Wednesday, May 21, 2014

"A Tangled Web" Jack & Tea, Erica & Gavin 05/21/2014

Jack and Tea stand next to bar watching the other guest enjoy the festivities directly across from where Erica and Gavin stand giving an interview.

Jack: So what do you think Ms. Delgado? (He reaches for two glasses from a passing waiter and hands her one) 
Tea: Thissss is really something! (She sips her glass looking around at the all the glitz and glamour. She smiles catching a glowering Erica out the corner of her eye. She holds up her glass in a salute)
Tea: Bite me witch! (She mumbles then sips her glass watching Erica becomes all smiles and sex appeal for the cameras)  
Jack: A little over the top for my taste. (He smiles stealing a covert glance at Erica preening for the cameras) 
Tea: Mine too but it's still kind of fun and the food was excellent. (Jack nods in agreement still twisting his mouth in distaste)  
Jack: I could have lived without the entire "red carpet" thing.
Tea: Well if you had been on time we would have missed the interview portion of  the evening. (Her tone playfully chastising. Jack chuckles and nods in agreement) 
Jack: True very true. (He laughs enjoying the closeness of the moment. He was enjoying the evening even if he'd originally had ulterior motives for coming. Tea was fun alot of fun and that was something his life had been lacking lately)
Tea: Although I have to say you were very smooth during that interview. (She says feeling the burn of Erica's stare and moves closer to Jack her smile undeniably flirtatious. Jack blushes slightly as a momentary jolt of arousal courses through him. Tea smiles up at him enjoying the affect she was having on Erica who was throwing her eye daggers as the reporter interviews Gavin and more so on Jack whose expression was a lot more than just casual and friendly and Erica knew it)
Jack: I guess all the years I wasted with Erica had some benefits after all.(He chuckles watching Erica try not to watch them. Tea follows his line of vision)    
Tea: Speaking of Erica she and Gavin looked very chummy. (She says sipping her drink watching them over the brim of her glass)
Jack: That's just Erica playing for the camera's if they were really together she wouldn't keep sliding glances over here. (He laughs waving his hand dismissively feeling more interested in what was happening between he and Tea than Erica's reaction to it)
Tea: So exactly what's the plan here? (Feeling a slight pang of jealousy as Jack's tone bitter edge)  
Jack: We basically stand around having a great time.(He says turning his attention back to Tea his eyes revealing a simmering spark that hadn't been there earlier sending a slight shiver through her. Something had just changed in their relationship that both excited and frightened her at the same time and inexplicably wanting more as she leans into him her body's calling taking the lead over her head)
Tea: Laughing
Jack: Sharing intimately conversation.(He teases back enjoying the close moment between them)
Tea: Oh you mean like this. (She says stepping closer and smiling up at him as she pulls some imaginary lint from his lapel)
Jack: Exactly. (He laughs)
Tea: Sharing a private joke (Giggling loudly enjoying Erica's vexed expression)
Jack: You are very good at this Ms. Delgado. (He looks down at her fighting hard against his urge to kiss her upturned face)
Tea: Trust me I've gone more than a few rounds with the best of them.
Jack: And I bet no one was left standing.
Tea: Something like that.(She says fighting back the longing to mess up his perfect hair by running her fingers through it)
Jack: I have a great idea why don't you and I hit the dance floor.(Maybe holding her while they danced would put the sudden lust he felt at bay)
Tea: I thought you would never ask. (She says standing on the tips of her toes whispering in his ear. Jack laughs heartily as Tea takes his his arm and they walk toward the dance floor, all of it to Erica's shagrin. Gavin watches the emotion cross Erica's face as he moves to stand in front of her blocking her view)
Erica: That woman is absolutely insufferable! (Her voice filled with venom as her mind clicks from one revenge plot to the next)
Gavin: I found her very charming. (He looks back over his shoulder at Jack and Tea dancing the attraction between the two almost palpable then back to Erica's scowled face)
Erica: You would! (She spits back more annoyed with him and the situation between Jack and Tea then before. Not only was Gavin utterly useless he lacked tastes and judgement too. She could see the flames starting between them and she intended to douse them before they became a blaze)
Gavin: I thought you and Mr. Montgomery were over a long time ago? (He muses aloud his mind going into damage control. This would never work he needed her focused. He looks over at the offending couple again then back to Erica who now looked cool and collected which could only mean drama and distraction)
Erica: We are but that doesn't mean I'm going to allow that, that succubus to get her claws in him. (Her voice even and controlled but her eyes still deadly. He needed to do something quick or everything he planned would be burned to ashes. He needed to distract her now before this war could get started.  Then his mind hits on an idea )
Gavin: Sounds like jealousy. (He quips knowing just the right button to push to turn her attention snapped to him)
Erica: I'm not jealous I'm just very protective of all my friends past and present. (She says smoothly tossing the hair back from her face a sardonic grin on her lips. He looks down at her his eyes bright with devilment)
Gavin: You know the best way to mend a broken heart? (He says taking a step towards her amused by the slight flush to her cheeks negating her cool demeanor)
Erica: Glue? (Her eyes locking with his meeting his challenge)
Gavin: Moving on! (He says sweeping Erica into a passionate kiss then releasing her just as abruptly and walking away leaving her stunned and intrigued)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Dani and Molly 05/19/2014

Molly and Dani sit in their booth waiting for Phillip and Justine to come back with their drinks as the rest of their group dance around on the dance floor.
Dani: That was awesome!
Molly: This whole night has been awesome! How did I not know that some place actually cool was this close to Pine Valley?
Dani: Come on Pine Valley isn't that bad really.
Molly: You are kidding, right? (Her voice dripping with sarcasm)
Dani: Come on they have some of the best shops ever!
Molly: Very true and when you're done they roll up the sidewalks till morning!
Dani: Come on it's not that bad
Molly: Okay I admit it's not that bad and I did have fun last summer and this semester despite my Uncle and tonight is just wild! Do you know this is the most freedom I have had since I came to Pennsylvania and it's all because of you! (She shouts pulling Dani into a hug)
Dani: I didn't do anything. (She giggles hugging her back)
Molly: You got my Uncle to let me stay out all night! (She giggles holding her by her shoulders) You girlfriend are like my good luck charm! (She says letting her go as Philip joins them)
Phillip: Mine too. (He smiles standing behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist)
Molly: Okay as long as you don't mind sharing?
Justine: Sharing what? (He grins handing Molly a drink)
Molly: Dani she's our good luck charm! (She takes the glass from him drinking half of it in three gulps)
Justine: Yeah she is! If it were up to me we'd still be talking to scalpers on the curb! (They all laugh)
Philip: To Dani! (They all hold up their glasses in salute Molly drains hers throwing her head too far back and losing her balance and falling back against Justin)
Molly: Whoa!
Justine: Are you okay? (He smiles down at her half holding her up as she giggles)
Molly: I'm fine. Oooooo! I love this song come on! (Se grabs Justin's hand dragging him towards the dance floor)
Dani: Oh my God she is totally wasted! (She laughs turning to face him)
Philip: No, she's buzzed I've seen her wasted.(He laughs swaying her in time with the music)
Dani: So how long have you guys been friends?
Philip: Since the summer we had a couple of classes together we you know (He shrugs)  hang out.
Dani: Does she get wasted a lot?
Philip: Molly's what I'd call kind of a "Free Spirit". She pretty much does what she wants, when she wants and how she wants. I've never met anyone like her.
Dani: Me either! I have never had so much fun shopping in my life.
Philip: She does have a way of adding a little excitement everywhere she goes sometimes a little too much.
Dani: What do you mean? (She looks up at him her curiosity peaked)
Phillip: Just sometimes I think she's does stuff to keep from having to deal with other stuff you know? (He shrugs not wanting talk behind his friends back. Dani nods her head in agreement)
Dani: Yeah. I get that.
Philip: Okay enough about Miss Molly I want to talk about you. (He says leaning closer in)
Dani: What do you want to know? (She smiles back feeling suddenly shy)
Philip: I want to know if you would...(He starts as Molly stumbles back to them)
Molly: Hey you guys what do you say we go outside and smoke.
Dani: I don't smoke cigarettes.
Molly: Seriously Dani? Who smokes cigarettes? I'm talking about this.(She says taking a joint from her purse and holding it up)
Justine: Molly put that away! (He grinds out looking around nervously making Molly laugh)
Molly: Come on guys! (Philip shakes his head no as does Dani)
Philip: No I'm good.I have a class and I need to study for finals tomorrow.
Dani: Me too. (Molly purs turning towards Justine)
Molly: Justine, I know you want some. (He smiles down her shaking his head)
Justine: No, I don't I have a class and a lab final tomorrow.
Molly: I thought we came out to party!
Justine: We came to hear the band and chill not get wasted I thought you did too. (His voice sounding disappointed then he shouts over the music) I don't know about these guys but I'm having a good time. You guys having fun?
Philip: Yeah, you Dani?
Dani: Yeah
Molly: Yeah, but lets just kick it up a notch. (She whines stumbling into Justin's arms)
Justin: Come on Moll I think you've had enough? (She pushes angrily against his chest righting herself)
Molly: Fuck off Dad! I don't need a babysitter! I do what I want when I want. You know...whatever! ( She storms off heading for the bar. She slapping her hand on top to get the bartender's attention and shouting) Can I get a drink here?
Bartender: What can I get you? (He leans in towards not bothering to check her wrist band)
Molly: Long Island Ice Tea.
Bartender: Coming right up. (He grins and walks away)
Joe: Hey Molly what's going on?
Molly: Hey what's up? (She reaches for the glass the bartender places in front of her and sipping it)
Joe: Nothing much you here by yourself?
Molly: No, Justine and Philip are here too and a couple other people.
Joe: So what are you doing getting your own drink? Why aren't you with the party people? (He says giving her a sideways grin and leaning against the bar)
Molly: Party People? I wish! (She laughs) They've turned into a bunch of stiffs! What about you Joe you want a party? (She says holding up the joint she'd offered to her friends)
Joe: I have something even better. (He says handing her some ecstasy) Party on Mol! (She grins devilishly tucking the the joint back in her purse and taking the pill from him)
Molly: Even better party on Joe! (She laughs putting the pill in her mouth chasing it down with her drink)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Brooke and Angie 05/17/2014

Angie looks around the room and makes a "Beeline" towards Brooke. Brooke sees her coming over the brim of her glass and whispers to Oliver.

