Friday, February 28, 2014

Molly and Dani 02/28/2014

Molly and Dani walk to their booth shoving their bags into the seat next to them.

Molly: Oh my God! I'm exhausted! (She huffs plopping down into the seat Dani in the seat across from her)
Dani: Me too, but I had a really good time.
Molly: That was a lot of fun. The only drawback is luging around these bags!
Dani: Who would think clothes could be so heavy! (they both laugh)
Molly: I really gave me credit cards a workout! My Mom's going to flip! What about you?
Dani: She not going to be real happy but it's been a while since I've done any major shopping so I think she'll be cool with it. And, if she whines too much I'll just say I was a little depressed because of the move. (Mocking a pouty face as Molly nods in approval)
Molly: Oh you're good.
Dani; No really most of the time my Mom is pretty cool. What about you? what's your mom like?
Molly: My Mom is definitely NOT cool (She huffs sitting back in the chair) But who knows she could have changed it's been a while since I've seen her but,(She grins devilishly) if she's changed I would have heard from her that's my quandary Dani! (She laughs again) No seriously as long as I stay out of her hair and out of trouble she doesn't seem to care what I do.
Dani: What about your Dad? (Molly's face suddenly saddens making Dani wish she hadn't pried as her own sadness creeps up on her)
Molly: He died when I was in High School. (Dani reaches across the table taking Molly's hand in hers feeling her pain as deeply as she felt her own)
Dani: Mine died last year. (Molly smiles forcing herself to hold back the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks)
Molly: Sometimes I really miss him. (She squeezes her hand back letting her guard down for the first time since she'd arrived)
Dani: Believe me I totally get that. (She reaches for the dispenser pulling a napkin for herself and on for Molly and hands it to her) Sometimes after my Dad died. I'd still look out the window waiting to hear his car pull in the driveway.
Molly: Sometimes, I'd stand on the deck and wait for him to come walking down the beach. (She pulls another napkin from the dispenser and wipes the tears from the corner of her eyes. It had been a while since she thought about any of this and it was nice to have someone to commiserate with)
Dani: My Mom was great though. We were really there for each other. (She smiles dabbing at her nose. Molly thinks back to her own mother and almost laughs out loud at the comparison)
Molly: You were lucky my Mom went completely Bat shit! (She hisses bitterly then smiles brightly to disguise her momentary anger)  So what are you going to have (She picks up the menu and flips through it the table grows quiet for a moment and Molly's mind flashes back to the the afternoon she'd come home and she'd ...No she snaps door closed on the memory she wasn't going to think about that not today. She'd actually had a great day and made a good friend she wasn't about to let the past ruin it. She looks up at the waiter giving her, her order then Dani hers. The waitress writes them quickly collects the menus and leaves) So what are you going to wear tonight? (Dani's head cocks to the side her mind riffling through the the outfits she'd bought)
Dani: I don't know if I should look hot or be practical. What do you think?
Molly: My advice, (Her voice filled with authority and confidence) always go for hot let the boring girls be practical! So who's the lucky guy.( She teases giggling at the blush staining Dani's cheeks as she tries to look calm and sound unaffected)
Dani: How do you know there's a guy?
Molly: I seriously doubt you're trying to look hot for me! (She giggles making Dani laugh with her then leans in her voice low and conspiratorial )
Dani: I met him during registration.
Molly: Ooooo! Is he hot?
Dani: Philip, is smart and charming, funny. It was like we had this instant connection. (Sounding dreamy and in love)
Molly: Wait are you talking about Philip Martin? (He eyes wide with surprise. She leans back quickly in her seat as the waitress places their salads in front of them. Dani waits patiently for her to finish before she continues)
Dani: You know him?
Molly: Yeah! He's like best friends with Justin! Duh!  (Cocking her head to the side looking confused) We used to hang out like all summer!
Dani: We're you guys going out? (Looking worried)
Molly: No, nothing like that! I mean we went out a couple of times nothing serious. (She shrugs) But if I were looking for something serious he'd have definitely been on my list, mine and about twenty other girls I can name. (she laughs)  In fact girls were chasing his ass all summer if you caught him good for you! I bet you guys look really cute together! (She Reaches in her purse pulling out her phone and flips to a picture of Phillip and Justin from the summer. She enlarges the image leans across the table and holds it up next to Dani nodding in approval making them both laugh)
Dani: What about you and that Justin guy you were talking about all day?
Molly: Justin? (She waves her hand dismissively)  He's HOT, a lot of fun and we hook up but that's all I want. I like being able to do what I want when I want! So what are you looking for thrills or commitment?
Dani: Someday I'll tell you all about my family so you might not get this but I'll go for quiet and committed any day!
Molly: Someday I'll have to tell you about mine! (She laughs turning her head and looking out the window) Heyyy don't look now but look who just walked in the door She points out the window to Jack and Tea walking to the door)
Dani: Oh my God what are they doing here? (She turns toward the window then back to Molly leaning in grinning and whispering)
Molly: I don't know but lately they always seem to be together.(She watches as they are seated reading their body language)
Dani: That's because they've been working on some big case. (She shrugs turns her head to look at them then back to Molly who shakes her head in disagreement)
Molly: I don't know I think those two have a lot more going on than they even know.
Dani: You think? (She looks back at them pondering the idea maybe it would be good for her Mom to get back out there but her boss)
Molly: Oh yeah (She says nodding her head looking over her shoulder then back at Dani) I got to say my Uncle Jack has been a lot happier since he hired your Mom and it's definitely a step up from his last girlfriend. (She grimaces rolling her eyes)
Dani: They can't date he's her boss.
Molly: Since when has that ever stopped anyone! (She scoffs. Dani looks back over her shoulder watching them laugh and talk she looked more alive then she had in months)
Dani: Whatever is going on it's way better than my Mom moping around making my brother and I the center of her universe.
Molly: My Uncle Jack getting a life would probably be the best thing that ever happened to him and it would do wonders for my social life. (Liking the idea more and more. If he had a life he wouldn't have as much time to monitor hers)
Dani: My Mom could definitely use a life. (She nods in agreement)
Molly: What do you say we kind of push them along. (A devilish grin curving her lips. Dani looks at her then back at her mother who looked as if she was actually enjoying herself and flirting? Oh my God she just fixed the kerchief in his pocket and patted it she was flirting! Maybe Molly was right maybe they should help them along)
Dani: Wait I have the perfect idea! (Her eyes bright as the plan formulates in her head)
Molly: What?
Dani: They have that awards thing tonight right? (She mutters putting the rest of the pieces together and gathering the perfect wording)
Molly: Yeah what about it? (She looks back at her confused and intrigued)
Dani: Just follow my lead. (She looks at receipt takes money out of her purse and leaves it on the table. She grabs her bags nodding to Molly to follow her and walks towards the table where Jack and Tea are seated) Hey Mom! Hey Mr. Montgomery!
Tea and Jack: Hey!
Jack: Did you girls leave anything in the stores. (He smiles and shakes his head at the abundance of their packages)
Molly: Not if we could help it! (The all laugh)
Dani: Hey Mom I called Starr and we're going to stay at her place tonight I thought since I'm already there I could pick up Victor and bring him home with me. I think it will be late by the time the concert ends. I think it would be better than driving all the way back from Llanview so late.
Jack: Who's Starr? (He turns towards Tea looking perplexed)
Tea: Starr is Dani's sister. (She turns toward a Jack then back to Dani) That would be great it would save me a trip and a lot of time. It's fine with me if it's okay with Jack. (She turns toward Jack eyebrow raised)
Jack: It's fine with me ( he smiles and shrugs) just call me when you guys get to Llanview.
Molly: We will! (She squeals in delight) thanks Uncle Jack! (She leans in kissing his cheek)
Dani: Thanks Mom! (She leans in giving her a quick kiss and hug)  I'll see you at home. Bye Mom bye Mr. Montgomery!
Jack: Bye have fun ladies! (Molly and Dani smile and wave walking out the door on to the street smiling and laughing as they walk to their car)
Molly: That was brilliant! Not only did you get me out of my house tonight with no curfew you just gave them the perfect opportunity to step it up a notch!
Dani: Thank you! Thank you! Please no autographs! (They both burst out laughing as they get to the car popping the trunk and placing their bags inside)
Molly: What do you say we top this absolutely fabulous day with the complete works at the "Glamorama"? I'm talking pedicures, manicures, massages, hair, makeup the works! My treat?
Dani: No, that's okay. That is really expensive I can't let you do that.
Molly: Are you kidding? You just got me the first full night of freedom that I have had since I got to this one horse town! You're going and I don't want to hear anything else about it! Besides you have to look extra special tonight! (Laughing as she throws the car in drive tires squealing as she weaves her way into traffic both squealing happily as they drive off)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Brooke and Oliver 02/26/2014

