Monday, December 31, 2018

Jamie and Ivy


        Jamie walks into the clinic and directly to the reception desk checking the clock on the wall as he walks.
          "Hey is my interview here yet?" The receptionist smiles then laugh's.
          "Not yet you lucked out. She just called to say she was running late.You have about five minutes." She calls after him with a laugh as he sprints into his office. He close the door behind him pulling off his jacket as he goes and tossing it on the back of his chair. He reaches for his office jacket and slips into it switching on his computer as he slides into his chair. He pulls the the mirror from his desk drawer and quickly checks his appearance and brushes the hair back from his face. Satisfied he places it back in the drawer before typing his password into the computer as he reaches for the small box of mints in the jar on the desk and pops it into his mouth with one hand as he types on the keyboard with the other. He waits for the file to load then clicks through it quickly to refresh his memory.
       "Lets see Ivy McClellan..." He mutters to himself as he clicks through the parts of her resume he'd highlighted finishing just as the office phone buzzes.
        "Hello Dr. Martin, Dr. McClellan is here would you like me to walk her back?" Elizabeth say over the intercom using her professional voice that always made him chuckle when she used it.
         "No I'll come up front and walk her back myself. Thank you." He says as he rises and comes around the desk and walks out to the reception desk.
       Ivy looks around the office admiring the brightly painted reception area with all the hand painted characters adorning the walls. It was pleasant giving the room a warm friendly feel. It was very different from the clinic in Chicago that she'd just left behind. There she'd had to practically purchase the supplies they need out of her own pocket sometimes she had. This was a far cry from that and she was glad. Here she could concentrate on healing not trying to hold it all together. That was one of the things that had attracted her. This clinic was well funded and be free to do the work she wanted to do. Hopefully in her time here she could learn some of Jamie's trick to pass on to her colleagues back home. She was sure it also didn't hurt to inherit a fortune and having a rich wife with even richer relatives. They definitely could have used this kind of funding back home she thought walking toward the the long glass panes separating the clinic from the rest of the "Miranda Center" and all the activity going on there.
          "Dr. McClellan thank you so much for coming. I'm Dr. James Martin." He' says taking her extended hand in his and shaking it.
           "Dr.Martin very nice to meet you. Beautiful facility you have here." She says smiling brightly. He was taller than she'd imagined his eyes were kinder in person and his smile even warmer.
           "Why don't I give you the tour and then we can talk in in my office, If that's okay with you?"
           "That's fine I would love to see more!" She says following along beside him as he takes her through the exam rooms and office spaces chatting amiably as they go. Finishing their tour back at Jamie's office.
           "Please have a seat. Would you like a cup of coffee." Ivy smiles shaking her head negatively as she sits in the chair across from him.
            "No, thanks if I have another cup I'll never get to sleep." She says making them both laugh. "Is this your family?" She says picking up the picture of Francessca and Logan from the desk. "What a cutie! He looks like a really happy baby." Jamie blushes proudly looking at the photo a moment and smiling.
            "Thank you. Yeah he is. I've never seen anyone wake up as happy as he does every morning. He does even cry. We can hear him over the monitor playing and kind of singing to himself." He says preening proudly.
             "Ahhh aren't you the proud Poppa." She teases making Jamie laugh.
             "None prouder." He says placing the photo back down on the desk.
             "and your wife is stunning and an absolutely brilliant photographer. I was looking at her photos in "Tempo" on the flight here."
              "Thank you. I'll tell her she has another fan next time I see her." Ivy laugh's thinking what life as Mrs. Jamie Martin must be like as she allowed hers imagination to slip into his wife place for a moment. From what she'd read their courtship was something you'd read in a romance novel. She'd enjoyed the momentary image she'd created a little too much she though. Her voice sound slightly whist full as she spoke to her ears hopefully it was missed by his.
              "I think all new parents sing that same song." Jamie laugh's nodding in agreement her tone completely missed to her relief.
               "Yeah, it's just been doubly hectic since my Dad's been in the hospital. I think the only thing either of us haven't been to tired to do lately is sleep." He says with a laugh then takes a quick look at his watch his mind telling him he needed to wrap this up or he was going to start falling behind.  Although she was interesting and easy to talk to. He could honestly say he was looking forward to working with her. 
             "So do you have any question?" Jamie asks hoping if she did have any they weren't to long or complicated. He needed to get back to the hospital and check on one of his patients before going home showering then stepping out again to pick up his sisters and take them over to JR's for their fittings. At least he'd have a few minutes to spend with his brother before picking up Logan's from his Mom's and heading home to spend five minutes with his wife before they both passed out.
             "The only one I can think of is what time do you want me to get here in the mornings?" She teases noting the look of relief on Jamie's face.
              "I usually get her around seven then do my rounds at the hospital around ten so lets say about nine forty five? If that's okay with you of course?"
              "That's perfect! I prefer to do my hospital rounds early. So I guess I'll see you at nine forty-five sharp tomorrow." She says with a smile shaking Jamie's hand firmly as she rises.
             "You'll have to excuse me but I really have to go. I have an appointment with my realtor in like ten minutes." She says looking down at her watch as Jamie begins to shrug out of his jacket.
               "Not at all I have to get going myself I have like a million things to do today. Come on I'll walk you out." He says picking up his sports jacket from the back of the chair as he walks toward the door.
              "I'm really glad you're going to join us." He says as he holds the door for her to pass before shutting it behind him. He turns down the hall leading them both out the back into the parking lot.
               " I'm really looking forward to working with you too. I'll see you in the morning." She says smiling up at him. The afternoon sun lending her eyes an inviting twinkle Jamie noted.
               "See you tomorrow." He smiles back. He watches her a minute as she walks away waving to her as she climbs into her car before turning and entering his own.

