Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tea and Dani 01/29/2014

Tea walks into the kitchen scurrying to the cabinet and pulling down a cup quickly filling it then sits at the table.

Tea: Good morning mi hija!
Dani: Morning Mom! (She says putting down the paper and pushing the bag of bagels towards her)
Tea: Sorry we didn't get to really talk last night. (She pulls a bagel from the basket breaking off a piece and dunking it in her coffee)
Dani: No, it's okay I was tired anyway. (Biting off a piece of bagel and chewing it)
Tea: So how was your evening?
Dani: Wonderful! (Talking around the food in her mouth) Doctor and Mrs. Tyler are so nice.Oh, (She swallows hard her eyes lighting up with excitement) and I got to meet Brooke English!
Tea: Oh wow! (Nodding in approval) Congratulations I know she's a big hero of your's!
Dani: Mom she is absolutely more amazing than I thought! She's so real and smart! It was really great talking to someone that runs one of the top magazines in the country a real reporter!
Tea: Don't let your Aunt Vicky and Todd hear that. (She smiles dipping the bread in the cup popping it in her mouth then taking a sip from her cup)
Dani: Aunt Vickie oh yeah Todd not so much. (They both laugh)
Tea: You have a point (She laughs) but when you get past the headlines there's some very good well written articles. (Dani's eyes open wide as she laughs)
Dani: That's funny that's exactly what Brooke said.
Tea: See it's not just me!
Dani: I was so nervous when Phillip introduced me to her. He kept telling me not to be but I couldn't help it. Then we started talking and it was if I'd known her all my life. She even told me to come see her in spring she might have a summer job for me. Oh and then I told her how much you like that photo she featured from that winter festival they had here a few years ago. Did you know that her husband did all that for their wedding?
 Tea: No I didn't. (Smiling and nodding enjoying her child's enthusiasm)
Dani:  Anyway she said the photographer was a close personal friend and she could get you an autographed copy of it.
Tea: Wow! (She nods impressed by her daughters thoughtfulness and Brooke's generosity)  I'll have to give her a call and thank her for that.
Dani: Wait, (She stares her mother eyes wide with surprise mouth agape) you have Brooke English's phone number?
Tea: Yea, I met her and her husband when I went out to lunch with Jack yesterday.
Dani: Oh my God I can't believe you didn't tell me!
Tea: I was going to I didn't have a chance.  
Dani:  My Mom hanging out with Brooke English and her mega mogul husband we have hit the bid time! (They high five then laugh) Oh! Then Phillip introduced me to the famous Dr. David Hayward. He's a little self important but nice.
Tea: I met his wife yesterday we had lunch at her restaurant. Oh that reminds me I left that file we were working on in my bedroom I'll be right back. (She stands walking out of the kitchen back toward her bedroom as Dani answers her phone her cup in the other hand she walks in to the living room)
Dani: Hey Blair! Thanks for calling me back.
Blair: No problem what's up? You guys okay?
Dani: We're fine I wanted to ask you for a favor if you can? (She squeezes her eyes shut crossing her fingers) 
Blair: I'll try what's up?
Dani: I was wondering if you could let me have six passes for tonights concert?
Blair: Is that all? Sure I'll leave them with my guy at the door no problem
Tea walks into the living room carrying her briefcase her head swiveling toward the voice coming from the couch and notices her daughter talking on the phone. She walks to her desk placing the briefcase on the chair and opening it then places the folders on the desk in it)  
Dani: Thanks Blair. I owe you big time.
Blair: I'm going to hold you to that. I'll see you tonight!
Dani: See you tonight. (She smiles picking up her cup and walking back in to the kitchen and to the coffee pot Tea behind her)
Tea: So how's Blair? (She says over her shoulder as she walks to the table and sits)
Dani: She's great. (She fills her cup and joins her mother at the table)
Tea; What's going on? (Eying her suspiciously)
Dani: There's a band playing at the Ultra Violet and a bunch of us are going tonight. (Tea's face turns to a mask of disappointment)
Tea: Oh I was hoping you'd be able to watch Victor tonight.
Dani: Oh come on Mom any night but tonight.(Dani starts whines sounding more like the little girl she used to know so well) 
Tea: Well I have an awards dinner to go to.
Dani: Can't we just get a babysitter? I really want to go tonight.
Tea: Honey we just moved here I don't know any babysitters do you? (She shrugs as Dani slams back in the chair)
Dani: No! This totally sucks!
Tea: Why what's so important about tonight?
Dani: Well Phillip and...
Tea: Oh Phillip huh?
Dani: Yeah Phillip. (Sounding more disappointed by the moment) I really like him Mom.
Tea: He seemed to be quiet taken with you. (She says looking over the brim of her cup as she sips it)
Dani: You think so? (Sounding less disappointed and more curious)
Tea: Are you kidding he was practically mesmerized. (She teases)
Dani: Mom it wasn’t that bad. (She half grins slumping in her chair)
Tea: I watched you too in line yesterday he was completely gaga!
Dani: Oh my God just stop!(She sits up her and rolls her eyes) 
Tea: Okay killer. (She smirks then winks)
Dani: Its not just him a group of us are going and how does it look the girl that got every body in doesn't go?
Tea: I have to be in court this morning then I have this award dinner to go to with Jack tonight. Plus I have to go to Llanview after court to pick up your brother from your Aunt Vickie's.
Dani: Can't we ask her to watch Victor just one more night please? I can go tomorrow after class and pick him up I promise.
Tea: I can ask her but I don't know...(her phone rings) excuse me a moment. (She says walking in to the living room)
Dani: Okay I'm going to get some more coffee you want some?
Tea: Love some. Hello! (She tosses over her shoulder. Dani walks to the kitchen table reaching for two cups as her phone rings she pulls it from her pocket smiling as she looks down at the number)
Dani: Hey what's up?
Phillip: What’s up beautiful!(He shouts over the roar of the truck engine as he wields his way through traffic)
Dani: Nothing having some coffee chatting with my Mom what are you doing?
Phillip: I'm moving to my Cousins?...Uncles, I don't know if we're even related? He's my uncles brother from his natural mother...So what does that even make us? (He laughs making her laugh) Any way however that works Pete Cortland's place to move my stuff in.
Dani: Oh yeah how’s that going?
Phillip: I just picked my stuff up out of storage and I'm on my way there now. What are you up to?
Dani: I was going to go jump in the shower before I meet my friend.
Phillip: Okay I won’t hold you up. I just wanted to tell you that Justine can score tickets but he's going to need a hundred a piece. (he mentally winces waiting for the disgruntled shriek)
Dani: Whoa! I can do way better than that! (She laughs smiling proudly)
Phillip: Oh yeah? (Hoping she could beat Justine's price by at least a fifty the otherwise he's be short all next week but it was worth it to spend more time with her)
Dani: I got us passes for tonight’s show and it won't cost us a dime to get in.
Phillip: You’re joking right? (His words filled with awe)
Dani: No I'm serious, I called my stepmother and she set aside six passes for us.
Phillip: Wow! You're even more amazing then I thought you were!
Dani: There's just one thing (She sighs leaning against the kitchen counter)  I may not be able to go with you guys.
Phillip: What? You're joking right? (His Irish accent becoming thicker) 
Dani: I wish! (She moans biting with frustration at her thumb nail) My Mom's got something to do and since we're new here I don't know any babysitters. You don't happen to know any do you. (Sounding hopeful)
Phillip; No, that's why I watched my little cousins all summer that, and the money they paid me.(Feeling as disappointed as she sounded)
Dani: Oh man!
Phillip: I'll check with Justine his sister babysits I think. (Slowing the truck to a stop scratching his head as his thoughts begin to turn as a list begins to form in his head) I'll ask my new roommates if they know anyone. Hey I know who’ll know a babysitter. (His mind latching on to an idea)
Dani: Who? (Pushing off the counter and turning toward the coffee pot and filling the cups as he talks)
Phillip: My Uncle Jake’s wife Amanda they have a we one of their own and she works. I’m sure they know a good babysitter. I’ll call her straightaway and call you right back.
Dani: Thanks Phillip. (She sighs wishing it was more than just an idea she'd really been looking forward to being with him)
Phillip: Don't worry about it we'll find you a babysitter. (He cheers then grins impishly) I'm very resourceful.
Dani: I’m finding that out. (She laughs enjoying his bravado)
Phillip: There is no way you’re not going tonight and that’s final! Listen I'm here (He says stopping the truck in front of building)  I call you when I'm done unloading the truck and don't worry you're going tonight no excuses! (He says firmly making her believe what he was saying wasn't just possible he'd some how make it happen and she smiles feeling better than before)
Dani: Okay.
Phillip: I'll call you in about an hour and a half. 
Dani: I'll talk to you later bye. (She picks up the cups walking back in to the living room and handing her mother one) Here you go. (She says handing her mother a coffee cup)
Tea: Ahhh thank you! (She takes a sip from her cup placing it a top the desk then turning and locking her briefcase)
Dani: I have to finish getting ready. (She remarks walking through the living room back toward her room. Tea quickly swallows the coffee in her mouth and croaks waving her hand to stop her daughter)
Tea: Hey, hold on a second.
Dani: What's up? (Stopping mid step turning back to face her)
Tea: That was your Aunt Vickie, Jessica's coming to visit and she asked if she could keep Victor for another night so you’re free for the evening!
Dani: Oh cool! Thanks Mom! (Giving her Mom a hug)
 Tea: Your welcome. (She says giving her a quick hug and releasing her. Dani smiles devilishly)
Dani: So I guess you can go on your date with Mr. Montgomery.
Tea: It’s not a date it’s business.
Dani: Okay whatever you say but you two sure do spend a lot of time together for it to be just business.
Tea: All of it was business. 
Dani: Yeah well somebody should tell the monkeys.(She laughs as she walks back to her room)
Tea: Yeah Ha ha! (She chuckles to her self shouldering in to her coat as she heads out the door)I'll see you later! 
Dani: I'll see you later!( She grins locking the door behind her then heading for the bathroom)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Brooke and Oliver

