Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jesse and Angie 08/30/2012

Jesse sits on the couch in the waiting-room reading over the files he pulled from the office. HE glances over at Angie pacing in front of the window intermittently stopping to stare out vacantly. He glances back down at the file holding it up with a post it over the name so she wouldn’t see it. He had to go all the way down to the archives to even find the file. The department hadn’t finished switching all the files over to computers his year was one of them. It had taken him almost an hour to find it. So far all he’d found out was that Griffin Morgan had been arrested for armed robbery, involuntary manslaughter and accessory to murder. He’d spent the last twenty-five in the penitentiary. Noting about a wife or a child so far. He flips through the files looking for the officer’s notes and interviews. There had to be something he could use Frankie was counting on him and Randi’s life may depend on. He flips through another page then glances up as Angie finally sits down and begins flipping through the television station stopping momentarily rolling her eyes as a bell rings and two women begin to swing at each other then fall to the ground exposing their nether regions as they pull out hands full of each other’s hair sighs loudly, shakes her head then flips the channel. He grins to himself turning back to his paperwork. His eyes scan the paper quickly then stop mid way through at an entry.
“10:am Went to suspects home 1425 Willow Street spoke to land lady of suspect Florence Parker woman stated suspects wife was working. Asked what time said wife returned from work told 6:pm. Asked if she knew the name of said spouses employer? Answered no. Will return later to speak with said spouse.”
Jesse: Sloppy! Just straight up sloppy police work! She’s the landlord and you didn’t even mention asking the “said spouses” name! Idiot! (He says shaking his head flipping to the next page.) I hope your dumbass went back! (He murmurs to his self as he scans the next page. Then glances up at Angie again who was starring out the window her face twisted in worry. He’d seen that look so often now he knew when she was thinking about that girl by just looking at her, her face had what he called her “Cassandra” expression. Her brow was woven tighter than a shrunken wool sweater. After the night she’d made her confession to her mother then stormed out he’d taken sometime and looked into her past in France unbeknownst to Angie if she knew she’d kill him if Angie knew even half of what he knew it would kill her. Cassandra and her newest or should he say oldest boy friend Devereaux St. Jacques. That guy was a piece of work and straight up dangerous! From his sources Cassandra was right in the middle of it or according to a couple the cause of it. According to his friend at Interpol there were at least three incidents where she had been directly or indirectly the cause of at least two beatings and a shooting. From what he’d been told the man was obsessed with her and for a while she with him. They’d met through the “Shop” she’d worked for one evening and they’d been together ever since. That was until she’d shown up on their doorstep bag and baggage. Her stories about working for some ultra elite shop had been true enough she had worked there but it wasn’t the trendy fashions customers were buying. Cass had been more than just “Arm Candy” which is what he had suspected all along but what he’d found out had even shocked him drug dealing prostitution money laundering just to name a few of her more minor crimes. The two of them had been linked some truly nefarious activities unfortunately neither one had ever been convicted St. Jacques money helped justice become deaf, dumb and blind that, and the fact that his legitimate businesses were impeccable. No one had ever been able to link him or any of his businesses to any of the illegal dealings he’d been accused of in fact with all the attention he’d become sort of an Anti-hero in his country because of it. Between Randi’s illness, Cassandra and looking in to Griffin it made him feel as if he was sitting on top of a powder keg roasting over a slow fire. As far as Cass was concerned there was nothing he could do he would have to take a wait and see stance. With Randi they would know more after her surgery but he could do something for Frankie. He pushes his glasses back up on his nose and scans through several more pages then stops when he comes back to the previous detectives notes.
“6:07 pm Returned to suspects residences still unable to make contact with suspects wife.” He flips through the pages quickly looking for more info but there was nothing more.
Jesse: Gawd! Just plain lazy! (He growls under his breath tossing the folder down on the seat next to him) The only way I’m going to get answers is at the source. (He stands and stretches as he walks over to where Angie’s sitting bends and kisses the top of her head) You okay baby?
Angie: I’m okay. (She sighs heavily with a shake of her head)
Jesse: No you’re not now, what’s going on? (He sits on the chair beside her)
Angie: I was just thinking about everything’s that’s been going on lately Frankie and Randi…(Her voice trails off as she stares down at her hands)
Jesse: Cassandra (He finishes for as she looks up at him here eyes filling with unshed tears)
Angie: I don’t know what to do about her Jesse.
Jesse: There’s really isn’t anything you can do.
Angie: There has to be something Jesse! I can’t just stand back and watch her life unravel.
Jesse: Okay what do you want to do?
Angie: Bring her home talk some sense in to her! (Her voice becoming tight with the force of her emotions)
Jesse: Baby we tried that. (He wraps his arm around her shoulders)
Angie: I know, I just don’t know what else to do! (Her eyes brimming with tears) I’m just so worried for her.
Jesse: You want me to try and talk to her?
Angie: Do you think it would help? (She looks up him a small glimmer of hope shinning in her eyes)
Jesse: I don’t think it would do anymore harm I can try. (He says with a nod not wanting to dull the light in her eyes)
Angie: Oh baby, please I’m just so scared for her.
Jesse: I’ll tell you what, why don’t I go and have a talk with her right now and on the way back I pick us up some lunch from the Krystal & Carmen’s?
Angie: Honey, thank you so much. (She says flashing him the first smile he’d seen all day)
Jesse: I’ll be right back (He walks back to the sofa and picks up his jacket and folder) I have my cell so call me if anything happens okay? (Jesse walks towards brushing his cheek with her hand then kisses his lips lightly)
Angie: I love you Jesse Hubbard.
Jesse: And I love you Angela Hubbard. (He hugs her tight then releases her) I’ll be right back.
Angie: Okay. (Jesse smiles back at her then heads down the hall way towards the elevators. He could kill two birds with one stone. First he’d go over and have what he knew would be a fruitless chat with his stepdaughter. He had to do it for Angie’s sake and for Cassandra because although Angie didn’t know all of it she should be worried. Then he’d go see Griffin see if he could ferret out some information from him hopefully he’d fair better with him than the latter)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cassandra and Rego    08/22/2012

