Monday, December 31, 2012

Tad and Taylors Wedding Part 10

Tad and Taylor sip their glasses of champagne as the limousine rolls its way through the fading evening twilight towards the airport.
Taylor: You still haven’t told me where we’re going? (She places her glass down in the cup holder and stares at him her eyes and smile challenging)
Tad: It’s a surprise! (He teases grinning like an imp)
Taylor: You know I hate surprises! (She huffs playfully cross arms over her breast)
Tad: You’re going to love it! (He laugh’s sounding like the man in that store for men’s suits commercial making her laugh as she pulls on his arm and growls)
Taylor: Come on! Tell me!
Tad: Nope it would ruin the surprise! (Making the motion of zipping his lip and throwing away the key)
Taylor: You know (She looks her voice ringing with an “I told you so” lilt to it a playful grin on her lips) I have a little surprise of my own.
Tad: Oh yeah? (He says giving her a side long glance)
Taylor: Yeah! (She slaps her hands together and smiles satisfied at the look of curiosity glowing in his expression)
Tad: So what is it?
Taylor: I’m not going to tell you it’s a surpriseee! (She mocks dragging the last word her eyes open wide she throws her hands up splaying her fingers)
Tad: Oh so it’s going to be like that huh? (He laughs and nods)
Taylor: Well you tell me your surprise and I’ll tell you mine. (She giggles)
Tad: Oh sweetheart I’m not that easy. (He laughs)
Taylor: Come on tell me! (She growls stamping her foot on the floor board making him smile with satisfaction as he leans back against the cushions)
Tad: You tell me! Ho! (He yelps holding on to Taylor as the car rattles and shakes to a halt)  What was that? (He yells tapping on the partition between he and the driver just as it winds lowers)
Driver: I think we just blew a tire. (He calls back over the dinging on the door alarm as he opens it)
Tad: Are we going to make it to the airport? (He frowns looking down at his watch as he moves to the set across from him and pokes his head through the opening)
Driver: Sure, I have a spare it will only take me a minute (He stands removing his jacket and cap and tossing them down on the seat then bends and sticks his head back inside the vehicle) you folks sit tight I’ll be done in a jiff. I’ll make sure you make you flight. (He smiles then closes the car door and walks to the back of the vehicle)
Tad: Thanks. So I finally have you to my self! (He leers lecherously moving across the seat towards her making her giggle as he twist his imaginary mustache) 
Taylor: Yeah, (She place her hand on his cheek kissing him tenderly then whispers) it really was a perfect day.
Tad: It was wasn’t it? (He smiles happily back at her)
Taylor: The girls looked so pretty in their dresses, the tables and flowers were gorgeous. It was everything I dreamed our wedding would be and more. (She kisses him again)
Tad: And now for our perfect ending… (He trails kisses down her neck)
Taylor: Not so fast! (She pushes against him causing him to slide to the floor then laughs at the confused look on his face) You still haven’t told me my surprise!
Devereaux: How far behind us are they? (He turns his head looking out the window behind them)
Maurice: perhaps half to a quarter of a mile. (He sighs inwardly annoyed with his employers constant demands)
Devereaux: Is everything prepared for their arrival? (He snaps annoyed he was this closely involved in this portion of the operation and he wouldn’t have been if Trousseaux hadn’t been arrested that morning! The entire thing from that point on had left a bitter taste in his mouth but it was way too late o abandon the operation besides his other investors wouldn’t be happy at all)
Maurice: Yes sir the arrangements have been made. (He reply’s his voice dry void of all emotion) 
Devereaux: Good let me know when they have arrived.
Maurice: Very good sir. He reaches for the button to roll up the window just as he rounds the bend his eyes wincing at the light reflection on the other cars chrome bumper he turns his head swerves to the other side of the road then back tossing his passenger almost from his seat)
Devereaux: What the hell was that?
Maurice: Sorry sir there was a large disabled vehicle just as you come around the bend. (Enjoying the momentary sound of panic in his employers voice)
Devereaux: Stupid place to stop. (He barks then composes his self as he pulls at his jacket sleeves then straightens his tie)
Maurice: Very sir. (He agrees rolling up the partition and smothering a chuckle)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Tad and Jamie The Wedding Part 9

Jamie sits in the chair Francessca leans back against his chest watching Tad swing the garter over his head before tossing it to the crowd then laugh uproariously at Petey’s shocked expression as it lands on top of his head perched like a cock-eyed lace crown)
Francessca: This was really nice. (She tilts her head and smiles up at him)
Jamie: Tad and Taylor looked like they really enjoyed it.
Francessca: I’m glad they got their dream wedding.
Jamie: So am I.
Francessca: What a gorgeous day! (She looks up at the setting sun the sky glowing hot and orange the clouds streaked with fuchsia and dark purples. Jamie wraps his arms around her and kisses hr temple)
Jamie: It reminds of the first Labor Day you and I spent together.
Francessca: That was a really good day. (She says snuggling in to the warmth of his embrace)
Jamie: Yep! That was the day I knew I was in love with you and I knew you were in love with me. (A knowing satisfied smile lighting up his face)
Francessca: How’d you know?