Brooke: Looks like Devereaux just told Angie and Jesse about Rego and Cassandra.
Oliver: Just remember we can't tell them anything about the baby we aren't supposed to know and they'll find out soon enough.
Brooke: This all getting ridiculous and extremely uncomfortable.
Oliver: I know darling but just remember Angie and Jesse are in the same leaking boat we are and bailing water too. We can't risk alienating Rego or pushing him deeper in to her arms. We need to hear what Rego , Cassandra and those two have to say first before anything. Ulp here they come.(He says swallowing the last of his drink and placing the empty glass on the table)
Brooke: Angie, Jesse wonderful to see you.
Jesse: Good to see you both. We were wondering if you would answer a question for us.
Angie: Is it true are Rego and Cassandra married? (She blurts out looking deep into Brooke's eyes searching for the truth in her answer)
Brooke: Yes, we found out earlier.
Angie:  And all night you didn't say anything?
Brooke: We thought maybe it would be better coming from Cassandra and Rego since we found out ourselves by accident. We didn't know what you knew and weren't sure what to do.
Jesse: Angie honey this has to be a shock to them too and awkward for all of us none of us were prepared for this.
Angie: I know, I'm sorry Oliver, Brooke.
Brooke: It's okay we're all in new territory. (She takes Angie's hand in hers giving it a friendly squeeze)
Angie: I just don't understand any of this.
Oliver: We're just as confused as you are. We wake up this morning I open my front door, I have Devereaux St. Jacques Gentleman's gentleman at my door with all of Cassandra's belongings and my son missing. I make a few calls and find they have taken my jet flown to Las Vegas and are married.
Brooke: So we had all of their things moved to the other wing of the house and were waiting for them to get home. We were kind of hoping Cassandra had spoken to you.
Jesse: We haven't heard a peep out of her. We just found out from Mr. St. Jacques.
Oliver: He doesn't seem any worse for ware does he? (He says directing Jesse's attention to Devereaux speaking with Annie and Amanda his usual aloof self)
Jesse: Well he doesn't seem heartbroken since you asked. (He snorts nodding his head in agreement)
Brooke: Maybe he's just shell shocked like the rest of us.(She shrugs) I mean it can't be easy no matter how he may really be feeling . Being out in the public must be uncomfortable.
Jesse: Yeah okay.
Angie: The man has been humiliated and is trying to keep a brave face. I can only imagine what's going through his mind we all know that this is going to hit the papers sooner or later.
Brooke: More like sooner
Oliver: I suppose. (He and Jesse look at each their Jesse cock one brow and Oliver rolls his eyes silently  dismissing the comments)  
 Jamie: What's sooner.
Brooke: High honey.
Jamie: Hey Mom, Oliver. Hi Angie, Jesse.
Jesse: Hey Jamie how are you? How's that new baby?
Jamie: Beautiful! (Taking out his phone and showing them all pictures)
Angie: Aww, look at him! You tell Cessca we're going to come by real soon to see him.
Jamie: I will. Where's Rego? I thought he was supposed to be here? (Jamie looks from his mother to Oliver then at Angie and Jesse and their stark expressions) What's going on why does everyone look like a deer in the headlights?
Brooke: I guess we may as well tell you.
Jamie: Tell me what?
Brooke: Rego and Cassandra were married today.
Jamie: What?
Oliver: I'm afraid it's true.
Jamie: Holy crap! Wait till I tell Francessca she going to flip.
Sophia: Who's going to flip? (She says looking around the the circle just as Opal and Palmer join then them)
Angie: Cassandra and Rego were married yesterday.
Sophia: Mio signore! (She says crossing herself then shrugs) Well what'r you going to do? God bless I hope they'll be very happy. Tell them I said congratulations and buona fortuna! (She hugs and kisses Angie then Brooke)
Opal: Sophia's right. we should toast the newlyweds! (She says tapping the waiter passing buy grabs a drink and signals for him to pass them to the people gathered. She holds up her glass waits a moment for the others to hold up theirs) To the newlyweds!
 All: Cheers!
Angie: Thank you Sophia, Opal! (She says hugging her close she kisses her cheek then does the same to Opal)
Opal: Congratulations honey. You haven't lost a daughter you've gained a son in law and a rich one!
Angie: Thank you Opal. (She half giggles)
Sophia: Jesse, Oliver Congratulations!
Oliver: Thank you! (He kisses her hand then pats it)
Jesse: Thank you sweet heart! (He smiles and hugs her) Excuse me a moment. (He reaches in his pocket for his ringing phone as he walks towards the edge of the crowd) Chief Hubbard.
Tad: What's up chief Hubbard?
Jesse: Hey man how you doin? (He grins into the phone happy to hear a friendly voice)
Tad: I've been better. (He smiles knowing his next question was a loaded one) What's up with you?
Jesse: Man you won't believe what a nice night out just turned into. (He sighs sounding stressed and annoyed)
Tad: Why don't you stop by in the morning and tell me about it? (He'd already heard he could tell by his voice)
Jesse: I had an errand to run I wanted to...(He starts and is cut off)
Tad: I really need to see you if this wasn't important Jesse I wouldn't ask. (Jesse rolls his eyes he really wanted to see Cassandra before Angie did)
Jesse: Wanted to take care of this thing....(Tad cuts him off again before Jesse can make good on his excuse)
Tad: I really need to see you it's about the night of the accident (He waits a second knowing he had Jesse's full attention) I think I remembered something. (Jesse rolls his eyes knowing business took precedence he'd have to go see Cassandra after)
Jesse: Okay, okay I'll be there first thing.
Tad: Thanks Jesse. (He sighs in relief getting a thumbs up from Phil)  I appreciate it.
Jesse: Sure no problem. I'll see you first thing. (He clicks off his phone and stares at it a moment then walks back to crowd and Angie slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her close)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tad & Phil, Opal & Jenny 05/15/2014

Phil sits down in the chair across from Tad shaking his head.

Phil: You just couldn't take my word for  we had to do it your  way and you see what happens? (He chastises)
Tad: I know I know! (He lays his head back against the cushions dreading his coming conversation with his mother)
Phil: No you don't know! That's why I'm here! (He pats his chest and shakes his head)
Tad: I'm sorry! (He looks at him eyes filled with frustration . Phil stares back at him his glare unyielding)
Phil: You're sorry? Do you know what complications you created!
Tad: I know, and I'm sorry! what do you want me to say?
Phil: I want you to say you'll do what I tell you instead of what you think you need to do from now on! (He stands over him glaring down his jaw set firmly his arms folded neatly across his chest)
Tad: Okay you were right! (His head falling back against the pillow in defeat)
Phil: You were right and what Phil? (He presses needing to hear Tad's full confession and he acquiesces)
Tad : You were right and I was wrong! So what are we going to do to fix this?(He sighs the admission)
Phil: And the last part?
Tad: I'm going to listen to you and follow your direction. (He rolls his eyes skyward) So What are we going to do to fix this?
Phil: "We" aren't going to do anything. ( He says sitting back down in the chair)
Tad; Come on you have to give me a chance to fix this (He whines. Phil looks at his face a mask of exasperation)
Phil: Didn't we just have this conversation? You aren't going to do anything somebody else is going to take care of Opal.(Rubbing his forehead with his palm)You make me very tired and U didn't think that was possible.
Tad: Who? ( He yelps Phil shakes his head)
Phil: Don't worry about "who" you need to talk to Jesse,the sooner the better.
Tad: Why? What about? What's going on with Jesse?
Phil: Jesse just got some news that neither he or Angie were prepared for. I need you to keep Jesse from going to Brooke's in the morning.
Tad: Why can't he go to Brooke's? What's happened?
Phil: Can I tell him? (Phil waits a moment) Cassandra and Rego were married yesterday?
Tad: What? They were what?
Phil: They were married yesterday.
Tad: Holy crap!
Phil: I need you to keep Jesse from going over to Brooke's in the morning. I need you to call him tonight and tell him you remember something from the night of the accident.
Tad: I passed out right after...(His voice trails off as Phil stands raises his hand and Tad lies back quietly on the bed)
Phil: You have one, (Phil nods in a satisfied grin on his lips lifting one eyebrow) a couple actually. Your mind was focused on something else at the time. I just need to help you make them more clear. (He says placing his hand on Tad's forehead)
Opal walks up behind Brooke and Oliver slowing her pace her eyes follow the direction of Brooke and Olivers as they watch Angie and Jesse talking with that Devereaux St. Jacque the devil himself if anyone asked her! She stops behind them opens her mouth to speak and stops as she hears the conversation between them.
Brooke: Looks like Devereaux just told Angie and Jesse about Rego and Cassandra.
Oliver: Just remember we can't tell them anything about the baby we aren't supposed to know and they'll find out soon enough.
Brooke: This all getting ridiculous and extremely uncomfortable.
Oliver: I know darling but just remember Angie and Jessa are in the same leaking boat we are and bailing water too. We can't risk alienating Rego or pushing him deeper in to her arms. We need to hear what Rego , Cassandra and those two have to say first before anything. Ulp here they come. (Opal turns her back to them scurrying back into the crowd till she reaches the edge of the dance floor. She stares off in to the crowd not really seeing. Oh good lord she wished she'd made her presence known. Here eye catches sight of a woman that looked like her Jenny beckoning her. Opal moves across the dance floor to where the woman stood but she was gone. She searches the crowd sees her again only this time standing near the balcony. Opal hurries towards her walking through the open door out on to the empty balcony calling to the mirage.
Opal: Jenny? Jenny is that you? (She calls tentatively as she steps toward the figure stands on the fringe of the shadow only her face visible)
Jenny: Momma I need your help.
Opal: Oh my God I'm losing my mind first the man in Tad's room now you. What's wrong with me?
Jenny: Momma nothing's wrong with you you're fine I promise. (Her smile bringing instant comfort to Opal)
Opal: So this isn't some hallucination? Because ever since the wedding I...
Jenny: No Momma Phil and I have been here since the wedding. That was him you saw in Tad's bed this afternoon Tad was taking care of something.
Opal: Oh... Phil thank God I thought... I thought...I don't know what I thought. (She laugh a feeling of relief flooding through her) So mirror, at the wedding that really was you?
Jenny: Yes Momma (She smiles reaches out and pats her hand)  that's why He decides it would be easier if we asked you to help rather than try to keep hiding. (Opal looks up at her feeling relieved then worried)
Opal: You need my help? Help with what honey? Not Tad or the girls they've been through so much (She looks at Jenny part fearful part curious)
Jenny: I need your help with the people you just overheard Brooke and Oliver talking about.
Opal: With Cassandra and Rego? Honestly I don't particularly care for either one. What could I possible have to do with those two?
Jenny: You'd be surprised. I need you to talk to Cassandra.
Opal: She doesn't listen to her own mother why would she listen to me? What could I possibly have to say to her? (She looks at Jenny who smiles back at her)
Jenny: Only Opal Gardner would stand here calmly having a arguing with a ghost.
Opal: Yeah well now that I know I'm not crazy what the heck! (They both laugh)
Jenny: I miss you Momma.
Opal: I miss you too baby every single day. (She says squeezing her hand)
Jenny: Me too. I have to go now I'll talk to you soon and don't worry when the time comes you'll know exactly what to say. For now we need you to go back inside and pretend you didn't hear any of that okay.
Opal: Okay mums the word. (She says turning an imaginary lock on her lips and throwing away the key)
Jenny: Thanks Momma I knew we could count on you! (She smiles a kiss flutters against Opals cheek at the same moment Palmer calls her name as he comes out on the balcony)
Palmer: Opal? (He turns his head peering in to the darkness till he spots her) I've been looking for you what the devil are you doing out here?
Opal: Just cooling off a little (She fans herself with her hand) I was just coming in to find you.
Palmer: Lets go back in before you catch your death! (He says wrapping his arm around her and guiding her back inside)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Adrian and Aidan 05/12/14