Cassandra glances over at her bed at a sleeping Rego her mouth twisted in anger and disappointment. What a complete waste of time it had been bring him back here last night! He’d passed out before that had, had an opportunity to consummate their evenings activities a fact that had her a little confused considering how much alcohol she’d seen him consume on other occasions and had never passed out or hampered his ability to perform. It had completely ruined her plan and she wasn’t sure if she would get another chance!
          After their encounter with always annoying Francessca and he even more annoying spouse Jamie. She’d watched Rego’s reaction to Francessca’s announcement. He’d gone the gambit of emotions from shock to happy to fury all in a split second and in that moment an idea had taken hold and began to grow and the conversation more of a monologue they had, had while driving back to her place solidified her plan. Just listening to him go on and on about how she had betrayed him blah, blah, blah! She’d only been half listening to his rambling and slurred diatribe all the while she’d been thinking she needed to get pregnant with Rego’s baby! If she could convince him that she was carrying his child he would want to protect her and their child and after the brat was born she’d have a fleet of nannies to take care of it and best of all she could finally get away from Devereaux! She’d be under the protection of a family that had more money and more power than he did. She would finally be safe. She’d closed her eyes and said a little prayer it could work! It would work if she were right about her cycle she should be in her ovulation cycle. When they’d stopped at the light she’d quickly checked the calendar on her phone. Perfect! If she could get him in to bed in the next few days she could make it happen if she could have gotten him to perform last night it would have been even better.
 Things had been going pretty well he was drunk but that had never hindered his performance before but last night he’d barley made it to the bedroom he’d only gotten one leg out of his pants before he’d passed out. She sat on the side of the bed and thought a moment his passing out had completely ruined her plan at least for tonight her plan was ruined but maybe not so fast. She could make him think they had already had slept together and maybe convince him to go for round two when he awoke in the morning. She’d immediately undressed him completely then had climbed in naked beside him and gone to sleep. Then when she’d awakened this morning and was putting her alternate plan in to action, lets just say he’d awakened happy to see her the circus had arrived this morning, the big top was up and the ringmaster was calling her name to but no sooner had she gotten in to her seat him the spell had broken the mood had flown away faster than a child’s balloon on windy day. Now what? By tonight she’d be ensconced in Devereaux’s layer and there’d be no escaping from him and she may not get another chance. And if she didn’t hurry she’d be late for their breakfast. The last thing she needed was Devereaux coming to her place and finding Rego there. She turned back towards the mirror and finished applying her makeup just as Rego began to awaken.
Rego: Good morning. (He says turning towards her and rubbing his eyes sleepily)
Cassandra: Good morning.
Rego: God, how much did we have to drink last night my head feels like I was hit with a sledgehammer.
Cassandra: Maybe it’s not how much but what.
Rego: I had the same thing I always had.
Cassandra: Maybe you had more than you thought you were kind of upset last night.
Rego: I don’t want to talk about last night (He scowls for a moment the scene from last night flashing through his mind like a comet he shakes it from his mind calling himself back to the present) besides, from the look of things (He says raising the covers the placing the them back down wriggling his brows mischievously) we managed to end the evening off with a bang.
Cassandra: As always lover. (She purrs coming to the bed and kissing him deeply secretly congratulating herself on her ingenuity)
Rego: Just wish I could remember. Hey why don’t you get back in bed we could pick up where we left off?
Cassandra: I wish I could but I’m meeting a friend for breakfast.
Rego: Come on stay? You can have breakfast anytime.
Cassandra: Darling I can’t I have to go.
Rego: Okay, okay what about tonight?
Cassandra: Okay, I’ll call you later.
Rego: Don’t forget.
Cassandra: Do me a favor and lock up for me when you leave?
Rego: Sure, as soon as I can pull myself out of this fog I’m in (He says flopping back against the pillows. Cassandra smiles back at him then closes the bedroom door behind her then picks up her purse from the coffee table and heads towards the elevator bracing herself for her breakfast with Devereaux.
Devereaux sits in front of Cassandra’s building waiting in the limousine drumming his fingers on the seat then checks his phone again. Devereaux: You did as I asked you last night? (Anger edging his voice)
Maurice: Yes Sir I did exactly as you asked. (His voice even as he stares out the windshield)
Devereaux: And you’re sure he was incapacitated for the night? (His voice edged with anxiety)
Maurice: Yes Sir Ms. Foster practically dragged him up stairs.
Devereaux: Perfect thank you. (He smiles to himself satisfied and stares out the window watching the door of the building thinking about what he knew so far. According to Maurice she’d been telling the truth when she’d said she was going out with the Chandler girl but she hadn’t mentioned that she would also be with Sherrigan. He had to give her credited she’d made sure he was out of town before seeing him but he’d had to take some points away if she honestly thought that he wouldn’t have her watched carefully so why risk it? He’d told her exactly what would happen if she did so exactly was she up too and how did it involve Sherrigan? He reaches in to his pocket and takes out his phone and scrolls to the application he’d installed on her phone. She’d checked her calendar last night twice once around midnight and then again twenty minutes later. She’d looked at last month and this month. Why? What happened last month and this month? She concentrated trying to put himself inside her head. Knowing as he knew her and amusing himself with that American saying “What would Cassandra do” a plan started to form itself in his head her plan and if his suspicions were right she was trying to seduce Sherrigan and maybe get pregnant? He was positive all things pointed in that direction but why what would be her reasoning behind having Sherrigan’s bastard? Money? She wanted for nothing being with him. Power? He had power and lots of it and as his woman she was privy to it as well. Position? With him she had that too. No there was more she was trying to leave him and she was going to use Sherrigan by getting pregnant to do it. That’s why she’d risked being with him after he’d warned her. The only satisfaction he had was that last night hadn’t turned out as she had planned he’d made sure of that and he was going to make sure that the rest of her plan went just as well. She was going to be pregnant it would be with his seed and what better time than now he smiles to himself as Cassandra opens the car door and climbs in.
Cassandra: Morning did you miss me? (She smiles sliding into the seat next to him)
Devereaux: Of course my darling I thought of nothing else but you since I left. (He pulls her to him and kisses her hungrily then trail kisses down her throat his hand moving quickly to the buttons on her blouse his kisses following behind his fingers)
Cassandra: Wait a minute I thought we were going to breakfast? (She pushes against him trying to fasten the button he’d undone as his hands reach for the button of her pants as his other hand slips inside them)
Devereaux: Lets make it brunch shall we? (His lips caress the curve of her throat as he pushes her back against the cushions his other hand wrestles with the top of her jeans then begins to pull them away from her body) What do you say we go back upstairs? (He grins to himself as her body tenses at the thought as her mind races)
Cassandra: I don’t think I could wait that long (She reaches for him pulling him to her kissing him lightly at first then forces herself to match his passion as she desperately tries to shut out the screaming in her head to make him stop. She hadn’t expected this at all! He’d said they would have a quick breakfast and then he had a meeting. They were only going out for breakfast not this! She hadn’t prepared for this with him! Not now! Oh God not today!)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Randi and Carmen   08/13/2012