Janie: Just the way you looked at me, said my name your smile and who could blame you? I mean I’m a handsome, wealthy, handsome, young, handsome, single doctor. (He tilts head looking down at her grinning like a Cheshire cat)
Francessca: Number one. (She sits up hr yes dancing with laughter) Oh, my God! Conceded much? And two you’re not single!
Jamie: I was back then and quiet the catch. You’re just lucky I was willing to just sit back and wait for you to come to your senses. (He sighs sitting back in the chair adjusting his tie and pulling at his sleeves preening proudly)
Francessca: I’m sorry I must have completely missed this “sitting back and waiting” you did.
Jamie: So you wish I had? (He mocks lifting one brow quizzically)
Francessca: I’m just really glad you didn’t. (She leans in and kisses him the two jumping as Tad’s voice booms over them)
Tad: Hey you two! (A silly grin playing on his lips as the two blush slightly)
Jamie: Hey Dad.
Francessca: Hey Tad.
Tad: How you feeling gorgeous? (He kisses her cheek then pulls the chair out from the table and straddles it leaning his arms across the back)
Francessca: Good! How are you?
Tad: Tired and ready to get out of here! (he grumbles leaning his forehead on his arms and sighs loudly)
Jamie: So why don’t you guys get out of here?
Tad: We are. I just wanted you to know I put the girls stuff in hour house and I left an extra set of house keys in that bowl thing on your dinning room table. Oh and I left the name and the phone number of where we’re staying and our flight information in the notebook on your desk.
Francessca: Got it!
Tad: Oh and I left the girl’s schedules on your refrigerator.
Jamie: Taylor emailed us both a copy three days ago. (He laugh’s Tad curls his lip nods his head and rolls his making Jamie snort back his laughter)
Tad: Anything else you guys can think of?
Jamie: Dad, it’s not like I haven’t watched my sister before now get out of here! Go enjoy your honeymoon we’ll be fine.
Tad: I know you will. You take care I love you. (He stands grasps Jamie by the neck pulls his head forward and kisses the top of his head then gives him a fake noggie)
Jamie: Love you to Dad and I’m really happy for both of you.
Tad: Thanks son. (He leans in hugs Francessca then wags his finger at her playfully)  And you better hold on to that baby till I get back and make sure you keep this one in line.
Francessca: I will. Love you Tad. You two have a great time!
Tad: Love you too! I’m going to say good-bye to your sisters and then we’re out of here. (He says scurrying towards the hedge maze just as Brooke and Rhea approach them)
Brooke: Where’s Tad running off to? (She watches him disappear around the side of the maze)
Francessca: To say goodbye to the girls then he and Taylor are going to leave. (Both of their eyes widen with glee)
Rhea: Then I’d better find Opal and pass out the birdseed! (She looks around the room spotting Opal standing by the band stand talking with Miriam)
Ruth: You need some help? (She calls across the table as she places her up down on the saucer)
Brooke: No we have it you and Joe finish your coffee. (Ruth nods in agreement picks up hr cup and looks about the room spotting her young great Grandson talking with his Grandmother Tara)
Ruth: Charlie and Cecily’s Phillip has grown in to a very fine young man.
Joe: He reminds me a lot of his of his grandfather at that age.
Ruth: That’s funny I was thinking the same thing earlier. (A reminiscent smile lighting he face as she speaks) Not a day goes by I don’t think of him. Call me silly but every once in a while like today I swear I can still feel him around.
Joe: It’s not silly at all (He warps his arm around her shoulder pulling her close) I feel the same way about my Mom she would have been so proud of the man Tad’s become. (He smiles remember his mother and Tad together)
Phillip: She sure is Joe. (He whispers from behind them as Jenny comes to stand at his side)
Jenny: There you are when did you get back?
Phillip: A little while a go I’ve been just been wandering around. Looking at how much our family has grown. (He smiles proudly pointing across the room)  Over there’s my grandson.
Jenny: He reminds me of you. (She smiles back him enjoying the look of joy on his face)
Phillip: You think so? (His head swiveling to face her his expression quizzical) My Mom was just saying that Joe.
Jenny: Yeah he does. (She confirms with a nod) 
Phillip: I just hope he’s smarter that his old Granddad.
Jenny: You’re not so bad. (She smiles) It was a really lovely day wasn’t it? (She says eyeing the sky as the sun recedes and the garden lights one by one flicker then glow as the shadows lengthen)
Phillip: Yeah it was. (A slight sadness creeping into his voice) I guess we’d better start getting ready?
Jenny: Yeah, (she sighs) I guess we should. (Phil takes hold of her hand walking until they disappear in to a cloud of vapor as they pass through the garden wall) 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Adrian, Lola, Krystal and Liza The Wedding Part 8

Adrian stands in front in front of the house in the center of the driveway on the phone staring back at the house as he speaks.
Adrian: Sword.
Anna: Hey!
Adrian: What’s up?
Anna: We spotted some movement earlier on the docks and we believe there is something moving your way.
Adrian: How far out?
Anna: Approximately ninety minutes.
Adrian: Where?