Adian and Adrian walk through the awards dinner keeping a close watch on their prey.

Aidan: How's the feed?
Ana: Perfect what about you Sergei?
Sergei: The image is crystal clear Why don't we do a test turn towards Erica Kane (He says waiting for the image to come up on the screen on the left while the computer ran the program on the right instantly matching her image) Now turn toward the other side good okay hold it. (He says running the same scan on some random person in the crowd then waiting for the program to run again) Perfect.
Ana: Okay we're going to run the test on Adrian and then all you guys have to do is wander through keep an on eye out and we'll tell you when to show some real interest. Just stay cool.
Adrian: Okay Mom. (He smirks elbowing Adrian who laughs along with Sergei in his ear. Anna blushes and rolls her eyes)
Ana: Sorry I just know we're close I can feel it. (She laughs)
Aidan: Don't worry we'll keep our eyes open. (He smiles spotting Annie and walking towards her Adrian in tow)
Annie: Hey so where have you guys been? (She smiles as she hugs and kisses him)
Adrian: I had trouble with my bow-tie.
Annie: Well you look great!
Adrian: Thank you.
Annie: Almost as handsome as my wonderful finacee. (She wraps her arm around Aidan and hugs him)
Adian: See I told you I was the good looking one in this partnership.
Adrian: I think she's a little prejudice.
Sergei: Adrian turn right I want to see who our little bird is tweeting to. (Adrian turns allowing Sergei to focus) Ah here we go Norman Baker President of the Pine Valley Rotary Club.
Ana: And he's so clean he squeaks.
Sergei: Besides he's never been outside the country.
Annie: So what do you guys think?
Adian: It's pretty amazing.
Jake: You get no argument from me!
Annie: Hey guys! You made it!
Amanda: Hey Boss lady you look great!
Annie: And you stunning as always!
Amanda: Oh, this old thing?
Jake: This old thing? We got stopped by what was it three no four photographers on our way in, all wanting to see "Ms. Cambius"
Ryan: And why not? She and Annie put "Cambius" back on the map.
Amanda: Hey Ryan you look great.
Ryan: And you are beautiful! I don't know why you're hanging around with this guy?
Jake: Hey Ryan good to see you. How's everything?
Ryan: Everything's good. How's Tad?
Jake: He's coming along. I'll tell him you asked about him.
Ryan: Thanks Annie you look lovely this evening.
Annie: Thank you, you look very nice.
Aidan:  Ryan, good to see you.
Anna" Anything?
Sergei: Not yet. Aidan ask Ryan who that guy is with Devereaux.
Aidan: Ryan, is that George Henry speaking with Mr. St Jacque?
Ryan: Umm no, if I'm not mistaken that's Robert Broderick of the "Calisco Group".
Aidan: Not sure I've heard of them.
Ryan:  I'm surprised you haven't they're old money very old, very powerful. They're not much for lime light and cameras. They stay mostly to themselves tucked away somewhere in the New England countryside.
Sergei: Beautiful! (He and Anna high five again as a wellspring of information came gushing forth)
Anna: Oh this is good! This is really good! Waiter three move into place and drop the mic... Perfect!
Sergei: Now to zoom in the mic...filter out the background noise perfect!.
Anna: Oh my God!...This is it! Guys! This is what we've been working for!
Devereaux: Good to see you.(He says shaking his extended hand)
George: Pleasure seeing you. Lovely event isn't it?
Devereaux: I've never seen anything quite like it.
George: My wife's like a kid in a candy store. (They both chuckle)
Devereaux: Where is the lovely Mrs. Broderick? (He looks around then lowers his voice)
George: She saw someone she knew, she'll be back shortly.
Devereaux: Good, everythings intact.
George: I'm ready on my end.
Deveraux: So when do you want to discuss the business end?
George: As soon as discretion will allow. I'll be in touch.
Deveraux: I look forward to it. ( The two part ways as Anna and Sergei high five)


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Zach and Michael, Jesse and Angie 05/06/2014

Zach stands in the corner talking on his phone smiling impishly.
Dax: The Tokyo market just opened.
Zach: How we doing?
Dax: He's making his move. (Zach looks across the room at Devereaux smiling like a cheshire cat as he speaks with the very mysterious Robert Broderick of the "Calisco Group" to some anyway. To him he was just another high roller)
Zach: Let it ride my friend.
Dax: You got it oh and I added a little sting to the honey.
Zach: Cool beans! I'll be in touch.(He ends the call slipping the phone in to his pocket just as Michael greets him)
Michael: What's up? (He says giving his brother a bear hug and his back a friendly pat)
Zach: Congratulations to you and David.
Michael. Thank you that means a lot to me and you're not just saying that to cover up some clandestine plan plan to bring David down?
Zach: No, I'm actually taking a page from your book.
Michael: What page is that?
Zach: I'm going to do what makes me happy. I'm leaving Slater- Cortlandt and going back to my casino full time.
Michael: Wow, I mean wow!
Zach: No really I'm not kidding I'm gone. It's all Rhea and Pete's now.
Zach: No, no you both deserve it.
Michael: No warnings? (He smiles facetiously)
Zach: No, (He chuckles) but I have some good news.
Michael: That thing we were talking about earlier?
Zach: Exactly. You and I are about to be free men!
Michael: This is unbelieveable! Finally!
Zach: I know! It's like being released from prison!
Michael: We finally have the last vestige of Alexander Cambius out of our lives! This deserves a celebration!
Zach: What do you say we toast to it.
Michael: lets drink to a curse being lifted and the buyer being gifted
Zach: This guy I don't think so(He smiles looking over at a very pleased looking Devereaux) he doesn't know it but his troubles have just started.
Devereaux double checks his phone then smiles ruefully to himself. The Tokyo market just opened. He'd done it he'd actually done it. He now owned 51% of Cambius enterprises. He now had the controlling stock in the business. Life couldn't have gotten any better than this perhaps Cassandra leaving had made his life a little easier. Certainly he was more concentrated on what he had to do and what he'd just done made him one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the industrial world. He sips is champange silently congratulating himself his personal merriment interrupted by Jesse and Angie. He checks his watch looks around see if there's anyway to avoid them too late. He smiles pleasantly as she's greets him.
Angie:  Mr. St. Jacques, how nice to see you this evening congratulations to you and "Cambius" on your award.
Devereaux: Thank you Dr. Hubbard and may I say you look lovely.
Angie: Thank you so much.
Devereaux: Chief Hubbard good to see you as well. (He reaches his hand out and shakes Jesse's)
Jesse: Mr. St. Jacques congratulations.
Angie: Where's Cassandra I was looking for her earlier.( she glances around the room as she'd done all evening still not seeing her)
Devereaux: Cassandra isn't here at least not with me. (He says nonchalantly and shrugs)
Angie: If she's not with you then where is she.(Her voice edged with worry and concern)
Devereaux: Perhaps you should discuss this with your daughter.( He says looking from Angie to Jesse, Jesse's expression letting him know that he wasn't letting go that easily)
Jesse: We're talking to you right now so why don't you just tell us what's going on.
Devereaux: Cassandra and I are no longer together. She can give you the details suffice it to say she moved out the night before last and moved in with Rego Sherrigan. (His voice sounding sadder than his expression)
Angie: I'm sorry I didn't know. ( She apologizes concerned and confused by Cassandra's decision)
Devereaux: It's quite alright from what I've heard the two are now happily married but you would have to verify that with her or you may want to check with Sherrigan's. That's where I sent her things when I received the news since they didn't come back I assumed they belonged there.
Jesse: Wow, the girl has some sense. (He mumbles and shakes his head)
Devereaux: I beg your pardon? (Deveraux stares at him not sure he's heard correctly)
Jesse; I said it makes no sense that she would just suddenly move out and marry Rego Sherrigan.
Angie: No, it doesn't.(She nods in agreement)
Devereaux: Since the last time she stole a hundred thousand dollars from me and came to Pine Valley I've come to expect these kinds of things from Cassandra. She has a tendency to be very impetuous. At least this time the only thing I lost was my heart. (He smiles sadly receiving the same weak smile back)
Photographer: Mr St. Jacque can I get a picture of you and Mr. Lavery.
Derveaux: Certainly I'll be right with you,(He turns back to Angie and Jesse) I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Jesse: No, It's okay we appreciate your honesty. (She says turning towards Jesse taking his hand in hers)
Devereaux: If you'll excuse me.
Angie: Sure, thank you.
Devereaux: Have a good evening.(He nods his head toward them then walks away)
Jesse: Yeah, you too. (Ange turns toward Jesse looking hurt and confused)
Angie: Jesse, what is going on? Why would Cassandra just suddenly up and marry Rego Sherrigan?
Jesse: I don't know but he doesn't look like a heartbroken man to me.
Angie: Maybe she and Rego realized that they're in love and he's just hurt and covering up.
Jesse: No,no there is something else going on and has been for a while. I don't know what it is but I'm sure as hell going to find out.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Cassandra and Rego 04/14/2014