Randi glance over at Carmen and smiles, as she lies sleeping in the therapy chair they had bought in for her. Popcorn sprinkling her chest like malformed polka dots her head tilted back mouth agape snoring softy her pony tail had flipped over her face giving her a “cousin It” look.
Randi: Girl you’re a hot mess! (She smothers a giggle as she reaches for the remote control flipping the video on then immediately turning down the sound. She giggles again as the images float by remembering all the moments surrounding the images. Jake and Amanda! She missed Amanda coming over with Trevor in the afternoons for naps and chat more chat then naps. Tad and Taylor with the girls! They looked so happy! That was another wedding she’d missed because of this stupid cancer! She secretly wished she had been at Francessca’s that was a totally “Dynasty” moment! There were Jesse and Angie from “The Almost Thanksgiving” they had all spent together when she announced to everyone she was carrying twins and how happy and excited Frankie was. And Frankie and the kids from last year’s Easter. They had gotten so big since she’s been in here. She noticed the small changes in Frankie’s face between then and now. There were small worry lines across his forehead and his smile didn’t quiet meet his eyes there was no doubt that her illness and Cassandra were weighing heavily on him. Thinking about the later she was a little surprised Francessca had even included images with Cassandra in them although she could tell they were all old that and the fact her video greeting card had been missing. She could just chalk it up to the two of them fighting but, if she had included her picture she would have had a video greeting too. No Cassandra was still in the wind. The look on Angie’s face earlier when she’d stop by said one hundred times more than her words. Her face was etched with worry her eyes were missing that sparkle they always had no matter what was happening. They only thing that seemed to bring it back was when she was with or talking about her Grandchildren. All of it was just wearing away at her. It was getting harder and harder to hide it.
 What she really needed to do was get out of the hospital bed and go find her! She wanted to talk to Cassandra. She’d been where she was right now out of anyone she could understand what Cass was going through maybe if they could just talk she could get through to her and make her see how many people loved and cared for her. When she stopped to think about it they were a lot a like but in a good many ways Cassandra was luckier than she’d been adopted and raised by two wonderful parents, a brother who adored her she’d wanted for nothing. She’d had everything Randi had always wished for all her life but she obviously wanted for something now. What had driven her so far away form the people that loved her? She knew that for her self it was a matter of self worth, a form of punishment and survival for girls like Cassandra it was similar but survival wasn’t as big a part of it. For them it was more about control and power. Maybe she could break through that wall of anger and hurt that she’d built around her. She was real familiar with building walls she’d laid a whole lot of bricks herself and she wanted to get to her before she laid the last one and she wasn’t going to do it from this hospital bed. She needed to get better she had to get better.
Carmen: You okay? (She shakes her ponytail back then begins picking the errand pieces of popcorn of her chest and throwing them in the trash)
Randi: I’m fine. What about you? (She smiles reaching her hand out and holding Carmen’s in hers and gives it a squeeze)
Carmen: I’m okay this is surprisingly comfortable. (She stands and stretches then looks down at Randi) You look worried.
Randi: I was just thinking about Cassandra. (She sighs)
Carmen: Don’t worry about Cassandra (She waves her hand dismissively as she dust more popcorn from the chair) she’s a big girl and from all I’ve seen she can handle herself she’ll be fine. (She shakes out the sheet she’d been laying on then places in back on the chair)
Randi: That’s what I know in my head but my heart says she needs help.
Carmen: But it’s not like her mother and brother haven’t tried she doesn’t want it. You can’t help someone who won’t help herself. (She says throwing her hands in the air as she sits down on the side of bed)
Randi: She just so lost and I know how she feels I’ve been there and when I needed help Frankie, Jesse, Angie you were all there to help me and when I finally get out of here I’m going to help her. (She states firmly crossing her arm over her chest)
Carmen: And I will help you help her. (She smiles)
Randi: That’s nice of you but you barley know her.
Carmen: Because you’re right as much as I don’t like to admit it, and you know I don’t, (Her mouth twisted in distaste) Erica helped me a lot when I first got out so I guess I should pay it forward.
Randi: You already are look at everything you’ve done for Griff and for me.
Carmen: And I enjoy every minute of it and now I’m going to help you help your sister from another Mister! (They both laugh) So what do you want me to do?
Randi: For now just keep try to keep Angie and Frankie’s spirits up and keep me up to date on what’s happening with Cass.
Carmen: You got it! Now are you hungry? (She rises walking to the picnic basket and opening the lid) Do you need me to get you anything?
Randi: I’m fine besides I can’t eat or drink anything else tonight.
Carmen: Are you sure? (She says holding up a slice of cheesecake)
Randi: Positive.
Carmen: You’re okay right? (Her brow creased with worry as she sits back down on the bed)
Randi: I’m going to be fine you just wait and see. I’ve got my faith, you, the love of a good man, my family and friends that’s all I need to beat this thing. And, I will beat this and get back to my life and my family.
Carmen: I know you will mammie (She says hugging her close tears stinging the back of her eyes) nothing in this life is ever going to beat us down again and together we will kick your cancers butt! You hear me.
Randi: Loud and clear! (They both tears slipping down their checks) I love you so much I couldn’t ask for a better sister.
Carmen: I love you too hermana mia! (She kisses her cheek and hugs close)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cassandra and Colby  08/08/2012

Rego stands at the bar brooding over his drink as Natalia and Cassandra still argue.

Natalia: You’re a real piece of work you know that?
Cassandra: Don’t blame me because Princess has fallen off her thrown.
Natalia: What are you doing here anyway?
Cassandra: It’s a free country I can go anywhere I want.
Natalia: Pardon me if I thought you might want to maybe see you sister in law and show some support since she’s having surgery tomorrow!
Cassandra: Is she what happened?
Natalia: They’re going to remove her tumor tomorrow.
Cassandra: How’s Frankie?
Natalia: he’s a wreck but then you’d know that if you’d call your mother sometime and if you weren’t such a narcissistic BITCH! (She says heading towards the door Brot in tow)
Cassandra: Yeah well it takes one to know one!
Rego: Great come back. I’m going to get a drink! (He steps towards the bar pounding his fist on the counter to get the bartenders attention as Colby and Lenka walk in. Lenka waves to Cassandra who waves back then walks to the bar as Colby joins Cassandra who slides into the booth at the same moment Colby sits in the seat opposite her)
Colby: I saw Natalia and Brot leaving as we came in and she definitely the opposite of happy! What happened before we got here?
Cassandra: Everything!
Colby: What do you mean everything?
Cassandra: Rego finally figured out that “Polly Pure Bread” is a liar and a hypocrite!
Colby: Oh this is getting good!  (She leans forward grinning conspiratorially practically bouncing in her seat) What he’d find out and start from the beginning and don’t skip a thing!
Cassandra: Okay so, When Rego and I got here Natalia, Brot, Jamie ad Miss Thing were already here. They must not have seen us come in and Rego caught all them talking about the “Baby”!
Colby: Oh my God! (Her eyes opening wide mouth agape) Francessca is pregnant! Rego and Francessca are having a baby! Holy Crap!
Cassandra: Unah! Turns out Francessca and Jamie have been doing a little sneaking around on their own and the baby she’s carrying is Jaime’s!
Colby: Get OUT!
Cassandra: No, I’m dead serious! She told Rego that she and Jamie have been messing around for months!
Colby: Wow! I would never have thought! (She looks up a moment and sits back in her seat a the waitress places their drinks in front of them)
Cassandra: What, thought Princess would cheat on Rego?
Colby: Well, yeah to be honest. (Her voice lowers sounding almost disappointed) She always seemed pretty loyal to me.
Cassandra: Come on you never saw the way she looked at Jamie sometimes or watched them when they were together? It was so obvious! (She rolls her eyes skyward then looks at her incredulous)
Colby: Yeah I saw it and so did everyone else but she didn’t give me the impression that she would actually do something about it.
Cassandra: Well she did and she the one who said it!
Colby: Wow! You never know do you!
Cassandra: Ha! (She says with a snort) She may have had all you fooled but I knew she was too good to be true all along.
Colby: Poor Rego!
Cassandra: “Poor Rego” please! Give him a couple of days he’ll be fine once he realizes he dodged a bullet on that one.