Anna: On the interstate now.
Adrian: What do you want us to do?
Anna: Right now just hang tight we have someone on them.
Adrian: Good.
Anna: I’ll call you in about an hour if we need you.
Adrian: We’ll be waiting.
Anna: Maybe if we’re lucky we can wrap this up today.
Adrian: I’d love that!
Anna: So would I. I’d love to have this guy in prison before he can get that stuff out on the street.
Adrian: Any movement on him?
Anna: He was in a meeting all morning then left about an hour before they did.
Adrian: Any one we know?
Anna: No, it seemed to be legitimate. So far we haven’t been able to connect all the dots on him just yet but we’re close. This could be just what we need.
Adrian: Hope so. Listen I have to get back inside.
Anna: Okay, Tell Tad I said congratulation.
Adrian: I will. Take care stay sharp.
Anna: You do the same.
Adrian terminates the call and walks towards the back of the house through the garden and begins looking for Lola. The later stands inside the pool house finishing up listening to the last of her messages just as Krystal comes in.
Krystal: Hey! 
Lola: Hi! You look great! (She says giving her a hug)
Krystal: So do you! (She pulls away lifting Lola’s arms from her sides and admiring how beautifully the dress looked and fit her) I knew that dress would fit you perfectly! Having a good time?
Lola: I’m having a wonderful time! Tad and Taylor got the perfect day didn’t they? They both walk to the mirror and check their make up as they chat)
Krystal: Beautiful. Hey thanks for last night it was nice having some adult company.
Lola: Thanks for asking me over it was really great for you and I to re-connect. (Her voice and expression thoughtful and hopeful at the same time)
Krystal: Yeah, it was we have to do that again. (She grins remembering how much fun they’d had the night before)
Lola: You have a date only this time at my place. (She turns from the mirror to look directly at Krystal grinning from ear to ear proudly)
Krystal: You found a place? (Tossing her lipstick back in her purse and zipping it closed)
Lola: I think so I got a message from the realtor about the place I told you about last night.
Krystal: That’s great! Could you excuse me a moment but I really have to go. (She steps in to the bathroom leaving the door slightly a jar as she continues to talk)
Lola: Go ahead I’ll wait. (She turns back towards the mirror)
Krystal: You can keep talking, which one are we talking about.
Lola: It’s the small one with the big yard. I decided this morning after spending the night with the kids. (She giggles remembering all of them laying on h floor in the den laughing and playing through the movie)  I thought it would be nice for them to have a place to play when they come over.
Krystal: Was that the one on Sycamore or the one Rose?
Lola: The one on Sycamore.
Krystal: Ooo! I love that street! (She calls over the running water)
Lola: I’ll just call Miriam back and Twenty-five Sycamore Street here I come. (She reaches in her purse for her phone just as Liza comes through the door her ear and sense immediately on alert at the sight of Lola and the address she’d just uttered)
Liza: Hi, Lola. (Forcing a friendly smile as she walks towards her)
Lola: Liza how are you. (Turning towards the sound of Liza’s voice)
Liza: Fine thank you. Did I just hear you mention twenty- five Sycamore?
Lola: I’m thinking of buying a house there. (She states proudly)
Liza: That’s only a block or so from Wellington and I. (She comments her voice sounding smooth and casual)
Lola: Oh, I didn’t know. (Her expression betraying her shock)
Liza: I’m sure you didn’t. (She says coolly as she slides past her to the mirror)  
Lola: Well, I guess we’ll be neighbors. (Her smile betraying her nervousness)
Liza: I guess so. (She turns towards her voice smooth but her smile leaving Lola feeling chilled)
Krystal: Hey Liza! (She says off handedly as she walks from the bathroom smoothing the front of her dress as she walks)  You ready?
Lola: Sure! (She checks her image one last time then turns towards Krystal who does the same)
Krystal: Nice seeing you Liza. (She calls over her shoulder as she pulls open the door and holds it for Lola)
Liza: You too! (She smiles looking as happy as any of the other party goers)
Lola: I guess I’ll be seeing you around the neighborhood. (She jokes waves walks through the door followed by Krystal who begins to chatter about the best furniture stores)
Liza: See you…She laughs half halfheartedly and waves waiting till the door closes then mutters to herself as she fumbles through her purse) Hopefully no more than usual. (Pulling her phone from the seemingly cavernous depths of her purse and speed dials he mother) Hey mom it’s me I know I could just come talk to you but I couldn’t wait and I didn’t want the entire guest list listening…. I need you to check a listing on a the house on Sycamore…Yes I know just about to close the deal that’s why I called you…No I don’t want to buy it I want you to see if you can keep someone else from buying it… Never mind the commission… I’ll make it up to….Come on it’s not like you really need the money and you owe me one…You’re a realtor tell her it’s already sold tell her whatever just don’t let Lola Colgate buy that house!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Tad and Taylor’s Wedding Part 7

Scene shift: David stands behind the hedge maze watching the children play in the bounce house and at the carnival games,
Zach: David! (He grins as the children run for the bounce house)
David: Zach. (He says flatly his sense on alert)
Zach: Having a good time.