Jamie and Zach
Jaime and Cassandra

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Natalia and Brot


        Natalia lies on the couch flicking through the stations on the television and watching nothing at all. Her mind was too cluttered with thoughts of Preston and the kiss they'd shared.  She presses button on the remote again hoping to find something to distract her mind. She was exhausted after her jog with Francessca when she'd gotten back and her body had screamed for rest. They'd both pushed themselves more than they usually did running the last mile at full force.
        Their jog had been much quieter than normal. They had both seemed to have some personal issues to sort so their jog had been relatively quiet and had been mostly general things they usually chatted about. She hadn't wanted to discuss with Cess what had happened between her and Preston before she'd gotten there. She still needed to sort that out for herself first and was hoping a nap would help settle her mind. Only each time she closed her eyes she was in Preston's arms and he was kissing her making her feel as if something in her had been sound asleep and suddenly awakened. The feeling made her heart pound and filled her with both longing and fear. Fear that the love she'd claim to have lost was still burning within her. Fear that her relationship with Brot wasn't as deep as she'd thought nor her love for him as intense as she believed. How could it be when she had all these feelings for Preston? But she loved Brot she knew she did. Up until a few days ago she had never once doubted their love now she felt nothing but confusion.
        She pushes the afghan from her lap stands then stretches before walking to the window. She leans her palms on the sill and stares out into the darkness watching the car tail lights flicker up the mountain and into the darkness like all her thoughts. She loved Brot she knew she did but could she still say "with all her heart"?
           "Oh God help me." She mumbles as the sound of keys rattles in the door lock.
           'Hey!," Brot calls tentatively from the doorway pushing a bouquet of roses in front of him. "Is it safe to come in." Natalia smiles pushing her thoughts of Preston to the side and concentrating on the here and now.
          "Yes, come in but I'm still mad at you!" She says taking the flowers from him and placing them on the table.
          "I know, I know and I'm sorry. I would have called if I could but I was on assignment and I couldn't risk breaking cover." He pleads following behind as Natalia turns towards him her brows drawn together the lips he longed to kiss contorted with anger.
          "What the hell are you working on that you can't even take five seconds to let me know that you're alright?"
           "All I can tell you is that I was undercover." She looks at him arms crossed over chest her eyes stretched in disbelief.
           "Undercover? Who are you infiltrating?" She scoffs.
           "It's a special assignment and I can't talk about it with anyone but the Chief." He says his voice sounding official and authoritative to her ears.
          "I haven't seen or heard anything about it." She retorts her tone rich with skepticism as Brot sighs in frustration.
          "I just said It's a special assignment and I can't talk about it with anyone but the Chief.
          "So are you going to tell me about what you're doing?"
          "What part of I can't talk about it didn't you understand?" The tedium of the question along with her persistence giving him pause.
          "Come on I'm not just your girlfriend I'm also a cop!" She pushes.
          "All the more reason I can't tell you! Why are we talking about work anyway? You've been blowing up my phone since yesterday we're finally together and you want to argue about work?What's going on with you?" He blurts out his weariness with the argument coloring his tone so that it scratched at her guilt making it itch harder.
           "Nothing! You've been gone for almost two days and I hadn't really heard from you I was worried is all." She shrugs as Brot smirks back at her.
           "What did you think? I'd taken you up on your text?"
           "What text?" She lies knowing exactly what text he was referring to.
           "You know which one the one where you told me not to come back! What's up with that?" He asks looking at her squarely. Natalia meets his stare her voice sharper than she'd meant as she allows her annoyance to take hold.
           "I was disappointed and mad when once again you were a no show! You didn't show up for dinner the night before. I didn't see you most of the next day. Then you don't show up again last night. No call, no text explanation. Nothing." Brot sighs conceding her point for the moment but still confused by her attitude she was an officer she should understand the nature of  their job.
           "I'm sorry okay? It all just came up suddenly I didn't have time to prepare."
           "I mean it's not the first time it's happened." She says pushing the point rather than deal with what was really gnawing at her as Brot annoyance and confusion intensifies.
           "What the hell Natalia! You're a cop you know how it all works! Why are we having this stupid argument in the first place?" He groans as he reaches out for her. Natalia steps away from his grasp walking towards the window needing to put space between them. She didn't want him to touch not yet. Especially when her body still burned from Preston's touch.
            "Because you can't just waltz in here with a bouquet of roses and think everything is just fine and dandy!" She says as Brot comes towards trapping her between the window casing and his arms leaving her no place to run.
            " Okay Natalia this is silly! Tell me why we're really having this fight right now?" She couldn't explain why. Not to him because then she'd have to explain it to herself.
            "I don't know maybe I was just hurt and maybe a little scared. I'm sorry." She half lies knowing deep down she was arguing with him just for argument sake. She was avoiding the real reason nagging at the back of her mind.
          "Good," he says pulling her into his arms. "I can think of better things we could be doing in the next five hour before I have to go back to my assignment." His lust deepening his voice before kissing her. His desire increasing as Natalia relaxes in his arms and returns his kisses. She forces her thoughts quiet and throws herself fully into the moment with Brot. In flaming them both by surpassing his passion as Preston finally slips from her thoughts.
          "Wow!" Brot says as he releases her. "What was that for?" He asks surprised by the intensity of her kiss.
           "I told you I missed you." She smiles up at him.
            "Well why don't we go in the bedroom and I can show you just how much I missed you." He grins as he grasps her hand leading her toward the bedroom. Natalia follows behind him smiling as he closes the door behind them and pulls her into his arms. He kisses her feeling her body arch against his as he trails kisses down her neck. Natalia relaxes in his arms allowing herself to enjoy the moment blocking her nagging thoughts.
        Brot pulls the strap of her camisole from her shoulder following its path as it slips from her shoulder toward her breast. Natalia pulls him closer and closes her eyes images of Preston flow across her mind. She opens them again as his name almost escapes her lips as Preston's face is suddenly replaced by Brot's.
             "I'm going to be sick!" She yelps as she pushes away from Brot and runs to toward the bathroom slamming the door behind her as she leans against it. Tears stream down her cheeks as she dry heaves over the sink. 