Scene Switch: Rego sits at the bar brooding over his drink mulling over the nights events

Lenka: How are you doing?
Rego: Terrific! It’s been an absolutely lovely evening!
Lenka: Honestly, I’ve had worse.
Rego: Really? You found out that the woman you were madly in love with was cheating on and is carrying another mans child?
Lenka: I came home one night and my wife and my son were gone. (He shrugs then turns to the bartender)
Lenka: A beer for my self and two tequila sunrises for the ladies at the table over their please
Rego: I suppose you’re right but I’m still pissed. (He says frowning down into his glass)
Lenka: Can I ask you something?
Rego: Sure. (He frowns turning his head to look at him)
Lenka: What, who or what exactly are you really mad at?
Rego: What? (He shakes his head as if to clear some imagined auditory disconnect his brows drawn)
Lenka: What or who are you mad at? I mean I don’t really understand. You say you were madly in love with her yet you were cheating on her from the very beginning and not very discreetly (He says with a shake of his head) so how could you possibly say you were “in love with her”?
Rego: Despite what you and everyone think I do love her.
Lenka: All I’m saying is you have a very strange way of showing it. (He grins then sips deeply from the bottle) Normally when people are in love they can’t get enough of each other their practically inseparable. You two on the other hand, spent more time away from each other than together. In fact if you think about it you spent more time with Cassandra then you did with your fiancée. (He says with a laugh)
Rego: That’s a lie!
Lenka: It’s the truth you’re just too stubborn to admit it! (He grins slapping him on the back then gives his neck a shake)
Rego: I’m in love with her.
Lenka: Come on be honest if not with me a least with your self. You convinced yourself you were in love to justify your ridiculous competition with your stepbrother. I’ve known you all long time, you hate to loose and you couldn’t stand the very idea of it especially not to him. (He leans back against the bar sips his beer then looks around at the spattering of patrons his eye spotting the empty pool table in the corner)
Rego: You’re wrong! (He grinds out his anger barley in check)
Lenka: Whatever man. I just have one more thing to say to you and then I’m going to play pool with my beautiful wife. (A broad seductive smile curling his lips as he watches her bend over the table)
Rego: Just say it and get it over with please! (He sighs heavily bracing himself for his final assault)
Lenka: If there is one thing I know and that’s women and although I don’t know your Francessca very well or at all for that matter. (He shrugs then drains the bottle then turns placing the empty on the bar) but from what I know of her if I were you I’d re-think what she said to you tonight. (He pushes off the bar and walks toward the pool table just as Cassandra walks to the counter)
Cassandra: So what was that all about? (She looks at Lanka’s retreating back then to Rego)
Rego: Nothing we were just talking. (He says shuffling Lenka’s last comment to the back of his mind and concentrating on the moment)
Cassandra: Are you okay? (He voice softening)
Rego: I’m fine. (He turns towards her grinning broadly)
Cassandra: Are you sure? I mean after everything that happened tonight I wouldn’t blame you. 
Rego: I’m fine really. (His smile more genuine then his previous one as he pats her hand) What do you say the two of us get out of here?
Cassandra: What about Colby and Lenka?
Rego: Buy the look of it they’ll be fine. (He nods his head towards the two of them flirting outlandishly with each other the very air around them sexually charged)
Cassandra: Okay let me go to the ladies room real quick say goodbye and we’ll get going okay?
Rego: Sure I’ll wait right here (Rego turns back towards the bar as a older man limps to a bar stool and attempts to sit down as he does his cane falls to the floor along with his keys. The man looks at it a moment then groans loudly as he tries to bend to retrieve it)
Rego: Here, let me get that for you (He smiles politely as he gets down from his bar stool, As he bends the elder man quickly pour an unknown substance from a vile into his glass placing the container back in his pocket just as Rego rises)
Maurice: Thank so much young man. Have a lovely evening. (He says tipping his hat then moves towards a table in the far corner his back to the entrance and Rego just as Cassandra comes back towards him)
Cassandra: Ready to go? (She says draping her arm around his shoulder)
Rego: Past ready! (He slides off the stool picking up the remains of his glass downing it quickly much to Maurice’s satisfaction as he peers unnoticed over his shoulder) Lets go! (He says waving to Lenka and Colby as he walks behind Cassandra moves out the exit on to the noisy street)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Devereaux and Ryan  08/07/12

Ryan and Devereaux step out of the elevator and walk down the hall towards their rooms both smiling and talking amiably satisfied with the evenings events.