Oliver paces in front of the fireplace in the living room brows drawn. He'd received the copy of Rego's pre-nuptial and had just moments ago been able to reign in his fury. It was bad enough that he'd married the tramp but she was pregnant with who the hell knew child! He glowered into the flames going over and over what he'd read lost in thought.
Brooke: Hi honey (She calls walking into the room tucking her keys in her purse as she talks) I got your message what's going on? What was so urgent I had to cancel my meeting and come home?
Oliver: My son is an idiot!
Brooke: I thought you came to that conclusion some time ago?
Oliver: I didn't realize just how big an idiot till today!
Brooke: Stop calling him and idiot and tell me what he's done.
Oliver: I don't think I can get past the words without becoming violently ill! Here! (He says handing her the papers read this! (Brooke stakes the papers from his hand and sits on the sofa as Oliver walks to the bar and places two glasses on top. Brooke looks up from the papers brow raised)
Brooke: Isn't it early for that?
Oliver: Huh! Keep reading! (He laughs bitterly taking a long drink from his glass)
Brooke: This looks like a pre-nuptial? For...(She reads further her eyes wide Oliver walks to the sofa carrying a glass for Brooke) Rego and Cassandra! (She stares back at him her face pale and stricken)
Oliver: Here you go! (He hands her the glass she looks from the papers to him then back she reaches for the glass taking a swallow) Keep reading it gets better! (Brooke looks back at the forms skimming through the legal-eez her eyes opening wide staring back at him her mouth working but no words coming out)
Oliver: She's pregnant! (She reaches for her glass on the table and sips it again) So what does my idiot son do? He marrieds her! What the hell is wrong with him? His entire life Finally moving in the right direction and he marries... Agh! (He drains his glass slamming the empty vessel on the coffee table)
Brooke: This is unbelievable! (She places the papers back in the envelope unable to read the rest) What I don't understand is why in this day and age would he feel he'd have to marry Cassandra? (She frowns handing him back the envelope. He grasps it from and tosses it on the desk)
Oliver: I can't believe he would be this stupid! (He growls leaning on the desk for strenght. Brooke walks behind him giving his shoulders a loving hug)
Brooke: Maybe he's not being stupid at all.
Oliver: What do you mean? (He sighs taking her hand and leading her back to the sofa)
Brooke: You were just saying yesterday how much he's changed since the birth of the baby.
Oliver: What does that have to do with anything. (He growls feeling calmer having shared the news but still angry. Brooke brow furrow deeper as she thinks about Olivers revelation)
Brooke: You said he had a different attitude acting more mature more responsible.
Oliver: Obviously it was a temporary condition! (He sighs again leaning his head back against the cushion)
Brooke: You also said this morning how unpredictable Devereaux St. Jacques is maybe he thinks he's protecting her?
Oliver: Akkk! (He grunts waving his hand in the air dismissing her thought. Brooke rolls her eyes then continues as if he hadn't spoken)  
Brooke: Or he's protecting the baby. No matter how much you don't want to admit it that baby could very well be his child.(Oliver sits up his anger dissipating his mind now calculating)
Oliver: Alright lets say he's protecting the baby what exactly is he protecting it from and what kind of danger does it put the rest of our family in? (Brooke thinks about what he said her mind whirling through all the possibilities as worry sets in)
Brooke: Have you been able to get in touch with him since I left?
Oliver: I haven't called him since this morning I had too much reading to do. (He grumbles laughing bitterly) What you said make sense (He sighs) as far as Rego is concerned. My real concern is Cassandra what exactly is she up to?
Brooke; They could be in love? (Trying to look at a brighter side. Oliver smiles leans in and kisses her cheek)
Oliver: Rego maybe her not in this lifetime or the next. Cassandra Fosters' real lovers are money and power. She a user and a manipulator. I will save my son from her. (His tone vehement causing Brooke concern her voice tentative)
Brooke: What are you going to do? (She watch as his mind work)
Oliver: Nothing, (He sigh in resignation she quietly lets go of the breath she'd been holding) I'm going to let him come to me and tell me his plan. As far as he knows you and I never read that. (He points to the incriminating envelope on the desk) One way or the other I have to protect my family and I can't do that if we're all at odds so all of this is just between you and I agreed? (Brooke nods her head in agreement. Oliver was right they needed to be very careful how they handled this)  At least till I can figure out what's going on and what Cassandra is really up to.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Erica and Kendall 02/24/2014

Erica and Kendall wall up the walk to Francessca's cottage chatting as they go.