Natalia and Preston
Natalia and Brot

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles 2018


Monday, December 3, 2018

Erica and Gavin


       Gavin sits alone in the quickly darkening living room of the small mansion he'd rented sipping a tumbler of scotch. Intermittently rubbing his temple as he reviewed the schedule they had for next week. There wasn't a single moment that he could get off.
     "Damit!" He grumbles as he walks to the window pushing back the curtain to watch the storm clouds roll over the mountains their foreboding blackness and ominous rumbling matching his mood.
       All the pieces were falling together and he wanted to get over to "Harbinger Falls" to see Marjorie and check on the progress of his personal project. According to Marjorie, his family in Scotland secured the property right from under Him without him ever being aware of the transaction. He'd never had any doubts they would since he had already prepared everything they needed and he'd given them all the money necessary to do so. The property had been purchased with the backing of the town counsel ground had been broken. He'd even managed to carve out a twenty acres or so and made sure it reverted back to the Van Dorn kid three acres more than his rival. He'd need a nice foot hold in that town besides controlling interest he and his friends maintained in the business once the word got out he'd thought. Much to one particular parties chagrin she'd said. Her exact words were "Literally hopping mad" when he'd left the planning board meeting. Good! He hoped he was fuming mad. He hoped he grew madder by the day as they proceeded. He hoped not knowing who was behind it all ate at him like a cancer. He thought smiling to himself.
         "I hope when it's all over you rot in hell you bastard!" He mumbles as he takes a sip of his drink then places the tumbler down on the table beside him. He reaches for the the light's switch and turns it illuminating the darkened room pulling him out of his machination. He had immediate work to do if he was going to get the time he needed he chided himself.  First thing first the newest script for "Raising Fire" and Erica's notes on the subject and of course Corbin's.
       If nothing else it was good to be away from both of them and have a moment of peace. Between Erica's rantings and Corbins it was a wonder they were as far along as they were and his head hadn't exploded. Oh and least he forget the cast of "New Beginnings" and the constant bickering and squabbling. At least from what the director was telling him all the cat fighting was great energy on camera and Corbin said it was "Talk Show Gold" Hopefully it would be the same with a real audience as it had been with the test one. Personally he'd been too distracted with other matters so he would have to take their word for it.
      He walks to the desk and retrieves his folders and script placing them on the coffee table then walks to the fireplace and lights the kindling blowing it till the flames grew and began to ignite the wood above. He walks back to the table by the window to get his drink before settling down on the sofa just as the first patters of rain began to hit the window panes. He reaches for the latest script Corbin had left with the corrections and additions in the margins and everywhere else he noticed as he flipped through the pages then tossed it back down on the table choosing to go through the proofs "Tempo" had sent over just as the doorbell rings. He shakes his head as he rises and grumbling as he opens the door to find Erica. She stood soaked from head to toe a puddle already forming around her feet looking more like a drenched cat then the goddess of fashion she normally was.
"Erica! My God come in!" He says ushering her toward the living room who's fireplace was now roaring. He stands her in front of it then pulls the afghan from the back of the sofa and wraps it around her wet shoulders.
     "Thhhhhank you." She says between chatter teeth while Gavin pulls the cord next to the fireplace for a servant who comes to the door almost immediately.
      "Broden, please bring some towels and a robe for Ms.Kane. Also please have Anabel put on some water for tea thank you."
      "Certainly sir! I'll be back in a jiffy!" He says cheerily in his thick Scottish brogue before disappearing down the hall as Gavin walks back to Erica.
       "He'll be right back are you feeling any better?" Erica looks up at him and sniffs pushing a wet tendril of hair from her face as she speaks.
        "Yes thank you! I don't know what happened as soon as I stepped from the car the sky just seemed to open up!" She manages between shivers.
        "What are you doing here?" He asks looking at her confused. Erica shrugs then smiles.
        "I called several times but my calls kept going to voicemail.
        "That's because I didn't want to be disturbed." He says in that infuriating cool tone he'd adapted as of late.
        "So I decided I would just come over instead." She continues ignoring the tone in his voice.
        " I needed to speak to about some of the revisions Corbin has made to the script he sent out today." Gavin rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms across his chest.
         "And that was so important that you had to rush over here tonight?"
         "Of course when I couldn't reach you on the phone! Obviously I had to come over!"
         "Obviously!" He says his voice dripping with sarcasm.
         "Well I couldn't just let him get away with it!" Gavin walks to the table and retrieves his drink downing the contents as he walks to the bar.
          "Of course not! We couldn't let that happen!" He replies reaching for the bottle and filling the tumbler as she speaks.
          "He can't just keep rewriting history! He just can't!" She states firmly shaking the wet tendrils back from her face. Gavin shakes his head as he walks returning to the seat on the sofa he's abandon earlier.
         "Erica, we've gone over this before. "Raising Fire" isn't an exact telling of your life there are always going to be some deviation for storyline sake." Erica shakes her head coming to stand in front of him.
          "I completely understand that but if we keep making deviation what's going to be left to actually keep my fans interested?" She argues back. Gavin stares back at her in disbelief.
          "Erica, your fans will be interested because they know you. They'll be able to tell exactly what's fantasy from what's fact. And, I have to be honest I don't see how any of that was so earth shattering that you had to disturb my evening." He looks up at her one eyebrow raised expectantly.
Erica stares back at him coyley.
         "Well, there's also the situation with my co-hosts." She stares back at him.
          "And there it is!" He mocks at the same moment Broden returns carrying a thick white robe over his arm and towels piled on his palm.
         "Excuse me sir, if madame would follow me I'll show you where you can change." He says in the same cheery voice from earlier cutting off anything else she might have said. Gavin leans back against the the cushions closes his eyes and rubs his temples. Erica at this moment was the last thing he needed. Any thoughts of a quiet evening were dashed now Erica's arrival had seen to that. He thought then sighed aloud.
         "I placed Ms. Kane in the guest room at the top of the stairs and sent her clothes to be cleaned and pressed. I also took the liberty of ordering a light re-passe a long with the tea. Will ye be needing anything else?" 
          "No, thank you Broden. You and Anabell can retire I'll take care of any needs Ms. Kane should require.
           "I'm sure you will. Goodnight then." Broden says with a smirk and receives a scowl from Gavin for his efforts as he leaves.
           "Goodnight Broden." He grumbles leaning his head back against the cushions. He stares out the window watching the drops explode against the window panes as the wind whipped them. In between the flashes of lightening he watched the branches of the large oak shake back and forth then the crash of thunder that shook the house interrupted by Erica's scream.
           Gavin bolts from the couch and runs to the foyer taking the stairs two at a time instinctively reaching for the door handle and throwing it open in one swift move to come to a stand still at the sight before him.
           Erica was cowering in the corner tears streaming down her cheeks trembling and close to hysterics. He runs to her calling her name as he walks and gathers her in his arms and holds her as she cries.
          "I'mmm sorry! I'm sooo sorry!" She stutters clinging to him as she continues to cry.
          "Shhhh, it's okay, it's okay." He murmurs gently stroking her hair as he tightens his arms around her as she trembles at the boom of thunder.
           "I hhhhhate storms like this!" She stammers.
            " Shhhhh you don't have to talk about it. we'll just sit here together until it passes." He soothes waving away both Broden and Anabel who had rushed up the stairs behind him. Erica shrieks and jumps as the the lightning streaked across the sky lighting the room followed by a boom of thunder that shook the rafters.
          "Erica! Erica!" He calls to her pulling her attention back to him. "The storm is moving away it will be over soon and I promise I'll stay right here with you." He soothes stroking her hair as he talks. "You know if you count in between the claps of thunder you can tell how much longer the storm will last." He says rocking back and forth trying to quiet her whimpering as the next bolt of lightning lit the sky. Her whimper turning into a yelp as she buried her face in is shirt grasping the fabric as she did and hiding her face in the folds as the thunder boomed in the distance.
        "Erica count with me okay one two three four...." He continues as Erica begins to calm his mind drifting back to his own horrible memories of stormy nights understanding the terror she felt having survived his own.
        They sat on the floor of the guest bedroom until the last sounds of the storm had passed leaving just the light patter of rain on the window. Erica was the first to let go pushing away from him and turning her face from his her face in full blush.
       "I'm sorry I most look a fright." She says rising and walking to the mirror absently checking her makeup. Gavin watches her as he rise knowing instinctively she needed a few moments to herself.
         "If you'll excuse me a moment I'm going to go down and root around the kitchen for something for us to eat. I'll be back shortly"
         "You don't have to do that I don't want to be any more of a bother than I already have been." She says shyly looking more vulnerable then he'd ever seen her, her expression was almost childlike. Something about it touched him he wasn't sure why. Gavin smiles back at her as he reaches for the door knob.
         "You're not a bother at all. I'll return shortly." He says closing the door gently behind him. He walks down the steps still confused as to what he'd just witnessed. He turns at the bottom and walks toward the kitchen passing the script for "Raising Fire" he'd tossed on the table as he'd run up the steps. Then stopping dead in his tracks as he realizes what he'd just witnessed.

* Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles"

Gavin, Opal and Erica
Erica and Corbin, Jack and Tea

Monday, November 26, 2018

Barbara, Lenka and Sergei


         Barbara opens her eyes and looks around the room not sure what was happening. She didn't remember anything after he'd offered her the drink. She'd drank it quickly letting the liquid warm it's way down her throat and then nothing until she'd awakened on the sofa that she now sat. All the normal signs of a name had been removed from the room. There wasn't an ashtray, matchbook or flier anywhere she also notice there wasn't a phone. The curtains had been drawn and the room lit by the lamps on the table giving her no way of telling if it was day or night. She looked around for a clock but even if she found one she still wouldn't be able to tell if it was day or night any way she chastise herself!
         She raises her head blinking back the throbbing pain that threatened to make her head explode. She turns her attention toward the low angry voice finding one of them Sergei she thought his name was lounged on a chair in front of her watching her intently. While the other grimaced then growled something into the phone.  She was frightened more frightened then she been in her entire life. They still hadn't told her what they wanted from her. The only thing she knew was that she owed them and they were going to make her pay them back. How? Was the question that that kept echoing in her head and with every echo her fear mounted. She wished she'd never gotten into that limousine when she'd left the jail. She'd been so sure Molly or Jackson was the one who'd sent it and paid the bail. She'd never imagined it would be these two. Now she was trapped this seedy room with two gangsters!
       She glances over at Sergei who's eyes never left her and suppresses the chill that threatened to quake her entire body. She breaks away from his stare and looks over to the other who seemed to be the leader was still on the phone speaking a language she didn't recognize to some unknown person and he seemed annoyed as he hung up the call then turned to his friend still speaking in the same language.
       "Okay I just got off the phone with Anna. She wants us to keep her here for a couple of days. Not sure how I'm going to explain that to my wife." Lenka grumbles as he reaches for the bottle on the table and fills the glass before drinking half of it in one swallow. Sergei laughs.
        "Don't worry about it we can take turns and I'm sure she'll have some other's pitching in." He says with a laugh and a wave of his hand.
         "That's what she said but she doesn't have anyone tonight and I have to be at some stupid thing her idiot brother is having tonight! How am I supposed to get out of that?" Sergei shrugs.
          "You can go I can watch her for a couple of hours. I'll be fine. Besides she'already afraid of me." Lenka looks over at Barbara who's fear was almost as obvious as her need for a drink.
          " You have a point. I bet if you gave her the rest of the bottle she'd pass out in no time."
          "And be absolutely no trouble at all." He says making them both laugh.
         "No," Lenka says with a shake of his head. "She drank half that bottle before we got here and she looks pretty much sober to me. Did you forget the other night at the casino? No, I think it would be better if we has two of us watching her." Lenka finishes pulling the chair out from the table and joining Sergei. Both starring at her and sipping their drinks while they decided what to do.
          "I have my tools in the trunk I can rig something so she wouldn't be any trouble at all?" Sergei says taking another sip of his drink as Lenka rubs the stubble on his chin.
          " Like what?" Sergei leans back in his chair a moment.
           "Lets see I've got a couple of bolts some chain and some other stuff. It will take me about seven minutes ten minutes tops." Lenka smiles and nods his head.
            "That could work but what if she tries to make some noise?" Lenka asked as Sergei shrugs.
             "Gags work." He says making them both laugh. "Don't worry about it. I rig something to keep her from running after that you can go take care of your business. Worse comes to worse I can just knock her out again." He shrugs as he rises and walks toward the door pausing as he passes her." "Don't go away" He says turning toward Barbara and blowing her a kiss before closing the door behind him. His last action sending a shiver up her spine.
              Please don't hurt me." She says struggling to keep the quiver from her voice. "If you let me go I can I cane get you money." Then is shocked into silence by the burst of Lenka's laughter.
            "Sweetheart if you had money you wouldn't be here. Don't worry no one is going to hurt you as long as you do what we say, so relax."
            "What are you going to do with me?" She whisper looking like a trapped animal to Lenka as she back herself into the corner of the couch. Her knees drawn up against her chest.
            "In a couple of days you have a little job to do for me. After that you can go do what ever you want. My suggestion would be to stay out of the casino but, until then you are going to stay right here understand." He leers at her as he pulls back the his jacket to reveal his gun. "I can see by the look on your face you're going to be a perfect angel."
           "Pleaseeee don't hurt me I swear! I'll get your money!" She begins to cry fear gripping her freezing her to her spot.
            "Again, I already know you don't have any money. You received the last payment you're going to get from your previous employer which you you lost at the poker table to me Since you can't pay it off you're going to work it off." Lenka says as he comes towards her carrying the chair and sits down in front of her his arm draped over the back of it holding the gun in his hand. Barbara begins to shiver under his stare as her mind jumped from one scenario to another.
           "What are you going to do with me." She manages to croak out between her sobs. Lenka smiles menacingly knowing he had her exactly where he wanted her. His point reinforced when she jumped as Sergei came back in the room his tool bag and materials in hand. He nods to Lenka then walks into the other room. Where almost instantly the sound of a drill can be heard.
           "Oh no please no! No! Oh God No!" She begins to screams.
           "Calm down!" Lenka yells over her screams then begins to laugh.
           "You are a very attractive for a woman your age but not really a high demand item you understand. Besides, that would be a complete waste of your intellect. But, just so you know you may have to use how shall we say your feminine wiles."
          "What do you want me to do?" She asks fighting back her panic and tears as Sergei comes back in the room and nods to Lenka.
          " I'll let you know when the time comes. In the meantime you're going to stay here and while you're here you will be cooperative and quiet. If you cooperate in a couple of days you'll go home and maybe with a little something in your pocket."
          "What if I don't?"
          "Don't become a problem Mrs. Montgomery I don't think you would like the way we resolve our problems. I said women your age weren't in high demand I never said the demand didn't exist." He says with sneer sending another shiver of fear through her. "Now get up and go into the other room Sergei will show you what to do. Oh and remember I'll be right behind you so please don't get any brilliant ideas it would be a shame to mar your lovely figure with bullet holes." He says waving the gun and signaling her to stand.
           Barbara takes a deep breath and then stands and walks slowly into the room wishing she had a drink and a way out.