Devereaux: That went very well Ryan I’m glad you caught that clause on the third page they tried to slip in. How did you find it?
Ryan: I knew there was something just a little different than the one they sent over this morning.
Devereaux: I’m glad to see that your time away hasn’t dulled your business sense.
Ryan: Maybe just a little around the edges. (They both laugh Devereaux stops at his door fishing in his pocket fro a moment for his key then unlocks the door pushing it open slightly)
Devereaux: Would you like o come in for a nightcap?
Ryan: I really should be getting to bed we have that meeting with advertising in the morning and that long drive home.
Devereaux: Are you sure? I’ve called the Cambius jet to take us home in the morning and I had my assistant push back the meeting with advertising.
Ryan: Sure why not.
Devereaux: Good, (He reaches around the frame flicking on the light switch as he walks towards the glass bar set against the wall by the long window looking out on the traffic below. Ryan looks around the room he hadn’t been to his yet they had left their bags at check in and gone straight to the meeting but if his was anything like this one he liked it a lot)
Ryan: Nice room (He sits down on the couch loosening his tie then spreads his arms along the back)
Devereaux: What would you like? 
Ryan: Scotch and rocks.
Devereaux: Here you go (He hands his a glass then takes the chair opposite him)
Ryan: You really knocked them for a loop how much did you just save Cambius?
Devereaux: Thirteen point five million. (He smiles confidently leaning back against the cushions)
Ryan: Wow! That is incredible. (He lets out a low whistle still impressed by Devereaux’s maneuverings)
Devereaux: I couldn’t have done it if you hadn’t spotted that clause. (He leans forward sitting holding his glass up in salute) We work well together you and I.
Ryan: So far so good.
Devereaux: How did your meeting go this afternoon with Amanda and Annie?
Ryan: Fine no problems
Devereaux: Good. I can’t express enough how important this is for the company.
Ryan: If every thing goes as planned it will be very good for Cambius.
Devereaux: Have you had a chance to get through the Hoffbrau proposal?
Ryan: Read it earlier.
Devereaux: What about the Acadia account?
Ryan: Skimmed through it on the way here. Can I ask you something?
Devereaux: Certainly.
Ryan: Exactly when do you sleep? (They both laugh)
Devereaux: Most days I average about six hours a night but with business all over the world. (He says with a sigh then shrugs)
Ryan: Must be hard to have any sort of personal life.
Devereaux: That’s one of the reasons I came to Pine Valley so perhaps I could have some sort of personal like.
Ryan: I ah heard you mention a companion before? So you have been what in Pine Valley five, ten minutes?
Devereaux: No, I’m good but not that good. Cassandra and I have been on again off again for years. Finally I just realized that she and the life we could have meant more than the money I make.
Ryan: So who is this lucky anyone I know?
Devereaux: You may her parents are very prominent citizen Cassandra Foster daughter of Dr. Angela Hubbard and stepdaughter of Chief Jesse Hubbard.
Ryan: Oh yeah I remember. Last time I saw her was a few years back. She was a good friend of Colby Chandler I think. Wow, small world.
Devereaux: Very, refill (He says standing tipping his glass in the air)
Ryan: No, I’m fine.
Devereaux: She’s quiet grown up now. (His smile leaving Ryan feeling a fleeting moment of uneasiness)  How about you Ryan anyone special in your life right now?
Ryan: My roommate Griff is special to me but I don’t think that’s what you meant. No, no one but I’m really not looking.
Devereaux: Well when you find them hold on tight don’t let them slip away. (He stares down into his glass his lips becoming a thin line as he grows quiet for a moment almost sullen before looking up again) I know I’ll never make that mistake again.
Ryan: I feel you there but sometimes you don’t have a choice.
Devereaux: I’m Sorry, I’d forgotten about your wife.
Ryan: It’s okay really. So what time do we have to be at the airport in the morning?
Devereaux: The limo will pick us up at six-thirty we should be back in Pine Valley by seven-thirty at the latest.
Ryan: Will the sun be up by then or do we have to wake it? (They both laugh at the same moment Devereaux’s phone rings) Excuse me a moment.
Ryan: Listen I’m going to get going I’ll see you in the morning.
Devereaux: In the Lobby! Good night.
Ryan: Night. (Devereaux waits a moment for the door to close before pressing the receiver)
Devereaux: Devereaux here.
Maurice: Maurice Sir. (His voice betraying no emotion)
Devereaux: Where is she? (He growls)
Maurice: It’s as she said sir she’s out with her friends the Gregorian’s for the evening they just arrived moments ago.
Devereaux: Is Ms. Foster alone?
Maurice: No Sir, she is in the company of young Mr. Sherrigan and they both looked rather snookered. (The phone goes silent a Maurice waits a moment before continuing) There was something else Sir?
Devereaux: What?
Maurice: There was an altercation between Ms. Foster, Mr. Sherrigan and another couple I believe were James and Francessca Martin. (Devereaux’s brow knit together as his mind slowly digests information)
Devereaux: Interesting, what was that about?
Maurice: From what I could discern Mrs. Martin is pregnant. (He examines this information quickly then finds the piece he needs) 
Devereaux: What was Ms. Foster’s reaction?
Maurice: Surprise as far as I could tell from where I was sitting.
Devereaux: What else? (He says waiting for the next piece)
Maurice: She was also very influential in convincing Mr. Sherrigan that Mrs. Martin was having an affair with her now husband and the child she’s carrying was the husbands. (Devereaux hangs his head for a moment fitting the last piece in to the puzzle but the complete image was still a blur)
Devereaux: This is becoming more curious by the minute keep an eye on her and keep me informed. Oh, and see what you can do to put her companion out of commission for the evening. (His voice even betraying nothing of the rage simmering with in him)
Maurice: Yes Sir.
Devereaux: Our plane arrives in Pine Valley at seven thirty.
Maurice: I’ll be waiting Sir.
Devereaux: Bonne nuit! (Devereaux presses the off button on his phone placing it down on the bar as he stares off in to the distance a moment then picks up his glass and drains it his grasp on the glass turning his knuckles white as he inwardly sheath with rage his lips becoming a thin white line before a primal scream erupts from with in him and crescendo as the glass slams against the far wall the spraying the room with shrapnel from the force)

Natalia and Brot, Jamie and Francessca    07/25/2012

Natalia leans over the pool table lining up her shot as Brot chalks the tip of his Que-stick.