Kendall: So are you going to that awards dinner tonight? (She asks shifting the box in her hand as she walks)
Erica: Of course I have to present one of the awards.
Kendall: So who's the lucky man this evening? (She smirks giving her a side long glance as they walk)
Erica: I'm not telling you're going to have to wait and see. (She smiles knowingly as she reaches the door and rings the bell)
Kendall: PLEASE tell me it's not just some random guy in your long list of random guys to try and get Jack back?
Erica: Actually it's the new station owner Gavin Blackwood. (Giving a smug smile and side long glance)
Kendall: That's exactly what you're doing I don't even know why I bothered to ask! (She rolls her eyes and presses the bell)
Erica: First, it's not a date it's publicity for the the station and my show second he demanded I go with him.(A facetious grin on her lips. Kendall rolls her eyes again and start to give her mother a warning but is stopped as the door opens) 
Sophia: Hello! Beautiful how are you? (She reaches out hugging Kendall and kisses both cheeks) 
Kendall: Hi! How are you?
Sophia: Fine never been happier! Hello! Gorgeous look at you! (She says kissing and hugging Erica)  Come in Come in! (She close the door behind them)
Kendall: Where's Francessca?
Sophia: The little man just woke up she's upstairs getting him ready she'll be down in a minute. Are you hungry I bought over some snacks and put them on the table (She points to the dinning room table laden with food)
Erica: A little snack there's enough food her for an army! (Her eyes open wide as they rove over the mouth watering treats before her)
Sophia: I guess you haven't met my nephews! The two of them are an army! Go ahead dig in Francessca will be down in a moment. Si mangia! Here! (She says handing them each a plate and cutlery) Come on it's lunch time you have to be hungry besides you could both use a few pounds!
Kendall: You don't have to tell me twice! (Heaping good on to her plate then taking a bite) This is so good!
Sophia: Thank you doll-face! (She kisses her on the cheek picks up a plate and serves herself.) Come on lets sit down. (She nods her head towards the sofa Erica and Kendall following)
Kendall: Zach bought home some of your cannoli's last night, I don't know what you put in them but...(She trails off and laughs making Sophia and Erica laugh as well)
Sophia: A lot of love!
Kendall: Well it worked!
Erica: So Sophia how long are you staying?
Sophia: I don't know I'm having so much fun with my great grandson I thought maybe I'd stay another week or so. Besides Jamie still has a clinic to run and he's helping his Dad with his sister's I think they could use another pair of hands.
Kendall: Jamie must be exhausted.
Erica: Between a wife a new baby his Sister's and the clinic when does he sleep?
Sophia: Actually he and his brother did a great job of setting up a schedule so it hasn't been too bad.
Erica: How is Tad?
Sophia: When I stopped by earlier he seemed okay.
Kendall: I saw JR the other day he told me they had to do that turning thing they do to keep his leg from shrinking? He said it's really painful.
Sophia: Yeah I saw Opal right after that when she came to pick up the girls she was saying he was miserable and was sedated most of the afternoon.
Erica: This is just all so awful and aggravating they still don't have anything more on the person that did this to them than they did the day it happened! (Francessca comes down the steps smiling proudly carrying her her son)
Francessca: Here he is! (Erica place her plate on the side table and stands)
Erica: Oh look at him! He's gorgeous!
Francessca: Thank you.
Kendall: Wow! He has really grown since the last time I saw him.
Francessca: You think so?
Kendall: Oh yeah!
Erica: Can I hold him?
Francessca: Sure. (She smiles handing her the baby. Erica cuddles him as she sits in the chair)
Erica: He is so precious. How are you doing?
Francessca: Great a little tired by the end of the day. (She laughs) I get a lot of exercise with this little guy.
Kendall: Well you look great!
Francessca: Thank you so do you! How are my guys?
Kendall: Great! They miss you.
Francessca: I miss them too. Tell them I'm going to come by after school next week and we can go out for the afternoon.
Kendall: They'll love that!
Erica: I bought something for"Little Mr. Martin". It's in bag next to the sofa.
Francessca: Thank you Erica. You didn't have too.
Erica: Don't be silly! Of course I did open it! (Francessca walks to the side of the couch and pulls the package from the bag ripping the wrapping off then smiles)
Francessca: This is beautiful, (She says holding up a china dinning set) thank you so much! 
Erica: It was my pleasure. After everything he went through to get here he deserves something really special from his Auntie Erica.
Kendall: Here let me hold him (She says taking him from Erica.
Sophia: Let me take these plates in the kitchen (she bends picking up the plates and utensils)
Francessca: You don't have to do that Nonnie I'll take them.
Sophia: No sit I got it.
Erica: You really do look fabulous and no worse for ear after your ordeal get that little one in to the world.
Francessca: Honestly it was strange but it wasn't as bad as you think. I'm just glad the media has moved on to whatever the flavor of the month is.
Kendall: Yeah I can finally get out of my driveway without some wack-a-doo jumping out of the bushes! And Oh my God, some of the ridiculous things they reported!
Francessca: Or just made up! (They all laugh)
Erica: Well you know you could come on "New Beginnings" and get the real story out there.
Francessca: Thanks Erica but it's all dying down I don't want to stir it all up again.         
Erica: I think you telling your actual story would help dispel all the rumor and innuendo.
Francessca: No, I don't want that around my family and as much as I appreciate the offer but I can't.
Erica: It's been my experience that it's always better if you get the real story out there people would finally be satisfied.    
Francessca: No, I can't do it. That's one of the reasons I'm not going to the awards dinner tonight.
Erica: Well see now you're afraid to go out in public. You Jamie and Rego should come on the show....(Kendall looks at Francessca whose lips have disappear as she bites back her response and steps between them breaking the sudden tension that had fallen placing the sleepy baby in his carrier as she speaks)
Kendall: Mom! If she doesn't want to do it she doesn't want to do it! Let it go!
Sophia: Let what go?
Erica: I was asking Francessca to come on my show and tell her story. So people will know the truth.
Sophia: Truth scmooth people will believe what they want! (She says with a wave of her hand)There's no point in dredging all that up again! That's why I'm going to your big fancy schmacy awards thing with my handsome new Grandson in-law!  (She says in a sing song voice placing a plate of cookies on the table then sits on the sofa next to Kendall) So I saw on the TV this morning the picture of your new station owner he's really good looking!
Erica: I hadn't noticed.
Sophia: Yeah sure you didn't! (She laughs dismissing her statement with a wave of her hand) You and Elizabeth Taylor have the largest collection of good looking men I have ever seen!  You noticed!(She laughs again reaching over and grabbing the plate of cookies and hands it to Erica) Want a cookie?
Erica: Thank you. (She smiles tentatively reaching for a cookie not sure if she'd been complimented or insulted while Francessca and Kendall both smother a laugh)


Friday, February 21, 2014

Rego and Cassandra 02/20/2014

Rego stares down at his phone letting the call go to voice mail he wasn't ready to talk to his father. He still needed more time. He stands tucking his phone in his pocket and opens the sliding door stepping back inside the cool interior.He peeps down the hall the door was still closed she must still be laying down. He walks to the basket of fruit pulling out an apple and crunches down in to it. Enjoying the taste of it, had been a long time since he'd had a fresh apple last time had been the hay-ride he and Francessca had shared. That had been fun he smiles walking to the sofa and sitting down propping his feet on the table. One thing he'd learned from his time with Francessca was to appreciate simple things. He smiles taking another bite of his apple funny thing was instead he'd chosen anything but! Life with Cassandra was never going to be simple and maybe that's what he secretly wanted. Living life as one big circus, fun, laughs and just one huge roller-coaster ride.
           They were to have a and a baby would put the brakes on that. What were either one of them going to do with a baby? They were going to be parents! Someone was going to be depending on them for life and protection in a just a few months. Would he be able to protect both Cassandra and the child from Devereaux? What if the child was Deveraux's? Did he have the right to keep a father from his child? From everything he'd heard, seen and experienced the answer was yes. The man was a monster and there was no doubt that he wouldn't treat a child any better than he'd treated Cassandra. No matter what anyone said and that included his father this was the right thing to do. He stands throwing the apple core in the trash then reaches for the hotel phone. The apple wasn't going to hold him long he needed more and so would Cassandra when she awoke. After they needed to have a long talk.
          Cassandra opens her eyes rolls over and stretches then winces in pain. She was still really bruised from the beating she'd taken. She rises from the bed and looks in the bathroom mirror there were lash marks on her back and a bruise where he'd kicked her but she was no worse for wear, and her little golden goose was fine.  Thank God the doctor had seen her alone! Rego had wanted to go in with her but she was able to manipulate him and keep him out. The last thing she needed was him finding out exactly how far along she was or wasn't. He'd find that out later like years from now by that time it wouldn't matter. The important thing was she was Mrs.Rego Sherrigan and under the protection of the Sherrigan family Devereaux couldn't touch her! She was finally free of him!Everything had worked out perfectly. She smiles at her reflection in the mirror leaning closer a little make up would cover the bruise on her cheek and some food would fix the gnawing in her stomach. Maybe after breakfast they could go shopping maybe take in some of the sights. Rego probably wouldn't think it was safe but why not? Devereaux had no idea where they were and what could he do to her now anyway? He couldn't touch her she was free and she planned to enjoy every minute of it!
             Devereaux picks up his phone stares at it then puts it back down on his desk. He'd been waiting all morning to hear something back from his men and still nothing! Even the hours worth of distraction the information Lola had gotten him wasn't enough to turn off the demons in his brain that kept screaming Cassandra's name. He gets up from the desk and stares out the window over the bustling city. She was out there somewhere and if they knew what was good for them they had better find her! If they valued their lives it had better be within the next hour. He turns back to his computer pecking at the keys checking the company stock which had done very well this morning another couple of days like today and he'd have everything he wanted except one. His phone rings breaking the silence. He presses the speaker button quickly impatient for any news unable to hold he grips the edge for the desk his knuckles white.
Devereaux: Devereaux St. Jacques! (Growls at the phone)
Mr. Renault: Bonjour Monsieur. We've located her sir.
Devereaux: Where is she? (Trying to keep the angst from his voice)
Mr. Renault: We found her in a hotel in Las Vegas.
Devereaux: Is she alone? (He closes his eyes hopping she was but knowing she wasn't)
Mr. Renault: Non Monsieur. She is with Rego Sherrigan.
Devereaux: Ahh huh, (He lets go of the desk rubbing his temple while he paces) what else?
Mr. Renault:  She and Mr.Sherrigan (He says swallowing hard before continuing) were married last night. (Devereaux stops in his tracks his temper barley in check) They are staying in the Penthouse suite in one of the casinos. I sent the name of the hotel and suite number to your phone.
Devereaux: Is that everything?
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsiuer what would you like me to do?
Devereaux: Nothing for now just keep an eye on let me know immediately if they leave.
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur. (Devereaux ends the call abruptly laying his phone down on his desk. He walks to the bar pulls out a tumbler and fills it, gulping from the bottle before smashing it against the glass shelving shattering them.
            Maurice watches from the shadows of the hall smiling to his self as he watches Devereaux rage. So she'd gotten that fool to marry her and they were in Las Vegas in wedded bliss. How wondrous. How absolutely fabulous. She'd done more than he could have hoped. She'd put her lover right in the middle of things. He wondered how fast he'll run once he learned the truth? He supposed she was pleased with herself and happy she'd finally escaped him and gotten away with her lies once again. He'd let her have her day maybe two depending on when the other idiot pulled himself together enough to be useful. Then he'd leave her doctors receipt where Devereuax would be sure to find it perhaps he'd send a copy to Mr. Oliver Sherrigan just for good measure. He'd have to think about that Sherrigan senior impressed him as a man that needed very little help seeing through "The Whore" but definitely Devereaux would be getting the happy news. It would be the sprinkling of nuts on his hell-storm sundae. Then sit back and watch the games commence and opportunity presented itself pushing  events along until they reached an earth shattering crescendo. Speaking of which he'd have to send the happy couple some flowers to commemorate the occasion, in Devereaux's name of course can't have them too happy. As soon as the demented child-man finished his tantrum then laid down to have his nap he'd get the address.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Zach 02/18/2014