Oliver walks into the dinning sniffing the sumptuous aromas coming from the serving dishes as he walks Brooke to her place at the table holding the chair for her. She sits then he takes the one across from her.

Brooke: Last night at Chuck and Donna's was really nice wasn't it?
Oliver: it was absuloutely lovely.
Brooke: Oh did I tell you I met Tea's daughter?
Oliver: No you didn't.
Brooke: Yes she was there with Chuck's Grandson Phillip.
Oliver: Oh yes that pretty young girl he couldn't keep his eyes off of all night.
Brooke: That's the one very bright, personable young woman.
Oliver: Having met her mother I can't image she would be any other way. I really enjoyed lunch with the two of them Tea and Jack I mean. We should have them over some evening.
Brooke: I'll give them a call see if we can set something up for next week.
Oliver: Good I look forward to it. So have you heard anything about our grandson this morning.
Brooke: Not yet they're probably just getting settled in. Oh and don't forget that awards dinner we have this evening.
Oliver: Couldn't we just skip it?
Brooke: No, you can't skip out on an awards dinner when you're one of the recipients.
Oliver: I'd much rather be cuddled up on the couch by the fire with you.
Brooke: Me too but duty calls.
Oliver: Yeah sure.
Brooke: Where's Rego did he leave early this morning?
Oliver: I don't know I was hoping you could tell me.
Brooke I haven't seen him since breakfast yesterday. He didn't come home last night?
Oliver: I went by his room earlier and it looked like his bed hadn't been slept in. I mean he's a grown man he can do as he likes I just found it strange since we have the meeting this morning.
Brooke: Maybe he went into the office early.
Oliver: It's possible I called earlier and got no answer.
Brooke: I wouldn't worry about it he's probably still elated from all the excitement over the last few days and couldn't sleep. Maybe he went to the gym.
Oliver: Hmm.
Brooke: Maybe he took off for a couple of days, you know to clear his head maybe to the casino.
Oliver: Perhaps, I'm just concerned with whom he would have taken off with.
Brooke: You don't think he's back involved with Cassandra do you?
Oliver: I told you I don't think he ever stopped being involved with her.
Brooke: If he is you may have to face the fact for better or worse he could be in love with her and if he is there's nothing you can do to keep them apart.
Oliver: That could be true of him but I don't think that woman is capable of loving anyone or anything. She only cares about what's in it for her first, foremost and always.
Brooke: Isn't she living with someone?
Oliver: Deveraux St. Jacques that the other thing that worries me.
Brooke: Why would her living with him worry you?
Oliver: Deveraux St. Jacques is a very ruthless,very dangerous man he will stop at nothing and I mean nothing to get what he wants and for some UN-Godly reason he wants her. That puts him on a collision course with my son.
Brooke: You don't think he'll hurt Rego.
Oliver: I think if it came to that yes I believe he would.
Brooke: Lets just hope it doesn't come to that.
Oliver: From your lips to Gods ear.
Brooke: you know you could end this mystery by just calling him.
Oliver: Apart of me doesn't want to confirm what I already suspect.
Brooke: And, it could be absolutely nothing but, you're never going to find out sitting there.
Oliver: You're right as usual. 
Brooke: I'd better get going. (She rises from the table walking to his side and kissing him) See you at dinner.
Oliver: Okay have a good day. (He stands  hugging and kissing her) I love you! (he smiles sitting back down in his chair)
Brooke I love you too. (she walks out of the dinning then calls back) Stop sitting there starring at your phone call your son! (Oliver chuckles as he reaches in his pocket for his phone deciding to take his wifes advice at the same moment his phone rings)
Oliver: Oliver Sherrigan!
Wellington: Good Morning Mr. Sherrigan this is Wellington Swift I hope I'm not disturbing you?
Oliver: Good Morning Mr. Swift how may I help you?
Wellington: I was trying to get in touch with Rego.
Oliver: He's not here this morning.
Wellington: Oh, yes naturally. If you could would you give him a message for me please my finacee and I are going out of town for the weekend and I want to make sure he know since he expressed that it was urgent.
Oliver: Certainly Mr. Swift.
Wellington: I filed the paperwork with the courthouse this morning and I'll send their copies to the office. If he needs to reach me. I'll be back in my office Monday morning.
Oliver: Mr. Swift rather than have my son's personal documents sitting in the office all wekend why don't you send them here to the house and I'll put them in my safe till he gets beck.
Wellington: Will do Mr. Sherrigan and tell your son I said congarulations.
Oliver: I most certainly will enjoy your weekend Mr. Swift.
Wellington: You too Sir. Good-bye!
Oliver: Good-bye. (Oliver presses the receiver of his phone then dial quickly barking at his security chief on the other end) This is Oliver Sherrigan I want to know everything my son did yesterday from the time he left this house to five minutes ago! I want to know who he saw who saw him who he talked to and what they talked about. I want it on my desk five minutes ago do you understand? (He ends the call abruptly placing the phone on the table and walking to the window starring out over the lawn the dreary winters day matching the somber turn of the day. His son had done exactly what he'd feared the proof was on it's way. He wouldn't call him anymore until he'd seen it all and could formulate a plan)           