Brot: What time did you tell them to meet us here?
Natalia: They should be here any second relax.
Jamie: Hey!
Natalia: Hey! (She squeals running to Francessca and hugging her) How are you?
Francessca: I’m good better than good I’m great! Never been happier!
Brot: Hey: Girl! How are you? We missed you!
Francessca: I missed you guys too!
Natalia: So how is your Grandmother?
Francessca: She’s wonderful.
Natalia: And those hunky cousins of yours (She says with a wink grinning from ear to ear)
Brot: Hey! Hey! Hey! What’s this about hunky cousins?
Francessca: They’re good! They say hello.
Natalia: Are they still working in the store?
Francessca: Yep!
Brot: So how’s it going Jamie?
Jamie: Never been better! How’s work?
Brot: Good! I got promoted.
Jamie: Oh wow! Congratulations!
Francessca: Congratulations for what?
Natalia: Brot got promoted today!
Francessca: Congratulation!
Brot: Yeah it’s going to be a change in hours for a while. So I’m glad you’re back to keep Talia company at least till we can move her stuff to my place.
Francessca: What do you mean move your stuff out?
Natalia: We just thought with the baby coming.
Francessca: But you don’t have to move there’s plenty of room.
Jamie: Yeah, besides we both love having you.
Natalia: I don’t think so!
Francessca: I feel like I’m throwing you out in the street, at least stay until after? Give yourself time to find a place.
Natalia: Come on Cess you’re not throwing me out I’ll be fine! Honestly I’m not looking forward to crying and diapers, potential colic. Brot and I talked a lot about this while you were away and we’re ready to take this step. (She move here chair closer to him as she reaches for the bowl of peanuts in the center of the table missing Cassandra and Rego as they stagger through the door both leaning on the bar and sighing loudly from the effort of walking from the car to the bar. Rego turns leaning his back against the bar rail his eyes flicking over Cassandra as she roots through her purse prattling on mindlessly his eyes roam the bar his eyes catching upon Francessca’s profile sitting at one of the high back booths laughing and talking with Natalia and Brot along with her insipid spouse. He pushes away from the bar and begins to walk towards her stopping just behind the booth)
Francessca: You’re sure?
Natalia: Positive! Besides between your parents and Zach you’re going to need a bigger house by the time your baby comes!
Rego: Baby? (Francessca and Jamie’s heads snap around as Rego’s voice booms from behind them)
Francessca: Rego! I didn’t see you standing there. (She says smiling weakly as she rises)
Rego: I bet you didn’t! So you’re pregnant? (His face filled with shock and disbelief)
Francessca: I’m sorry you found out like this I was going to call you.
Cassandra: Pregnant! (She says joining the group her eyes widening in mock shock as she looks from Francessca and Jamie to Rego. Her mind whirling back to Natalia and Francessca talking in the living room maybe there was something she could use from that. She ponders one approach after another discarding them. Now wasn’t the time for Rego to find out that child was his! She needed his full attention but it could be a way to get just that) I knew it! I knew something was up between the two of you I just couldn’t put my finger on it!
Francessca: Shut up!
Jamie: Back off! Now!
Francessca: No Jamie let me talk to him. (She turns towards Rego) Rego please just give me a few seconds to explain!
Rego: Explain what?
Francessca: Just give me five minutes please?
Rego: Tell me how do you explain that you’re a hypocrite in a few minutes?
Cassandra: Five minutes to tell more lies? (Her mind finally snapping upon something useable her eyes opened wide with excitement) Theses two have been sneaking around all along! That’s what you and Natalia were arguing about! (She looks from Natalia to Francessca a satisfied grin playing on her lips) You got pregnant after messing around with Jamie! That’s why you were so angry and ran off! You were ticked that you gave up Jamie for a man who didn’t love you! (She snakes her arm around Rego’s holding him possessively making Francessca stares at her shaking her head laughing in disbelief)
Francessca: What?
Cassandra: Don’t deny it! I heard you!
Natalia: What the hell are you talking about? (She looks at Francessca they both shrug looking back at Cassandra their expressions curious)
Cassandra: One day when I came home and you and Francessca were arguing and I heard you say “I caught you with Jamie.” (Francessca looks at Natalia it wasn’t exactly what she had said but it was darn close)
Francessca: And what else did you hear?
Cassandra: Nothing, my phone rang I knew it was Rego (She grins cattily snuggling up to Rego the sight of which making Francessca feel ill) and I stepped back upstairs. I’ve been wondering what that meant for months! Oh my God! (Her hands flying to her mouth eyes wide then her eyes narrow in anger) You were actually going to marry Rego and let him think that Jamie’s baby was his? (She looks at Rego watching his face as her lie takes hold his voice coming out a horse whisper between gritted teeth)
Rego: Deep down you’re nothing more than a conniving tramp! (Jamie’s moves closer to Rego his fist clenched at his sides making Brot step between them)
Jamie: Watch your mouth or it will be the last thing you ever say!
Rego: Look at you? Chomping at the bit! (He laughs bitterly) Always the knight in shinning armor coming to the rescue!
Cassandra: It all makes so much sense now! (She says with a nod smiling happily at her own cleverness)
Francessca: Shut up! (She growls at her then turns back to Rego) Would you just listen for one minute!
Rego: No! No she’s right! It makes perfect sense! You and I hadn’t been together at least in that way, in well over a month before that joke of a wedding! (His eye bighting as he starts to force pieces in to place) That’s what all the taunting from Jamie was about, the calls and finding the two whispering behind my back! All this time I’ve been kicking myself when…(He growls in frustration pounding his fist on the table as he turns away from her) all the drama at the wedding you (His laugh burgeoning on hysteria as he turns back to face her) running away to New York! Making me and everyone else think it was my fault! That I was wrong for everything I did when all the while you were slutting around behind my back!
Jamie: I warned you buddy! (He jumps towards Rego at the same moment Brot wraps his arms around him pinning his arms to his sides affectively gluing him to the spot)
Francessca: Jamie STOP! (She turns towards him raising one brow) Don’t stoop to his level! We should have just stayed at my Grandmothers then I wouldn’t have to look at the two of you! But I wasn’t going to let either of you run me out of town. 
Cassandra: Oh please! You ran away because you’re a drama queen and you wanted someone to chase you! You would have taken who ever got there first! (She snorts driving here point home)
Natalia: She told you and now I’m telling you stay out of it! (She snaps silencing Cassandra at least for the moment)
Francessca: I ran away because you two humiliated me, you had sex in the gazebo of my uncle’s casino the night before our wedding! And that wasn’t the first time it was going on for months! Probably from the day she slithered in to town! (Her head snapping towards Cassandra her eyes flicking over her dismissively) So don’t try to act as if you’re victims! I left because I needed time to think to decide what was best for our baby and me! (She looks over at Jamie her eyes pleading for him to be quiet as she reaches for his hand and holds it tight her anger and disgust with the fact hat he would so easily dismiss the possibility that he could be the father and believing that lying skank solidifying her previous decision) And after tonight, I know I made the right decision.
Rego: So you’re admitting it now? (His mouth twisted in satisfaction)
Francessca: Jamie and I have been together for months.
Rego: How long is months? (Folding his hands across his chest)
Francessca: Since a few weeks after my father came out of the coma.
Rego: I knew something was wrong!
Francessca:  I should have told you when it first happened but I didn’t want to hurt you then when I found out I didn’t know what to do and I panicked. (She lies almost chocking on her words)
Rego: You were pregnant with his child and you were going to let me think it was mine! That’s what happened sweetheart? (His voice booms across the bar silencing the other patrons)
Cassandra: You were really going to lie and try to palm off Jamie’s bastard on Rego! Oh how the beaujoire Bitch has fallen. (She throws her head back and laughs. Francessca’s eyes narrow into slits as her brow drawn together her eyes glittering bright with fury she step closer to Cassandra forcing her to take a step back
Francessca: You should be really careful slinging the word bastard around all things considered! And I kicked your ass once pregnant or not I’ll kick it again if I ever hear that word come out of your mouth directed at my baby! If you do you’ll need a magnifying glass to find the pieces of your teeth after I knock them out of your head! (She hisses between clenched teeth as she steps forward causing Cassandra to step back to avoid her and fall in to the booth seats) Stay away from me and stay away from my family! That goes for both of you! Come on Jamie lets go! (She picks up her purse from the bench and heads for the door calling over her shoulder) Natalia I’ll see you later. (She and Jamie storm hand in and hand through the door pushing it hard enough that it slams against the outer wall making a loud banging noise leaving Rego and Cassandra starring mouth agape)

Adrian and Lenka   07/12/2012

Adrian walks into to the crowded bar not bothering to look around but heading straight for the booth. He stops at the second to last sliding on to the bench unnoticed by the crowd.