Rego and Cassandra step through the front door and stand in the foyer for a moment listening for signs of activity before stepping fully inside and closing the door. It had been an awful flight and an even more horrendous ride home. He thought they had reached some kind of agreement when she awoke this morning but when he'd come from the shower she'd been strange. Alternating between happy and carefree to short tempered and nervous. She'd insisted they go shopping before he could ask more about the huge floral arrangement saying it was complements of the hotel. She was lying her explanation was nonsensical since it had never occurred on any of the other occasions he'd stayed there why this time? It sure wasn't his father or Brooke the only other conclusion he could come to was Devereaux but, why keep that a secret? There wasn't any reason he could come to other than there was something else going on or she was hormonal. He'd gone with hormonal earlier. He'd hoped shopping and seeing the sights would have made her happy but that was fleeting. Even after shopping Cassandra had been in a terrible mood and spent the entire plane ride complaining about living in the mansion in between bouts of whining about not having a real honeymoon and leaving Las Vegas after a day. Even though she'd seemed relieved when they'd boarded the plane. Ranting about his father, Brooke, Jamie and especially Francessca then rifling through her plethora of shopping bags and marveling at all her new acquisitions. Oddly not one thing for the baby among them which seemed peculiar to him for some reason. That, and her avoidance of any topics pertaining to the baby and had snapped at him when he'd suggested a Obstetrician and making an appointment. There was something else going on that he hadn't seen earlier. He could feel it now the room practically hummed with mendacity it flowed like an electrical current and emanated from her. He felt used and more the fool for being so impetuous. All of which had drained him and fouled his temperament. He was in no mood for a scene with his father and Brooke. He hoped they had gone to the awards dinner and they could just slip in. Maybe get a good nights sleep before the showdown in the morning.  

Rego: I don't hear anything. (He looks around stepping further in to the entry and glancing around) 
Cassandra: Me either.
Butler: Good evening sir. (He says coming from behind him startling them both) 
Rego: Good Evening. Are father and Brooke still out?
Butler: Yes sir they'll be out till quite late but, Mr. Sherrigan said that we should be expecting the two of you. I have taken the liberty of having the car brought around and your things taken to your rooms in the South wing sir. 
Rego: To our rooms in the South wing? (He says looking from Cassandra back to the butler) You can take our things to my room. (His tone commanding the Butler stares back at him his expression resolute his tone flat)
Butler: The room you formerly occupied no longer contain your personal affects sir.
Rego: So my father has disposed of me to the far corners of the house?
Butler: Yes sir, just after Ms. Foster's things arrived this afternoon. (All eyes turning towards her Rego's shocked the butler's disapproving the look gone in a flash but not missed by her making her feel a brief moment of shame) 
Cassandra: My things are here?
Butler: Yes madame, (His look and tone back to one of indifference before turning to Rego) Mr. St. Jacques man delivered them personally.
Rego: Then what happened? 
Butler: Your father requested that Ms. Foster's things excuse me Mrs. Sherrigan things be placed there and that all your things be moved to the far south wing as well. (He says climbing the steps then leading down a long hall way. The butler stops at the end in front of a closed door unlocking it with one of those old fashion keys stepping aside allowing them to pass then closing it behind them then down another hall and a short flight of steps through another door)
Cassandra: Where the hell are we going?
Rego: My father has given us the entire South wing.
Cassandra: Somewhere below the mason-dixon line judging by this walk! It's like a completely different house!
Rego: That's the idea.
Butler: Here you are sir I hope you and Mrs. Sherrigan will be comfortable. (He says opening the door to a large sitting room stepping aside and allowing them to enter) I'll send Bruno right up in the interim if you need anything pull the rope next to the fireplace in each room Bruno will be up to assist you.
Rego: Thank you.
Butler: Oh and congratulations sir, madame. (He says bowing his head to  leave the room)
Rego: Thank you. (He sighs lying down on the sofa as he speaks and closes his eyes)
Cassandra: Did you see the way he looked at me? (She walks to the sofa tapping his shoulder then nudging him till his eyes open)
Rego: My father's staff have all been with him for decades (He rises from the sofa walks to the mini bar and pours himself a drink downing it quickly then pours another) they are very prim very proper and very loyal. They can also read. (He cracks downing his drink pouring another then sitting back on the sofa)
Cassandra: So now you're taking shots at me?
Rego: No, I'm saying they all know what happened as long as they are respectful to you.
Cassandra: So I assume this is the same treatment I can expect from your father too or does your father know and all this is to say he's okay with us?
Rego: No (He laughs feeling the warmth of the liquor spread through him) it means my father knows, he's not okay with us but he understands the danger. It also means he wants as little contact with us as possible and would prefer that we stay on our side of the house. Since this is the wing that also has a separate entrance.
Cassandra: You mean they don't want to see me they don't want contact with me.
Rego: Pretty much. (He lays back on the sofa balancing the glass on his chest and closing his eyes)
Cassandra: So what is this place anyway?
Rego: This was a part of the original house, the master suite I believe on the other side of this sitting room through that double door is another bedroom. When the original owner enlarged the home he kept this part partly as a reminder of his start and also as a home for his son and his family.
Cassandra:  Huh! (Maybe this wouldn't be so bad) And at least they aren't here tonight.
Rego: But they will be here in the morning.
Bruno: Good evening sir, madame my name is Bruno. I apologize for not greeting you upon arrival.
Rego: It's fine Bruno. Bruno this is my wife Cassandra.
Bruno: Pleasure to meet you madame I wish you both long and happy years together.
Cassandra: Thank you very much.
Bruno: Your father has assigned me to take care of your needs. I will serve breakfast for you in the sitting room at the usual time and Madame with your permission lunch again will be served here in the sitting room promptly at twelve-thirty or if you prefer there's a fully stocked kitchen.
Cassandra: Yeah, that's not going to happen I don't cook!
Rego: Or much of anything else for that matter! (He mumbles then laughs opening one eye and seeing the quelling look she shot him and laughs harder)
Bruno: Yes madame, but if you would like something during the night go out the door and to your right down the steps on the left is the kitchen, to the right of that is your personal living room and small study behind it. This is the master bedroom suite across the hall are two smaller bedrooms. (Whoa! She thought this was way better than she had hoped. Having her in-laws hate her did have some advantages after all)  Mr. Sherrigan senior requests both of you to be present for dinner in the main house tomorrow evening promptly at seven. He also said to tell you he's increased security.
Rego: Thank you Bruno.
Bruno: Will there be anything else sir?
Rego: No, that will be all for tonight Bruno, thank you.
Bruno: I'll bid you good evening sir, madame and again congratulations. (They truly hated her that meant they didn't trust her she'd have to some how win them over and being pregnant would help her with that. Oliver would want contact with his grandchild. Look how he treated that brat of Jamie's and he wasn't even blood as far as he knew. She needed to find a way to get them on her side and be a true member of this family! God! They were so flipping annoying and judgemental)
Cassandra: Thank you Bruno good night. (She smiles graciously waiting until the door closed and his steps retreated) Oh this is great! Your father is going to pretend I don't exist! That I'm not a member of this family! They are making it very clear very quickly that they want absolutely nothing to do with me! Oh, and I can't wait for this dinner from hell! Our first family dinner complete with some condescending, sanctimonious speech making it clear I'll never be good enough!
Rego: What in God's name do you expect? (He grasps the glass on his chest as he sits up right. He stands shaking his head and laughs bitterly) They would run to you with arms open and welcome you into the family? Throw you a welcome home party? (He salutes her with his glass then drains it)
Cassandra: I didn't think they would completely shun me! (She shouts annoyed by his drunkenness,flippant attitude and her own vulnerability)
Rego: Why the hell wouldn't they? (He shouts back then sighs throwing his hand in the air)  You know what Cassandra I'm exhausted and I'm not going around and around on this with you I'm done! (He walks to the bedroom door opening it seeing a cardboard box filled with her things sitting on the chest at the end of the bed and closes it moving to the one on the right then turns back towards her his jaw tight the heat of his stare burning through her) I think my father and Brooke are being more than generous considering the circumstances and you are an unappreciative brat! Maybe instead of worrying about my parents and their reactions you should start thinking about your parents and what your going to tell your Mother the doctor and your Police chief stepfather. Think about it what are they going to say when they see your bruises and you tell them of our marriage? (He begins to close the door then turns back his smug smile and the evil tilt of his arched brow scaring her to her core) Or here's a thought how about the fact that your former lover knew to send your things here and flowers to our hotelroom in Vegas? Which I is what I asked myself. Then I wondered, why you didn't seem at all surprised by any of it. Embarrassed maybe but surprised not at all. Why don't you think about that.(Cassandra stares at him any retort slapped from her mouth by his words. How long until he figured out the rest her mind shrieked in panic. She needed a plan!)  I'm going to take a shower and go to bed your room is over there. If you need anything ring the bell good night. (He slides the door closed locking it behind him stripping as he shuffles towards the shower laughing to his self at the expression of panic on Cassandra's face as he closed the door)

Monday, March 31, 2014

Erica and Gavin 03/31/2014

Erica walks into the ballroom relieved to be away from the camera flashes that almost blinded her. She stood there smiling like an idiot next to that insufferable man for twenty minutes while he pontificates his shrewd business acumen, his dreams and ambitions for the station she'd barely had a chance to say anything. All she'd been was arm candy to complete the image it was absolutely maddening!