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rego 01/22/2014

Rego sits up in the he bed starring at a sleeping Cassandra. It had been a long night he was glad she was finally asleep she needed the rest. Thank God her injuries looked worse than they were. He'd taken her to a private doctor he knew here in Vegas to have her checked as soon as they'd landed practically kicking and screaming but he had made her. There was no telling what kind of internal injuries he may have caused or what harm he could have done to the baby.
  A baby, he was now a husband and future father and just hours ago he'd been a foot loose carefree bachelor. He didn't regret it she and the child needed to be protected from that monster even if the child wasn't his. He wasn't as naive and so easily manipulated as Cassandra thought. He'd be a fool to believe wholeheartedly that the child she carried was his. She'd been sleeping with both he and Devereaux there was a very good possibility the child was his. It had been sometime since he and Cassandra had been together but, if things happened the way she said wouldn't she be showing by now? She said it would have to have been the night of his bachelor party he couldn't recall any other time. Accept maybe the last night they'd spent together before she moved in with Devereaux? That night was a complete blur and oddly none of the blurs included sex or much of anything else for that matter. All he could recall from the time they'd left the bar was walking in to the apartment. Either way it just didn't matter if the child was his or not. The child needed to be protected and in order to protect the child that meant protecting the mother. So be it was for the good of the child then.
   Funny, ask him a few month ago if he'd have done this for Cassandra and he would've laughed in their face but having held a brand new life in his arms had changed him and he couldn't just walk away. Not anymore not after that day. It was the most amazing experience of his life and he was still feeling an odd sense of elation from and a strange kinship to the child. He'd even gone to Francessca's FaceSpace page and looked at some of the pictures she'd posted from the day Logan was born and the days following. There was even one of him holding him the day he'd visited. He was going to stop by their house and give him the gift he'd bought him for some unknown reason and an almost over whelming desire see how he was doing. Why he couldn't explain. Perhaps the guilt over what happened those last moments they'd spent in the elevator after the baby was born or those last seconds before the door had opened when she'd been on the verge of saying something and then it was lost in the frenzy. Maybe if he'd have done...No. there was no point in that especially considering the circumstances he found himself in now. It was the present and the future that real concerned him.
    He was going to have to face his father and that was not going to be easy. There was no way he would ever understand anything he'd done, He would definitely not understand his marrying Cassandra. He himself barely understood, it would be almost impossible to convince him she needed his protection. All he could see was as he'd so succinctly stated "a money hungry gold digging tramp that would do anything to get what she wanted and what she wanted was her hands on the Sherrigan fortune". He wasn't stupid he'd made her sign a prenup. The lawyer had been waiting on the plane when they'd gotten there. The poor man looked tired and some what disheveled he'd felt a little guilt and it was a little extravagant but necessary. Besides wasn't the entire reason they kept lawyer at their beck and call, for just such occasion?  She'd get a nice settlement should they divorce and that was all and should the child turned out not to be his she got nothing. He wasn't sure if she'd read that part of it in fact he was positive she hadn't because she hadn't bitched about before signing. As soon as the lawyers filed it he'd tell her. She wouldn't bitch too much she hadn't gotten what she really wanted. the protection of the Sherrigan name and the prenuptial should make his father happy he hoped. The hardest part would be getting him to agree to let her move in to the house with them.The mansion offered far more protection than any place he could get for them. His only option was Brooke. She'd get it she was kind and compassionate.She was friends with both Angie and Jesse she want to help protect their daughter and why she couldn't, they couldn't allow this story to get out. The company had just bounced back from the least one. Brooke also had a unique perspective having with battered women at the shelter she could help through what she's been through with Devereaux. All he had to do was get her on his side. Good luck with that! This was the the same woman that had betrayed her beloved daughter in-law the mother of her grandson with her fiancée. Why in the world would she want to help Cassandra or him in any way? He'd have to convince her some how! That house was veritable fortress there was no way Devereaux or his men could get at her there and when she went out she'd have protection. No this had to be done and he was going to do it.
    He gets up from the bed and walks to his pants draped across the chair and retrieves his phone. He glances over at a still sleeping Cassandra and walks in to the living room sliding open the glass door and out on to the terrace closing it behind him he sits on the lounge chair tapping his phone trying to decided which one to call. Just as it rings he stares down at the keypad frozen by his fathers number flashing trying to work up the courage to answer it.         

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tad and Taylor 01/17/2014

Tad finds himself lying on a soft bed of moss he stares up into a canopy of trees watching and listening for a moment to the sound of birds rustling and chirping in the trees above. He rolls on his side enjoying the warm fragrant breeze that washed over his body. He listens intently to the sound of humming on the heels of the breeze and rises slowly walking towards it not sure why but some how knowing he should. He walks towards it his pace quickening the closer he got. He stops at the edge of a meadow and looks around quickly till he spots the back of a lone figure sitting on a blanket staring across a sun speckled pond humming contentedly. He begins to run towards her feeling happier than he'd felt in days.

Tad: Taylor! Taylor! (He shouts running across the field towards her)
Taylor: Tad!? (She turns toward the voice confused yet happy)
Tad: Taylor! (He throws his arms around her crushing her in his arms as she stammers)
Taylor: What?...Where did you...What are you doing here... did... you? (Pushing away from him staring up into his eyes fear making her eyes bright the words trapped in her throat)
Tad: Die? (She nods) No, Phil is sitting in for me so I could come here. Honey I have missed you so much.
Taylor: I missed you too(hugging him again) but I don't understand why are you here?
Tad: I had to see you. I had to talk to you.
Taylor: But we said our goodbye that night.
Tad: I know and I was fine with that but then... (his face contorts with frustration he steps back still holding her hand) I don't know it's like there's something they're keeping from they're all afraid to tell me something. (his eyes searching her face for answers as sadness creeps over her expression)
Taylor: Because there is ...I'm so sorry I wanted to tell you but there just wasn't enough time.
Tad: Enough time for what? (She grasps his hand in hers pulling him gently toward where shed'd been sitting)
Taylor: Come on there's someone I want you to meet.
Tad: Who? Where are we going? (they stop in front of a blanket and a dark haired blue eyed little girl sitting upon it thoughtfully weaving daisies together into a crown)
Taylor: I want you to meet Elizabeth.
Tad: Hi honey! (kneeling down to eye level with her he reaches out takes her small hand and shakes it)
Elizabeth: Hi! (She stands leaping into his arms and hugging him catching him by surprise. Then sits on his bent knee)
Tad: You're pretty! (He smiles at her then looks up Taylor then back to the child)
Elizabeth: Thank you, so are you.
Tad: Thank you. (he chuckles) What are you doing here?
Elizabeth: I live here with my Mommy silly! (jumps down off his knee and looks up at Taylor)
Tad: Your Mommy? (He stands watching the two together)
Elizabeth: Can I go play now? (She bends at the waist her knees twitching her lips stretched in a pleading smile)
Taylor: Sure, stay where I can see you.
Elizabeth: I will! Bye! (She giggles then starts to run away then run back) I hope I don't see you for a long time! Bye! (She says running off again)
Tad: Bye! (He chuckles looking at Taylor confused) She's cute who is she?
Taylor: She's our daughter.(She says her tone half happy and sad as she watch the shock wash over him his eyes wide his mouth agape)
Tad: Our what? (his voice a hoarse whisper)
Taylor: She would have been our daughter.
Tad: You were pregnant?(Plopping down on the small bench Taylor sit down beside him. Drops his head in his hand then looks up at her his expression a mixture of joy and pain) Good Lord why didn't you tell me?
Taylor: That's what I was trying to tell you the night of the crash right before we were hit. You and I were going to have a baby.
Tad: I can't believe it. (Hugging her an awe struck grin on his face)
Taylor: It's true honey. I found out the day before the wedding but there was so much going on and I wanted to wait till it was just you and I to tell you.
Tad: A little girl. We were going to have a little girl. I lost you and the child we would have had together.(Standing as he talks and looks out over the meadow watching Elizabeth skip and play picking daisies as she goes)
Taylor: That's what they're all afraid to tell you. (She comes up behind him leans her chin on his shoulder wrapping her arms around his waist)
Tad: They all think I'll freak out.
Taylor: They love you, (She says coming in front of him she takes his hand leading him back to the bench)  they don't want to hurt you any more than you've already been.
Tad: Do I seem that fragile? (Disgust and anger edging his voice suddenly remembering himself as he really was. (She squeezes his hand and smiles placing her hand on head and gentle pulling it toward her shoulder and holds him)
Taylor: They're all just a little lost right now honey. They're all just trying to do the right thing , just trying to protect you. You lost your wife on your wedding day. You're going to be in the hospital for weeks maybe months. Now they have to tell you that you lost your unborn child too? Can you blame them for being afraid?
Tad: No, I guess not, not when you put it like that. (He sighs feeling some of the weight of worry)
Taylor: They love you so much. They just want you to find a way past all this. We all just want you to be happy.
Tad: I was happy not too long ago. (He mumbles)
Taylor: You still can be. (She kisses his temple) You have your family and they need you as much as you need them.
Tad: How? How can I be happy knowing the last moments of your life were so filled with pain? (She pulls away from him her brows drawn her voice chiding)
Taylor: I was happy Tad. Happier than I'd ever been in my entire life. I had you and our family a child on the way. (Her voice wistful)  If I had to pick just one moment in my life when I was the happiest it was those final moments that I had with you. Always remember I was happy don't ever forget that. (She says kissing him the feel and taste of her lips on his, reminding him how much he missed her)
Tad: I won't. (Honestly feeling better than he had moments before) Tell me something?
Taylor: Sure I'll try.
Tad: Are you happy here?
Taylor: Yes, but it's a different kind of happy that comes from knowing. (Smiling her I've got a secret smile he adored)
Tad: What do you do here? (He looks around not seeing anyone around them but Elizabeth busily counting her daisy collection)
Taylor: It's not quite what people think we keep busy. (Following Tad's glance and smiling) Tad, I need you to do something for me okay? (He pulls his eyes from Elizabeth giving Tayor his full attention)
Tad: Just name it? (She takes a deep breath rushing on her tone urgent)
Taylor: You have to help Cassandra she's really going to need it and Angie and Jesse won't be able to do it without you. You have to promise me?
Tad: I promise I'll help them anyway I can.
Taylor: And promise me you'll be happy.
Tad: I'm not sure I can do that but I can promise you I'll try. I love you Taylor.
Taylor: I love you too and I always will. Good-bye (She kisses him putting every ounce of love she felt for him in it to send him back home)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jack and Molly 01/15/2014