Zach comes from the bathroom toweling off his wet hair and wraps his damp arms around a naked Kendall.

Zach: We could get dirty all over again (He growls running kisses down her neck making her squeal with delight and pull away quickly)
Kendall: Nothing doing! I'm already late because of you Mr! (She chastises half heartedly reaching for undergarments as she talks and slipping into them) and you have to get over to Slater Cortlandt and finish clearing off your desk.
Zach: True (He leers at her lustfully whipping the towel from around his waist and throwing it at her) come on I'm way more fun than any meeting. (She laughs wagging her finger at him then reaches in the draw and throws him underwear)
Kendall: I'd love to lay around and play with you all day but I have a thousand things to do. Don't forget we have that awards dinner tonight.
Zach: Ack! I don't want to go to that! I'm not getting an award why do I have to go? (He groans yanking a shirt from the closet and punching his arms trough the sleeves making her roll her eyes)
Kendall: You know you're worse than the kids! You're brother and David are getting the award and you have to be there for support.
Zach: Yeah, yeah yeah. (He walks back in the bathroom picks up his comb and runs it through his damp hair as he talks) So who was on the phone?
Kendall: My mom (She shouts back stepping in to her skirt as she walks to her dressing table and sits) She has a gift for the baby she wanted me to go with her to drop it off! (She shouts back quickly applying her make up)
Zach: I thought you had a meeting? (Turning his face back and forth in the mirror deciding if he should shave)
Kendall: That's this morning we're going to stop by at lunch.(He decides against it coming out of the bathroom and slipping quickly into his pants then reaches for his socks and shoes and sits on the edge on the bed)
Zach: What's that about, your Mom and Cess barley speak.(He comes and stands behind her watching her reflection in the mirror as he tucks in his shirt)
Kendall: I don't know Cess is family and you know how Mom is about stuff like that and maybe she's just trying to be nice. (She shrugs as she carefully applies her eye liner)  
Zach: Ah huh. (Smiling in disbelief then walks to the closet and pulls on his jacket) Listen I have to go.
Kendall: How the heck do you do that? (She looks at him fully dressed ready to head out the door)
Zach: I don't have to stop and apply Spackle. (He bends in and kisses her picking up his watch form the edge of the table and putting it on then walks to the night stand picks up his phone and wallet then back to her) What time is this thing?
Kendall: We have to leave by seven-thirty, black tie. Your tux is clean and hanging in your closet (He kneels down and kisses her again) I love you see you later?
Zach: I love you too!(He leaves the bedroom closing the door behind him and heads down the stairs pulling his overcoat off the chair and out the door. He walk to the car starting the engine as he walks opens the door and climbs in throwing the car in reverse all in one smooth move. He backs up then pulls out of the driveway the phone ringing just as he turns on to the road)
Zach: Morning Dax as always your timing is impeccable.
Dax: Good Morning Zach!
Zach: What's going on?
Dax; I was doing my morning check of Slater holdings and there's been some unusual activity involving the "Cambius" holdings.
Zach: What about the Casino and Slater-Cortlandt? (Concern edging his voice)
Dax: I've sheltered them both I left "Cambius" basically the way it was so they wouldn't suspect too much.
Zach: Can you trace the origin. (He sighs in relief)
Dax: Done, it was through two off shore accounts then to a company in Switzerland.
Zach: Any idea who owns the company? (Now curious)
Dax: Still working on that. He wasn't just after your shares he was also after Micheal's. From what I can piece together it looks like they're trying to put together a majority holding.
Zach: Huh! let me know if you figure it out or when you find out who it is. In the mean time keep an eye on them I want to wait till the market closes see what the price is. Make sure you protect everything else and make sure what ever happens you hold on to fifteen percent of it. Who ever it is, they're going to want that badly. That means they will have to show themselves.
Dax: Some how I knew you would say that and it's already done.
Zach:  Depending on who it is this just may be the break Micheal and I have been looking for.
Dax: I knew that would make you happy. Remember you have a staff meeting with the dealers at three and the wait staff at four. You have the awards dinner this evening Kendall said to remind that you have to leave home by seven-thirty.
Zach: Thanks Dax! (He still  surprised no one had made a run on his stocks since Ryan but he'd been real quiet lately was this his way of roaring back?) This may get interesting.
Dax: I'll be in touch.(Zach clicks off the phone and smiles to him self stopping at the light at the bottom of the mountain then turning out on the highway and heading towards the bridge leading to town. So someone was after the majority stock holding in "Cambius"! According to his fathers Will there was no way he could sell them or voluntarily give them up but there was nothing in there about having the shares taken from him! He could finally be free of that dammed corporation his father's cursed legacy. Zach presses the button on the steering wheel and calls out his brother's name and waits as the pone rings on the other side finally going to voice mail)
Zach: Michael this is Zach give me a call when you get a chance it's about "Cambius". (Zach ends the call smiling to his self. Things just kept getting better and better)   


Friday, February 14, 2014

Erica at the studio 02/14/2014

                                                      Gavin Blackwood                                                           

Erica sit in her newly designed dressing room she had to admit it was beautiful and it had served two purposes. She needed her dressing- room redone and it had gotten rid Carmen in the bargain. Even if ratings had slipped she didn't care it has all been worth it. She was Erica Kane after all and  Erica Kane didn't need a side kick ! Ratings would bounce back she wasn't worried! All she needed was a couple of good interviews for her show maybe she could get an exclusive from Francessca! It would be just the type of story her audience would love!After all she was a member of her extended family they would be expecting her to have the scoop. She'd have to buy a the baby a welcome home gift and stop by. Maybe she should get Kendall to come along with her. She'd have to call her later. That was a quick fix but she still need something for long term. She stands picking up the papers and her pen tapping it on the pages in thought as she paces the room.