Anna, Devereaux and Barbara
Molly, Dani and Barbara

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018


Monday, November 19, 2018

JR and Ryan


        JR steps off the elevator at "Cambius" smiling broadly and looking around his old haunt. He greets several people on his way through the office thanking them for their congratulatory greetings with all the smiles and pleasantries the greetings required. He makes his way through the executive suites toward Ryan's office not bothering to stop and speak to Ryan's assistant who couldn't do more than sit with her eyes bulged and stammer something incoherent as he passed giving her no time to announce him. 
      "Good Morning! Mr. Lavery is expecting me." He winks as he strides through the door of Ryan's office closing it politely behind him. Anyone watching would think it was just another friendly drop in but JR knew better and so would Ryan shortly.
         "Morning Ryan!" JR say coolly stopping in front of Ryan's desk the later looking up from his computer smiling and looking confused.
         "Good Morning JR. Did we ahh have an appointment I forgot about?"
        "Oh, no I was just in the area and I thought I'd stop in for a moment." He says causally pulling over a chair and sitting directly in front of him. His eyes cold the smile still on his lips giving him a sinister look that was unnerving Ryan thought.
        "Since you're a "drop in" kind of guy. You know what I'm talking about Ryan." He smiles slyly meeting Ryan's confused stare.
         "What exactly are you driving at JR?"
         "I'm not driving at anything. I was passing by the building and thought I'd stop in and say hello. Although now that I think of it that could be just a little disconcerting. Don't you think so Ryan? I mean especially when it keeps happening over and over again?"
         "Yeah." He asks knowing exactly what JR was referring to. JR continues in the same cool tone noting the light of recognition that just went on in Ryan's head.
         "You know like when someone just happens to be where your having lunch, shows up at your house, then again at your office. I mean something like that could be interpreted in this day and age as stalking."
         "Is there a point to this conversation JR?" Ryan interjects growing bored with JR play at intimidation. JR continues speaking as if Ryan had never spoken at all. His manner and tone still held the same polite coldness. A trick his father had taught him. He could tell he was getting to Ryan even if the later tried to hide it but his saucer like wideness of his eyes were a dead give away.
         "Oh I was just getting there. Rebeka, Aj, Endre and I are a family and next week we make it official. Nothing and no one is going to get in the way of that.''
         "Explain to me exactly why you're here again?"
          "Don't play games with me Ryan you know exactly why I'm here."
          " Please refresh my memory"
         "I told you nicely before so lets make this your last warning. This time take my advice stay away from my family. Most especially stay away from my fiancee. She doesn't love you. Hell man she barely knows you. In fact and I'm using her words right now. She finds you creepy and thinks you're a stalker. It was everything I could do this morning to keep her from filing charges. If it wasn't for the account we are working on with "Cambius" I would have let her." He lied Rebeka didn't even know he was here. She didn't have to. Colby had told him more than enough yesterday and he had seen enough of Ryan's flirtations with Rebeka of his own.It had taken everything he had just to convince her to do what they'd done.
         "So, take my advice and just back the fuck off. Understand? Because, if there's a next time you will deeply regret it"
        "Are you threatening me JR? What are you going to do? Beat me up? Want to meet at three o'clock in the park?" Ryan laugh's knowing that in any physical confrontation he could probably take JR. JR smiles back at him knowing exactly what he was thinking. Knowing he was wrong. Everyone thought because of his stature he was an easy mark but when you'd been in as many fights as he had you learn a few things. Much to the surprise of  arrogant men like Ryan Lavery.
        "I don't want to Ryan and sexual harassment lawsuits are so bad for business. Do you think "Cambius" is in such great standings financial that you could take a hit from the multi million dollar law suit we will slap you with? Not to mention the hit your personal holding would take in the civil suit. I've already consulted my lawyers gave  him the evidence. Such as the security tapes from our home and businesses a list of witnesses. He assures us we have an excellent case. Especially given your past. You can avoid all of that by just staying out of our lives."
         "You sound worried Bro. Are you afraid that maybe Rebekah might have feelings for me?" JR laughs uproariously.
          "Is that what you think?" He laughs again. "Rebeka loves me and she loves our family. What she doesn't love is you. The only feelings she has for you are revulsion and fear. In that order. She's not your "Princess" Ryan. I don't know how many times she or I and everyone else has to tell you. Gillian is dead and has been for a long time. Rebeka is not her reincarnation. You need to move on and stop living in the past or desperately trying to recreate it before you find yourself back in a prison cell." He says rising to his feet and walking towards the door. He stops and turns back towards Ryan who stands angry but silent. "I hope I've made myself clear here."
          " Crystal." Ryan says flatly.
          "I'm glad. See you around." JR says opening the door as Amanda was about to knock.
          "JR! Nice to see you! How's Rebeka?" She yelps quickly hugging and kissing him.
          "She's great!" He smiles back watching Ryan's notable grimace at the mention of the wedding.
          "You guys must be so excited for the big day!"
          "We're both really looking forward to it!"
          "So are Jake and I! Oh and tell her I'll be a little late tonight but I'll be there! I wouldn't miss it for the world! Give AJ and Endre my love!" She says stepping through the portal as JR holds the door.
           "I will! Oh and Ryan," His voice going back to the chilling tone he had before Amanda's arrival. "don't forget." His eyes piercing Ryan's like daggers before existing giving Ryan no chance to reply. He smiles to his self as he steps out of the way of the man passing smiling even broader as he reads the lettering on the paper in his hand.
            "Don't forget what?" Amanda asks looking at Ryan confused by JR's cold manner and tone. Ryan smirks taking the folder from her out stretched hand and opens it as he speaks.
            "Nothing important, actually it was nothing at all." 
            "Ryan Lavery?" Comes an unfamiliar voice from the open doorway.
            "Yes, I'm Ryan Lavery may I help you?" The man ignores Ryan's greeting as he drops a packet of papers on the desktop.
             "You've just been served sir. Have a good day"