Jack walks into the kitchen cabinet and pulls a mug from the mug tree walks to the coffee pot fills his cup then sits down at the table and opens his newspaper as Molly walks in to the kitchen.

Molly: Morning Uncle Jack! (Stopping at the entrance to the kitchen and smiling she had hoped he'd have left already)
Jack: Morning sweetheart. (he smiles looking up from his paper)
Molly: Is the coffee ready? She says walking toward the cup tree)
Jack: Yep! Are you hungry?
Molly: Starved! (She walks to the frig reaching for the creamer and pouring it in to the cup and places it back)
Jack: Mrs. Sharp bought some muffins and rolls from the "Serving Spoon" this morning they're in the basket.
Molly: Oh great! (She reaches in to the basket taking a napkin from the pile and places it on it) Where'd she go? (she wonders looks a round the kitchen door not seeing her in the living room)
Jack: She ran to the supermarket about ten minutes ago. Hey, hand me a blue berry one? (he places the paper to the side smiling up at his niece)
Molly: Sure. (She reaches in the basket pulling out a muffin then hands it to him along with a napkin)
Jack: How was your evening?
Molly: Fabulous! How was yours?
Jack: I'm sure not half as fun as yours. (He winks taking a piece of muffin and popping it in his mouth)
Molly: Oh I don't know? (She teases a devilish grin curling her lips) You and Ms. Delgado looked really comfortable when I left. (Jack blushes then chuckles)
Jack: We were just working on a case.
Molly: Ah huh! (She smiles knowningly)
Jack: What is with the women in my family? (Rising from the table shaking his head)
Molly: Why? Did Lily come by last night? (Smiling as she truns watching Jack refill his cup feeling a little sad she'd missed)
Jack: No, I was talking to Greenlee. (Placing the pot back on the hotplate and walking back to the table some of the lightness leaving the room as he watches Molly slump in her chair at the mention of Greenlee)
Molly: Joy.(She groans as Jack sits his brow drawn together looking confused)
Jack: What is with you two?
Molly: I don't have a problem with her she has a problem with me. (Her defense up)
Jack: Greenlee doesn't have a problem with you as you say.
Molly: Come on Uncle Jack you can't even say that with a straight face.(Sarcasm dripping from her voice making him smile)
Jack: She just a little protective of her old man that's all.
Molly: What does she think I'm going to do to you?
Jack: Nothing honey,(Hearing the defensiveness in her voice he tries to choose his words carefully) she just wants to make sure everything is okay with you and me.
Molly: So what did you tell her? (She sits up folding her arms across her chest)
Jack: I told her everything's great you've been a model citizen and she has no reason to worry.
Molly: God she's worse than my mother!
Jack: Have you heard from your mother?
Molly: No have you?
Jack: No. (He says flatly knowing from her expression she was disappointed) So what did you and what's his name?
Molly: Justine. (her face immediatly brightening)
Jack: Justine, do last night?
Molly: Nothing really we went down to the river and hung out on Justin's boat for a while.
Jack: A little cold to be out on the river this time of year isn't it?
Molly: Oh we didn't take the boat out we just hung out for a while. I love being out on the water it kind of reminds me of home.
Jack: So what was it some kind of party?
Molly: No not really just a two or three other couples. We were supposed to go to Llanview to some new club but with my curfew we wouldn't have been back in time.
Jack: Oh well maybe you can go some other time.
Molly: I could have gone last night if I didn't have some ridiculous curfew like I'm twelve.
Jack: Sorry honey but those are the rules we all decided on when you came here remember?
Molly: Of course I remember but come on Uncle Jack! I've done everything you guys asked. When are you going to give me some freedom?
Jack: You have freedom just not the kind you want. (tossing over his shoulder as he walks to the sink and places his cup down then turns back towards her) Look I promise you keep doing what you've been doing and I'll talk to your Mom see if we can come up with something okay?
Molly: Oh Thank you! (Popping up from her seat and hugging him) Thank you! Thank you!
Jack: I'm not promising you anything but I'll see what I can do.
Molly: Thank you so so much! (squeezing him again then letting go)
Jack: Look I got to get out here. (looking up at the wall clock then back at her) I'll see you at dinner?
Molly: Yep! (She says following him in to the living room. She leans back againt the frame as he quickly pcks his briefcase)
Jack: What do you have planned today?
Molly: I'm going shopping with Dani.
Jack: You mean Tea's daughter? (looking back over his shoulder as he snaps his case closed)
Molly: Yeah and then we're going to lunch.
Jack: Thant's wonderful! I'm glad you two hit it off.
Molly: Yeah she's pretty cool.
Jack: Great listen sweetheart I got to get out of here.(looking at his watch as he walks to the door Molly trailing behind)  I'll see you later.Oh and do me a favor? (turnig arond to face her)
Molly: What's up?
Jack: Tonight would you mind turning down the volume on your TV? I dreamt I was in some weird car chase romantic comedy. (He laughs pulling the door open and walking through)
Molly: Not a problem see you.
Jack:: Bye have a good day! (he turns walking quickly to the car)
Molly: You too! (Molly waits for the car to leave the driveway then locks the front door, She scampers to the kitchen takes a muffin from the basket. She walks to the cabinet and takes down a plate she places the muffins on it then pulls a cup from the tree and fills it with coffee putting the cup on the plate next to it. She walks back to the table and picks up her cup then heads up the stairs to her room. She place her cup on the floor then turns the knob pushing it open with he foot. She places the plate on the corner of the desk then bends and picks up her cup closing the door and locking it behind her)
Justine: Hey what took you so long?
Molly: My uncle was still here I had to make nice, nice and wait for him to go. I bought you a muffin and a cup of coffee. (handing him the plate and smiles as he takes a big bite from the muffin)
Justine Oh thanks I'm starved! (His voice muffled has he talks around the food in his mouth)
Molly: So I still have a couple of hours before I have to meet my friend what do you want to do? (She says lying down on the bed next to him)
Justine: What do you think? (He places the plate on the nightstand then reaches for rolling on top of her in the same motion nuzzeling her neck till she squeals)
Molly: I like the way you think.
Justine Man! I can't believe your uncle didn't hear us last night! (grinning down at her as he pulls the laces of her night gown apart)
Molly: Now aren't you glad I told you to leave the TV on! (running her finger across the curve of his back making him shiver and her giggle)
Justine: How much longer am I going to be climbing through windows? It's getting kind of old.
Molly: Come on you have to admit it's kind of fun.(pulling him to her and kissing)
Justine: Yeah but happens when your uncle figures out what you're up to? (he chuckles)
Molly: Are you kidding I have him exactly where I want him by this time next week I'll be out of here. Now do you want to keep talking or.... (She pushes him back against the pillows strateling him) That's much better!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Taylor's Memorial Service 01/14/2014