Floyd: Erica! (He calls knocking on the door at the same time opening it)
Erica: Floyd! Come in! (She says turning and placing the paperwork on her desk) Come in I was just going over the ratings for last month and I think I have an idea that will get them shooting for the stars!
Gavin: That's wonderful we would love to hear it! (Erica's head snaps around to sound of the unfamiliar voice)
Erica: And why would that concern you? (She walks towards them ready for battle Floyd steps between them taking control of the moment)
Floyd: Excuse me, (He stutters his nervousness showing)  Erica Kane this is Gavin Blackwood the new owner of WRCW.
Gavin: Enchanté Ms. Kane. (He says taking her hand and kissing a knowing smirk playing on his lips)
Erica: The pleasure is all mine Mr. Blackwood. (Handsome, very handsome but, his expression was blank giving her nothing to gage him with)
Gavin: Gavin. (His voice dripping with charm but his smile didn't quiet reach his eyes)
Erica: Gavin, Excuse my shock I wasn't even aware that WRCW was for sale let alone sold?
Gavin: Mr. Chandler and I decided to keep the sale as quiet as possible so as not to affect stock prices.
Erica: That was very shrewd of both of you. (She gushes taken some what aback by the affect she wasn't having on him)
Gavin: Yes it was (He nods in agreement his demeanor cool and reserved) you'll find I'm a very shrewd man.
Erica: As am I. Shrewd that is certainly not a man (Tossing her hair back over her shoulder and laughing)
Gavin: No one would ever mistake the beautiful and talented Erica Kane for a man but the shrewdness I'm beginning to doubt. (He says with a shake of his head his tone suddenly serious his stare unnerving)
Erica: I beg your pardon? (She glares at him her smile forced hoping she'd heard incorrectly)
Floyd: Now Erica I'm sure Mr. Blackwood didn't mean it the way it sounded. (He cajoles looking from on to the other)
Gavin: I meant it exactly as it sounded. (His tone unwavering meeting her glare with one of his own)
Erica: Who do you think you are? You have the nerve to waltz in here and speak to me this way! (She grinds out between clenched teeth her eyes narrowed to slits claws drawn ready for battle he stares back her his expression stone his words calm and precises he comes towards her forcing her to step back as he dominates the space between them)
Gavin: I will waltz, do the tango or the cha-cha if I so please! This is my station you work for me not the other way around. You had a gold mine in Carmen Morales your ratings were the highest they'd been in years and what happened? Instead of cashing in on her popularity you played some petty jealous game. That is what you did isn't it? (He leans in towards her his eyes borrowing in to hers leaving her feeling some how exposed and defensive)
Erica: I would never jeopardize "New Beginnings" for revenge!(Feigning outrage) I'm a professional! And more than that "New Beginnings is my baby! I built it from nothing!  I'm the one that has poured every once of myself in to making it a success and on the air for the last six season! (She glares at him waiting for what ever half hearted apology he had to offer)
Gavin: Miss Kane I heard the rumors and what's more I was here I saw it with my own eyes! I was like that show "Spying On Your Underlings" I posed as one of the lighting assistants. (He smiles and winks laughing inside at her stunned silence and deer in the headlights expression) You used Ms. Morales' boyfriend to try and make her quit and it worked. All because of some petty jealousy you still hold because she dated your ex. (He smiles a devilish grin enjoying guilt and shamed expression on her face and then the shock as it all came together for her) Oh yes I've heard that too. (He laughs enjoying the upper hand. Adam was right about how  to handle Ms. Kane making it a lot easier than he'd thought. He'd have to send him a box of those Cuban cigars he was so fond of)
Erica: Why you! I should... (She pounces flying across the room her hand ready to smack the smug expression from his face as he immediately grasps her wrist. Dam! Adam had been right about that too. Erica stares at him feeling an instant electricity flow between them as their eye lock. He smiles down her acting as if he'd just read her mind and smiles that smug grin that was becoming all to familiar in such a short period of time)
Gavin: You should what? (He laughs releasing her wrist that she instinctively rubs it as if his touch had burned her. His attitude burning her more as he continues his monologue unperturbed by the encounter) Your lucky all Ms. Morales did was quit! We could have been sued for harassment! We still could! You bought your personal life into the show and almost destroyed it in the process! The rating still haven't sprung back from your childish hissy fit. (He rages then laughs bitterly shaking his head) That is costing this station money! When it cost this station money then it becomes my problem and then my problems become your problems. Your problem right now is that some people in your viewing audience after tantrum, perceive you as mean and people don't want to watch mean people for an hour each day. You have a perception problem and your perception problem is costing us viewer ship in turn sponsor dollars. Which in turn means I'm loosing money. I don't like loosing money. (He clucks his tongue and shakes his head wagging his finger at her, as if he were chastising a naughty child ) And, my loosing money is not going to happen again.
Erica:  Oh you have got to be kidding if you think....( He continues ignoring her protest as if she hadn't even spoken his voice booming over hers)
Gavin: That's why the first first thing we are going to do is work on your image. I have arraigned for you and I to be guests at tonight's awards dinner. Where you and I...
Erica: You expect me to go with you? (Taken aback by his presumptuousness)

Gavin: Of course (He stares at her his expression one of disbelief)  we have to show that the transition of the stations ownership was seamless and amiable. The best way for us to do this is to be be seen in public together. This way people get the imperssion that we are one big happy family!
Erica: Oh of course we wouldn't want to do anything that would upset that bottom line. (Her voice dripping with sarcasm which seemed completely lost on him. Winning him over wasn't going to be easy she was going to have to think and play along until she could read him. Then she could plan her attack) 
Gavin: As I was saying you are to be one of the presenters at tonight awards dinner. Also you have a dedication tomorrow at the Children's Cardiac Wing. The following morning you have the presentation of quiet a seizable check to the "Miranda Center" on behalf of "New Beginnings".
Erica: That's quite a line up. (She smiles brightly tossing her hair over her shoulder then sits on the small sofa and offers him the chair next to it) What else have you got planned. (She ask calmly hiding her rage behind her smile. She'd met his type before and she always won. As for Floyd he was putty and easily molded)
Floyd: Erica, Gavin and I have some very exciting things planned for the show.
Erica: Well, you have my curiosity peaked tell me some of your ideas.
Gavin: We're thinking about and this is nothing definite mind you but we're thinking about perhaps adding a couple of co host. (She surprised him there wasn't a shred of anger in her expression)
Floyd: Like those shows "The Scene" and the "Chat" (He adds watching Erica's grin tighten forcing Gavin suppress a chuckle. When she heard his plan she was going to be spitting fire that was for sure)
Gavin: And I want to bring back the cooking section. That received the best reaction from our target audience only this time I want to alternate between Krystal Hayward, Carmen's partner. I'm also going to give the set a fresh new look bring it in to the twenty-first century. (He watches her waiting for her facade to crack)
Erica: So let me make sure I understand what it is you want to do. You want to give me a co-host, excuse me co-hosts,  bring on the owners of that, that greasy spoon and her equally slimy partner  and to top it all off you want to redocorate my set? Is that right? (She says calmly trying not to show her hand. If he thought he was going to come here and just take over he had better think again he needed to know she wasn't going down without a fight. She wasn't some prepubescent teen he could just lead around. He was going to learn that very shortly, but now wasn't the time. She needed to play this just right) 
Gavin: Perfect. (He smiles looking at Floyd who nods in agreement both staring at her waiting for her response. What she wanted was to rail at the both of them instead she'd surprise them)
Erica: Let me explain something to you "New Beginnings" isn't like those other programs it's about encouraging women to take hold of their lives, their dreams and finding that special something in you to make those dreams happen. Now the ideas I have are the very essence of that theme.
 Gavin: Yes, so you were saying (He looks to Floyd then back starring at her with expectation gleaming in their eyes)
Erica: I want  to interview my daughters niece Francessca Martin. You may have heard about her she's the one that had the baby in the elevator at Pine valley Hospital. She hasn't granted any interviews. It would be a real scoop for the show. Those are the kinds of stories my audience wants. Ones filled with hope inspiration tales of triumph over adversity.
Gavin: That's great for one show but we're talking long term here. (He says with a shake of his head unimpressed)
Erica: I understand I have some other ideas as well. For example...(He waves his hand dismissing her speech and stands)
Gavin: Nothing is set in stone write them all down and we can discuss them at the staff meeting tomorrow afternoon. I really came by just to introduce myself. It was a great pleasure to meet you and I look forward to our working together. (He extends his hand towards her looking bored and smug at the same time infuriating her and cementing her decision she takes his hand in her shaking it quickly ignoring the tingle that went through her)
Erica: Nice to have met you Mr. Blackwood. (She walks to the door opens it smiling like the perfect hostess as she holds it for them) 
Gavin: Please Gavin, (He says politely)
Erica: Gavin. (She repeats still smiling) 
Gavin: Oh! (He stops turning back to face her) My driver will pick you up at your place at seven. Please be on time we have a brief interview on, (He hesitates then laughs) I guess you would call it the red carpet before we go in. My  assistant will send you the interview questions and your responses. Have a good day Ms. Kane. (He smirks then proceeds in to the hall Floyd in tow)
Erica: Oh I will. Congratulation and good luck to you. (Smiling brightly still the perfect hostess before closing the door behind them and seething privately. She walks to the desk picks up the rating sheets then crushes them with a primordial yelp tossing them in the trash) Oh you're going to need every bit of it Mr. Blackwood!    