Gavin: Here you go sparkling cider for our star.
Erica: Thank you.
Gavin: Your interview was absolutely brilliant. You were absolutely delightful. Giving them just enough information but not enough to run with and and a few bread crumbs to speculate on. (He says placing his arm around her waist and whispers in to her ear as a passing photographer snaps their picture. Erica smiles broadly pushing away from him when the photographer leaves)
Erica: Thank you again (She smiles shaking the hair back from her face her eyes narrowing her annoyance with his overbearing enthusiasm reaching close to threshold ) Tell me how much longer do we have keep this up? (Gavin places his drink on the table then reaches in to his pocket and scrolls through his phone a satisfied smile across his lips as he reads the screen)
Gavin:  For as long as the public loves us, (He flips his phone closed tucking it in his pocket picking up his glass of champagne salutes her then winks) and they are loving us.
Erica: What are you talking about. (She scoffs wishing she could slap the smug grin from his presumptuous, arrogant face)
Gavin: Check your "Chirpper" feed we're trending darling. (He smirks and sips his drink. Erica reaches in her purse and takes out her phone starring pleasantly surprised at the hashtag line on her "Chirpper" feed)
Erica: Oh my! This is unbelievable. (Maybe there was some pay off for suffering through him it had been a long time since she'd seen her name trending for a good reason)
Gavin: Stick with me madame and you'll go place. (A smug smile playing on his lips. Eric stares at him a wicked smiling curving her lips ice dripping from each word) )
Erica: But are they places I really want to go. (She sniffs walking away from him to greet her daughter and Zach)
Kendall: Mother! You look spectacular as always.
Erica: Thank you darling! (She leans in kissing each cheek) You look beautiful! Zach! (Tipping up as she hugs and kisses him. She turns toward Gavin keeping up her public facade for the evening as she places her dazzling smile on her face as it was once again show time)
Erica: Gavin Blackwood, this is my daughter Kendall and her husband Zach Slater.
Gavin: Pleasure to meet you both. (He says shaking the hands of each)
Erica: Gavin is the new owner of WRCW.
Zach: Congratulations. (Taking two glasses from the tray of a passing waiter and handing Kendall one)
Gavin: Thank you. (He says taking a drink from his glass as he thinks) Zack Slater, you own the casino down on the riverfront? (He smiles in recognition)
Zach: Yes I do. Are you a gambling man Mr.Blackwood?
Gavin: Gavin please and, yes but not in the casino. I was wondering if you'd be interested in having a live week long shoot of "New Beginnings" from your casino? Where planning on remodeling the sets and I thought maybe we could do a week of taping at your casino New beginnings-Taking Chances". It would give some free advertising for your casino and I'm willing to pay top dollar for the service.
Zach: Sounds interesting why don't you give my assistant Dax a call in the morning to discuss the details we'll see if we can do business.
Gavin: I'll be in touch. (He shakes Zach's hand then turns towards Kendall) Oh and speaking of the set remodel Ms. Hart I would love to get your opinion on the new set designs. I saw your work at the Expo and it was absolutely breath taking.
Kendall: Thank you very much! Honestly I have been wanting to do something with that set for a long time. (She mock whispers as Erica's brow draw together this was getting ridiculous! First her son in law Now he was wooing her daughter? This was insufferable!)
Erica: Exactly what is wrong with my set?
Kendall: Nothing that a little updating wouldn't fix. (She tries to smooth noting her mother's eyes growing venomous as Gavin expands on his ideas for the set but there was something else there too one that was all too familiar)
Sophia: Hey ya handsome. (She nudges Zach side smiling devilishly)
Zach: Hey what are you doing here? (His eyes wide with surprise he smiles broadly as he reaches down giving her a hug and kiss)
Sophia: I have a date with my other good looking.(She hitches her thumb over her shoulder pointing to Jamie behind her as she walks)  Let me say "Hello" to Kendall.
Zach: Jamie how are you? (He extends his hand toward Jamie drawing him into a hug)
Jamie: Good to see you! (Giving Zachs back a friendly pat as he releases him)
Zach: How are my neice and nephew? (His proud smile mirroring Jaime's)
Jamie: They're perfect. I took these this morning  (Grinning impishly he takes out his phone and show him the photos)
Erica: Jamie! (She says kissing both of his cheeks ) How nice to see you! I was over earlier to see that gorgeous little boy! (She smiles brightly shaking her hair back from her face)
Jamie: Yes Francessca told me. (And told him the entire time he'd dressed) Thank you for your beautiful gift.
Erica: You're so welcome. Jamie may I introduce Gavin Blackwood, (She says taking his arm and drawing his attention towards the later) Gavin Blackwood Dr. Jamie Martin.
Jamie: Nice to meet you (Shaking his hand politely his brow lifting in recognition)
Gavin: You're the young Dr. Martin that's receiving the award tonight? (He asks confirming his suspicions)
Jamie: Yes.
Gavin: Congratulation's I was reading about all the splendid things your clinic does. I wonder if you would be willing to come on "New Beginnings" to discuss your clinic and the work you do there? We're having a week long series titled "Taking Chances" and from what I've read the bulk of the money to fund your clinic was your own. If that's not a "Big Chance" I don't know what is? (His smile genuine making Jamie smile as well) I think that is right in line with our theme.
Jamie: I'd have to think about it and discuss it with my wife. (Erica looks from on to the other he had managed to work every member of her family and doing it absolutely beautifully as she watches Jamie's resolve chip away)
Gavin: Think about it and I promise no personal questions this will just be about your work at the clinic what gave you the idea, how you went about making it come to fruition that sort of thing. It would be great publicity for your clinic perhaps even increase donations. (He hands Jamie his card Jamie takes it from him tucking it into his pocket he had a good point Logan's birth had seen a huge jump in donations to both his clinic and the Miranda Center)
Jamie: I promise I'll seriously consider it thank you.
Gavin: I'm serious too. It's a wonderful thing you're doing.
Jamie: Thanks (He looks over Gavin shoulder smiling as he seen JR and Rebeka coming through the door and turns to Sophia who comes to stand beside him) Excuse me a moment I want to say "hi" to my brother.  
Erica: Sophia lovely to see you again! (She leans in giving her cheek and "air" kiss)
Sophia: Erica you look gorgeous as always I had to come over and see your gown up close the monitors didn't do it justice.
Erica: Thank you Sophia. Sophia Logan this is Gavin Blackwood he's the new owner of the television station WRCW. Sophia is the Grandmother of my daughters niece.
Gavin: Enchante Madame.
Sophia: Nice to meet you. but I'd recognize you anywhere you used to be on this show I watched on English Television Broadcasts America you played "Errol Rathbone of His Majesty's Private Eye's". I loved that show! I never missed an episode. (Oh this was just getting ridiculous! Now he had completely charmed Sophia too? Was there no end to this travesty of an evening?)
Gavin: That was so long ago how nice of you to remember.
Sophia: I could never forget it was my favorite show! My sister would come over every Saturday night to watch. We would go to early mass to make sure we'd be home in time! Oh I can't wait to tell her I met you.
Gavin: Why don't we do better than that. let me have your phone.
Sophia: Here you go.
Gavin: Smile! (He says leaning in and taking a photo with her phone and handing it to her then taking another with his own) Does she get text?
Sophia: Of course and "Chirpper"! We're quite hip! (Fanning insult making him laugh and Erica more annoyed by the second)
Gavin: What's her phone number?
Sophia: It's right here. (She points to the contact list on her phone)
Gavin: She should get that any minute and it's on our "Chirpper" feeds. (He hands her phone back Sophia takes it from him scrolling to her feed and smiling down at the photo)
Sophia: Oh thank you so much she'll have a heart attack! (She tucks her phone back inside her purse)
Gavin: My pleasure anything for a fan! (He smiles back at her completely pleased with his self just working his magic everywhere he went what was wrong with people? And he did it with such ease while Erica seethed)
Sophia: Oh I knew you would be just as handsome and charming in real life as you are on TV!
Gavin: It's hard not to be with someone so lovely!
Sophia: Oh my, you're going to make me blush! So you own the TV station huh?
Gavin: As of eight o'clock this morning.
Sophia: Wonderful good luck to you! I hope you're not going to change my programs?
Gavin: I have no such plans in fact what I want to is enhance what I already have.
Sophia: I hope you don't plan too many changes?
Erica: Don't worry we'll still have all the stories you've loved so much on. That's why I wanted Francessca on the show. I think my audience really loves and wants to see stories like hers.
Sophia: I remember you saying when you bought over the baby gift this afternoon.
Gavin: I thought we agreed earlier that needed further discussion? ( He grinds out through his tight smile)
Erica: And I told you that stories like Francessca's, ones filled with triumph over tragedy are the kinds of stories my audience have come to expect.(Sophia looks from one to the other. Erica looked as if she'd explode. She was trying to prove something to her new boss at her grandchildrens expense. That explained her sudden interest in her great-grandson. She may have had a gift but it was second to the one she was trying to give herself. Lets see who was the better gift giver between the two of them)
Sophia: If you don't mind my saying, you know what I would do if I wanted to "enhance" a show?
Gavin: What's that? (Genuinely curious she was a viewer what better source)
Sophia: I'd find that Carmen that used be on "New Beginnings" and hire her back! (As entertaining as they were according to "The Sun" it was because the rivalry behind the scenes) She and Erica were funny together. The few months she was on were the best! Like the time she made the Cucumber cold cream! That was really something! (She laughs making Gavin laugh with her and Erica cringe at the memory)
Gavin: See? (He says regaining his composure and turning to Erica) What have I been telling you all evening! Thank you Mrs. Logan. (He grasp her shoulders kissing her cheek and smiling broadly. He words catching Erica completely off guard leaving her speechless)
Sophia:  Call me Sophia.(She laughs patting his arm)
Gavin: Thank you Sophia for confirming what I have been telling Erica what the audience wants all evening!
Erica: Oh yes, thank you, Sophia.(She grumbles through her clenched smile)
Sophia:  I don't know what I did but you're welcome. Excuse me a moment there's Brooke and Oliver I'm going to go say hello. Very nice to meet you. Have a lovely evening Erica. (Sophia walks away quickly smiling knowing exactly what she'd done. Yeah those shows were fun and she was sad when Carmen left but when you come over with some Judas gift, beautiful as it was for her grandson you pay)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Adam, Colby and Lola 03/27/2014

Adam and Lola stand off to the side sipping their cocktails before the dinner starts watching the the other attendee's chatting and laughing.

