sure but there was something. He’d felt it when he’d shaken her hand after the contract signing and he knew she had. But, she was with JR and they seemed to be truly in love was he willing to get back on the merry go round he’d been on with Kendall and Greenlee only in reverse?
          Thinking about Kendall what was all that about this morning? Why was she speaking about Greenlee in the present tense? She acted as if she’d just spoken to her yesterday. That wasn’t the first time she or someone else had done that. Erica had done the exact same thing not too long ago. There was definitely something going on there he knew it! He could feel it! They were lying and had been since he’d gotten out of prison and Erica had been telling him the truth when she’d confessed to him all those month ago! Greenlee was out there somewhere! That was the only logical conclusion. She was out there somewhere and they didn’t want him to know. He could understand Jack, Kendall even Erica not wanting him to know but was Greenlee in on it too? Was she the one that wanted her being alive to remain a secret? Why? Why would she want to hide from him? They were in love they were going to be married! Why would she want to leave him? That was the part that didn’t make sense to him. Why? He needed to find out why and the only way to find out was to talk to Kendall and Erica. He picks up the phone dialing the studio where Erica filmed her show.
Receptionist: Hello “New Beginning’s” Hannah speaking how may I help you today?
Ryan: Hi this is Ryan Lavery may I speak to Ms. Kane please?
Hannah: Oh I’m sorry Mr. Lavery Ms. Kane isn’t here.
Ryan: Would you happen to know where Ms. Kane is?
Hannah: She having lunch with the daughter at “The Pine Valley Inn”
Ryan: Great thank you very much Hannah.
Hannah: You’re very welcome Mr. Lavery. Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Ryan: No thank you Hannah. Have a good afternoon.
Hannah: You as well sir. (He hangs up the phone and stands then walks towards the door pulling his jacket off the couch and shouldering in to it as he moves. He close the door to the office stopping at his assistants desk as he passes)
Ryan: I’m going to lunch I’ll be back in a little while. (He says passing her and heading for the elevator hopefully he could catch them before they left and he could kill two birds with one stone)
Scene shift: Erica and Kendall at “The Pine Valley Inn” Erica hands the waiter her menu smiling graciously as he finishes taking their order and moves toward the kitchen)
Kendall: I still don’t understand why you insist on playing this silly game with Jack.
Erica: Because Jack and I are soul mates we belong together.
Kendall: Well it looks like your “Soul mate” has moved on and you should too!
Erica: How do you move on from the person you know you’re supposed to be with Kendall?
Kendall: You start by getting your own life, stop playing these silly games to win Jack back, stop living in the past and move on mother. Seriously it’s not going to happen.
Erica: I can’t believe you would be so cruel! What if it were Zach? Would you be so willing to just walk away? Move on?
Kendall: After the one-hundredth time of being told to leave me alone umm yeah!
Erica: Oh come on now Kendall we’re Kane women we don’t ever give up!
Kendall: All I’m saying is for the one-hundredth time is you need to start living your life. Stop worrying if you and Jack will find each other again if it’s meant to happen it will.
Erica: You know what enough about Jack how did the expo go this morning?
Kendall: Look for your self! (She says handing her the news paper as the waiter places their salads in front of them)
Erica: Oh Kendall the set is fabulous! Wow! They are absolutely raving about Amanda Dillon! (Her tone smacking with jealousy as she hands the paper back to her)
Kendall: Isn’t it great I’m sorry I didn’t stay to watch but I just had to get out of there. (She pokes at her salad with her fork before spearing a tomato and popping it in her mouth)
Erica: Why what happened? (She reaches for the small container of salad dressing and pouring it over her salad)
Kendall: Ryan’s what happened! (She looks down again stabbing at her plate)
Erica: Why was Ryan there? (She places her fork on the side of her plate then wipes her mouth on the cloth napkin) What did he say to you?
Kendall: He wanted to apologize and asked if we could be friends again. (She says waving her fork like a pointer then stabbing at her plate again)
Erica: What did you tell him? (She picks up her fork pulling a cucumber from the plate and bites in to it)
Kendall: No of course! (She places her fork on the side of the plate then sips her water glass before continuing) Ryan and I could never be friends again.
Erica: Well if you really believe that why are you still so upset? (She reaches for a soft bread stick and bites in to it)
Kendall: Because then he started asking questions about Greenlee and I may have let something slip. (She ducks and imaginary projectile as Erica stares at her eyes wide her expression dumbfounded)
Erica: What did you tell him? (She leans in close her voice low)
Kendall: It’s not so much what I said but how I said it.
Erica: How did you say it Kendall? (She looks around her quickly then leans in closer Kendall shifts in her seat her discomfort obvious)
Kendall: I slipped.
Erica: Come on spit it out how did you slip? (Inpatient with Kendall’s childish behavior)
Kendall: Ryan caught me talking about Greenlee as if she wasn’t dead.
Erica: Well I hope you corrected your self? (She looks around again making sure no one was listening)
Kendall: I did but you know Ryan he’s not stupid he’s going to catch on.
Erica: No he’s not, I guess the best defense is a good offense in this case. I’ll go talk to him after work see if maybe I can smooth things over she sits back in her seat and resumes her lunch)
Kendall: I can’t do this anymore Mother. (She pushes her plate away from her and wags her finger in the air as she speaks emphasizing her speech)  She and Jack are going to have to handle this. I mean why should I correction, we have to walk on eggshells all the time? It’s time that she took care of this once and for all. (She nods her head her decision final)
Erica: I agree but what can we do? (She shrugs) It’s all up to her and Jack.
Kendall: We can put it back in their lap’s that’s what we can do! I’m going to call her as soon as I get home and let her take it from there. I’m done with this we can’t keep it a secret from him forever! (Her hand slapping the table at the same moment Ryan walks up behind her)
Ryan: Keep a secret from whom forever?

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