Brot stands at the podium starring out over the crowd assembled in the same room.

Brot: Good morning. We are gathered here today in the same room we all gathered just a short time ago to celebrate the start of a new life. A life filled with promise and hope for the future. Today we celebrate the end of it.
Taylor Thompson was one of the finest persons I have ever met and will ever hope to meet. She was my leader, my comrade and my best friend.  I stood in this very spot and handed her the ring she gave to Tad. It was the happiest day of her life and I had never been happier for her. It was a moment she had waited and fought a long and hard to have. From the horrors of Iraq the loss of our friends and fellow soldiers. Through paralysis and PTSD. She fought, but that was Taylor always a solider always fighting for what she wanted, what she believed in and what was right. It was an honor to know her and an honor to serve with her and an even greater honor to call her my friend.  Today we mourn the end of what could have been and celebrate the woman that was Taylor Thompson- Martin.
Frankie: Sarge, which is what I always called her was funny, smart and always in the face of opposition brave. She was brave in battle and even braver on the home front. She never allowed her fears or her doubts to rule her or anyone else. It was her bravery her strength that gave me the will and courage to re-claim my life. If it hadn't been for Taylor her love and support I don't think I would have ever been able to come home to my friends to my family. When I injures my hand it was Taylor who pushed me through or had the wonderful wife and family I thank God for every day. I'll miss her smile, her laugh, her kindness and most of all her friendship.
Reverend: As we gather here today think not what has past but what....
Tad lays in his bed staring at the TV clicking from channel to channel trying to ignore the service being held this morning for Taylor. Rhea had offered him a monitor but watching that was just a reminder at how trapped he really was and how lonely he felt without her. Instead he'd opted for the boobtube which was boring. Nothing but talk and reality shows until his recent secret passion "Fraternity Row" came on. It was just the escape he needed not feeding some voyeuristic tendency by watching people go through the paces of their "Unscripted" scripted lives. Watching "Fraternity Row" gave him an hour of peace where his brain finally shut off from the nagging voice that haunted him. There was something everyone wasn't saying a strange undercurrent that was so charged it was literally burning the tip of their tongues. What was it everyone was afraid to say? Was what happened to them not and accident? Did someone intentionally try to kill them? Why would they want to keep something like that a secret? It made no sense. It had to be something else. Something they were afraid would completely devastate him or they wouldn't be dancing around it but what would be more devastating than loosing Taylor? Were one of the kids sick? His new grandson? What?
Phil: Hey what going on? ( He pops in smiling as he stands next Tad's bed)
Tad: You're still hanging around? (He says with a roll of his eyes as he lays his head back against the pillow)
Phill: I told you I'm going to be around for a while. He smiles sitting in the chair across from him)
Tad: Yeah, yeah (He moans picking his head up and looking) why are you here now?
Phill: Its a good time to pop in besides I thought you might like some company.
Tad: Because everyone is at the memorial service.
Phill: I thought it would give us a chance to talk without being interrupted.
Tad: Are you finally going to tell me what the big man has planned.
Phill: I don't know exactly what he needs you to do but it all the wheels are in motion.
Tad: What wheels? Come on enough with this crap! Just give me something! (He growls in frustation slammimg his head back against the cushions)
Phill: All I can tell you now is in a little while Jesse is going to really need you. (He says calmly and with as much patients as he could muster choosing his words carefully and still Tad's head snapped to attention his features creased with anxiety)
Tad: Why what's going on with Jesse? NO! (He hisses his eyes wide) Not Angie! Randi! (His voice becoming more anxious by the moment)
Phill: No, They're fine and will be fine. (He pats his hand ) This has to do with Cassandra and the trouble she's headed for if we can't stop her.
Tad: What kind of trouble? (His features becoming more calculating)
Phill: The web of lies she's weaving.
Tad: That's it? (He says throwing his hands in the air his voice and smile dripping with sarcasm) That's all you got? That girl has been lying and headed for a catastrophe since the day she blew in to town what else is new? (laughing bitterly)
Phill: If she continues the path that she's on her action are going to hurt a lot of people.
Tad: So what am I supposed to do from here? (Waving his hands presenting his casted leg high in the air and grins. Then crosses his arms starring at his brother a smug smile on his lips)
Phill: You need to talk to Jesse have him check up on his stepdaughter what she been up to stuff like that.
Tad: Yeah, like she's going to listen to Jesse! She barely says "hello" to the man.
Phill: Jesse'll listen to you besides that doesn't mean he doesn't care and he needs to do this.
Tad: True but, what the hell am I supposed to say? Hey Jesse the ghost of my dead brother says to check up on your stepdaughter? (Stupid grin on his lips his eye open wide making Phil laugh)
Phill: No ass!
Tad: Then what?
Phill: Maybe appeal to him as one father to another to drop around her penthouse maybe get a feel for Mr. St. Jacques have a little chat with his butler.
Tad: What the hell aren't you telling me? (His curiosity tweaked)
Phill: Just do it, okay?
Tad: Okay, but I want you to do something for me.
Phill: Look brother I'm a spirit not a delivery man!
Tad: Ha ha! (he chuckles) Which one of us is being the ass?
 Phill: Okay what? (His smile gone his voice suddenly serious)
Tad: What is it that no one wants to tell me?
Phill: What do you mean? (he evades kowing he couldn't be the one to tell him)
Tad: Mrs' Thompson and the General came by earlier, before the service to say goodbye and I don't know I could just tell right before she said goodbye there was something else she wanted to say. Mom and Momma both had that same look too and Dad just seems to be avoiding me. Why?
Phill: Mom's going to be stopping by later why don't you talk to her? (tad glares at him his mouth twisted with anger his hand chopping down for emphasis)
Tad: Fine you know what I'm sick of riddles and double talk! I'm not doing anything for anyone until someone does something for me! I'm not!
Phill: Buddy this is God we're talking about he's not real big on negotiating.
Tad: Look all I want is to see Taylor just one more time. I know whatever it is that people are not telling me has to do with her. So if it has to do with Taylor then I want to hear it from her! And it might help me believe all this is actually real and not some wild fantasy!
Phill: What do you think? (He looks toward the right corner of the room as he speaks) It could help
Tad: Who are you talking to?
Phill: Shhh!
Tad: Don't "Shh" me! (He scowls waving his hand in the air dimissing his command)
Phill: Would you shut up I'm trying to hear! (he turns back towards him quelling his chatter with a silencing glare) I agree completely ...Okay let me know when you're ready.
Tad: Who was that? Was that... (he stammers sounding shocked and cnofused)
Phill: Okay listen, I need you to promise something before I do this.
Tad: You're going to let me see her? (He expression more full of life then he had seen in days)
Phill: I'm going to let you go to her.
Tad: What?
Phill:  I'm going to hold your place here for a few minutes but you have to promise me something first?
Tad: Anything!
Phill: Once we do you have to do this you have to do what I you're asked without moping and questioning and you can't tell anyone what you're doing and I mean no one. You understand? (his voice firm)
Tad: Yeah yeah! (Phil looks at him shakes his head a moment not hearing any sincerity in his voice)
Phil: No I mean it Tad no more negotiating and whining you got it?
Tad: Okay, okay! Now do your thing (He lays back against the pillows smiling like a cheshire cat making his brother chuckle)
Phil: Alright close your eyes and relax just....Just relax...  