Lola: Seems as if everyone in Pine Valley is here tonight.
Adam: Everybody that's anybody.
Lola: This is a very beautiful room.
Adam: Yes, it is lovely isn't it but, not half as lovely as you are tonight.(He says smoothly making her blush)
Lola: Thank you Adam and you look very handsome in your tuxedo.
Adam: Thank you I feel like one those little plastic men on top of a cake. (He jokes making her laugh)
Lola: You look very dashing.
Adam: So what do you say we make a night of it? (He leans in whispering seductively sending a quiver down her back. She ignores it knowing she needed to take things slowly at least until she could get free of Devereaux. until then she needed to keep her distances she chides herself as she steps away from him reaching for drinks from a passing waiter)
Lola: I thought that was what we were doing. (She turns back towards him handing him one then sipping hers gingerly)
Adam: No you're keeping me from terminal boredom. (He says stepping closer making her cool facade harder to maintain she quickly changes the topic again)
Lola: Actually it's been pretty exciting. Walking in was like one of those Hollywood "Red Carpet" events.
Adam: If it's excitement you want why don't you and I take off to the casino after this? (He says leading the conversation back to it's seductive bent. She steals her aloof exterior determine not to give in to her secret desire)
Lola: By the time this is over it's going to be late and I told you I have surgery in the morning.
Adam: I admire you're being so dedicated to your patients they're very lucky, even if it does spoil my plans.
Lola: Thank you. (She smiles at has flattery)
Adam: We could just go back to my house maybe have a nightcap? (A devilish smirk playing on his lips making her laugh again)
Lola: You are absolutely incorrigible! (Lola spots Colby from the corner of her eye as she walks towards them)
Colby: Dad!
Adam: Colby! (He says hugging and kissing her cheek) You look stunning!
Colby: Thank you! (She pulls away turning towards Lola) Good evening Dr. Colgate.
Lola: Good evening Colby you look beautiful. (She smiles her mind flashing back to their encounter in Adams study)
Colby: Thank you. (She eyes her dismissively) You look nice.
Adam: Lenka good to see you. (He smiles shaking his son in-laws hand firmly)
Lenka: Always a pleasure Adam. (Adam turns towards Lola extending his hand in greeting towards Lola)
Adam: Lenka Gregorian this is my friend Dr. Lola Colgate, Lola this is my son in-law.
Lenka: Pleasure to meet you. (She smiles extending her hand and shaking his)
Lola: Nice to meet you. Adam tells me you and Colby's new venture is going very well.
Colby: Yes, (She says snuggling closer to him her palm resting on his chest smiling up at him proudly) we're growing by leaps and bounds. This quarter looks to be double last quarter.
Adam: Congratulation sweetheart. (He leans in kissing her cheek smiling proudly)
Colby: Thank you Daddy. What about you? Did you seal the deal? (She looks over his shoulder at Lola gauging her reaction)
Adam: No, it went to "Cambius". (He shakes his head disappointed. Colby looks over at Lola who grows quiet staring at them all intently looking more interested than she tried to appear)
Colby: Really? I'm sorry Daddy and surprised. We were in your office just the other evening showing me all the work you had done.
Adam: Me too, I was so sure Chandler Enterprises had it locked.
Colby: From what I saw, so was I.
Lenka: Is that the one you were talking about at Christmas?
Adam: Yes, yes the vote came up yesterday we found out this morning.
Colby: Maybe you should have played this one a little closer to the vest. (She looks from her father to Lola the longer the conversation went on the more interested she seemed why?)
Adam: Perhaps, I have to say I was a little surprised. (He looks at her his expression slightly puzzled)
Lola: Well you know what they say you win some and you lose some. (She chuckles pulling Adam from his reserve he smiles down at her patting her hand on his arm. Colby looks from Lola to her Father knowing in her gut Lola had something to do with it and not liking the affect she was having on her father)
Colby: Not if you're a Chandler when we lose some there is always a reason and we always find it.
Adam: You think it's some kind of corporate espionage? (His brows arched in concern)
Colby: I'm not saying you have a spy or anything (Mocking shock and surprise while she steals a glance at Lola who looks calm but the flicker of fear behind her eye betrayed her. Colby decides to push a little harder) sometimes it's all a matter of simple security. Common everyday things we don't really think about. Letting someone use your computer or your phone or just simply leaving the wrong person alone in your office. (She finishes looking directly at Lola under the cover of her lashes as she sips her drink more convinced than ever as a look of guilt steals across her face)
Lenka: She's got a point you might want to upgrade your security, check your habits you can't be too careful. (He nods in agreement. Lola gathers her thoughts Colby's probing had rattled but she'd managed to stay calm. As obvious as Colby had been to her at least, all she had was suspicion she couldn't prove anything)
Lola: I think Colby's right it's like HIPA regulations in medicine you have to stay vigilant.
Adam: Yes, that's all very sound advice. (He smiles at her again the connection between them unnerving Colby)
Lenka: I can have Sergei come check things out for you if you like?
Adam: I'll have my own people check in to but thank you for the offer. (He smiles earnestly appreciating the offer. Colby had gotten what she needed and knew what she needed to do)
Colby: Look there's Oliver Sherrigan and Brooke! She looks gorgeous! (She says calling his attention to her enjoying the look that always came to his face when he saw Brooke and enjoying even more how his expression affected Lola)
Adam: Can you excuse us a moment (He says taking Lola's arm in his as he turns to his daughter and Lenka)  there's Oliver Sherrigan I want to say hello.
Colby: Sure (She smiles tipping up and kissing his cheek) we'll see you both later.
Adam: Lenka good seeing you. (He turns nodding his head towards him)
Lenka: See you soon Nice meeting you Dr.Colgate.
Lola: Very nice meeting you.
Colby: Nice seeing you again Dr. Colgate. (She smiles knowingly)
Lola: Good seeing you again Colby. (She smiles and nods her gut telling her this thing with Colby was not over)
Lenka: What was all that about? (He slides his arm around her waist pulling her close)
Colby: My father didn't lose that contract by accident (She snuggles against him) and I think she had something to do with it.
Lenka: Why what happened? (His voice low and concerned. Colby smiles giving his waist a loving squeeze happy with his concern for father. They sure had come a long way)
Colby: Come on my love buy me a drink and I'll tell you all about it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Opal ,Tad and Phil 03/24/2014

Phil lies in the hospital bed waiting for Tad to get back from his chat with Taylor. It felt weird to be in a body again with all the sensation like the throbbing coming from his leg where they'd done the adjustment earlier or the pang of hunger coming from his stomach, the cool spot on his hand where it touched the cold metal on the bed. He closed his eyes enjoying the warm feel of the sun crossing his face through the slats in the blinds. It was a haunting sensation bring back a flood of memories. Tara, Charlie his Mom he could actually smell her on the sweater she'd left behind a few moments ago. It was odd talking to her having her hold his hand and feeling her kiss on his forehead when she'd said good bye, the longing for more time when she'd gone. He'd forgotten what it felt like to be alive. This was probably why they didn't allow what he was doing very often. If Tad didn't have a broken leg there be no telling what decadence he'd indulge in.
        He'd go see Tara not that he hadn't seen her over the years but now he could feel her in his arms smell the scent of her, taste her kiss. Maybe sit on the back porch watch the sun disappear behind the mountains and wait for the first stars to come out talk about how proud they were of their grandson Philip and their hopes and dreams for the other three coming up behind him maybe Oh my Lord Opal! Oh crap! Tad!