Ryan, Colby And Rebeka
JR and Ryan 
Adam and Lola JR and Rebeka

Monday, November 12, 2018

Natalia and Preston

        Natalia looks down at her phone looking for a message from Brot. She hadn't heard from him since last night and she was sure she would have heard from him this morning. She thought shoving her phone in her pocket as she pushes the door of the "Serving Spoon" open and is greeted by a line.
        "Great!" she mutters to herself then pulls her phone from her pocket and checks again still nothing from Brot.
       "Come on Brot answer me." She mumbles slamming the phone back inside her pocket and staring unseeingly at the menu board as she waited. She'd texted him last night before leaving "Confusion" to let him know she was on her way home and hadn't received one back which had infuriated her so she'd sent him one telling him if he couldn't bother to answer her back don't bother coming back either. She hadn't meant it but all the same he'd obviously taken her up on it. She'd been just so angry! It was yet another evening they'd all been hanging out and Brot couldn't come! It wasn't because he was assigned anything! Oh no! This time the big doofus had volunteered for duty! 
        She'd been left once again with the ribbing's about her imaginary boyfriend from everyone and it was really starting to feel that way. Especially with Preston being there with that all knowing smirk she hated. Jeeze, he was so pompous and so annoying with a smile that never stopped melting her heart. God he was still so so sexy. The thought  bringing back memories of late nights and Saturday afternoons making love in their dorm. Talking into the wee hours of the morning and waking up in his arms. She could almost feel them around her as the memory became more vivid.     
      "Next!" Came the call from the counter startling her back to the present and she steps forward.  
       Why the hell was she allowing thoughts of Preston to invade her mind? She hadn't thought of him in years and now she couldn't stop thinking about him. Why? was it like Cess said because she hadn't dealt with it or was there something more? She wasn't sure. All she knew was it was starting to have an affect on her relationship with Brot and she needed to find the answer some how even if it meant meeting Preston for lunch or coffee or whatever. She thought with a sigh as she stepped forward absently reaching for the phone in her pocket and checking it again. Still nothing. She grumbles sticking her phone back in her pocket.
         She didn't know what was happening to them. She and Brot had been solid up until now. She knew she loved him. It wasn't the same as what she'd felt with Preston but she knew she loved Brot. So what was happening to them? 
       "Next!" Came the call allowing her to finally step to the counter and place her order then step to the side and wait a moment. She reaches in her pocket and checks her phone already knowing nothing from Brot would be there before she looked. She leans back against the wall while she waits pulling the phone from her pocket and scrolling to the messages Preston had left her over the past few day. She'd finally read them last night after Brot hadn't returned home. It was probably why she was feeling the way she was. 
        His texts had been sweet and poignant bringing back memories she'd almost forgotten along with the feelings behind them giving her a confused longing for thing past and what could be. She'd read them over and over but had yet to answer him her anger wouldn't let her but she also couldn't bring herself to delete them either.
      "Your orders up!" The clerk called from behind the counter. Natalia places the cash on the counter. She picks up the beverage carrier and bag then walks past the dwindling line and on to the sidewalk. She weaves her way to the corner and walk the short distance to the park. She was glad she was meeting Francessca this morning the exercise would do her good and the conversation would be even better. She thought as she walked through the entrance and headed down the path stopping dead in her tracks as she came to the object of her quandary.
         "What are you doing here?" She snaps pulling his attention from the screen of his lap top.
         "Working" He mumbles still typing on the keyboard as he speaks. "It's a nice day and you know I always work better outside." Natalia looks at him her eyes narrowing in suspicion.
         "Did Francessca set this up?" Preston stops typing and smiles. 
         "I haven't spoken to her so I have no idea what you're talking about. Second why would I bother to stalk someone who can't take two seconds to answer a text?" 
      "I said everything I had to say the day you left me. Wait if I think about it you did all the talking back then too." 
      "Because you ran off and just like now you refused to talk about it." 
      "What was there to talk about? You chose your work over me and it looks like you made the right choice considering the huge profit you just made." 
       "My God! You still don't get it do you Natalia?"
       "Maybe I don't since you're the genius why don't you explain it to me?" 
       "How can I when you won't even take a moment to listen or even read the texts I send you?"
       "I'm right here right now spit it out!"
       'All I wanted back then Natalia was a little time a little space to finish what I was working on but then just like now with you it's all or nothing! You're the one that walked away I didn't."
     "I walked away? Really? I walked away?"
     "Oh my bad ran away head held high!" 
     'What did you expect me to do? You said you didn't want me I didn't need to stick around for the details." 
     "Maybe if you had you would have known I just wanted to slow down. I just wanted a little time so I could finish my work."
      "So you admit you chose your work over me?" She snaps back.     
      "No, you made that decision for the both of us! I'm not the one that walked away from us Natalia you did!" 
      "So now it's all my fault?" She spits back his words striking deep making her anger begin to burgeon on rage. 
      "You're only angry because you know I'm right! I was getting too close and you know it. You were looking for any excuse to run!"
   "That's not true and you know it!"
   "If it isn't true then why didn't you answer the door when I came to see you? Or any of my calls or emails or text? You ran Natalia and you're still running!" He laughs bitterly.
    "What was I supposed to do? You told me you didn't want me anymore Preston!" 
    "That's not what I said!" 
    "It doesn't matter how you said it Preston! The results were the same! You broke my heart! I was in love with you Preston and you broke my heart!" 
     "I know and I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was in love with you too Natalia and I still am." He says pulling her to him and kissing her giving her no time or ability to resist as she submits to him fully welcoming his kiss. The feel of his lips on hers filling her with emotion she'd long buried. Her heart lurched and her body longed for more as she leaned into him luxuriating in the warmth of his taunt chest against hers. Her fingers itched to run along the sinewy curves of his back as his kissed deepened. Instead her trapped fist crushed the handle of the carrier she held in one hand and the bag in the other. God she didn't realize how much she'd missed him and how right she'd felt in his arms until he released her leaving her breathless.
      "And you know you're still in love with me too." He says as he  smiles that know smile she hated. Then turns and retrieves his computer case from the bench and walks away leaving her feeling wanton then ashamed as the phone in her pocket rings and thoughts of Brot fill her mind.   