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Annie and Aidan 02/12/2014

Adian walks into the house tossing his jacket over the back of the couch as he walks in to the living room shuffling through the mail as he walks. He tosses the mail on the desk looks around and calls Annie's name

Aidan: Annie? Annie you home?
Annie: Hey! You're home! (She says coming to him and kissing him tenderly) How'd it go?
Aidan: Pretty good We're almost there I can feel it.
Annie: Well I for one can't wait for this case to be done and you to be home at night. (She says kissing him again. Aidan holds her a moment vacillating between skipping lunch and taking Annie upstairs then decides against it as muck as he longed to, she'd be madder if they made love and then he told her)  
Aidan: Yeah me too. (He says smiling then pulling away sitting on the sofa and loosening the laces on his shoes)
Annie: Hey you hungry? (She wraps her arms around his neck kissing his cheek)
Aidan: A little. (He smiles back at her. She lets go walks to the desk and picks up the mails shuffling through it as she talked)
Annie: There's some macaroni and tuna salad in the frig and there some cold cuts in the drawer I could make you a sandwich in you want?
Aidan: I can make my own sandwich but you can sit and talk with me. (He stands walking o the kitchen Annie following behind)
Annie: Okay. (He walks to the refrigerator pulling out the salad and then pulling down a plate from the cabinet as Annie takes the iced-tea from the refrigerator shelf and pours some in to the glass she pulled from the dish-rack and places it on the table then sits in the chair next to the place she'd set for him)
Aidan: This looks good! (He mumbles around the mouth full of food walking to the table and sitting down)
Annie: Thank you! Did you get a chance to see Tad?
Aidan: Yeah, I stopped by on my way home this morning.
Annie: How was he?
Aidan: He seemed in pretty good spirits when I left him. How was the memorial serivce?
Annie: You know how it is, it was really nice and really sad. (Annie's words giving him strength knowing what he was doing would be the fastest way to nail this bastard before he hurt anyone else) 
Annie: So how's your case going? How much longer do you think you? (She smiles picking a small piece of egg from his plate and popping it in her mouth as Aidan mulls over quickly the least painful way to broach the subject)
Aidan: Not bad I think we found a way of making things go a little faster (He says trying to keep his voice casual as he watches her from the corner of his eye)
Annie: Yeah like what? (She looks at him smiling her eyes sparkling with excitement)
Aidan: Like I'm going to have to go back to work at "Cambius". (He says flatly shoveling salad in his mouth chewing slowly waiting for the explosion. Annie stares at him her face absent expression or color)
Annie No. (She whispers the initial shock having left her freeing her voice) You're not serious?
Aidan: Very (He pushes his plate away and looks up at her) It's the only way we can solve this.
Annie: NO! Aidan NO! I don't want you anywhere near "Cambius"! (A ripple of cold fear runs through her making her shiver)
Aidan: I can't help it! I don't want to go back there but the sooner I can resolve this the sooner we can get back to our lives.
Annie: We already have lives! (She screams back pushing back the chair and walking to the sink. Aidan sighs walking behind her) What does your case have to do with "Cambius" is it Ryan? (Closing her eye hoping it wasn't she couldn't go through that not again)
Aidan: I can't tell you about the case but it has nothing to do with Ryan. (She spins to face him searches his eyes and see's the truth in his words)
Annie: Then who Devereaux? (She glares at him searching his face again he steels his expression keeping his expression emotionless)
Aidan: You know I can't tell you anything Annie as it is I've told you too much already. Promise me you won't say anything?
Annie: So now your working at Cambius you don't trust me?
Aidan: I's not that I don't trust you it's dangerous.
Annie: If it's so dangerous why do it? Why not let Adrian do it?
Aidain: because it would be easier and faster for me since I worked their. Come on Annie ( He sighs his frustration growing and starting to show) I'm not doing this for shits and giggles it's work. You should understand that. You worked with "Cambius" heck you still consult for them.
Annie: I consult for them I don't work for them! (She turns to face him her eyes pleading)
Aidan: Come on Annie it's the same thing! (He laughs bitterly further infuriating her)
Annie: It's not the same thing! I can walk away from them any time I want! They don't have any control of me over us!
Aidain : Annie it's not slavery I can quit any time I want.
Annie: Then quit! Drop this stupid case! (Her mouth set firmly arms crossed over her chest. Aidan sighs trying to calm himself before the situation got out of control) 
Aidan: Honey I have a job to do I need to solve this case. It's really important, more important than I can tell you right now and me being at "Cambius is the fastest way to do it. I promise you as soon as I have I'm out of there. I swear.
Annie: I have a bad feeling about this! (She looks at him her expression a mixture of fear and pain her tears starting a new. Aidan reaches for her but she pulls from his grasp)
Aidan: Honey, nothing is going to happen to us I won't let it. (His eye pleading with hers his arms open begging for her embrace she stares back at him the pain in his expression melting her resolve and goes to him) 
Annie: I'm just afraid for us Aidan. I can forget the last time you worked for Ryan! (She cries laying her head against his chest as he embraces her holding her close his even breathing calming her emotion but not her fears)
Aidan: I promise as soon as this is over I'll quit. (Holding her tighter against him wishing there was any other way but this)
Annie: You promise. (She snuffs wiping the tears from her cheek. Aidan tips her head up to face him wiping the tear from her other cheek with his thumb) 
Aidan: I swear to you Annie I won't stay there any longer than I have to. I love you and our life together and I won't let anything or anyone come between us (He smiles kissing her lips tenderly) There's one good thing I'll have regular hours and a regular pay check for while. (He smiles down at her Annie lays her head back against his chest)
Annie: I'm hopping you're not there long enough to get a pay check. (She says pulling him closer the fear still gnawing at her)
Aidan: Me too honey. Me too. ( He says holding her tighter) 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Colby and Rebeka 02/11/2014

Colby looks at herself in he compact checking her lipstick as she sits at the table waiting for her future sister in-law. She'd was acting weird yesterday and her brother seemed blind to it or was trying to ignore it and it all surround Ryan Lavery. As soon as his name came up Rebeka had seemed angry shaken and nervous. Her responses to normal question had been off and she was getting to the bottom of it. She snaps her compact closed tucking it back in to her purse as her eyes roam the the room spotting Rebeka asa soon as she walked in the door and waving.