Adrian: How’s the house beer?
Lenka: Not as good as the beer in Prague.
Adrian: You should try the one in Munich.
Lenka: Do you want anything?
Adrian: No I’m good.
Lenka: No thank you we’ll let you know. (He says waving the waitress away) I have what you asked for. (He looks around casually before passing him an envelope under the wall side of the table)
Adrian: Thanks, (He slides them in to his back pocket as he continues speaking his voice just low enough so only the two of them could hear) what else do you have?
Lenka: He’s in New York this evening he’ll be back in Pine Valley in the morning.
Adrian: What about that shipment he was expecting?
Lenka: So far everything is legit. But he is nothing but careful he’s only been here a few weeks I’m sure he would wait a while before he makes his move.
Adrian: According to my contact in Europe a cargo tanker is set to leave there next week heading for the US.
Lenka: So we have less than two weeks to figure out where and when it will make land.
Adrian: What about this girlfriend of his?
Lenka: Cassandra Foster.
Adrian: How does she play into this?
Lenka: Other than the fact that the man is obsessed with her she doesn’t appear to have anything to do with his business.
Adrian: What do you mean obsessed?
Lenka: According to my sources she’s the reason he took the job at Cambius and came to the United States. When I tell you he is obsessed I mean it! He had a man beaten almost to death for whistling at her outside a club and another is still in a coma! That’s just two stories I know of personally. Adrian: Do you think we can use that as an in?
Lenka: Yeah you could probably use her to get to him if necessary but I would be real careful how you do it. I have another way that would be a little less dangerous. She and my wife are friends. I’m hoping to use that to get closer contact.
Adrian: How long till you make contact?
Lenka: I was hoping it would be tonight. (He finishes off the bottle of beer pushing the empty towards the center of the table)
Adrian: Anything else? (He says leaning forward)
Lenka: I need the WSB to do something for me?
Adrian: What do you need them to do?
Lenka: I need them to take care of Chief Inspector Henry.
Adrian: I thought you already nullified him.
Lenka: According to my father in-law he talks more than a parrot.
Adrian: I think we can handle that.
Lenka: Good and you may need to handle Dr. David Hayward.
Adrian: What’s Hayward have to do with it?
Lenka: He’s the pirate the parrots been singing too.
Adrian: This just gets better and better.
Lenka: Sorry I didn’t know about any of this till today that’s why I had to postpone out meeting.
Adrian: How much does he know?
Lenka: About us nothing but enough about my wife to call unwanted attention to me and that would be a problem.
Adrian: Not a problem anymore I’ll take care of Hayward personally.
 Lenka: Good, I have a plan “B” for our mutual friend if I can’t get to him on a personal level.
Adrian: What’s that?
Lenka: I have a little project that I think I can get him interested in that could give me access to Cambius.
Adrian: That sounds good let me run it past DS first and I’ll get back to you.
Lenka: Sounds good. (He stands Adrian following as they walk out the bar) I have another appointment to keep so I’ll wait to hear from you. (He reaches out shaking his hand as the two reach the sidewalk)
Adrian: Sounds good I’ll be in touch. (He turning and walking towards his car as Lenka walks n the opposite direction towards his own)

Randi and Dr. Colgate     07/11/2012

Randi sits on her bed flipping through a magazine distractedly trying not to think about tomorrow as the door creaks open and Lola sticks her head through the crack.

Lola: Hi Randi how are you doing?
Randi: I don’t know I guess a little nervous maybe. (She looks up from her magazine closing it and pushing it to the side)
Lola: Don’t worry everything is going to be fine. (She says coming towards the bed)
Randi: Is it Dr. Colgate? (She looks at her eyes questioning) I mean what are my chances after you remove the tumor?
Lola: Well as I explained (She nods her head towards the bed and Randi nods giving her permission to sit) to you if all goes well you’ll start your chemo you’ll get well enough to go home. (She smiles Randi smiles back at her weakly her eyes still questioning)
Randi: What if it doesn’t go well?
Lola: I have no reason to think it won’t the last reports I have its mass is holding steady. I don’t think its spread any further. (Randi stares back at her expression skeptical) Do you think I’m not telling you everything?
Randi: Well you know Frankie he’s a good man he means well but sometimes I think you’re all trying to protect me by not telling me everything.
Lola: I promise you I haven’t told Frankie anything I haven’t told you (Her brow drawn together her tone gentle but serious) and I haven’t left anything out. I wouldn’t let you make decision about your health without all the information that wouldn’t be fair.
Randi: Thank you Dr. Colgate. (She smiles looking a little relieved)
Lola: Do you have any other questions?
Randi: How sick am I going to be after?
Lola: I have to be honest sometimes the cure can feel worse than the disease. Depending on what we find you could either be treated with Chemotherapy alone or with combination of Chemo and Radiation Therapy you may be more tired there could be vomiting or diarrhea you can experience loss of appetite. You could also have dry mouth or swelling, weight loss, you could lose your hair. (She takes her hand and places it over Randi’s giving it a reassuring pat) But each person is different so everyone’s reaction is different.
Randi: What are my chances of surviving this Dr. Colgate?
Lola: Oddly as cancers go you’re lucky Hodgkins lymphoma is the most treatable of all the cancers more than ninety percent of people with your stage of cancer survive and live healthy productive lives.
Randi: What if it’s spread more than you thought what then?
Lola: Right now I’m not as concerned with the spread of the cancer as I am from complications from the treatment if the cancer has spread.
Randi: What do you mean?
Lola: The longer we have you on Chemo or radiation therapy the more of a chance for complications with other organs like you lungs or your heart or even bone marrow disease. Not that I think that is going to happen it all depends on how your body responds to treatment.
Randi: Thanks for being honest with me Dr. Colgate. When I ask Frankie he tells me not to worry everything’s going to be fine but I know he’s worried and as scared as I am how could he not be?
Lola: What you and Frankie are facing is scary if you weren’t scared I’d think there was something wrong with you. But I promise I will take good care of you and do everything within my power to make you well okay?
Randi: Okay.
Lola: You let me do the worrying that’s my job. You just concentrate on getting better. (She smiles then stands)
Randi: I will.
Carmen: Knock! Knock! (She peeks her head around the door)
Randi: Hey! (She shouts happily)
Carmen: Am I interrupting I can Come back?
Lola: No I think we’re okay? (She looks back at Randi who smiles back at her)
Randi: I’m fine thank you Dr. Colgate.
Lola: Your welcome, (She moves towards holding it as Carmen comes through with a large basket) if you need me have the nurse page me.
Randi: I will.
Lola: See you later! (She winks as Carmen sets the basket down and begins to pull plastic dishes from it setting them down on the bed-table) Oh and no food or drink after eight okay? (She chides the two of them who laugh)
Randi: Okay! (She calls back as Lola leaves closing the door behind her) What are you doing here?
Carmen: Frankie got called in tonight so I decided you and I could have a pajama party! And I bought you favorite dessert! (She holds up the basket shakes it a moment then laughs running over and lying down on the bed with her)
Randi: What about the kids? (She pops up with a start looking down at Carmen props head up on her palm then reaches over and holds Randi’s hand)
Carmen: Don’t worry about the babies! They’re fine Mammie! Stop worrying about everyone else we have it all under control Angie has them tonight Frannie is going to pick them up in the morning and bring them by. And you and me are going to watch this video that Ponchita made for you (She shakes the CD Francessca made for Randi in the air grinning) look at pictures, watch a movie eat what’s in this basket before eight o’clock and what ever else you want to do!
Randi: Did I ever tell you are THE best sister EVER? (She throws her arms around Carmen rocking back and forth)
Carmen: Yeah and I don’t mind you telling me again! (They both laugh)

Tad and Taylor   07/10/2012

Tad stands behind Taylor his arms wrapped around her waist his chin resting on her shoulder watching their family and extended family and friends enjoy the day’s festivities.