Friday, January 10, 2014

Devereaux 01/10/2014

Devereaux races back across the river towards the penthouse tonight had been very profitable. He'd be able to move everything he'd shipped in all worked out over an innocent high-roller poker game. Interesting Gregorian hadn't lost his touch when it came to putting just the right players together for a high-stakes game. He'd also been able to dispose of the wrecked van and replaced it before Lavery had a chance to review the the records and it had slipped right through the annual audit. It had cost him out of his own pocket so it wouldn't show up on the books he'd even been able to switch the VIN numbers. There was no way Ryan or anyone else for that matter would figure out what he'd done. For all anyone knew it was a mystery who hit Tad Martin and always would be case closed on any connection between them.
 Now to give his full attention to his other problem one Ms. Cassandra Foster. He was more than sure she'd learned her lesson.  That would be the last time she ever tried anything like that ever again. She should thank God that he loved her. Had she been anyone else he'd have killed them but they were soul mates. Bound together forever. They were apart of each other. No matter where she went or who she was with they would always be as one. That's how he knew something was amiss. He could feel it feel her the fear was gone replaced by...He couldn't place it he knew something was... wasn't right. He whips into the parking garage pulling in to his private space then swiftly to the elevator pressing the button repeatedly with impatiens. The closer he got the more he could feel something was... He taps the button for the penthouse pacing with agitations as the car speeds to the top. He burst from the elevator-car his shoes hitting the carpet hard as he walks towards the guard in front of the door his trepidation mounting .

Gaurd: Good evening Mr. St. Jacques.
Devereaux: Good evening how was every thing this evening?
Gaurd: Quiet sir, no one has been in or out all evening sir.
Devereaux: Good stay here.
Guard: Yes sir. (Devereaux enters the too quiet penthouse tossing his coat on the chair as he looks around the living room then heads straight for the bedroom. He flicks on the light his eyes wide with shock at the sight of the disheveled bedroom. Drawers were sagging open, clothes were strewn about the room. He walks quickly to the closet banging the doors against the wall. Her suitcases were gone as were some clothes and both furs. He reaches for the dress hanging in front of him the one he bought her the night she'd moved in crushing it in his fists as his rage sheaths then shredding it as he screams with rage. She was gone! Some how she managed to escape! He stares down at the shreds of fabric lying at his feet then march to the door swinging it open and barking at the man on the other side)
Deveraux: Get in here! (The man stares at Devereaux surprise and fear etched on his face as he walks into the room jumping as the door slams behind him) Where is Ms. Foster?
Guard: I told you sir no one has been in or out of here since you left.
Deveraux: If no one has been in or out all night how do you explain Ms. Foster not being here?
Guard: I don't know sir I have been there all night.
Devereaux: She's not here so some how she got past you didn't she? DIDN'T SHE! Don't go anywhere!
Guard: Yes sir. (Deveraux reaches for his phone dialing quickly then barking orders)
Devereaux: Renault! Get your men up here now! (He growls into the phone then terminates the call shoving the phone back in his pocket and turn his anger back toward the guard his gaze cold his face a mask of controlled fury) You tell me exactly what happened tonight now!
Guard: I came up here just as you asked and sat outside that door all night. In fact the butler gave me a cup of coffee after he came in.
Devereaux: Wait, Maurice was here?
Guard: Yes sir. (He stammers fear gripping every part of him he watches as Devereaux walks to the hall bellowing as he walks)
Devereaux: Maurice! Maurice! (Maurice comes through the kitchen door looking sleepy and disheveled as he approaches yawning his greeting)
Maurice: Qui monsieur? (He looks up at Deveraux's haunted and angry expression and becomes immediately aware. This was the moment he'd been waiting for)
Devereaux: Maurice how long have you been home?
Maurice: Environ deux heures ...About two hours or so.
Devereaux: Did you see Ms. Foster when you came in.
Maurice: Non monsieur. When I came in the lights were off the house was quiet I assumed you and Madame had retired for the evening. I decided to make myself some cafe I offered the guard a cup washed up the dishes and went to bed. Has Madame gone? (His voice the epitome of innocence and concern)
Devereaux: Maurice must you always state the obvious? (He barks rubbing his temple as he paces)
Maurice: Je vous demande pardon Monsieur.
Devereaux: Non, je m'excuse. Anything else?
Maurice: There was one thing monsieur.
Devereaux: Come on with it! (he snaps again his eyes hopeful)
Maurice: When I returned the servants entrance door was unlocked and I distinctly recall locking it when I left earlier. (Then turns as the bell rings and open the door letting in Devereaux's men then closes and returning to the spot he'd been standing previously and waits as Devereaux barks more orders)
Devereaux: Mr. Renault you and your men come in.
Renault: Qui Monsieur. (He snaps to attention then turns to the butler)
Devereaux: Maurice you may go.
Maurice: Is there anything I can get you sir?
Devereaux: No Maurice you may go and thank you.
Maurice: Vous êtes les bienvenus, s'il n'y a rien d'autre que je vais dire bonne soirée M. Devereaux. J'espère que vous trouverez madame.
Devereaux: Bonne soirée! (Maurice walks back to his room smiling to his self things were clicking in to place quite nicely. He could hardly wait for the next part) And you didn't see her leave? You were out there all night and you didn't move? You never left?
Guard: No sir! I was there all night.
Devereaux: So I can only assume you fell asleep.
Man1: Yes sir...I mean no sir...I don't remember...I swear Sir I never saw her go and...and from where I was sitting I could see both doors. I don't know how she....(Devereaux nods his head at his two men that grab an arm each in a vice like grip)
Devereaux: Because you are an incompetent fool! (His fist slamming into his face emphasizing each word) That's how! I you didn't see her that can only mean you weren't watching. And if it it is as you say, and you never left I can only assume you were sleeping. When you should have been doing your job. That is a very grave mistake on your part and you will pay dearly for it. (Hitting him again)
Gaurd: Please sir I...I don't know what....Pleaaa...(His head slumps onto his chest his last words trail off as the force of Devereaux's send him to stay conscious)
Devereaux: Get him out of here I don't want to see his incompetent face again.
Gaurd: Mr. Devereaux please I ... (He squeals his words cut off once more by Devereaux's blow and slumps into unconsciousness in the arms of his captors)
Devereaux: Get him out of my sight! take him down to your apartment make sure no one see's you (He says to the two men holding the unconscious guard waving them out the door)  Mr. Renault (He says calling him back and switching to french) Wake him up have your men put him on a plane back to France. Make sure he gets there. Have someone pick him up from the airport and dispose of him.
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur.
Devereaux: You two! I want you two to find Ms. Foster. Search every Airport, train, bus, taxi, car rental, hotel, motel, flophouse find her.  I want to know where she went and with whom and I want to know yesterday understand?
Man2: What do you want us to do if we find her?(Hiding the fear in his voice not wanting the same fate as his former companion)
Devereaux: I want you to call me immediately. (He grinds out between clenched teeth)
Man2: Yes sir.
Devereaux: What are you waiting for GO! (Nods to the man beside him and both leave as quickly as they'd come) Mr. Renault make sure this is all handled discreetly make sure there is no trace of him and call me as soon as you have something on Ms. Foster. Also check any activity on her credit cards. I want to know everything she's done from the moment she left here. Comprendre?
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur. (He nods leaving the apartment. Devereaux walks to the bar pulling the bottle of scotch from the shelf filling the glass and draining it then filling it again. He leans against the edge stretching his arms then picks up the glass and walks to the window staring out over the sleeping city. Closing his eyes he focuses all his attention on the image of Cassandra painted on his lids until he could see her with crystal clarity. She was lying huddle with that Sherrigan ass looking at peace and contented a smile of triumph curling her lips, as if she didn't have a care in the world)
Devereaux: Sleep well my lovely you've won this round but, if you think what I did to you before was bad? Wait till you see what I've in store for you now. I know you're with him I can feel it and I warned you. This time my love there will be hell to pay! (He opens his eyes sending his thoughts across the cosmos smiling satisfied as a little shiver creeps up his spine) Message received. (He salutes himself in the mirror drains the glass slamming it down on the bar shattering the bottom)
 Cassandra awakes with a start a cold shiver of fear racing through her as Devereaux's rage filled face flashed through her mind startling her to consciousness. She bolts up right then immediately regrets it as the pain shoots through her. She adjust her eyes quickly confused by her surroundings then remembering she sighs in relief. She stares down at the ring on her finger then to Rego snoring gently beside her and smiles. She'd finally beat him She was Mrs. Rego Sherrigan! She was finally free. She was was finally safe. She sighs then says a silent prayer of thanks. Turning her head gingerly she glances down at a sleeping Rego. She pulls up the blankets around her chin snuggling back down under the covers closer to him. Rego sleepily throws a protective arm over her pulling her close. Cassandra closes her eyes enjoying the comfort of his embrace yet couldn't silence the fear that still gnawed at her.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Zach and Kendal