Colby: Rebeka! Over here! (She waves her hand at her as Rebeka makes her way to the table and slides in the seat opposite her)
Rebeka: Hi! Colby how are you!
Colby: I'm good how are JR and the kids?
Rebeka: Perfect as always (She smiles happily and sincerely giving  Colby the impression the problem wasn't between here and JR)
Colby: That: Great! How far have you and JR gotten with your wedding plans?
Rebeka: So far everything is under control. We haven't talked in a long time what about you? How are things with you and Lenka?
Colby: Wonderful! (She smiles thinking back on the two of them in the office this morning before and after closing with "Gigron" their's was the perfect blending of business and pleasure sometimes it was like a aphrodisiac for them and she was hoping for same between her her brother and Rebeka so if it was a problem between the two of them what was it about with Ryan?)
Rebeka: You know I you and Lenka are really good together. I have never seen him this happy and Endre has a better father because of you.
Colby: Thank you so much. (Genuinely surprised by her admission and flattered making her blush)
Rebeka: No I mean it.
Colby: Thank you so much really I didn't do anything and I invited you to lunch to try and help you.
Rebeka: Help me with what? (She looks at Colby a nervous smile playing on her lips)
Colby: Look, I'm just going to say it what's going on between you and Ryan Lavery?
Rebeka: I swear there is nothing going on between me and Ryan Lavery! In fact he makes me kind on ill when ever I'm around him. (She looks at Colby her expression repulsed)
Colby: Why what does he do? ( She looks at her truly concerned)
Rebeka: He doesn't really do anything it's just the way he looks at me and the weird way he acts when he around me. As if he's seeing me and not seeing me at the same time. It's just weird and unnerving.
Colby: Oh My GOD!
Rebeka: What (She looks at her her eyes wide with fright) What's wrong?
Colby: I don't know why I didn't realize it before!
Rebeka: Realized what? What's going on?
Colby: You look almost exactly like Ryan's dead wife hold on let me see if I can pull it up on my phone. (She says reaching in her purse and pulling out her phone. She types quickly on the key board then hands it to Rebeka) Here look at this and read the article.
Rebeka: It's kind of like looking in a mirror.
Colby: Ryan was married to her only a few weeks before she was tragically killed. You look just like her! Now does it make sense?
Rebeka: It explains why he reacts the way he does but it doesn't...
Colby: Your reaction to him? (She probes deeper the desire to protect her brother deepening. What exactly were her feelings for Ryan)
Rebeka: He makes my skin crawl and then yesterday...
Colby: What happened yesterday? (Colby leans in waiting for Rebeka to finally spill her secret and careful to keep her expression of love and concern)
Rebeka: Yesterday it was just even more weird than normal. (She admits giving Colby just enough without revealing all not sure if she could trust her) He just seemed even more odd than normal it just made me very uncomfortable. (She says leaving out the odd feeling that had gone through her when their hands touched) I'm just really glad it's over! (There it was again that slight hesitation she had yesterday was Colby's thought)
Colby: Are you sure that's all there is there's not some weird sexual under current going on between you? (She says bluntly gaging the emotions flowing across Rebeka's face)
Rebeka: No there is nothing between us that's the point! For some reason Ryan Lavery thinks there is and every time we're together it feels like there is some weird sort of seduction going on. Almost to the point of feeling like a stalker. He's even shown up at my house!  (She states honestly working her way around the fact that she had felt a weird attraction towards him)  It's just all so disconcerting!
Colby: Does JR know?
Rebeka: Yes I've told him everything and he was there the night Ryan came by thank God. I'm just glad we no longer have to work with them anymore. (She says burring the memory of that moment with Ryan yesterday. The fleeting look on her face not escaping Colby. Some thing was up nothing had happened yet but it was a situation she was going to keep her eye on)
Colby: You know what enough whit Ryan you and JR are done with "Cambius" so why don't you and I order lunch and talk about your fabulous wedding! (She hands her the menu smiling brightly as she flips hers open) So have you decided on the colors for the bridesmaids dresses? (Rebeka flips open her menu glad for the change of topic even happier that Colby seemed to trust her story and why not? It was the truth she chide herself letting go of her trepidations and relaxing in the moment)
Rebeka: Not yet I was really hoping you could help me decide.
Colby: Sister in-law you've come to the right place! 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Lola 02/10/2014

Lola closes the glass door stepping on to her deck holding a steaming cup of tea in her mitten-ed hands. She brushes the sown from the seat and sits wrapping the coat around her legs and sits back. She sips her tea enjoying the squirrels darting from tree and the crisp bite of winter on her nose. This was always her favorite time of the day when everything was still calm and peaceful before life reared it's ugly head and took over. The quiet moments were too few and far between which is why she cherished theses mornings. She closes her eyes letting the winter sun warm her face listening the chirping of the birds as they vie for space at the feeder. Her mind flowing freely with the sound leaping from one fancy filled imaging to the next till her phone startled her back to reality.

Lola: Good morning Dr. Colgate. (She say a little more forcefully than she intended)  
Adam; Good morning Dr. Colgate. (He chuckles in to the phone making her smile)
Lola: Good morning Adam (She smiles instantly relaxing)  I assume the conquering chess hero slept well?
Adam: Like a baby how about you? (He laughs again enjoying the moment between them immensely as was she)
Lola: After I bid my realm a final adieu I slept like a baby. (She laughs)
Adam: Good I'm glad.
Lola: Thank you for a wonderful evening.
Adam: I'm pleased you enjoyed it.
Lola: One of the most enjoyable evenings I've had in a long time.
Adam: Me too.
Lola: We'll have to do it again some time.
Adam: How about this evening sound?
Lola: I don't know depends on what you have planned.
Adam: Dinner, music, dancing!
Lola: Are you talking about that awards dinner you told me about last night?
Adam: I told you I wasn't going to take no for an answer. Come on it will be fun.
Lola: I don't know if I can sit through an entire evening making small talk and listening to speech. (She rolls her eyes at the thought)
Adam: I understand it's the worst.
Lola: So you do understand?
Adam: Of course of course. Do you know what's even worse?
Lola: No, and I'm sure you're going to tell me. (She laughs knowing exactly where he was head and enjoying the ride)
Adam: Having to sit through an entire evening of making small talk and listening to boring speeches alone. Say you'll come. Please don't force me to go through all that alone.(Sounding faining dread making her laugh again)
Lola: Okay I'll go.
Adam: You're serious? (Surprised at how little effort it had taken to convince her after all)
Lola: I'm serious, on one condition.
Adam: Anything! (Sounding pleased)
Lola: I have to be home by midnight.
Adam: Why will you turn back in to a scullery maid? (He teases making her laugh)
Lola: No, (She laughs) I have a patient scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning.
Adam: I'll make sure I get you home before your coach turns in to a pumpkin. I'll pick you up at seven?
Lola: I'll be ready.
Adam: I'll be waiting. See you then.
Lola: Bye. (Lola smiles to herself and stands walking back in to the house and places her cup on the counter. Just as her phone rings again she pulls it from her pocket and answers)
Lola: Dr. Lola Colgate.(The smile fading from her face at the sound of the voice)
Devereaux: Good morning Dr. Colgate.
Lola: What do you want?
Devereaux: You and I wouldn't be having this conversation if you had sent me what I asked for.
Lola: That's because I didn't have time! (She looks down at her phone pulling up the images of the documents from Adam's desk and sends it to him)
Deveraux: Why not you were there all afternoon and most of the evening. (Sounding distracted as he reads the documents she just sent him. His dismissive attitude infuriating her)
Lola: I can't do this anymore! I can't stand lying to my family and people I care about. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach all evening. I could barley look at him! 
Devereaux:: Dr. Colgate don't tell me you're developing feeling for Adam Chandler? (His suspicion peaked if she was developing feeling for him then soon she'll be of no use to him. He had to work quickly)
Lola: I don't like lying to people! (Ignoring his flippant attitude)
Devereaux: Lola, how you accomplish your task is your problem all I care about are results.(His voice cool calm uncaring)
Lola: I've given you results! (She screams back in frustration)
Devereaux: Really, (He raises his brow sitting back in his chair smug grin on his lips) then what happened with our friend Mr. Sword?
Lola: What did you want me to do (She grinds out between clenched teeth her anger barley in check) he's the one that broke it off with me and last night was way too close Adam's daughter almost caught me.
Devereaux: She's not suspicious is she? (His tone serious this was the last complication he needed)
Lola: No, I think I was able to convince her my being there was completely innocent but that was way too close.(She finishes still feeling anxious her words however having the opposite affect on him his attitude still cool and controlled) 
Deveraux:  You'll have to be more careful next time that's all. 
Lola: Look there isn't going to be a next time I'm done!(She growls back his tone infuriating her, her attitude making his deadly his tone cold)
Devereaux: Listen to me Dr. Colgate and listen to me carefully. I've had a difficult night and I'm not in the mood for your dramatics. You'll do what I tell you for as long as I tell you until I have no further use for you do you understand or would you prefer I tell that lovely sister of yours and the rest of the citizenry exactly how you went from the gutter to achieve the lofty position of respect you so enjoy. It's an absolutely riveting story the media will have a field day.
Lola: I thought we had a deal? (Sounding defeated and contrite. He relaxes back in his chair knowing he had her back where he wanted) 
Devereaux: Of course we do and as long as you keep up your end of it there'll be no need for me to say anything to anyone.
Lola: You said this was the last thing I would have to do for you and we were done.
Devereaux: No, my darling I said this was one of the last things I would ask of you. I may have one or two more job for you and then your debt will be paid and our business will be at a close.
Lola:What do have to do now?
Devereaux: Nothing at the moment but I'll let you know when. (He says distracted as he loads the information he'd received in to his computer and reading it) 
Lola: Please I'm begging you I don't want to do this anymore. (She pleads her tears stinging the back of her eyes)
Devereaux: Come now Lola, nothing in this world is free and if you remember you begged me to help you. (He dismisses smiling at the screen it was exactly what he needed)
Lola: I was sick then I would have done anything you asked! (Her words becoming tight as her throat constricts with suppressed emotion)
Devereaux: And I helped you and now it's time for you to repay my kindness.
Lola: And repay and repay and repay! (Her voiced filled with frustration convincing him more that she was going to soon become useless)
Devereaux: I give you my word Lola. After you complete the last couple of things I need our business is closed.
Lola: It better be.(She closes her eye whispers a silent prayer that this would all be finally over)
Devereaux: Have a good day doctor I'll be in touch. (He disconnects with out another word and Lola starring blindly at her phone)
Lola: Dam! (She screams throwing her phone against the sofa then falls down next to it and begins to cry)