David: Great.
Zach: Kids seem to be enjoying themselves. (He watches as the kids jump and flip around inside the giant balloon)
David: Yeah, this is something all right. (His guard still up)
Zach: I hear you’ll be working with my brother Michael? (He looks at him out of the corner of his eye keeping his tone casual)
David: So is that what this is about? (He grins with satisfaction know his instincts were dead on)
Zach: What, what’s about?
David: The social banter if you want to ask me about your brother and I working together just ask me. (He says looking just past Zach as Michael walks up behind them and stands quietly listening)
Zach: Okay. I want to make sure that you’re not leading my brother down a dangerous path with one of your schemes.
David: I wasn’t aware that Michael needs a caretaker.
Zach: What he has, is a brother who watches out for him.
David: You don’t give your brother a lot of credit do you?
Zach:  I give my brother all the credit in the world but, he’s been sheltered for most of his adult life and I don’t want to see anyone take advantage of his naiveté shall we say.
David: The Michael I’ve come to know doesn’t seem like anyone’s fool.
Zach: You’re not just “anyone” David and you and I both know that.
David: Look Zach I asked Michael to work with me developing my new drug at a salary Michael is the one that came to me asking to invest and I told him I didn’t want his money just his talent he insisted he wanted to invest in it even after I told him I would rather keep my investors and our work separate but he said he wanted something of his own something that wasn’t yours and wasn’t his wife’s. He was so insistent maybe I should be the one who’s leery about our partnership or maybe your brother just wants a little independence and success of his own. Or perhaps and this is what I suspect, what he really wants is someone who actually believes in him and his abilities and treats him like a grown up instead of a child.
Michael: Definitely that last thing! (He says stepping forward arms crossed over his chest)
David: If you’ll excuse me I’ll let you two talk. (He walks away smirking to his self and thinking that couldn’t have worked out better if he had planned it)  
Zach: Michael I…(He starts then receives a quelling look from Michael his irritation putting   a notables chill in his voice)
Michael: Don’t bother trying to explain Zach. David’s right I’m not a child I’m capable of making my own choices about my life whether you agree with them or not. (He says trying to make is argument sound rational)
Zach: I just don’t want you to be taken advantage of. (He finishes hoping futility that Michael would see reason. Michael take a breath calming himself his anger almost at boiling in)
Michael: I’m not being taken advantage of! This is my choice. And even if I were it’s my life and making mistakes is all a part of it and they’re my mistakes to make. I don’t need you running interference!
Zach: I’m just trying to protect you! You don’t know David! (He shakes his head his brow drawn together his lips almost disappearing from his face. (Michael glares at his a moment before the full force of his anger blast through like the red eye express train to New York)
Michael: I’m a grown man I can take care of myself I don’t need you to protect me, and I’m not stupid Zach! I ‘m well aware of the things he’s done but I also know he is a brilliant scientist and what we are working on could change how we treat people with congenital heart problems. What we are doing could save lives and I want to be a part of that.
Zach: Michael, just listen to me. (He pleads his voice tight with frustration)
Michael: No Zach! This may be my last chance to do something memorable to actually make the kind of contribution to society that I’ve always dreamed of doing! (His eyes pleading with Zach for understanding making Zach relent and feel all the pain and disappointment his brother felt along with the small glimmer of hope he had for salvaging some hope of fulfilling his life long dreams. How could he take that from him but, how could he allow him to work with someone as potentially lethal as David?)
Zach: David can be very dangerous! I don’t want to see you get hurt again. (He pleads hoping Michael could hear the genuine fear he felt for him in his voice and knowing instantly by the look on Michael’s face as he spoke that he would be having none of it)
Michael: And if I get hurt I get hurt Zach! I can take it! You’re my brother not my guardian or my babysitter. I’m your brother not your child. This is my choice my life! You don’t get a say about what I do or with whom I choose to do it with. (He finishes then turns and storms back towards the house leaving Zach to stare after him feeling a frustrated with a gnawing feeling of trepidation)  

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Wedding Part 6 12/21/2012

Jamie: Yeah you guys go ahead. (He smiles as the two begin to run towards the doors)
Francessca: We’ll come get you when it’s time to go. Other wise we’ll be right here.
Kathy: Okay come on Jenny! (She calls over her shoulder as the two run out the door in to the yard just as Adrian’s phone begins to ring. He pulls it from his pocket and looks down at the number)
Adrian: Could you excuse me a moment I have to take this call? (He says turning to Lola)
Lola: Sure I have to go to the ladies room and check my messages. (They both stand) We’ll meet back here okay?
Adrian: I won’t be long.
Lola: I’m going to hold you to that. If you’ll all excuse me a moment I’ll be right back. (Lola stands by the table a moment looking confused)
Francessca: Through that door when you get to the pool house it’s the second door on the left.
Lola: Thanks! (She says as Adrian places his arm around her waist as the two walk through the door)
Petey:  Bow chick a Bow-wow! (He grins pecking his like a chicken)
Jeanine: Petey! (She says sounding embarrassed)
Petey: Oww! (He yelps then rubs his arm) What?
Scene shift Erica standing at the bar.