Zach tips in to the bedroom removing his jacket as he walks tossing his jacket on the chair then his pants he reaches for his jersey slips it on over his head then slides in to bed.

Kendall: So how was your night? (She turns her head on the pillow and smiles)
Zach: Sorry did I wake you? (He leans in kissing her)
Kendall: No I heard you pull in.
Zach: So I did wake you?
Kendall: No. I just got into bed maybe five minutes before you pulled in. (She says sitting up
Zach: Everything okay? (He sits up looking at her his brow furrowed)
Kendall: No everything is fine. (She giggles patting his hand) After the kids and I had dinner I finished up a lot of work. (Crossing her arms over her chest smirking proudly)
Zach: Oh okay. (He nods grinning, still weighing what he had to tell her in his mind)
Kendall: What about you? Did you get a chance to stop by the hospital? (he smiles happily thinking about how much fun he had with with his niece and new grandnephew reminiscing with her grandmother and Francessca's cousins)
Zach: Yeah, yeah I stopped by this afternoon got a chance to see Sophia and the boys. I spent a little more time than I should have, but it was great.  Oh and I brought home some really good stuff she sent us.
Kendall: Ooo Goodies! (Her eyes brightening) Like what?
Zach: There's all kinds of stuff in the frig we can go look now if you want.
Kendall: Umm no it's a little too late.
Zach: She sent cannoli's
Kendall: As great as that sounds I can't eat that and then go to sleep I'll get it tomorrow.
Zach: We don't have to sleep.
Kendall: Ha! if you wanted more than sleep you should have been home an hour and a half ago. I guess after the hospital you went back to the office?    
Zach: Yeah (he groans) I finally sat down and finished that mountain of work I had on my desk. 
Kendall: Really what brought that on? (She looks at him surprised and suspicious)
Zach: What do mean? (He grins sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck)
Kendall: You've only been procrastinating about it to me for weeks. (She accuses knowing she was on to something by the look on his face)
Zach: I've ahh made a decision.
Kendall: Oh yeah, (She stares at him her eye narrowed)  am I going to like this decision?
Zach: I don't know it depends. (he matches her glare with one of his on a defiant twist in his smile)
Kendall: Depends on what? (knowing all to well what ever he was about to tell was already resolute in his mind)
Zach: Depends on how you feel about changing everything we've planned.(Mentally bracing himself as the storm clouds turn her eyes a stormy green her)
Kendall: Change everything we planned how? Come on Zach, just tell me! Change our lives how.
Zach: I'm leaving "Slater-Cortland" and going back to back to the casino full time. (He breaks in to her tirade ending it before it could begin)
Kendall: I can't believe...
Zach: Wait let me finish. (Halting her mid sentence before she could start building up steam) I know we said that the hours were better and more conducive to family life but I'm not cut out for the nine to five "Slater-Cortland " corporate thing anymore. (Moving from the bed and pacing the floor like a lawyer pleading his case)
Kendall: Well I was...(She starts and is cut off again)
Zach: It was fun at first but now it just wares on me.
Kendall: I can't...
Zach: And really the hours aren't really convenient I spent more time with you and the kids when I was at the casino!
Kendall: Well what...
Zach: I know I should have discussed it with you before making a decision like that but today I realized just how much I really hate it!
Kendall: You knew you were...
Zach: And the casino is just a part of who I am.
Kendall: Look you don't...
Zach: And it's not spur of the moment I've been wanting to do this for a while. Rhea and Pete they don't need me I'm just really in the way. And I'm sure the share holders would must rather have Rhea than me anyway.
Kendall: If you would just....
Zach: And the last thing is you, Spike and Ian you are what is most important to me always and I don't know some how I could feel that slipping away day by day. I was missing one thing with Spike and another with Ian. Pretty soon I'll be missing everything.
Kendall: Zach,
Zach: But I ...
Kendall: No, you listen. (She snaps getting his full attention then smiling slyly)  I get it. I was wondering how long it would be before you did!
Zach: What? (He looks at her shocked and confused not sure he should believe what he was hearing)
Kendall: I'm saying that I'm glad you're going back to the casino full time. (She smiles up at him patting the place on the bed beside her) I'm even happier that you're leaving "Slater- Cortland" I could see what it was doing to you, you weren't happy, and, you're right you were home more with us before. I was beginning to really miss that and so were the kids. So all I want to know is when do you start?
Zach: Wow, you are so amazing you know that? Here I thought you be all flipping out and you...You know me better than I know my self sometimes. (He reaches out stroking her cheek)
Kendall: Yep and don't you forget it! (She tweaks the tip of his nose then kisses him) So what really bought this on? Your talk with Michael the other day?
Zach: How did you know?
Kendall: Cause I know you better than you know your self! (She laughs pushing him back on the bed)
Zach: Oh you think so do you? (He grins devilishly pulling her to him then kissing her till she was breathless) What am I thinking now?
Kendall: Oh I know exactly what's on your mind! (She purrs seductively. He grins down at kisses her quickly then jumps off the bed)
Zach: Yeah! I'll be right back!
Kendall: Bring me one too! (She laughs making pause a moment looking back at her slightly confused)
Zach: I thought you said it was too late.
Kendall: Oh I know exactly how we can burn that off. (She stretches out on the bed starring back at him knowingly)
Zach: Me too, (He winks) be right back!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Adam and Lola

Adam and Lola sit in the library relaxing on the sofa sipping their after dinner drinks and chatting.