Opal: Hey love bug! I was out shopping this morning and I ran across a couple of those "Detective" Magazines you like so I got them for you. (She lays them down on the the bed tray then turns and looks at a vase of dead flower and picks them up and dumps the dead buds into the trash)
Phil: Thanks.
Opal: Oh! And I stopped by Jenny's school and had a nice chat with her teacher. (She turns and squints as the sun coming through the window)  You're going to go blind! (She walks to the window and tilts the blinds) There thats better! I see Ruth was here I better put this but my purse so I can give it to her later. (She pulls it from the back of the chair and places it next to her purse)
Phil:Thanks. (She continues to walk around the room collects the other magazines and places them on the window sill. then inspects the other flower vases one by one)
Opal: Her teacher said considering everything that's happened she's doing well thank God for small favors.
Phil: Amen! (He says trying desperately not to call attention to his self with no place to hide hopefully she would continue to putter around the room)
Opal: Let me put some fresh water in this plant. (She picks them up carrying them to the bathroom. Phil's head flops against the pillows where the heck was he? Any minute she was going to come from that bathroom take a good look at him and she was...)
OPal: Oh my God (She says dropping the small potted plant to the floor)  I am so sorry Sir! (Her face crimson she bends quickly picking up the plant placing as much of the spilled soil back in the planter and places it back on the dresser)
Phil: It's okay. (He smiles and shrugs not knowing what else to do but got along with the situation he was trapped)
Opal: I apologize I thought this was my sons room. (She looks around the room confused everything was as she'd left it last night) Here I go on and on!
Phil: No harm done really. (He smiles trying not to notice Opal's embarrassment and confusion as she gathers her things and walks slowly towards the door)
Opal: I'll just be getting out of your way. (She looks back at him her expression puzzled as she glances around the room again then back to the man in the bed)  I'm sorry!
Phil: You're fine really. (His heart filling with empathy as his mind screams GO!)
Opal: I'll just go check with the nurse and see where they moved him. Have a nice day (She walks out the door)
Phil: Have a good day ma'am.
Opal: Thank you bye. (She calls back as the door closes Phil waits a few moments the cream whispers Tad's name)
Phil: TAD! Tad!
Tad: I'm right here! Don't get your nickers in a not! (He laughs appearing at the side of the bed)
Phil: Hurry up she going to be back any minute! (He barks impatiently annoyed with his brother lackadaisical attitude)
Tad: Who's going to be back? (He laughs enjoying being out of the bed he walks to the widow and looks out ignoring his brothers anxious plea)
Phil: Opal! (He growls)
Tad: So what! She'll think it's me. (He laughs coming back toward the bed)
Phil: She ran to the nurse because she thinks she was in the wrong room! Now would you stop playing around and hurry up!
Tad: Why did she think she was in the wrong room? (He laughs again picking up the detective magazine and thumbing through it)
Phil: Duh! She can see me idiot! (He shouts the last part finally getting Tad's attention as his eyes open wide his face going white)
Tad: Oh my... CRAP!
Phil: Yeah! (Opal walks to the nurses station feeling confused and embarrassed by her encounter. She'd been in that room a hundred times she was sure it was Tad's. She smiles trying to sound calm and rational )
Opal: Hi, could you tell me what room you all moved Tad Martin to?
Nurse: Hi Mrs. Cortlandt he's in the same room he's been in.
Opal: I was just there and there was this strange man laying in his bed.
Nurse: Let me check but I'm sure we haven't moved him. (She walks to the computer and types into it)
Opal: I'm telling you there was a complete stranger in my sons room
Nurse: I'm sorry Mrs. Cortlandt but he should be right there.
Opal: I'm telling you not less than (She looks down at her arm holding Ruth's sweater. If she was in the wrong room how did Ruth's sweater get in there? Was it Ruth's sweater?) Maybe I walked in the wrong room thank you. (She smiles weakly and walks back to the room as Tad and Phil swap places)
Phil: So are you okay? (Feeling better now that they were back where they rightfully belonged)
Tad: I'm doing okay.(Feeling better than he had in a while) How about you? Anything else happen?
Phil: No not really Mom came by. That was nice of course she thought I was you but it was still good to see her. Oh and I had to go through your leg adjustment that was horrible!
Tad: I'm really sorry about that I know it's painful.
Phil: Yeah! Especially for someone who hasn't felt pain in thirty years! (He memory making him quiver he supposed it was his penance)
Tad: I'm really sorry man but I can't say I'm not glad I missed it. What about Momma.... (He adjusts the blankets on his bed getting himself comfortable)
Phil: She came in before! (He starts then is cut off by Tad)
Tad: Yeah you said that get to the point. (He laughs)
Phil: Well if you stop interrupting I could tell you she was here before and..(He starts again and is cut off)
Tad: Sorry, I was just trying...
Phil: Got to go!(Phil senses pick up on Opal just outside the room bursting in the room just as the Phil disappears)
Opal: Good Lord!
Tad: Momma! (He laughs smiling as if nothing happened as Opal comes in the room tossing her things on the end of the bed her arms folded across her chest)
Opal: What was that? (Nodding her head towards the empty space where Phil had been)
Tad: What was what? (He grins throwing his hands in the air and shrugging still not acknowledging what just happened)
Opal: I just saw a man standing next to your bed then he was gone! (Standing firm jaw set)
Tad: What man? (He shrugs again feigning innocence)
Opal: Okay! I have had about enough and I want to know what in the sam hill is going on here! (She snarls tired of being made a fool of) I came in here before and he was in your bed!
Tad: Momma, where the heck would I go? (He throws his hand up and laughs Opal stares at him a mixture of shock and surprise at his audacity)
Opal: I'm telling you I came in here...(She starts then stops in frustration knowing that wasn't going to do it and tries another approach) Look I know something weird is going on Tad!
Tad: What could I possibly be doing other than lying here with my leg in the air? (He laughs again but something in his eyes betrayed)
Opal: I saw a strange man laying in your bed when I came in before there's the spot where I dropped the vase! (She points then looks back at him her stance firm knowing she was on to something now)
Tad: Yeah and then you ran out of here.
Opal: Because there was someone else in that bed! Look Tad something is going on! I find you having conversation with your self . Something is going on and if you're not going to tell me I'll just figure it out myself. (She crosses her arms and nods her head accentuating her decision)
Tad: Momma there's nothing to figure out you're just over tired from helping out with the girls.
Opal: I am tired but this has nothing to do with it. Things have been strange since the night I saw those two shooting stars go up from the ravine. I knew it was a bad omen. (She picks up her things from the bed then walks closer to Tad who tries to remain calm but his eyes betraying him)
Tad: Momma it's okay really you just need to go home relax maybe get some rest.
Opal: Rest! I have that awards shin-dig with Palmer tonight. (She looks down at her watch then back at Tad slinging her purse over her shoulder)
Tad: That should be fun go out and enjoy yourself maybe that's what the doctor ordered. (He smiles looking trying to look innocent but looking more panicked as Opal looks more resolute)
Opal: No, you're just trying to avoid talking and trying to get rid of me! (She winks smiling smugly she had him!)If I had more time we'd hash this out right now but I have to start getting ready. (She reaches down on the chair picking up her jacket then turns back to Tad her brow furrowed her finger wagging) You listen to me Thaddeus James Martin I'm coming back tomorrow mister bright and early and you and me are going to hash this out!
Tad: Momma there's nothing to hash out! (He whines hoping beyond hope there was something Phil could do)
Opal: The more you keep saying "momma" the more I know you are up to something! (She walks to the door ignoring his protest)
Tad: Oh come on!
Opal: Come on nothing! (She pulls the door open) Bright and early mister! Bright and early! (She walks through closing it behind her. Tad rolls his eyes to the ceiling slapping his forehead as he lays his head back)
Tad: Thanks a lot!
Phil: You should learn to shut up sometime laughing boy! See you later.
Tad: What? Wait! Where are you going? (He shouts to the ceiling slamming his head against the pillows. Great now "Bright and Early" he'd have to deal with Momma!) Uggh!


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Devereaux 03/19/2014

Devereaux steps out of the shower and towels off. He felt better a nap and a shower  had refreshed him. He also had a plan for Ms. Foster and her husband Rego Sherrigan. He takes a clean towel running it through his hair as he stands before the mirror then wraps it around his neck. He examines his face runs a comb through his hair then reaches for the hand towel on the counter knocking the mustache scissor and razor to the floor. He reaches for the scissor then the razor and the scrap of paper lying next to it. He places the razor and scissor on the counter reading the paper in his hand in the same motion. His eyes grow wide his face white with rage.  She was pregnant! He reads further down noting the doctor notes about how far along she was.  She was pregnant with his child! His child! She'd stolen his child and married Sherrigan to hide it from him. He growls crushing the paper in his hand as he grips the counter grinding his teeth. He'd warned her and now it was time to pay and dearly. She's made a fool of him once too often but first he was going to play the game her way. Yes, he'd have to make sure he played her exactly as she'd played him. His shoulders relax as he smiles to his self a plan formulating in his head. He reaches for his soap cup and brush and begins to make a lather and dabs it on his face. What he needed was a form of proof actually two and that would mean getting Dr. Colgate's assistance. He'd need concrete proof he was the father of course she couldn't know he had it all he needed really was one Cassandra could choose what ever path she wanted and he would use it to his full advantage. Perfect this could be Lena's last tasks she was proving to be difficult and he was a man of his word. She could get him what he needed and she was done. As for Cassandra she would find out what happened to people that crossed him and if she thought she was going to keep his child from him she had better give that idea a second thought.
     He enters the bedroom and stares down at the clothes Maurice had laid out for him he glances at the clock he was running behind he thought as he hurriedly dresses he also needed to make a few calls as he did it. He walks to his phone press the button and calls out his chief security officer.

Devereaux: Mr. Renault what do have for me.
Mr. Renault: They spent the day shopping and then headed straight to the airport they're on their way back to Pine Valley.
Devereaux: Very good keep an eye on them and keep me posted.Make sure your men are not seen understand?
Mr. Renault: Qui Monsieur. (The call ends as he walks to his breaux and flips through his cufflinks)
Devereaux: Lena!
Lola: Hello Dr. Colgate
Devereaux: Good evening Lena.(He smiles devilishly enjoying teasing her with her name de plume)
Lola: Don't call me that! (She snaps hating the reminder making him smile broader)
Devereaux: Sorry Dr. Colgate.
Lola: What do you want? (She hisses into the receiver hoping he'd get to the point before Adam arrived)
Devereaux: I want you to keep your eye on Cassandra I want to know the minute she comes into the hospital and why. (Lola stops in her tracks her mind snapping to attention)
Lola: What makes you think she's coming into the hospital?
Devereaux:  I'll let you know and I want you to call me as soon as she does.(He buttons the collar of his shirt then pulls on his beauties and begins to tie it.)
Lola: What exactly are you up to this time? I'm not going to be apart of...(Worry and annoyance edging her voice God no not the hospital)
Devereaux: Listen Lena do not try my patients! YOU want our little arrangement to end then you had better do as I tell you, do you understand?
Lola: Yes, I understand. (She says contritely knowing she had no choice)
Devereaux: Good I'll let you know. Have a nice time this evening. (Devereaux smiles to himself as the phone clicks. Lena or Lola as she preferred had been useful in her time very useful he thought as he dressed,. His mind going back to their first encounter in that seedy bar outside New Orleans when she'd saved Renault's life. The deal with the Colombian's had gone sour leaving Renault shot and bleeding out. There was no way Lebau could have driven them to a hospital and without one he would die. He'd said he knew somebody who could help and they'd driven through the night for what seemed hours to some dark dingy hovel just on the edge of the swamp. The place was dark and hot smelling of stale beer and rotted food. The broken "Budwiser" sign blinking on and off casting strobe like shadows on the smattering of  of rough looking people sitting around the room. They'd carried Renault into the kitchen as the bar emptied out for the exception of the bartender who hurriedly ran disappearing down the back hall. Then she'd come out a few moments later looking more dead than alive her eyes hollowed barely a spark of life left in them. She had them lay him on the table while she went back in a room coming out with a medical bag and a lantern handing it to him telling him to hold it steady as she operated silently ordering him now and then to adjust the lantern as she worked. She'd stopped the bleeding, removed the bullet stitched him closed in about an hour. She'd then ordered him to sleep while she'd cared for Renault, She did it dutifully staying by his side for days until he'd been able to travel in between caring for him as well. They'd talked for hours with nothing to do while they hid in the back room. She'd told him how she'd ended it the back of a bar in the middle of hell nursing criminals and it was a horrendous story. Back before he had become so jaded by this life and such stories still had an effect over him. He'd tried to pay her maybe she could use the money to get out of there but she wouldn't let him all she'd asked was when he left he'd take her with him. After all she'd done it seemed the least he could do so he had. She'd proven to be very useful once she'd sobered up in fact she was quite charming with a reserved mysteriousness about her that men, powerful men found her incredibly alluring. A quality that had helped them amass millions though he had never sucumbed to her charm.Theirs had remained a working relationship. She'd done it all no questions no argument. As a reward  he'd even helped her get her medical licence back. Then she'd started to balk and complain about wanting out. He honestly couldn't blame her she really wasn't mean't for this life. Even so with all the pleading to be let go she'd remained loyal. For that once she'd gotten him what he wanted she was free. As for Cassandra she'd find out what happened to those who'd crossed him)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Zach and Michael 03/18/2014

Zach reaches for the the first file on the last pile of files on his desk smiling as he skims through the first three pages happy that this would be the last time he'd have to read through any of it ever again. Places the folder down reaching for his pen just at the same moment his cell phone rings.