Erica: Sparkling water and a lemon slice please.
Jack: Hello Erica. (He says walking up behind her) Having a good time?
Erica: Jackson hello! (She turns towards him flashing him a brilliant smile) I’m having a wonderful time! (She gushes) Tad and Taylor are just so cute together.
Jack: Yes they are. I didn’t see you at the church earlier?
Erica: Yes, we ran a little late. (She says eyeing Sam as walks towards them)
Sam Wood: Sorry about that. (He tucking his phone inside his jacket pocket)  I’ve shut it off for the rest of the evening. Jackson good to see you! (Extending his hand and shaking Jack’s)
Jack: Sam good to see you. What brings you to Pine Valley?
Erica: I had the annual state budgetary meetings. Figured while I was here I’d catch up with an old friend. (He says putting his hand around Erica’s waist as she smiles seductively back at him) How are things in the district attorney’s office?
Jack: You know us always busy.  (His head goes up looking past them causing Erica’s head to swivel and eyes to bulge as a woman walks up behind them) There you are!
Tea Delgado: Hi, Jack sorry about that.
Jack: Tea Delgado. Erica Kane (Enjoying the look of shock and annoyance pass over Erica’s face)
Tea: Ms. Kane what a pleasure it is to meet you. (She extends her hand towards Erica who shakes it weakly) I’ve been a fan of yours for many years.
Erica: Always a pleasure to meet a fan. (She smiles shaking the hair back from her face)
Jack: And I believe you two are already acquainted. (He says turning towards Sam)
Tea: Ah yes how are you Sam?
Sam: I’m well.
Erica: So, How do you know Jack? (Her curiosity getting the best of her as she struggles to maintain her outward calm)
Tea: Oh, Jack and I go way back. (She says encircling his waist with her arm and laying her hand on his chest)
Jack: Tea’s an attorney in Llanview we’ve consulted on some work over the years. (He says smiling down at her and winks)
Erica: That’s where I’ve heard the name. You represent that criminal publisher Todd Manning. (Her voice sounding accusatory)
Tea: And quiet a few others. (She adds feeling the predatory undercurrent emanating from Erica)
Sam: Tea’s one of the best criminal attorneys in Country.
Jack: Ninety eight percent acquittal record. (He says saluting her with his glass)
Erica: What happened to the other two percent? (Sounding more catty than she had intended)
Tea: They were over turned upon appeal. (She says proudly enjoying Erica do a slow simmer)
Sam: I’m just glad to we have her on our side for a little while.
Erica: On our side? (She looks from Sam to Jack)
Jack: Tea has been appointed interim assistant district attorney.(He sips his drink watching Erica over the brim)
Erica: So the job is just temporary. (She says sounding relieved)
Tea: Well see how it goes. (They all chuckle with the exception of Erica)
Sam: Let me be the first to say welcome to Pine Valley. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Tea: So far, it has and I’m really looking forward to what the future brings. (Flashing Erica a knowing smile and winks)
Jack: I believe that’s our song. (He smiles down at Tea)
Tea: Then lets go! (She turns toward Erica and Sam her voice sounding qualm but her eyes flashing challenge) Pleasure meeting you Erica, Sam.
Erica; Oh the pleasure was all mine. (She says flashing her a smile that didn’t quiet meet her eyes, which had turned a magnificent shade of green)
Sam: Shall we get back to our table? (He asks pulling her away from her mental dagger throwing)
Erica: Yes, (She says pulling her attention back to Sam) yes of course. (She loops her arm in his as the two walk back to their table still unable to keep her eyes from going back to Jack and Tea)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tad and Taylors Wedding Part 5 12/20/2012

Tad and Taylor stand near the dais beaming happily at watching their guest celebrate.
Frankie: Congratulations Sarge!
Taylor: Frankie! Oh my God! (She says hugging him tight) I didn’t think you were coming! How’s Randi?
Frankie: Ask her your self! (He says pulling out a small four inch by four inch screen and holding up Randi’s image)
Randi: Congratulation Taylor and Tad! (She smiles blowing a kiss at the screen)
Tad: Oh my God! That is amazing!
Randi: You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world! If Randi can’t come to the wedding the wedding will come to Randi! (They all laugh) Taylor you look beautiful and Tad you look so handsome.
Tad: Thank you sweet heart. (He grins waving at the screen)
Randi: I wish you both a long and happy life together!
Frankie: That goes double for me!
Taylor: Thank you both so much! (She says reaching out and hugging him again)
Frankie: We’re going to walk around I’ll see you guys in a little bit.
Taylor: See you both later. (She waves to Randi’s imagine then Frankie turns and walks towards his sister and Brot)
Tad: Did I tell you how much I love you today? (He says pulling her gently towards him the two sway back and forth as he kisses her)
Taylor: Yeah you did but you can tell me again.
Opal: Hey you two love birds! (She walks up two them embracing them both)
Tad: Hey Momma! (He leans down and kisses her cheek)
Opal: Look at the two of you! Aww! I’m just so happy for you. (She hugs her again)
Taylor: Thank you Opal.
Opal: I have to say you both got a beautiful Indian summer day!