Natalia and Preston 

Natalia and Brot

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018    

Monday, November 5, 2018

Pete and Jeanine


          "Hello there gorgeous!" Pete says pulling up to Jeanine standing on the sidewalk in front of her parents home. He puts the car in park then hops out quickly wrapping his arms around Jeanine's waist and pulling her to him then spinning her in a circle.
          " I missed you last night!" He whispers in her ear before kissing her.
          " Mmmm," She purrs enjoying the close moment between them before pulling free of him.
          " I Missed you too. How are your parents?" Pete smiles broadly his happiness and excitement almost boiling over.
           "My parents are great never better! I've never been better!" He say wrapping his arm around her waist as they walk up the driveway to her home then stopping to kiss her again. 
           "Wait a minute you are way too happy what's going on?" She giggles up at him the joy on his face becoming infectious.
           "Can you keep a secret?" His voice low as he looks around them before continuing her head bobbing in agreement.
           "You, Ms.Thompson are looking at the new CEO of Slater-Cortlandt Electronics." He says smiling proudly moments before Jeanine leaps into his arms.
            "Oh my God!Oh my God! Oh my God! Baby that is fantastic! I'm so proud of you!" She squeals as she smothers his face in kisses then hugs him tightly.
             "So when do you start?" She asks as Pete place her back down on the ground in front of him his arm still wrapped around her waist as he talks.
             "We're making the announcement on my Mom's new shows premiere episode. You should have seen her she was so excited! I'm not sure it was all my promotion, her being the one to announce it and interview me or her being able to one up Erica." He laughs at the memory making Jeanine laugh.
             "I love your Mom." She says with a laugh grasping his hand as they walk her admiration inflecting her voice. "She's one of the strongest, toughest women I know. What I really love about her is her ability to stay true to herself. Not a lot of people can do that especially in the social circle she's in."  Pete smiles guiding her to the swing on the porch and sitting. Jeanine sitting happily beside him her eye drawn to Pete's well carved thigh showing through the fabric of his slacks as he flexes setting the swing in a rhythmic motion.             
             "I've always thoughts so. I don't think I would have made it through my teen years without her. No matter what happened she always found a way to make a nerdy little kid and then a nerdy teenager feel really special."
             "And then you met me and turned into a swan!" She says with a sigh then giggles at the expression on Pete's face.
             " So are you saying I was an ugly duckling before I met you?"
              "You know what they say behind every great man is a great woman." She teases.
               "Besides, I always thought you were a swan Pete Cortlandt."  She says then kisses him again.
               " You know I've got the rest of the morning free." He growls pulling her in to his lap and kissing her deeply wishing they'd gone straight inside instead of stopping on the porch. He couldn't believe how much he'd missed no longed for her. It had only been twenty four hours since they'd been apart. If he had his way it would never be more than work hours ever again. He thought pulling her close and kissing her deeper his fingers reaching for the buttons of her blouse.
             " I don't think we have enough time my family will be back soon." She says wishing they'd gone straight to her room liked she'd planed as she pushed his hands away only to have his other hand pulling at them. She couldn't blame him. If she had her way he'd be stripped naked right on the front porch. Pete was beautiful inside and out. She had to admit outside was spectacular. He was built like a Greek statue why none of the girls at PVU had never taken any real interest in him was beyond her. Maybe it was that goofy part of him she loved. Like the day he'd come home after first meeting Preston and Chase and they celebrated by going to the carnival and eating funnel cakes. Maybe because most of them had grown up together they just stopped noticing.
           She'd noticed him all through high school. They'd been in the same classes all the Science clubs together and chess club and she'd always found him cute and funny. They'd even had a little flirtation she'd thought before realizing he couldn't see anyone but Colby Chandler and his desperation to be in her crowd. So she'd moved on. She'd dated a some guys along the way and Pete a few girls neither anyone serious. Even then some how they always ended up in each others orbit. But, it wasn't until they'd met again in Dr. Slater's chemistry class that everything clicked for them. Since that day they really hadn't been separated from each other which is probably why she'd missed him last night more than she thought possible. Pete was funny and kind gentle strong, brilliant and sexy. It was all she could do to keep her hands off him. There was just something about him. She'd knew she loved him after their first date. She thought snuggling against him.
              "I have an idea why don't you come to the studio with me and afterwards I'll take you out on a night on the town! The skies the limit!" He says bolting forward almost throwing them both of the swing. Jeanine looks back as Pete grins awkwardly back at her as she grasps his arm and pulls herself upright.
              "Sure Id love to but are you sure we can afford that? We just spent all our savings on vacation remember?" She asks her expression quizzical at Pete's devilishly grin.
             "It gets even better my new salary is like five times what I was getting. So that apartment we were saving for? We can stop saving and start looking!"Jeanine sits back against the cushions in awe her mouth agape.
             "Wow! This...this is incredible Pete." Pete sighs and leans his head back against the swing.
              "Yeah I can barley believe it myself and it's so much responsibility." Jeanine reaches out and holds Pete's hand in her's and gives it a gentle squeeze.
               "Don't worry about that now honey. You can deal with all that when you get the office tomorrow. You've worked really hard you deserve it. So today just enjoy all fruits of your labor okay?" Pete smiles at her pulling her hand to his lips and kissing it.
             "How did I get so lucky?" Jeanine blushes prettily her hand reaching out of it's own accord and stroking his cheek.
              "I'm the lucky one." She says before getting lost in his kiss again moments before car tires crunched the gravel in the driveway.
               "Mmmm Pete." She says pulling away and quickly checking her reflection in the window as Pete stands then checks the time on his phone.
                "Listen I've got to go change. I'll be back to pick you up in an hour okay?" He says leaning in and kissing her quickly.
                  " I love you Jeanine Townsend" He smiles down at her kissing her quickly.
                  "I Love you too Peter Cortlandt." She grins back watching him jog down the drive as her parents walk up.
                  'See you later Mr and Mrs Townsend" He yells as he passes them both stopping and stepping aside as he passes.
                 "Hello Peter!" They call after him in unison.
                 "What's young Mr. Cortland's hurry?" He father says handing her one of the bags of groceries in his arms.
                 "Nowhere just off to greet his future and if you'll both excuse me I have to get ready to meet him there." She says walking into the house leaving both her parents more confused than when they initially asked the question.
               Palmer, Opal and Peter

*Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Erica and Corbin

         Erica sits in her makeshift office at the casino more annoyed than she had been last evening, She'd tossed and turned all night and couldn't get the image of Jack kissing that Latin Lolita out of her mind. She'd been trying to concentrate on the script changes Corbin had sent over but all she could envision was the two of them wrapped in each others arms in the middle of the "Pine Valley Inn" as if there was no one else in the world! Kissing each other with the intensity of the sun! It was that intensity that scared her the most.
        It was the kind of intensity that she and Jack had shared all these years. Through everything and everyone they had been with she'd never seen Jack look at any woman the way he had look at Tea DelGado. She'd lost him. She'd finally pushed him over the edge and had lost him. That's what really scared her. It frightened her to her core that the love they shared could possible be gone and Jack along with it.
        How could he be gone? They were soul mates always had been always would be. It never mattered who he had dated or who she had or even married Jack was always there. Would always be there waiting for her his arm and heart open.  With the look in his eye that soothed her souls like no other. She and Jack were meant to be together it was practically written in the stars! At least she'd always thought.
        After what she'd witnessed last night she wasn't sure. She wasn't sure of that or anything between the two of them any longer. All that seemed to remain between her and Jack was a indifference. Yes! That was it he was indifferent to her! Her! Erica Kane. He treated her as if she no longer mattered. No it was worse than that. As if she didn't even exist in his world any longer. He hadn't even bothered to shoot her that all knowing smile he had when she'd come in with Corbin. All his focus was on that DelGado woman and she had no idea how to change that. None of her usual tactics had worked. If anything they had accomplished the exact opposite! Now she was at a loss as to what action to take.
        "Excuse me Ms. Kane." Molly calls knocking on the outer door. Erica quickly checks her appearance in the mirror making sure no trace of her inner thoughts appeared in her expression before bidding her to enter.
        "Hi, Molly how are you?"  Molly internally rolls her eyes outside she plasters her work smile on her face. Erica's intentions weren't lost on her. Any minute she'd be pumping her about Uncle Jack.
         "I'm good Ms. Kane. Corbin asked me to give these to you. He said they're the revisions that you talked about." Erica opens the script and flips to the first marked page and reads it quickly. She really didn't have time to go through it all right now. She needed to look as nonchalant as she possible could as she flipped through the pages talking as she does.
           "So how are you enjoying your internship?" Erica asked watching covertly. Molly shrugs.
           "It's interesting I've learned a lot"
            "That's wonderful I'm glad. You've done such a fantastic job.
           "Thank you Ms. Kane.
           "Come now Molly!" She chides. "You and I are old friends you can call me Erica as you've always have."
           "Well we are in the work environment I thought is was only appropriate.
           I can respect that but really, it's not necessary. So how do you like working with WRCW ?"
           "It's been wonderful I've truly enjoyed it."
           "Well, you have a real opportunity here to learn from the best. Gavin and Corbin are both giants in their fields. An internship here looks great on a resume and can lead to a world of opportunities for you."
            "Yes, it really could." Molly agrees reasonably sure where the conversation was leading to.
            "Well, I have a lot of work to do. I'll see you later." Molly says as she walks toward the door.
            "Molly, please wait a moment I was meaning to ask you how's your Uncle doing? I mean with your mother being back in town and all. I'm just hoping that her being here and the you know issues she's been having haven't been too upsetting to either of you?"
            "Actually neither one of us have seen my mother since the day she arrived and we're both doing just fine."
           "I'm really glad to hear that. Honestly  think the least contact both of you have the better. And, if you need anything or just want to talk you know I'm always here for you. You know in a way you and I are kind of family."
           "Thank you Erica I appreciate that but really we're both doing just fine. Bianca and Sean are just a phone call away. Of course my best friend Dani and her Mom. Ms. DelGado has been really loving and supportive to me and Uncle Jack. It's been really great having the two of them in our lives. Oh shoot!" she says looking at her watch "I'd better get going have a good day!" Molly finishes almost running headlong into Corbin as she exits.
          "Little bitch!" Erica mummers to herself as Corbin comes into Erica's dressing room closing the door behind her.
           "I heard that!" Erica's head snaps around and eyes narrow at the sight of Corbin in her dressing room unannounced and uninvited.
           "What is it Corbin?" She asked sounding annoyed and tired. She slaps the copy she'd been holding down on the table and walks to her mini-frige ignoring the cheese eating grin on his face.
           'I came by to ask you if you had finished reading the updates on the scripts I sent you yesterday. I didn't expect you to give me more material."
           "Yes I have. And as a reminder Corbin not everything is fodder for your typing chimps! I get the finally say! Remember that!" 
           "Okay, Okay I get it princess! Don't get your pantyhose in a knot. Oh and by the way you don't actually get the final say. You remember that."
           "Is there something else you wanted Corbin? I'm really very busy." she snipes picking up the script she'd put down before and opening it. Corbin watches her as she flounces back down on the small sofa. His hand propped on the side of his face a playful grin playing on his lips.
           "are you still steamed about what happened last night?
           "I have no idea what you'r referring to."
           "You know exactly what I'm referring to. Jackson Montgomery, Tea DelGado and one of the steamiest kisses I have ever seen and believe me I've seen some kisses that bought in fog. But, that one last night, that one rode in on a thunderstorm!"
            "Are you quiet finishes?"
            "Come on you would have to be completely inhuman not have that little scene shake you. But I'll give it to you Erica. If it had been anyone else but me. They'd have noticed he steam coming out your ears."
             "Did you come by here to sit around and gossip like some twelve year old girl? Because again Corbin I have work to do!"
              "It's only gossip if it's second hand. I was there remember?"
              "I'm going to ask you one last time. What do you want?"
              "I want t know why you still care so much for a man that has obviously moved on. I mean I can pretty much guess but I want to hear it from you. What exactly motivates you? I mean do you really want him and all his ideas of domestic bliss or is it just the thrill of the chase?"
              "Get Out!"
              "No, hear me out. I've done a lot of research on this topic. I think it's the thrill of the chase. I mean look at your relationship. Whenever you two are in a good place for the two of you, you find a way to end it. Look at the facts. You had it all you and Jack were finally married. You had the house the husband and the kids and you gave it all up. and you know why?"
              "No, please enlighten me." She says with a roll of her eyes.
              'Because you're Erica Kane. You're the queen of all Diva's. You were never meant  to be a hausfrau or even a domestic Goddess. No man no matter how wonderful he is will ever tame you. You my dear are a conqueror. At least that's how  see you." He finishes with a shrug.
           "Anyway," He says rising to his feet and walking to the door. "let me know when you've finished reading through those changes I've got to get to the set."
           "Corbin," she calls after him.
           "Thank you for what you just said."
           "You're welcome."
           "Oh, and Corbin just so your head doesn't swell I've never been skinny dipping in my life take it out!" She says feeling more amused than angry and some how lighter than she'd felt moments ago.
          "Well, then we'll have to do something about that." He says with a wink closing the door behind him and giving Kendall the "Okay" sign as he pass. Her hands going up in prayer as she mouths "Thank you".

Erica and Corbin, Jack and Tea

* Copyright Takeitish "Pine Valley Chronicles" 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Cassandra and Rego


          Cassandra place the stuffed animal she'd bought on the shelf in what would be the babies room. She looks around satisfied with her work. It was work but she'd enjoyed every minute she'd spent decorating it. Rego had offered to hire an assistant for her to help with cores like the one she'd just tackled but she'd declined the only servant they had so far was a cook and she was happy with that. She'd had enough with people standing over her watching her every move. she wanted this time for herself. No Brooke or Oliver breathing down her neck trying to turn Rego against her. No Devereaux lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce. She was in her own home way from all of them. She could finally breath for the first time in as long as she could remember and Rego had secured it all.
           Rego had been pretty wonderful since before they'd been thrown out of Brooke and Oliver's. He'd protected her from Devereaux and defended her to both Oliver and Brooke before during and after they'd moved in to their mansion. Since moving to their new house. He had set up an account for her at the bank with a generous allowance as well as an account at "Lacey's" and a couple of the other higher end stores around town. She couldn't have asked for more. He'd even started treating her better more like his wife and not just a roommate. Much better if she thought about it. Rego was kinder and more attentive than before. Checking on her and the babies health and well being. Reminding her of her appointments and to take her vitamin. Making sure she ate properly and rested. They'd developed an amiable relationship since the night they'd felt the baby kick. They talked and even laughed together over breakfast this morning. For a change she didn't have to lie or think of another scheme or counter tactics. Albeit, the doting wife jazz which seemed to be effective and not as taxing as she'd thought. She could be herself and it was refreshing.
          Being the dotting wife had had other benefits as well. Rego seemed to be beginning to trust her. Which was wonderful. A couple of weeks more and she'd have him eating out of her hand. all she'd have to do is arrange a little trip for herself. She'd tell him she wanted to go to Europe to visit her father. She'd been able to take a peek at his calendar. He had some really big deal going around the time she would actually be due to Rego's knowledge it would still be early in her pregnancy. He'd be way to busy to go. She'd pout just enough then off she'd go. She could have the baby pretend everything was peachy for a month or so. Then she'd call Rego with the happy news. It should work out perfectly and Rego would never know the difference. The only thing she needed to worry about was the blood test after the baby was born. Hopefully Rego wouldn't still demand one and if he did there was still Joe in the lab. She was sure for the right amount of money she could get him to cooperate with her again. But, that was in the way off for now all she had to concern herself with was keeping Rego's trust. 
       She pats the toy in place then stands back to admire her handy work. She smiles to herself pleased. Wondering whimsically if Rego would like it then wondering ruefully why she cared if he did? Maybe because she could actually say she was happy. She was also grateful for what he'd done for her. They'd also seemed to have worked out a silent truce. But was there more to what she was feeling? Was she starting to care about Rego as more than just a means to an end?
         "Hey what's going on in here?" Cassandra turns to see Rego smiling as he leans against the door frame.
          "I just finished! What do you think?" She asks as Rego steps further into the room and looks around.
          "It looks wonderful. I especially love this." He says reaching out for the small wooden train engine and admiring it.
          "I used to have one like this when I was small. I adored it. My mother gave it to me on my fourth birthday. I would play with it for hours." He smiles reminiscently then places it back down on its track. "Have you been going at this since I left this morning?"
          "Yes, I have. I wanted to finishes it so I could move on to redecorating our room then the guest room."
          "That's all wonderful. Did you remember to eat today?"
          "Of course! The cook bought me up lunch and two snacks and she said dinner would be ready in about forty-five minutes if you'd like to take a shower." Rego grins his smile burgeoning on laughter.
          "My, how domestic you've become in such a short time." He says with a laugh enjoying the annoyed turn of her lip.
           "Don't pout Darling! You have to admit the Cassandra of a few months ago would never be caught decorating a nursery or planning a menu, timing dinner with her husbands arrival." He snickers making her smile then laugh.
            " Well you do have a point. A few months ago this would probably be the last thing I'd want to do. But I don't know. Ever since the other night it all became so real. I don't know it just made me want to do better for him you know?" Rego nods in agreement.
           "Yeah I think I know exactly what you mean. Probably why I got involved in this ridiculous "Founders Day" folder-ah." The mere mention of that craptacular event made her jaw hurt as she clenched to keep the smile plastered on her face. She hated the idea of all the time he had to spend with that Bitch but she couldn't afford to let it show. Not when she'd already made so much progress.
           "How's that going by the way?" She says folding the small comforter and placing it at the end of the crib. Rego sighs as he walks from the room towards the master bedroom talking as he walks  Cassandra beside him.
            " Good I guess everything is in place just finishing the fine tuning. Should be a very wonderful event."
            "That's great I'm really looking forward to it!" Cassandra says sounding and surprisingly feeling sincere. Rego stops in his undressing and looks at her once again surprised by what he was hearing and more so by the actual feeling he heard behind it.
            "Why is that?" He asks. Cassandra shrugs.
            "You know me I love a night out. It's also the first time you and I will be at public event as Mr. and Mrs. Rego Sherrigan. I know it sounds a little shallow but I'm tired of people thinking your still with someone else. I want the world to know that you're with me and that you me and this baby we're a family." She finishes allowing her hormones to take over as her eyes begin to well with tears. Rego goes to her pulling her into his arms and holds  her close. 
           "It's not silly or shallow. I'm sorry if you feel as if you're walking in someone else's shadow constantly. If I have contributed to your feeling that way I apologize. You me and this baby we are a family."  He says wiping away the tear from her cheek. Cassandra gazes up at him overwhelmed by the rush of emotions she felt for him. Rego pulls her closer his lips claiming hers. Sending them both into a world of emotions never explored by either. The sensation leaving one frighted and the other hopeful. 