Tad: So you having a good time?
Taylor: I’m enjoying every minute.
Tad: You happy?
Taylor: Never been happier.
Tad: Good I’m glad. I saw you talking to Jake before.
Taylor: Yeah! I think he’s having a little problem adjusting to Amanda’s working again.
Tad: Yeah, we had that conversation the other day. Honestly I don’t understand the big deal.
Taylor: Well it’s a change for some people that’s hard and I also think they are both still reacting from all that stuff with Emily Ann. I think Amanda needs to know she can take care of herself and Jake felt better knowing Amanda and the baby were safe at home and I told him so.
Tad: Oh I’m sure you did. (He says with a chuckle) I don’t know why he’d think she’d be safer at home considering Emily was in the house.
Taylor: Maybe he feels responsible for that too. (She shrugs) I don’t know but I hope he listens to what I said to him.
Tad: When did you get so smart? (He pulls her closer burying his face in the lavender smell of her hair rocking he back and forth)
Taylor: Not so much smart as a been there done that thing. (She smiles and pats his forearm)
Tad: Got to love those brother’s (He gives her another squeeze then twirls her loose making her giggle as he continues to twirl her around the imaginary dance floor to his own tune)
Taylor: Yeah you do! I can’t wait till my brothers’ get here tomorrow and I want you to meet them.
Tad: I’m sorry they couldn’t be here today I know how much you were looking forward to them being here. (He finishes their impromptu dance as he dips her then kisses her quickly before swinging her upright)
Taylor: Well that’s the army. (She shrugs)
Adrian: Listen, I have to step out. (He claps grinning ear to ear as Tad and Taylor blush)
Taylor: You’re coming back right? (She says with a nod of her head eyes wide making him grin wider)
Adrian: I have a few errands to run I’ll be back in a little while.
Tad: Okay, I’ll see you later. (He reaches out his hand pulling him in to a hug)
Adrian: See you later Nephew nice to meet you Niece in-law. (He calls and waves back as he runs towards the driveway)
Francessca: Nice meeting you too!
Jamie: He Dad we’re going to be taking off.
Tad: So soon?
Francessca: Yeah, I’m a little tired. (She says smothering a yawn as Taylor gives her a hug)
Taylor: Okay, I’ll see you guys tomorrow evening?
Jamie: We wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Tad: Just think about what I told you! (He whispers in his ear as he hugs him)
Jamie: I will.
Tad: Take care gorgeous! (He says giving Francessca a hug)
Francessca: See you tomorrow! ( She waves as the two walk arm and arm towards the front)
Taylor: They look happy.
Tad: Yeah they do. Hey check out your Dad! (He says pointing to a dancing Red and Opal)
Taylor: Check out your Dad and my Mom! (She points to their parents whirling around the dance floor)
Tad: What do you say we go join them? (He tugs on her arm pulling her towards the other dancing couples)
Taylor: Yeah!

Scene shift

Jack and Erica

Erica walks into the back yard taking it all in quickly then making a bee line for Jackson who is standing on the outskirts watching the dancers and smiling.

Erica: Jack. (She says off handedly looking around the yard)
Jack: Erica! (He quickly wipes his mouth on a napkin placing the plate down on the table in the same motion then smiles down at her)
Erica: I had no idea you would be here today. (She turns towards him looking genuinely surprised)
Jack: I just stopped by to give Tad and Taylor their marriage licenses. What about you? (He retrieves his plate from the table picks a tomato off the salad popping it into his mouth)
Erica: Opal and Tad asked me to stop by. (She looks down at the table visually perusing its contents) So how is everything?
Jack: Good, good! (He steps back as Erica’s arm reaches for across his chest for the pile of plates in front of him leaving a very pleasant vapor trail of her cologne wafting up to tickle his nose)
Erica: Work going well? (She says over her shoulder stepping in front of him to reach the salad bowl)
Jack: Best it’s been for a longtime although I don’t know what that says for the other guys! (They both laugh)
Erica: How are Lilly and Reggie?
Jack: They’re both great! Lilly is working at Slater-Cortlandt, Reggie is working with me at law firm.
Erica: Oh that’s wonderful Jack. (She smiles brightly shaking the hair back from her face) How’s everyone else everyone? (She says coyly hinting at Greenlee and her mother)
Jack: Mary is back in Boston back in the thick of things and everyone else is well healthy and happy growing likes weeds. (He smiles dreamily thinking of his little granddaughter and the last he’d seen her)
Erica: That’s very good to hear. (She finishes picking at the table’s bounty coming around the other side to stand in front of him)
Jack: So, what have you been up to? Keeping busy?
Erica: Of course Jack up know me! (Her eyes brightening her voice taking on that devilish lilt as it always did when she spoke of her work) Well “New Beginnings” always keeps me busy but I just started a new project.
Jack: Oh?
Erica: Yes, I’ve taken over as chairmanship of the board of the Miranda Center. (She gushes excitedly her news taking Jack by surprise)
Jack: Well what do you know congratulation!
Erica: Thank you Jack. You know I was wondering since you are the attorney for the center if you wouldn’t mind going over a few things with me. (She says gauging his response through her lowered lashes)
Jack: I might, that all depends on what you have in mind? (he expression mildly suspicious as Erica pretends not to notices as she picks fruit from the fruit bowl her voice and body language becoming all business)
Erica: Strictly business Jack, the renewal on the vendor’s contract is coming up and I have a couple of property tax question I need answered.
Jack: Oh, (Unable to hide the disappointment in his voice at the non-challenge) then do you recall exactly what is giving a problem?
Erica: With the vendors it’s the two-year four-year thing and the taxes seem to have some new thing attached to it. (She says with a shake of her head her expression professional concern)
Jack: Why don’t you stop by in the morning and I’ll go over it with you. (He smiles liking this Erica)
Erica: No rush when you have a spare moment. (She picks up a napkin and a fork then looks out over the crowd again)
Jack: Why don’t you call my office in the morning and make an appointment
Erica: I look forward to it! Oh excuse me there’s Opal (She says coolly waving to Opal from across the lawn she can feel Jack’s on her as she walks away and smiles slyly to herself she had Jack just where she wanted him. No matter what he said he was still interested and he’d taken the bait now all she had to do was reel him in slowly)