Taylor: Yes we did! Today has been absolutely prefect. (She looks around her at the people enjoying themselves enjoying the summer like weather and beautiful decorations)
Tad: Rhea and Kendall did a beautiful job.
Opal: And did you see all that carnival stuff they got for the kids back behind the hedge maze? (Nodding her head towards it)
Tad: Are you kidding you could see the top of that thing when you come up the drive. (He laughs)
Taylor: It’s not that big (She pushes his arm playfully) besides the kids are loving it.
Opal: They sure are! (She nods in agreement)
Taylor: Can you excuse me a moment I want to talk to my brother real quick?
Opal: Sure honey you go right ahead.
Tad: Come on lets you and me dance! (He grabs her hand pulling her out on to the dance floor)
Opal: Well all right! (She smiles happily as Tad twirls her around the floor)
Tad: Oh madam you’re so light on your feet!
Opal: Oh, you! (She slaps him playfully on the shoulder enjoying seeing him so happy)  I haven’t seen you look so handsome in a long time!
Tad: Thanks Momma.
Opal: I’ll have to ask Taylor how she did it. (She teases then laughs at the scowl on his face) She’s a great gal.
Tad: That she is.
Opal: And she’s just beaming today! (Looking over his shoulder as Taylor laughs and talks with her brothers) I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this happy!
Tad: Of course she looks happy. (He chuckles) You don’ get married every day.
Opal: No it’s more than that I don’t know call me crazy, (She immediately realizes her words and shoots Tad a warning glance) don’t say it, but her aura has changed seems like she’s at peace to me. (She shrugs. Tad looks down at her chuckling to his self at his mother fantastical beliefs)
Tad: Whatever you say Momma.
Jenny: Hey Dad can I have one more ice cream cone Peaseeeeeeeee? (She pleads squinting her eyes smiling broadly hands held in prayer and bowing at the waist)
Tad: Sure! (He smiles down at her) Just don’t tell Taylor okay?
Jenny: Oh I won’t! Thanks Daddy! (She scampers off happily making his mother laugh at how easily she manipulated her father)
Opal: That ones got you wrapped around her little finger.
Tad: I can’t help it sometimes she reminds me so much of Jenny when she does that. (His smile reminicent) She used to do the same thing to me when we were little.
Opal: Or when she gets sleepy and rubs the back of her head?
Tad: Yeah. I don’t know why but I’ve been thinking about our Jenny a lot today. (He looks down at her his expression curious)
Opal: Me too, (She sighs inwardly some how feeling relieved it was just her feeling her presences) I miss that girl so much sometimes. (She says a little sadly as she rests her head on Tads shoulder)
Tad: So do I Momma. (He kisses the top of her head then closes his eye enjoying the close moment and memories of his sister)
Jenny: I miss you guys too. (She whispers then moves towards the hedge maze behind them.)
Opal: Did you hear that? (Her head popping her eyes searching the crowd)
Tad: Hear what? (He looks at her his expression perplexed)
Band Leader: May I have your attention please it’s time for the bride and groom to cut the cake!
Tad: That’s my que!
Opal: Okay honey I’d better go get my camera! Don’t cut till I get back to my table! (She skitters off towards the row of tables)
Tad: I promise! (He chuckles then walks towards the cake in front of the band stand to his waiting bride)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tad and Taylor Wedding Part 4 12/19/2012

Tad and Taylor stand at the back of the atrium on the Logan-Slater estate with the minister beaming with happiness as the minster reaches the point in the ceremony when they exchange their vows.
Tad: Taylor, I didn’t realize what was missing from my life until the day you walked in to it. Now I can’t even imagine my life without you. You make all our lives brighter you fill our home with love and our hearts with joy. I’m a better man because of you. I stand before you a humbled man who wants nothing more than to wake up every morning and find you beside me. I love you Taylor and the happiest day of my life and I sleep better each night know that even happier days are in our future together.
Taylor: Tad when I first met you I thought you were the pushiest, most persistent and obnoxious man I’d ever met. I was hurt, scared and alone all I wanted to do was crawl inside myself and you wouldn’t let me. You pushed me to be better and to want more. You believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself.  You’ve been my hope, my strength and my salvation. I feel so blessed to have you in my life, for the love we have for each other and the life we’ve built for our family and ourselves I love you today and for all the tomorrows to come.
Reverend: Tad repeat after me. I thee Thaddeus James Martin
Reverend: Take thee Taylor Marie Thompson
Tad: Take thee Taylor Marie Thompson
Reverend: For better for worse,
Tad: For better for worse,
Reverend: For Richer for poorer
Tad: For Richer for poorer
Reverend: In sickness and in health,
Tad: In sickness and in health,
Reverend: Forsaking all other for long as we both shall live?
Tad: I do.
Reverend: Taylor Marie Thompson repeat after me, I thee Taylor Marie Thompson,      
Reverend: Take thee Thaddeus James Martin for better for worse,
Reverend: For better for worse
Taylor: For better for worse
Reverend: For Richer for poorer
Taylor: For Richer for poorer
Reverend: In sickness and in health
Taylor: In sickness and in health
Reverend: Forsaking all other for as long as we both shall live?