Zach: Dax what do you have for me?
Dax:  After spending the morning teetering on just this side of the law I found out who's after the "Cambius" majority.
Zach: Was it Lavery? (he grinds out weighing his options on dealing with him and another potential act on his family)
Dax: No,( He draws out hearing an audible sigh and the edge he felt in air between them release) voice but you, are very close.
Zach: St: Jacque? (He smiles relieved and as always impressed with Dax and his skills)
Dax: None other, I have to say he was extremely clever but I don't think he realized what he was up against if I do say so myself. (Patting himself on the back making Zach laugh)
Zach: And you do, you do.
Dax; Of course! You know how I get! (Sounding insulted at the thought that he might not get his prey making Zach chuckle at the memory of Francessca after the wedding and Dax's frantic search)
Zach: Yeah I Thought I was going to have to have you committed when Cessca ran off.
Dax: She's lucky I haven't had a chip put in her after that stunt! I take any attack on the Slater family or Slater holding very personally. (Sounding stern and resolute and he check the camera on on of the tables and alerts the the guards to the hustler at table nine)
Zach: I know that's why I love about you. (Watching the screen until the man had been escorted from the floor and into the security elevator then turns attention back to Zach)
Dax: Speaking of which I have something that you may find interesting.
Zach: What's that? (He picks up the folder and the pen intialing the page he'd been on)
Dax: It would seem our man of the hour Mr. Rego Sherrigan has run off with one Cassandra Foster.
Zach: Huh! (He drops the pen and folder his all his attention on Dax) When did that happen?
Dax: Last night he and the later took the corporate jet off to Vegas which got me curious so I checked around and I found that the two are now officially Mr and Mrs. Sherrigan.
Zach: Whoa! (Taken aback by his words he leans back in his chair) What happened to Devereaux?
Dax: It would seem she left him for greener pastures.
Zach: Interesting. Does anyone else know?
Dax: No, they've managed to keep it quiet on the downlow.
Zach: How do you know?
Dax: One, that's my job, two I'm very, very, very good at it and last when you hurt one of my munchkins you hurt me. So I keep a very sharp eye on the two of them. (Zach smiles knowing Dax was definitely not a person you wanted on your bad side ever especially when it came to family)
Zach: She hasn't been a munchkin in a very long time.
Dax: I watched that little girl grow up she'll always be my munchkin. (He chuckles remembering his niece as a child helping Dax in the office learning how to be a spotter)
Zach: Mine too. (Dax draws the camera toward a couple of unfriendlies by the slots and signals security to take a look then goes back to Zach)
Dax: Oh and please keep that little nugget I just gave between us I don't want to betray my source.
Zach: You got it. (Zach sits up wondering how this event was going to affect his new nephew and his mother)
Dax: Thanks very much appreciated oh, back to the original point of my call.(Turning his full attention back to Zach again)  What do you want me to do about St. Jacque?
Zach: Nothing yet just keep the hook baited I haven't heard back from Michael yet.
Dax: Okay I'll wait to hear from you. Oh, and we closed high today and from my estimation you should close higher tomorrow.
Zach: Awesome, stealing should cost you something even if it's a blessings in disguise. (If they did decided to bail St. Jacques would pay a hefty price)
Dax: You have the meeting with the dealers at three and the wait staff at four (Zach rills his eyes repeating the message before he finishes sounding bored)
Zach: And the awards dinner tonight we have to leave the house by seven-thirty.
Dax: Good you remembered. (He mocks then laughs)
Zach: Yeah, my brain isn't a complete sieve from this mind numbing chore!
Dax: Good to know. (Zach laughs)
Zach: I'll see you later.
Dax: See you! (Zach clicks the phone off smiling as he picks up his pen then scans the page again for where he left off and tries to quell the nagging voice in the back of his head. He puts his pen down reaches for the phone again and barks Michael's name into it and waits)
Michael: Hey sorry I didn't call you back what's up? (He say stepping on the brake waiting for the light to change hoping this conversation didn't end as all their others had recently)
Zach: I got some information you might be interested in? (He says sounding hopeful, Michael wasn't sure but his tone had him curious)
Michael: What's that?
Zach: Someone is making a run on "Cambius". (He hears the swift intake of breath as the news sinks in with Michael making him happier by the moment at thought of finally getting the albatross from around their necks)
Michael: Oh happy day! (Sounding as excited as Zach felt)
Zach: My sentiments exactly! So we're in agreement?
Michael: I can't agree more! Let them have it and the curse that goes along with it!
Zach: I'll call Dax and give him the go ahead. So how's it going Granpa?
Michael: Great I'm enjoying every minute of him, and you should see how much he's grown and he's so smart! Do you know he recognizes my voice already?
Zach: That's great, I'll have to stop by and see him.
Zach: How are things with David? (His voice tentative)
Michael: Even better! We're on the verge of a break through. (His voice excited and filled with promise. Making Zach more concerned)
Zach: Just... (He starts but is cut off before he can finish his thought)
Michael: It's been really nice talking to you so lets not go there okay?
Zach: Alright. (He says biting back his words deciding he didn't want to close a door that had just opened)
Michael: You can tell me about the other stuff tonight at the ceremony and I'll show you all the new pictures I have of my Grandson! (Zach smiles think about the last time he'd seen his nephew)
Zach: I can't wait, see you this evening. (He ends the call picking up the folder he'd been working on feeling lighter that he had in a long time. In a few hours "Cambius" would be out of his life forever and that was something to be truly happy about. He picks up the phone pressing the key for Dax)
Dax: Yes Master how may I help you?
Zach: I talked to Michael let it Rock.

Monday, March 17, 2014

David 03/17/2014

David sits at his desk typing into the computer scowling at the mornings data. It still wasn't enough they needed to push harder if they were going to be able to present their findings and get more funding. At this pace they would never make the deadline. They needed to step up he pace and fast if he could just get Michael to agree but that was like talking with a wall. His slow and steady philosophy was slowing them down and his suggestion of asking for an extension was absolutely ridiculous. These weren't the kind of men that granted "extensions". He was so afraid of rushing even the smallest step and wouldn't give him the copper study for his presentation because it wouldn't be a full six months  He needed to come to a decision quickly before the meeting he needed to have something promising to show them but so far all they had were hopes for tomorrow and the file he needed no where in sight.

Jeanine: Hey Dr. Hayward! (She waves happily walking towards her desk)
David: Jeanine what are you doing here? (He turns in his chair to face her) I thought I gave you the the rest of the day off?
Jeanine: I left my laptop here this morning I wanted to grab it.(Tosses over her shoulder as she kneels down to unplug her adapter, stands then wraps up the cord)
David: You're supposed to be having fun not working.
Jeanine: I can promise you I'm not working! (She laughs placing the computer inside her backpack) There's a couple of movies on here I thought Pete and I could watch on the plane.
David: Oh yeah where are you two off to?
Jeanine: He's taking me up to Aspen for the weekend!
David: Wow, good for you (He nods in approval) I can't think of anyone more deserving 
Jeanine: Thanks Dr. Hayward. What are you doing here? I thought you had that awards thing?
David: I do I was just looking at some data.
Jeanine: Oh, how was it? (She walks over to his desk looking at the computer screen)
David: Slower than I'd like. (He turns back to the screen pointing at the bars on the graph)
Jeanine: You know Dr. Slater slow and steady wins the race.
David: Yeah, I know and he's right most times but...( He grimaces shaking his head)
Jeanine: Yeah, he's funny that way. ( She nods in agreement then chuckles) The other day I suggested increasing the copper content and he said that he wanted to wait because the copper could give you the the needed results now but he was still waiting for the results of his with the long term study about the formula breaking down after a period of time as the copper begins to oxidize. (That's what he needed he just needed her to lead him to it)
David: I wanted to compare them with the results we got today.
Jeanine: Lets see if Dr.Slater forgot to log out. (She reaches for the keyboard types a second then reaches for the mouse) Yep he did! (She closes the window then access the second drive and pulls up the file) Dr. Slater keeps those on his computer I think he updated the file Monday.
David: Thanks Jeanine.(He stares in wonderment at the screen this is what he needed no matter what Michael thought) I'm glad you stopped by.
Jeanine: You're welcome (She smiles walks back to her desk and picks up her backpack places her charger inside and zips it. While David stares at the data formulating a plan to use it) I have to get going.
David: Okay! ( He rises from the chair and walks towards her) Hey how long has it been since you took a day off?
Jeanine: I don't remember. (She laughs)
David:  I don't think any of us have been out of this lab in weeks! I think you should take a few days spend some time with Petey or doing whatever you want I insist.
Jeanine: Oh, (Her eyes wide with surprise then her brow draws into a frown) I can't we have the meeting and I'm still calculating the...(David smiles his most charming smile)
David: Don't worry about it I'll take care of it and when you come back you'll be looking at it with fresh eyes.
Jeanine: Are you serious? (Her eyes open wide with excitement) Really?
David: Of course ( He smiles reassuringly) we'll be fine you and Petey just go and enjoy yourself I'll see you next week! Think of it as a mini spring break for a job well done.
Jeanine: Wow! Thank you so much Dr. Hayward! I can't wait to tell Pete! I'll see you next week!
David: No, thank you for all your hard work. It's just my way of showing my appreciation.
Jeanine: Thank you Dr. Hayward! (She slips her backpack over her shoulder and backs out the door)  I'll work twice as hard when I get back!
David: You can count on it.
Jeanine: Thank you Dr. Hayward bye! (Turning and opening the door)
David: Bye have a good time!
Jeanine: Bye! (She closes the door and skips down the stairs)
David goes to the computer and examines Michael's finding comparing them to what they had then does a mock sequence smiling as the results came in. This was was very promising but, Michael was right they were a long way off and it may not hold up with investors. They wanted results now but, he could use this what he had right here to plead their case at the results would eventually be the same. He'd just need to keep Michael away from the meeting and with Jeanine out of the way it wouldn't be hard.
Krystal: Hey! Are you coming or are you going to stay in this lab all night again?
David: Sorry I'm coming.
Krystal: Is this your new formula?
David: Yep.
Krystal: How's it going?
David: Better all the time. (He clicks the mouse copying the file sending a copy to his computer)
Krystal: What's that? (She leans warping her arms around his neck and kissing him behind the ear)
David: Just one of the last pieces of the puzzle. (He smiles snuggling against her arm as he closes the file
Krystal: Oh good. (She stands reaching over and turning off the desk lamp)
David: Come on we better get going. (He shuts down the computer slides out of his chair and stands. He takes Krystal's hand in his and leads her out of the lab feeling more relaxed then he'd felt in days. He had what he needed to keep the project going the rest would fall into place)