Lola: That was an absolutely fabulous dinner thank you for having me.
Adam: After beating me three straight sets dinner is the least that I owe you.
Lola: That's because you let me win.
Adam: Are you kidding? I think you you have been secretly taking lessons.
Lola: Nothing of the kind. I umm just forgot to tell you I was on the Women's tennis team when I was in college. (She laughs)
Adam: So you completely con'd me? (His eyes bright with amusement making her laugh again)
Lola: I didn't con you I said it had been a long time since I played.
Adam: I see where I'm going to have to take a couple of lessons before our next match.
Lola: With the weather change this evening I think it's going to be a while before our next match.
Adam: Well that will give me all winter to brush up.
Lola: And you should use every day of it.
Adam: Oh really that bad?
Lola: No I'm just kidding really, you have a very strong game you made me work hard for those wins. Who ever your instructor is did a great job.
Adam: I'll have to give him a raise or maybe over the long winter you could give me a few pointers. (He says inching closer to her Lola rises abruptly looking around the room as she walks to the bookcase)
Lola: This is a lovely room. I love the scroll work on theses shelves.(She runs her finger across the books quickly scanning the bindings) "Tom Sawyer" , "Wuthering Heights" , "Moby Dick" all first editions. This is beautiful.(She picks up one of the hand carved pieces examining it then placing it back)  Do you play?
Adam: Sometimes, (He smiles moving to stand next to the chess table) I haven't had a good partner in a while not since Colby moved out.
Lola: Oh that's too bad.
Adam: Yes, I miss it. Do you play?
Lola: A little. (She smiles back at him)
Adam: A little as in you were the captain of your college chess team or you've played a few times? (He teases making her laugh)
Lola: A little as in I've played a couple of times but I'm not very good.
Adam: It really isn't that difficult come I'll show you.
Lola: I think I have the basics.
Adam: All right then. (He says holding the chair for her as she sits)
Lola: Thank you.
Adam: You go first. (He pulls the chair out taking the seat opposite her)
Lola: Okay. (She smiles moving one of her pieces on to the board)
Adam: Besides bike riding what else do you do for fun? ( Grinning sheepishly and moving his chess piece)
Lola: I love to garden, curling up with a book on a rainy day occasional shopping spree, opera.
Adam: Opera? (He looks up at her surprised)
Lola: Opera! I love the opera. It's so beautiful. Not just the performance but people actually dress for it. It's just all so magical. (She sighs) 
Adam: It is when you talk about it. (He flirts boldly enjoying the blush on her cheeks)
Lola: What about you? What is your favorite thing to do when you're not working?
Adam: I like to go fishing with my brother Stuart. Sometimes we catch something most times not (He laughs) I just enjoy the time together.
Lola: Yeah, I really get that. Now that Krystal and I are back on speaking terms I realized just how much I missed my big sister. (Lola's phone begins to ring she glances down her heart skips a beat as she recognizes the number. She takes a mental breath then smiles up at Adam) Duty calls do you have a somewhere I can take this?
Adam: Sure you can use my office down the hall to the right.
Lola: Thank you. (She reaches for her phone answering it as she walks) Dr. Colgate?
Caller: Good evening Dr. Colgate. Have you gotten what I asked you for?
Lola: I'm working on it. Give me some time! (She hisses back glancing around to make sure she wasn't heard)
Caller: You don't have time doctor I need to know what "Chandlers" bid is going to be and I need to know by tomorrow or do you want your family and everyone else to know how you really regained your lofty position back in the medical field after your oh so tragic tumble?
Lola: I'll get it!
Caller: You had better (Lola disconnects the call then checks the hall before she picks up a file from the desk and quickly flips through it. Adams walks toward the door bellowing at the top of his lungs for Winifred as he pulls the door open)
Adam: Why do we even pay for servants! Winifred! (He bellows swinging open the door then smiling broadly) Colby!
Colby: Hey Dad! How are you?
Adam: Better now that you're here! (Giving her a bear hug and a kiss) Come in! Come in!
Colby: Still screaming for the servants I see.
Adam: Yeah, (He chuckles) I don't know why you rang the bell you could have just come in!
Colby: I forgot my key.
Adam: Well I'm glad otherwise I may not have seen you. What are you doing here?
Colby: I got your message about the proxy so I came over to sign them for you.
Adam: Where's that husband of yours?
Colby: Working, I just finished up myself and figured I'd stop by on my way home. 
Adam: They're in my office on the desk you can go right in and sign them.
Colby: Where are you going? (She turns back towards as he walks toward the kitchen)
Adam: I was going to find Winifred and see if she could serve coffee.
Colby: Since when do you drink coffee at this time of the evening? (Eyeing him suspiciously
Adam:  For me and my guest.
Colby: Ooo! A guest! Anyone I know.
Adam: Lola Collgate.
Colby: Lola huh? Don't let me interrupt let me go sign those papers so you can get back to whatever it is you're doing!(She teases enjoying the slight blush on her father's cheeks)
Adam: Come by the library before you go I want to say good bye.
Colby: Sure I'll be right there as soon as I'm done. (Colby and Adam head down the hall in opposite directions. Lola riffles through the folders till she finds the one she needs. She quickly punches in the bid amount in to her phone and closes it placing it back in the pile just as Colby comes in the office. She steals her nerve putting on a bright smile as she walks towards her hand out stretched)
Lola: Hi! You're Colby? I recognized you from your photo I'm Lola Colgate.
Colby: Hi. You're Krystal's sister right?
Lola: Yeah, and you're Adam's youngest daughter.
Colby: Yeah, what are you doing in my father's office?
Lola: Oh I had a call about a patient I needed a little privacy.
Colby: So your call involved rummaging around on my father's desk? (She looks at her critically one eyebrow raised her glare demanding and answer)
Lola: I was trying to find a pen and some paper so I could make a note but I couldn't find one. (She laughs nervously as Colby enters the office and to the desk pulling one on the pens from it's cradle and holding it up)
Colby: The pen is in the pen set and there's paper between the two.(She places the utensil back in holder her glare penetrating and demanding)
Lola: Yeah I tried it, it wasn't working and your father had already written something on the pad. (Colby looks down at the writing on the pad unconvinced) I didn't want to tear it off. You know just in case it was important.Then I knocked over these files and I was trying to put them back when you walked in.
Colby: Yeah thanks I'm sure my Dad will appreciate that. Not to be rude but if your finished I have some work I need to get done in here. It's been a long day and I just want to finish up and go home. You understand.
Lola: Oh sure, I'm sorry yeah and I have to get back to our chess game, the Library is that way? (She points down the hall. Colby nods then points in the other direction)
Colby: Down the hall to the left.
Lola: Thanks, nice meeting you again.
Colby: Have a good evening.  (Colby watches Lola leave waiting a moment as her steps recede down the hall. Then looks around her father's desk at the collection of folders and note pads piled upon it not sure which folder she had touched but knowing she had been doing more than looking for paper and a pen. She looks tentatively not wanting to do what she was accusing Lola of but just doing a mental summary of the ones that were there to keep track of future events before starting her own chore)