Taylor: I do.
Reverend: By the power vested in me by the great state of Pennsylvania I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride. (Tad dips Taylor in to a deep kiss in to a kiss much to the enjoyment of the on lookers.  Phil and Jenny smile as they stand at the front of the atrium behind the guests)
Jenny: Hey what are you doing here what happened to Dixie? (She looks around the room seeing it empty then back at him) 
Phil: Dixie got re-assigned.
Jenny: Oh, what about everyone else?
Phil: Everyone else just left to prepare. (He looks around the room searching for family members he hadn’t seen for years as Jenny speaks)
Jenny: How much longer?
Phil: There’s still time for you to enjoy yourself. (She follows his line of vision smiling as his eye light up when he sees his parents)
Jenny: It’s been so long since I’ve seen everyone.
Phil: Me too, my Mom and Joe look so happy and proud. Wow Tara is still as beautiful as ever there’s Jeff talking to Chuck and my boy Charlie.
Jenny: Look how much Jenny and Kathy have grown. Oh, wow there’s Liza Colby and Momma.
Phil: Oh, that reminds me they said to try to stay out of your Mom’s line of sight you have to remember to stay behind her and make sure she isn’t standing in front of a mirror like this morning.
Jenny: I forgot she could see me.
Phil: She can see all of us that’s why you have to remember to stay behind her.
Jenny: I’ll be more careful I just couldn’t help going to see her.
Phil: I know (He looks over at Tara talking and laughing with his Mom and smiles a momentary twinge of longing coming over him) it’s always hard being back here.
Jenny: You going to be around for a while?
Phil: No I have to go finish preparing but I’ll be back well before.
Jenny: Thanks for doing this one with me it’s going to be hard.
Phil: They’re all hard but I know what you mean.
Jenny: See you later.
Phil: See you later enjoy your self but be careful. (He warns with a smile and a wag of his finger before disappearing through the wall)
Jenny: I will.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tad and Taylors Wedding Day Part 3 12/18/2013

Taylor sits before the mirror in on of the suites at the Logan-Slater estate surrounded by her friends and extended family dressing for her wedding.
Taylor: Okay if you put anymore make up on me I won’t recognize myself.
Amanda: Just let me get your bottom lashes. Look up.
Taylor: Oh, God! (She rolls her eyes before looking up and receives a playful chastisement)
Mrs. Thompson: Oh stop fussing you look beautiful! (Kelsey and Amanda stand back admiring Amanda’s work nodding their heads in agreement)
Kelsey: Okay lets get your dress on come on ladies! (She waves her hand as she walks toward the dress hanging on the closet door and retrieves it)
Taylor: Careful! Watch my hair! She says ducking her head as they come towards her)
Kelsey: Don’t worry we won’t touch a hair on your head we promise. (She and Cecily hold the top while Ruth, Opal and Mrs. Thompson hold the body and slip it over her head with ease leaving no feathers ruffled. Mrs. Thompson zips the back then comes around her and stares in awe)
Mrs. Thompson: You are absolutely stunning! (She looks at her expression filled with awe) 
Taylor: It’s not too tight? It feels a little tight. (Twirling back and forth in the mirror)
Kathy: You look like a princess! (She nods to her sister they both look up at her eyes wide clapping their hands in excitement)
Jenny: Just like Cinderella!
Opal: Aww Tad is going is just go to pieces when he see’s you! (She looks at Ruth who nods in approval)
Ruth: Yes he will!
Mrs. Thompson: I think I’m going to cry! (She reaches in her purse and pulls out a handkerchief and dabs at her eyes then pulls out a small box)
Taylor: No Mom don’t do that or your going to make me cry!
Mrs. Thompson: This was your great, great Grandmothers’ mothers. She gave it to me daughter on her wedding day and now I’m giving it to you on yours. (She hands her the box Taylor opens it starring down her eyes welling with tears)
Taylor: Your cross!
Mrs. Thompson: Yours now.
Taylor: I always loved this. Thank you. (She says fighting back tears as she hugs her)
Mrs. Thompson: Oh don’t cry honey you’re going to spoil your makeup!
Taylor: I can’t help it!
Amanda: don’t worry I used waterproof! (They all laugh)
Kathy: This is something “New” from me and Jenny! Francessca helped us make it! (She says handing her a small purse sized picture album of their new family from last year or so in a hand decorated and sewn case a collective sigh of “Aww” is heard around the room)
Taylor: Girls this is beautiful it’s the best present you could have ever given me. I love you! And I love you too!
Kathy: I love you too Taylor!
Jenny: Me too! We made it small so you could keep it in your purse!
Taylor: I love it and that’s exactly where it’s going!
Tara: And this is your something borrowed this was our Gran’s.  (She says handing her Grandma Kate’s lace handkerchief. Another collective “Aww” is heard as Taylor embraces each Martin woman and thanks them)
Taylor: thank you all so much! Tad talks about his Grandma Kate all the time!
Opal: Kate was a very special lady.
Ruth: That she was!