Monday, February 3, 2014

Ryan and Griff 02/03/2014

Griff sit at the kitchen table flipping through the newspaper not really reading the pages his thoughts going back to his talk with Randi yesterday. He talked to her for about two hour about things he hadn't thought about in years some happy other painful all worth sharing with his daughter.
 It had been wonderful and petrifying talking with her yesterday getting to know her and his new family through her. He couldn't wait to to get to know them all on  his own.He places the paper on the table as Ryan walks in.

Ryan: Morning Buddy! What going on?
Griff: Morning! Fresh coffee in the pot breakfast is on the stove. (Ryan pulls a cup from the cabinet and fills it then grabs a plate)
Ryan: What are you doing home? I thought you'd be at work?
Griff: No, we're closed this morning.
Ryan: Oh yeah Taylor's memorial service right?
Griff: Yeah, what are you doing home? (He gets up from the table and refills his cup then walks to the frig for the creamer placing his cup on the counter while forges through the frig. Ryan watches sliding up on the counter and sitting as he talks and eats)
Ryan: Devereaux canceled our meeting for this morning so I decided to to take the morning off.(Sipping his cup as Griff turns towards him and scowls)
Griff: Man get your butt off the counter! I prepare food there! (he closes the refrigerator door and walks back to the table)
Ryan: Sorry, (He chuckles sliding down off the counter and walks to the table taking the chair across from Griff) I saw Greenlee yesterday.
Griff: Wow, your dectectives work fast! (Cocking one brow staring at him over the cup brim)
Ryan: I didn't have to call them, she called me.(His voice lowering disappointment written on his face)
Griff: Was that the phone call the other night?
Ryan: Yeah, yeah (He smiles pulling himself out of his reserve) she told me where I could meet her and I drove out there yesterday morning.
Griff: Well spit it out man what happened?
Ryan: It was okay. (He shrugs) It didn't turn out like I wanted.
Griff: I'm sorry.
Ryan: No it's okay I mean sure, I would have loved the fairytale ending but she's moved on or backwards. (He chuckles at the irony) whichever her new life definitely doesn't include me.
Griff: You seem pretty okay with it.(Surprised by his demeanor)
Ryan: All I ever wanted was for her to be happy and she is.
Griff: She may be happy but what about you? 
Ryan: I'd be lying if I said I'm happy with the way things turned out. If nothing else at least I have closure. Anyway what about you? Did you talk to Randi?
Griff: Yeah we had a long talk yesterday. (Sitting back in his chair and smiling)
Ryan: From the look on your face you had way better luck than I did. (Smiling glad his friends life was coming together and his genuinely happy expression)
Griff: It was good we put it all out there. I'm not saying it's perfect but a least the door is open and that's all I wanted.
Ryan: Good for you man! I'm really glad.
Griff: Yeah I feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders you know what I mean?
Ryan: I know exactly what you mean.
Griff: Hey Sunday I'm supposed to go over there for Sunday dinner you want to come?
Ryan: No, you enjoy being with your family and those beautiful grandkids of yours. You don't need  me tagging along. Besides Sunday I'm taking Emma ice skating.
Griff: That sounds like fun!
Ryan: I'm really looking forward to it.
Griff: How is Emma?
Ryan: She's good in fact she's better than she has been in a long time. We all are.
Griff: Well you know if the adults in her life are at peace so will she.
Ryan: Keeping my fingers crossed that we can keep it going.
Griff: You can you all just have to work at it.
Ryan: I'm sure going to try.
Griff: So what are you going to do with your morning?
Ryan: Probably catch up on some work what about you?
Griff: I'm going by my daughters house and spend some time with my grand children. (doorbell rings) Hey I'll get it I have to finish getting ready.
Ryan: Thanks! (Griff walks out the kitchen and to the front door)
Griff: Hey Morning Aidan! (Reaching out and shaking his hand)
Aidan: Morning Griff! Is Ryan here?
Griff: Yeah we were just finishing breakfast you hungry?
Aidan: No, I'm good thanks! Oh and congratulations Grand-dad!
Griff: Hey thanks man! (Smiling proudly) Who told you?
Aidan: I ran in to Jesse this morning he told me. That's really great the Hubbard's are a great family!
Griff: Thanks! Listen I have to finish getting dressed Ryan's in the kitchen.(He nods his head towards the kitchen then walks up the steps) See you later!
Aidan: Thanks see you later! (He takes a deep breath shakes off his reservations and walks through the door)

Aidan: Hey Ryan Griff told me to come in.
Ryan: Hey how you doing want some coffee? (Placing his dish in the sink and rinsing it) Griff just made it.
Aidan: No, I'm good thanks.
Ryan: What brings you here? (Shaking the water from the dish and placing it in the dishwasher) Is Emma and Annie okay? (He turns towards him concerned and puzzled)
Aidan: They're fine.
Ryan: Then what's up? (His curiosity peaked. Aidan steals himself by taking a mental breath ever fiber in his being revolting against this plan)
Aidan: I saw where you still had an opening for a Chief Security Officer. (He spits half enjoying the look on Ryan's face then tempers his enthusiasm and keeps his expression and tone sincere) 
Ryan: So you want your old job back? (His curiosity now gnawing at him)
Aidan: Yeah if you haven't already filled the position. You haven't have you? (Secretly hoping he had so he wouldn't have to follow through on this stupid idea)
Ryan: No, it's still open but I'm curious. Why would you want to come back to "Cambius". From what I remember the last time we talked you said you would never come back.
Aidan: For one thing I want the stability of the hours I had. With Tad in the hospital I've had double down on some of our cases and I'm not spending enough time with either of them. Thank God Adrian has stuck around or I'd be lost but he's can't stay forever and until Tad is up and about I can't carry it by myself. And Emma has been so much better lately I don't want to hinder that by not being around and honestly you"re a better person then you were back then. (Inwardly struggling not to choke on the last words satisfied when Ryan smiles)
Ryan: Well were still looking so if you want the job it's yours.
Aidan: I really appreciate it Ryan thanks you won't regret it!
Ryan: No problem.Come by the office tomorrow and we'll fill out the paperwork.
Aidan: I'll be there bright and early.
Ryan: Not too early nine o'clock will be fine.
Aidan: Okay I'll see you then.
Ryan: One thing though how does Annie feel about you coming back to "Cambius"?
Aidan: I'll find out when I tell her. (He shrugs knowing this decision wouldn't go over well as opens the door and exists hastily doing same with the front door)
Ryan: Yeah see you tomorrow (He shouts after him then reaches for his cup and the newspaper as he pushes through the door) and good luck with that! (he mutters saluting the closed door as he sits on the couch and opens the paper)