Jaime and Cassandra

*Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

Erica, Kendall, And Opal


          Kendall sits in one of the set chairs reviewing her sketch as the stage hands move items into place and compares it to what she sees before her.
        "Hey Frank?" She shouts out stopping one of the stagehands as he moves across the set.
         "Could you please have someone move the large palm about five feet to the right where I've put the tape maker?" The man shades his eyes to the stage lights above as he peers out into the darkness auditorium.
         "You got it Mrs. S" He says with a wave and smile then shouts orders to the men behind him.
          "Thanks Frank." She shouts back then goes back to comparing her sketch to the actual set.
          "Kendall! Kendall! Have you seen my dressing room!" Erica screeches as she storms down the aisle behind her.
          "And good morning to you too Mother." She says between gritted teeth and a roll of her eyes as she turns towards her.
          "Never mind all that! What it is going on with my dressing room Kendall?" Erica continues her anger still brewing. How am I supposed to function in the cracker box you've cleverly disguised as a dressing room!"
           "I'm the stage designer Mother not Procurement. Besides all the dressing rooms are the same." She says distractedly going back to her work and ignoring her mother's ranting. Erica had worn away any patients she had ignoring her childish whining was all she could do after her two day rampage.
           " Considering it's my show I'm the star and I have a hundred times the work and responsibility as the window dressing Gavin hired I need no, I demand a space that will accommodate my needs immediately!"
           "That's it! You've called us window dressing for the last time! We're all just as much a part of this show as you are!" Opal snaps coming to stand beside the two of them as all movement and talk ceases and all eyes focus on the trio. Erica take a step back shaking the hair back from her face her eyes narrowed. Her voice cold the tone prickling Opals skin like sleet on a windy day.
           "Let's be honest here shall we? New Beginnings was doing just fine before any of you got here!" She continues in the same dismissive tone. Opal glares back at her as each word further ignites her anger into a roaring flame.
           "If YOU and YOUR Show were really doing so well Gavin wouldn't have hired us. You even told me yourself not too long ago remember? You needed some "big story" to boost ratings. You harassed everyone you know trying to get the "big story" that would save your show. You even went as far to harass my grandson's wife about the birth of my great grandson. So obviously YOUR show needed something besides snooze festival you, to make it interesting to the audience." Opal finishes  her eyes and stance challenging Erica to dispute what she'd said.
         "Are you saying I'm boring? That's is one thing Erica Kane never was or will ever be!" She shouts back to an unperturbed Opal who smiles smugly and shrugs
         "Well if the pillow fits ,put your head on it!" She say smoothly enjoying the red flush of rage stain her cheeks.
         "Why I aught too...." She starts as Opal cuts in.
         "Careful Erica remember I hit back!" She says stepping within inches of Erica and stooping down so they were face to face.
          "LADIES!" Gavin shouts stepping between the two. "And I believe as of this moment I am using the word rather loosely." He finishes and receives a quelling look from them both.
          "What the hell is this all about?" Gavin asks looking from one to the other.
          "Oh well Miss Priss here thinks everything is about her and the rest of us are just filler or some kind of support group."
           'Because that's exactly what you are!" Erica snipes back as she pushes toward Opal trapping Gavin between them.
           "Okay you two back off!" He shouts above the fray. "Erica realized this morning with all the work we have to do on both shows your present accommodations won't sacrifice so I've booked you the penthouse for the next two weeks and you'll have use of the private elevator."
           "Well that's fine for her but what about the rest of us?" Opal breaks in her arms crossed over her chest glaring at him expectantly.
            "I've arranged for the rest of the ladies to share the other penthouse each will  have their own room to use as they please. Mr. Slater's has graciously given us the assistance of his assistant Dax if you need any furniture changes etcetera and so forth. Now, Opal I believe you have a fitting for your photo shoot and Erica we have a meeting shall we go? I expect you All to be ready to film!" He says turning toward Erica the expression on his face giving her no choice but to join him. Kendall sighs in relief glad to have the both of them gone even if it was only for a few minutes. She thought looking back at the stage with the hands standing idle.
         "Gentlemen? The shows over lets get back to work shall we?" She yells startling them all back into motion before referring back to her sketch pad. Not noticing the young man sitting in the back of the auditorium absorbing it all.
          "Hey Kendall!" Francessca calls from behind her as she walks down the center aisle carrying her camera case and lights. 
         Hey niece!" She calls back placing her pad down on the seat as Francessca comes towards her and gives her a hug. 
            "It's so good to see you! How are you?" Francessca smiles as she releases her then places her equipment on the floor next to her.
             "I'm good! How are my boys?" Francessca asks as she ones her case and pulls out one of her cameras and inspects it as she speaks.
            'Good missing their big cousin just like their Mommy." Kendall teases making Francessca laugh.
            "I miss you guys too. I've just been so busy with the baby, work Jamie and least I forget the founders day stuff! I feel like all I do is run. Oh, and to top it all off Logan is beginning to cut teeth so that's been a laugh riot! " Kendall laughs.
             "Oh I remember those days! At least you have Sophia. That woman's a dynamo! I hope when I get to be her age I have half as much energy as she does." Kendall jokes making them both laugh.
             "You and me both! Listen I'm on a really tight schedule today do you know where and when Gavin wants these shots done?" She says looking around the auditorium her eyes stopping on an attractive young wavy haired man about her age sitting in the back if he hadn't moved at that moment she might not have seen him. He'd smiled as their eyes had locked The moment between them giving her an odd sense of familiarity before he'd looked away and reached for his ringing phone.
              "I can help you with that." Corbin smiles as he comes toward the two of them. 
              "Corbin James this is Francessca Logan-Martin of "Tempo" Magazine. Francessca Corbin James is the producer for both  "New Beginnings" and "Raising Fire"." He says taking Francessca's hand  and shaking it. 
               'Very nice to meet you if you want to grab your stuff and follow me I'll show where you can set up." He says with a smile picking up Francessca's case and leading the way. 
               "I'll call you later!" Kendall calls after them watching as they leave and Vinny comes towards her.
               "Hey beautiful! I have that reclaimed wood you wanted for the kitchen set out in my truck you want to take a look?" 
                "Vinny did anyone ever tell you you're a life saver?" Kendall's eyes light up at the news as she tosses her sketchbook down on the seat and follows him up on the stage and out the stage door. 
               The young man that had been sitting quietly in the back of the auditorium moves to the front where Kendall had been standing. He looks along the aisle spotting Kendall's purse and sit down next to it. He opens it reaching for her wallet. He flips through till he comes to her license then quickly takes a picture of it before slipping the wallet back in her purse and casually strolls back up the aisle and out the door.  

* Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles 2018