Amanda: And, Francessca and I got you your something blue! (She says handing her a small wrapped box barely containing her excitement as Taylor opens it to the hoots and hollers of those present as she reveals it’s contents)
Taylor: Oh my goodness! (She exclaims blushing as she pulls the garter from the box showing it to the crowd) It’s really pretty but I can’t wear this!
Francessca: Sure you can!
Amanda: It will be up under your dress no one will see it.
Kelsey: That is until Tad takes it off to throw to the bachelors! (They all laugh as Taylor blushes)
Mrs. Thompson: I think we’ve covered it all something old, the cross something new, the photo album, something borrowed.
Tara: Grandma Kate’ s handkerchief!
Amanda: And something blue Taylor’s sexy new guarder! (They all giggle again)
Mrs. Thompson: I think we’re all set! (She smiles happily with pride)
Taylor: I think we are.
Ruth: Okay ladies we’d better get out front. Ahhh (She says hugging Taylor close to her) Love you honey see you out front!
Cecily: You look beautiful! Tad is a very lucky Guy!
Tara: More lucky than he deserves sometimes!
Taylor: No, I’m the lucky one by marrying Tad I get this HUGE wonderful new family.
Kelsey: No we’re the lucky ones because we get you. (She gives her a hug and follows Ruth, Tara and Cecily out the door)
Amanda: Let me just quickly touch up your make up.
Francessca: Come on Jenny and Kathy lets go to the ladies room get your bouquets. (She takes each by the hand and walks them to the door)
Taylor: Thanks Cess.
Francessca: Sure, see you out front. (The girls walk ahead and Francessca closes the door behind them)
Amanda: You’re all set! I’m going go!
Taylor: Thank you Amanda for everything!
Amanda: After everything you and Tad do for Jake and I it’s the least I can do! Besides we’re family and I can’t have my new sister in-law looking like something the cat dragged in can I? Oh and I’ll go find your Dad and send him back here. (She winks gives Taylor a quick hug then leaves the room)
Taylor:  Thanks Amanda.
Mrs. Thompson: How are you doing honey. (She reaches over grasping Taylors hand and giving it a loving squeeze)
Taylor: Happy, excited and just a little nervous.
Mrs. Thompson: Oh everyone’s a little nervous on their wedding day. I remember the day I married your father I was so nervous I almost left the house without my shoes.
Taylor: I almost forgot mine! (They both laugh) Who would have thought that I would have spent four six hours looking for just the right shoes for today! Amanda and I must have gone to at least eight different stores till we found them and then we spent another three hours looking for shoes for Kathy and Jenny!
Mrs. Thompson: They are such sweet little girls.
Taylor: Aren’t they? You should see Kathy with Tad she’s the only one that can really get him and Jenny I couldn’t ask for a better little helper which will come in handy. (The comment causing her mother to raise and eyebrow) Mom can you keep a secret? You have to keep this to yourself because I haven’t even told Tad yet?
Mrs. Thompson: Haven’t I always?
Taylor: I went to the doctor yesterday and he told me I’m pregnant!
Mrs. Thompson: Oh my God! No! (She places her hand on Taylor’s arm her eyes wide with surprise)
Taylor: Yeah!
Mrs. Thompson: I’m finally going to be a Grandmother! (She hugs Taylor to her rocking back forth as she pats her back) I can’t wait! Your father is going to be over the moon when I tell him!
Taylor: You can’t tell anyone till I’ve told Tad!
Mrs. Thompson: Well when’s that? Don’t make it too long or I’ll burst I know it!
Taylor: I thought I’d tell him while we’re on our honeymoon that way we can think of a fun way to tell the girls.
Mrs. Thompson: You have to call me as soon as you do! Oh I’m so happy I think my head is going to explode!
Taylor: Please don’t I don’t want to spend the next fifty years explaining who the headless woman is in my wedding photos! (They both laugh and hug again as a knock comes at the door and her father sticks his head in)
Gen. Thompson: It’s almost zero hour you ready? (He says coming fully in to the room and closing the door behind him then stopping and starring at Taylor his eyes wide with love and adoration) You are absolutely beautiful!
Taylor: Thank you Daddy.
Mrs. Thompson: I’d better go check on the girls and take my seat. I love you darling.
Taylor: I love you too!
Gen: Thompson: Are you happy pumpkin?
Taylor: I’ve never been happier Daddy.
Gen. Thompson: I’m glad. Your Tad is a lucky man.
Taylor: I’m the lucky one Dad. After everything I put him through when I was sick and he still wants to marry me, that makes me the luckiest woman in the world.
Gen. Thompson: Don’t cut yourself short he’s just as lucky to have you! I can see he loves you Taylor heck, anyone with eyes can see that and he’s a good man but don’t tell him I said that. I have to keep the troops on their toes. (They both laugh) Come on gorgeous it’s zero hour.
Taylor: Okay, I’m ready.
Gen. Thompson: I love you honey and I’ve never been prouder of you. (He hugs her and kisses her cheek)
Taylor: I love you too. (She hugs him back at the same time fighting back her tears of joy)
Gen. Thompson: Shall we? (He says opening the door then following her out the room)